A Note On Hydroforming With Constant Fluid Pressure: S. Thiruvarudchelvan, W. Lewis

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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 88 (1999) 51 – 56

A note on hydroforming with constant fluid pressure

S. Thiruvarudchelvan a,*, W. Lewis b
School of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Nanyang Technological Uni6ersity, Nanyang A6enue, Singapore 639798, Singapore
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Uni6ersity of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Received 8 October 1997


A simplified tooling for the hydroforming process was designed, fabricated and tested with the use of constant hydraulic
pressure for the drawing operation. A 10 000 psi (68.9 kPa) hydraulic pump together with a pressure relief valve was used to
supply the pressure needed in the process. A simple rubber diaphragm cast from rubber latex was used. The tooling was assembled
on a single action press and tested using copper blanks. Preliminary results from these tests and a simple theoretical analysis for
the upper and the lower bounds for the fluid pressure are presented in this paper. © 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hydroforming; Fluid pressure; Upper and lower bounds

1. Introduction wrinkling. Radial tension on the flange is provided by

the tension on the cup wall caused by the punch load.
Over the last 50 years several innovative cup drawing To draw cups of larger draw ratios, larger radial ten-
process have been introduced. One category of these sion on the flange and thus higher tensile stress on the
processes makes use of hydraulic pressure to improve cup wall, are needed. Bending and unbending of the
the basic deep drawing process. These generally in- sheet metal over the die radius is also provided by the
crease the draw ratio possible and minimize the thick- tension on the cup wall. As the tensile stress that the
ness variation of the cup formed, in addition to other wall of the cup can withstand is limited to its UTS, the
advantages associated with them. Significant among possible draw ratio in conventional deep drawing is
these processes are hydroforming [1 – 5], hydromechani- limited. Frictional resistance on the flange and that at
cal drawing [6,7], drawing against hydraulic counter- the die radius, further limit the draw ratio achievable.
pressure [8,9], hydraulic pressure-augmented deep Friction between the punch and the cup wall helps to
drawing [10], Aquadraw [11], deep drawing with hydro- increase the draw ratio possible: as the tensile stress on
dynamic lubrication [12] and the radial-extrusion tech- the cup wall induces stretching relative to the punch
nique [13]. Some of these processes need specialized surface, friction opposes this stretching. Thus, friction
tooling, presses and control systems for successful helps reduce the build-up of tension on the cup wall at
forming. the critical region near to the punch radius as the punch
In deep drawing, a sheet metal blank is drawn over a load increases. Under adverse conditions excessive thin-
die radius by a radiused punch. As the blank is drawn ning at this critical region may lead to tensile instability
radially inwards the flange is subjected to the tension and fracture of the cup. Large radial tension on the
and circumferential compression. The latter can give flange as it enters the die radius and high tension on the
rise to wrinkling of the flange if the ratio of the blank cup wall, would induce a large reaction force at the die
diameter to its thickness is large. A blank holder (which radius. If the die radius is small, or if the friction is
applies a pressure of approximately between 0 – 2 MPa) excessive, then the cup may also fracture as it emerges
is used to press the flange against the die to prevent from the die radius. Some degree of thinning of the
bottom part of the cup wall occurs in deep drawing.
* Corresponding author. Fax: +65-7911859. Also as drawing progresses, the flange being drawn in
E-mail address: mthiru@ntu.edu.sg (S. Thiruvarudchelvan) begins to thicken, especially at the periphery. Thus, the

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52 S. Thiru6arudchel6an, W. Lewis / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 88 (1999) 51–56

top part of the cup wall may have a thickness that is The pressure chamber is then moved upwards leaving
greater than the original thickness of the blank, whilst the cup on the blank holder.
the bottom part has a lesser thickness. The hydroform- Several manufacturers make hydroforming machines
ing process is able to overcome some of the limitations with different capacities. The pressure used may be as
in conventional deep drawing and thereby produce high as 100 MPa. Hydroforming is used to produce a
deeper cups with more uniform cup wall thickness. wide variety of products from sheet metal, in many
cases eliminating some of the additional operations
needed with conventional deep drawing. The draw ra-
tios achievable are higher, very little thinning of the cup
2. Hydroforming
wall occurs and unsymmetrical shapes can also be
drawn. Since there is no die and the sheet metal is in
The essential parts of the tool for the standard
contact with rubber on one side, sheet metal with
hydroforming process (Fig. 1) include a punch, a blank
holder, a pressure chamber and a rubber diaphragm printing on this side can be drawn without damage. In
that seals the liquid in the pressure chamber. The hydroforming the hydraulic pressure acts on the surface
pressure chamber with the rubber diaphragm at the of the cup being formed, including the outer edge of the
bottom is mounted on a press ram and can move up or sheet metal. Thus, a radial pressure, p (equal to the
down. With the punch retracted downwards and the fluid pressure) acts on the periphery of the flange. This
pressure chamber raised, a sheet metal blank is placed helps either to reduce the tension on the cup wall or
on the top of the blank holder on the press table. Then make it possible to draw cups at larger draw ratios.
the pressure chamber with the rubber diaphragm moves By deliberately increasing the pressure at the final
down and touches the blank, after which the fluid in the stages, a cup with a small radius joining the flange may
chamber is gradually pressurized whilst the punch be produced. Furthermore, the fluid presses the cup
moves up. Thus the flange of the cup is kept pushed against the punch and the frictional force thus gener-
against the blank holder by the fluid pressure transmit- ated helps to reduce the tensile draw stress at the
ted through the rubber diaphragm. As the punch moves critical region of the cup wall. Thus, the radial push on
into the pressure chamber, forming the cup, a control the periphery, the absence of die-radius friction and
valve regulates the liquid flow to maintain the pressure high frictional force generated between the punch and
needed. The pressure increases with stroke, the pressure the cup wall, help to increase the draw ratio possible in
variation being pre-determined for successful drawing hydroforming. Draw ratios of about 3.2 are reported in
and repeated during the operating cycle by a servo-con- the literature. It may also be noted that as the pressure
trolled valve. Once the cup is fully drawn, the chamber p increases, the radial push increases, but in the mean-
is depressurized and the punch retracted downwards. time the frictional resistance at the flange (on one side

Fig. 1. The hydroforming process.

S. Thiru6arudchel6an, W. Lewis / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 88 (1999) 51–56 53

Fig. 2. Tooling for constant pressure hydroforming.

only) increases. In practice, therefore, the pressure is ever, this inevitably will result in draw ratios that are
increased with punch stroke in such a way to ensure a lower than those achieved by the conventional hydro-
balance between these two effects. If the pressure is too forming process. Also. This simplified set-up for hydro-
low wrinkling of the flange will occur. On the other forming is useful in laboratory work for undergraduate
hand if the pressure is too high the frictional resistance teaching.
will be high and the cup will fracture [4]. Since there is Fig. 2 shows the tooling used for the hydroforming
no die, there is the possibility of puckering at the process that employs constant hydraulic pressure. The
radiused region [3]. To avoid puckering the pressure diagram in Fig. 2 is a sectional elevation of the tooling
needs be sufficiently high for successful hydroforming, and presents the hydraulic circuit in schematic form.
the variation of pressure p with punch stoke should be The pump can generate pressures of up to 10 000 psi
such as to avoid wrinkling and puckering and at the (68.9 MPa). A pressure relief valve is used to set the
same time prevent excessive frictional resistance at the pressure at a constant value. The fluid under pressure is
flange leading to a fractured cup. Theoretical determi- supplied to the bottom of the pressure container.
nation of the pressure path is given in ref. [5]. As shown in Fig. 2, the pressure container has suffi-
cient space to contain the pressurized fluid and take up
the formed cup. This container is closed on top by a
3. Hydroforming with constant hydraulic pressure cover plate through which the punch traverses. At the
bottom of the cover plate is a recess to hold the blank
For the production of a small number of special in place before drawing. The cover plate also carries an
cup-shaped articles, it may be economical to use a O-ring seal to the fluid in the cavity in the event that
simplified hydroforming process. In such a process the the rubber diaphragm fails whilst drawing the cup.
operation is kept simple by using a constant pressure, A flat rubber diaphragm is placed on top of the
thereby eliminating the elaborate control system needed internal shoulder of the pressure container to rest under
to vary the pressure with punch stoke, as employed in the cover plate. The diaphragm was made with AL330
conventional hydroforming. Some of the advantages of pre-vulcanized latex from Dunlop Company in the UK.
the hydroforming process can still be exploited. How- When the latex is properly cast and cured it can have
54 S. Thiru6arudchel6an, W. Lewis / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 88 (1999) 51–56

an elongation of 900% at fracture, according to the F mp 1

= sz = 1.1sm ln b− p+ (b 2 − 1) + 1
pdt b
manufacturers of the latex. The diaphragm was found 8 t
to be strong and flexible in the drawing tests conducted
with the present tooling. When eight high-tensile bolts + s2 1 (1)
are used to screw the cover plate on the pressure
container, the rubber diaphragm is squeezed slightly where b is the draw ratio, d is the punch diameter, D is
and held in place so that the cup is drawn the di- the instantaneous diameter of the flange of the cup, F is
aphragm will not slip out and it also provide an effec- the force on the cup wall needed for drawing, p is the
tive seal of fluid inside the pressure container. fluid pressure that causes a reduction in radial stress
Initially the hydraulic fluid is filled up to the shoulder due to the peripheral push of magnitude p, rd is the
of the container and the rubber diaphragm inserted in draw radius which varies during hydroforming, s2 is
place. The blank is then placed on top of the di- the yield stress of the work-hardened material at the
aphragm and centralized using circular markings on the drawn edge, sm is the mean yield stress of the material
diaphragm. The cover plate with the seal is then placed in the flange, sUTS is the ultimate tensile strength of the
on top of the container and eight bolts are screwed on metal at the die throat, sz is the draw stress on the cup
to keep the cover plate and the container together. The wall, si = 1.1 sm ln b is the work of deformation due to
punch, which is fastened to the press ram, is lowered radial drawing of the cup, s2[t/2rd] is the component
through the central hole in the cover plate to touch the
blank. The punch is advanced a little more to pressurize  
due to bending and unbending at the draw radius,
mp 2 1
(b − 1) + 1
is the component of the draw
the fluid in the container by a small amount. The pump 8 b t
is now started and the pressure in the cavity is gradu- stress due to frictional resistance at the flange and t is
ally raised to a pre-set value. The press ram will prevent the blank thickness.
retraction of the punch when the cavity is pressurized. A component due to friction at the die radius is
The press ram is now advanced to draw the cup. absent as there is no die. For equilibrium at the draw
Whilst the cup is being drawn the fluid pressure will radius, rdp= szt.
begin to increase, but this is regulated by the pressure To prevent the blank from lifting off the blank
relief valve which is also set to the same pre-set value of holder when the punch pushes on it, F must be less
pressure. Thus, the excess fluid from the cavity is than the load applied on the annular area of the blank
returned to the sump. At the end of drawing the press by the hydraulic pressure p. This can be given approxi-
ram is stopped and the fluid pressure in the cavity is mately by:
released. Once the cavity is depressurized, the punch is
p 2
withdrawn. Thereafter the bolts are unscrewed and the F= szpdtB p (D − d 2)
cover plate is removed. The cup that has been formed 4
remains on the diaphragm and is removed: sometimes which can be simplified to yield:
the cup sticks to the punch and has to be tapped out.
The fluid pressure plays an important part in the 1
sz B (D 2 − d 2)p (2)
process. If the pressure is to high the frictional resis- 4dt
tance at the flange of the cup being drawn may be high Making use of Eq. (1):
and the blank is pierced rather than drawn into a cup,
whilst if the pressure is to low then the blank holding
force acting on the blank is sufficient and the blank will
buckle as seen in Fig. 3, in which a copper blank of
diameter 55 mm and thickness 0.8 mm was drawn using
a punch of diameter 25.6 mm at a pressure of 2800 psi
(19.3 MPa). Although the frictional force acts mainly
on the top surface of the blank, it can be substantial
and could lead to fracture if the lubricant at the top
surface of the blank is unsatisfactory and the fluid
pressure high.

4. Theoretical considerations

The draw stress at any instant as the cup is being

drawn in hydroforming is given by [1]: Fig. 3. Photograph of a wrinkled cup due to insufficient pressure.
S. Thiru6arudchel6an, W. Lewis / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 88 (1999) 51–56 55

mp 2 1 d t
1.1sm ln b −p + (b −1) + 1 +s2
8 b t 2rd
B (D 2 − d 2)p

Manipulating the above equation:

1.1sm ln b +s2

 ! "n
p\ (3)
d m
1+ (b 2 −1) − (b 2 −1)(b + 1)
4t 2b

The above expression gives the bare minimum pressure

needed in hydroforming. However, to prevent wrinkling
of the flange and puckering in the unsupported areas,
the pressure would have other lower limits. These can
be determined by more elaborate analyses as in refer- Fig. 4. Copper cup of 20 mm height.
ences [3–5].
To prevent instability of the cup wall in tension 5. Experimental results
leading to fracture at the die throat, sz BsUTS where
sUTS is the ultimate tensile strength of the metal at the Initial sealing problems associated with the rubber
die throat. Using Eq. (1) the above equation becomes: diaphragm were solved and successful cup drawing tests

1.1sm ln b −p +
mp 2 1  
(b −1) +1 + s2
t  n were conducted. Annealed copper blanks of diameters
38, 40, 43, 51, 55, 61 and 68 mm and thickness 0.8, 1,
8 b t 2rd 1.2 and 1.6 mm were used in the tests. A punch of
B sUTS diameter 25.6 mm was used with a punch radius of 3
mm. Different lubricants were also used to lubricate the
The last equation can be manipulated to give: blank, but ordinary grease was found to be satisfactory

sUTS − 1.1sm ln b − s2
lubricant and was used in the tests reported in this
paper, The maximum draw ratio successfully employed

m (b 2 −1)(b + 1) d
n (4) was 2.65. Several tests were conducted with the present
tooling, typical results from these tests being summa-
8 b t rized below.
A wrinkle-free cup of height 20 mm drawn from
The above expression gives an over-estimate of the
copper sheet of thickness 1 mm is shown in Fig. 4, the
pressure, as the draw stress is usually kept considerably
pressure used being 5400 psi (37.2 MPa). Fig. 5 shows
below the ultimate tensile strength to minimize thinning
a copper cup with a short flange left on it obtained by
of the cup wall. Thus, from the above simplified theo-
retical analysis, the pressure, p must lie within the limits
given by Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) for successful hydroform-
ing. A more accurate band for the pressure can be
determined using the more elaborate theories found in
the references cited.
In one of the present series of tests with copper
billets, the above equations are applied to determine the
limits for the pressure as follows. For copper the
stress–strain curve is given by, s =429(0.016 + o)1.3
The draw ratio used is 2.65 and the thickness of the
sheet metal is 1.6 mm A draw radius of 5 mm is used in
the calculations, as in interrupted tests a radius of
about 5 mm was found to connect the flange of the cup
with the cylindrical wall. The coefficient of friction at
the flange is taken as 0.05. Using the above values, Eq.
(3) and Eq. (4) yield 16.95 Bp B73.2 MPa for success-
ful hydroforming of the cups. Fig. 5. Interrupted test: copper cup with a short flange.
56 S. Thiru6arudchel6an, W. Lewis / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 88 (1999) 51–56

ducted with copper were successful at several draw

ratios up to 2.65. Further investigations can be carried
out to determine the possible range of draw ratios and
blank diameter thickness ratios under which hydro-
forming with constant pressure can draw cups satisfac-
torily. The tooling for the process can be improved by
replacing the bolts to fasten the cap to the container.
Instead, a bayonet-type of connection will make it
faster and more convenient. The process can be used
for laboratory experiments for undergraduate students.


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