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Note to Instructors and Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
This activity book is designed as an ancillary resource to the Sunbeam curriculum. It is important that
Adventurers learn through all their senses, so singing, smelling, listening, and activities that require
movement should be of primary importance in your program.

Collecting the completed pages and binding them together (with a stapler, yarn, or in a binder) at the
end of the year will provide a keepsake for the children to remind them of their year as a Sunbeam.

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I. Readiness: Be at least 7 years old
II. Responsibility: Recite and explain the Adventurer law Basic
II. Reinforcement: Earn the Sunbeam Reading Award Requirements


Fill in the blanks and discover how much Jesus loves you.

loves ___________________________________ very much and wants me,

___________________________________, to be happy. That’s why he came

as a and for me. Now __________________

can be a and help other people be too.

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Adventurer Pledge Adventurer Law

“Because Jesus loves me, Jesus can help me to:

I will always do my best.” Be obedient
Be pure
Be true
Be kind
Be respectful
Be attentive
Be helpful
Be cheerful
Be thoughtful
Be reverent

Using the pictures on the next two pages, make an Adventurer Law Booklet.
1. Cut on the black lines.
2. Fold on the dotted lines.
3. Put the pages together.
4. Staple on the dotted lines.

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can help me to . . .

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Sunbeam Award - Awarded to Adventurers who read, or listen while someone else reads:
1. Two Chapters from Mark from a modern translation of the Bible.
2. A Bible story or book about Jesus.
3. A book on health or safety.
4. A book on family, friends, or feelings.
5. A book on history or missions.
6. A book on nature.

Reading Report – 2 Chapters of Mark

What I learnt from reading the chapters
Reading Report – A Bible Story of Book about Jesus
Name of Book________________________________________________
What I learnt from reading the book

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Reading Report – A Book on Health and Safety
Name of Book________________________________________________
Reading Report - A book on Family, Friends, or Feelings.
Name of Book________________________________________________
What I learnt from reading the book
Reading Report - A book on history or missions.
Name of Book________________________________________________

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What I learnt from reading the book
Reading Report – A book on Nature
Name of Book________________________________________________
What I learnt from reading the book

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I. His Plan to Save Me
II. His Message to me
My God
III. His Power in my Life


A Talk about or make a mural of one of the following stories: Jesus’ resurrection,
Mary Magdalene or The Prodigal son

B Create a story chart showing the order in which these stories took place:

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A Find, memorize and explain two Bible verses about being saved by Jesus
Matthew 22: 37 -39
I John 1:9
Isaiah 1: 18
Romans 6:23
My own choice: ___________________________

Match the texts with what they say.

Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus will forgive and help me if I’m sorry for my sins.
I John 1:9 To love God and other people is important.
Isaiah 1:18 God wants me to live forever.
Romans 6:23 Jesus wants to make me clean inside.

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B The major books of the Bible

And the four gospels

1. M ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 3. L ____ ____ ____

2. M ____ ____ ____ 4. J ____ ____ ____


A Plan and spend regular quiet time with Jesus to talk with Him and learn about Him.
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Start with prayer.

Think of what Jesus would want me to learn.

Have fun while spending quiet time with Jesus.

Color a square each time you finish a quiet time (or use stickers to fill your squares).

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B Ask three people why they study the Bible
I asked

1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________

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I. I am Special
II. I Can Make Wise Decisions
My Self
III. I Can care for My Body

A Make a tracing of yourself and decorate it with pictures and words which tell good
things about yourself.


A Participate in an activity about choices.
Use words and pictures to show what you would chose

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A Fitness Fun Award

Fitness Fun Award - Awarded to Adventurers who:

1. Find, read, and discuss Jeremiah 29:11.
2. List at least four things that contribute to physical fitness.
3. Do three different stretches. Hold a minimum of 15 seconds.
a. Leg
b. Back
c. Arms/shoulders
3. Do three of the following:
a. Run, jog or walk one-half mile
b. Make a high jump. Record the highest of four jumps
c. Jump rope for three minutes
d. Climb a pole, rope or tree
4. Participate in two of the following:
a. Obstacle course
b. Leap frog
c. Relay race
5. Demonstrate your ability to do four of the following:
a. Forward roll
b. Ten sit ups
c. Cartwheel
d. Handstand or headstand
e. Hang from a bar with hands and knees
f. Back bridge
6. Participate in an organized game that requires physical exercise.
7. Participate in a recognized fitness test:

Find, read, and discuss Jeremiah 29:11.






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List at least four things that contribute to physical fitness.





Participate in the Sunbeam Fitness Test.


70m Run
10 Sit-ups

10 Sit and Reach

____________________________ successfully passed this test

on _____________________________________________ (Date)

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B HIV/AIDS Awareness
i) Explain what causes illness




ii) Talk about/ Discuss Harmful Substances





iii) Explain what is meant by the term “lifestyle”





iv) Explain “Careless Behaviour “ and “Wrong food”

Careless Behavior______________________________________________________




Wrong Food __________________________________________________________




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I I Have a family My Family
II Families Care for Each Other
III My Family Helps me Care for Myself

A Make a display of how families help each other at home. Choose one task to do for
at least two weeks

My family helping each other at home

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My task that I did for two weeks is ________________________________________




A Show how Jesus can help you deal with disagreements, by using puppets/ role
playing or any other activity of your choice.
B Tell how you used what you learned to solve real life problems

Report on what you did:











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A Earn the Road Safety Award

The Road Safety Award - Awarded to Adventurers who:

1. Identify and explain 10 important road signs.

2. Tell when and where to cross the road safely.
3. Give road safety rules for:
a. Walking along the road by yourself
b. Riding your bicycle
c. Riding a horse
d. Walking with a group
4. Explain why you should wear a seatbelt when riding in a car.
5. Listen to a Highway Patrol Officer or other safety officer talk about safety for
6. Play a safety game.

Identify and explain 10 important road signs.

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Tell when and where to cross the road safely.

Give road safety rules for:

a. Walking along the road by yourself________________________________________



b. Riding your bicycle



c. Riding a horse



d. Walking with a group



Explain why you should wear a seatbelt when riding in a car.

Listen to a Highway Patrol Officer or other safety officer talk about safety for children.

I listened to

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I The World of Friends My World
II The World of Other People
III The World of Nature


A Earn the Courtesy Award

Courtesy Award - Awarded to Adventurers who:

1. Explain what “courtesy” means.
2. Recite and explain the Golden Rule.
3. Be able to demonstrate good table manners.
a. Properly set the table
b. Correctly ask for and pass food
c. Properly excuse yourself from the table
4. Make a telephone call using good telephone manners:
a. To an adult
b. To a friend of your choice
c. Be able to answer the phone correctly
OR introduce:
d. An adult to a friend
e. Your teacher to a parent
5. Share an experience:
a. When an adult was courteous to you
b. When you were courteous to another person
6. Show acts of courtesy as you:
a. Ask for a drink
b. Say thank you
c. Apologize
d. Greet a friend
e. Share and take turns

Explain what “courtesy” means.




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Recite and explain the Golden Rule.




Good Table manners (paste pictures)

Share an experience:
a. When an adult was courteous to you
b. When you were courteous to another person






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A Explore your neighborhood. List things that are good and things you could help

Good things Things I can help make better

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

B Choose one way you will make a neighborhood better for Jesus
Share what you did.

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I did

Paste some pictures.


A Earn a friend of Nature Award

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Friend of Nature Award - Awarded to Adventurers who:
1. aExplain:
Take nature walk and discover items of interest.
a. How to become a friend of nature
a.b. How
tell awhat youand
flower found.
when it is allowed
b.c. How
protect trees,
items intonests, etc.or poster.
a collage
2. List the names of three different trees and do a bark rubbing of each.
2.3. Collect
List thefour
names of three
different different
kinds trees
of leaves andand do a bark
compare rubbing of each.
4. Do one of the following:
3. Collect four different kinds of leaves and compare.
a. Explore (or observe with a magnifying glass) all the things you can see in a ten square-
4.foot Goarea.
on a critter hunt. Explore (or observe with a magnifying glass) all the things you
b. see
can Explore a yard
in a 10 or park
square foot and about what you see.
5. Do one of the following:
ORa. Take a nature walk and collect items of interest.
i. Show or tell about the items you found.
Explore a yard or park and talk about what you see.
ii. Make them into a collage or poster.
5.b. Visit
Visit one
one of
of the
the following
following:and tell what you saw:
iii. Zoo
a. zoo
iv. Park
b.v. Wildlife
park area
6. Grow one plant or one bulb and make drawings of it at three different stages of its
. area

6. Write a thank-you note to the people who took you to the place you visited in
How to become a friend of nature
requirement #5.
7. Explain:
a. How to become a friend of nature
How to pick a flower and when it is allowed
b. How to pick a flower when it is allowed
c. How to protect trees, nests, etc.

How to protect trees, nests, etc.



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List the names of three different trees and do a bark rubbing of each.

Collect four different kinds of leaves and compare them.

Comparison of 4 different leaves

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Do one of the following:
Explore (or observe with a magnifying glass) all the things you can see in a ten square- foot
Explore a yard or park and talk about what you see.

I observed the following __________________________________________________




Do one of the following:

Take a nature walk and collect items of interest, Show or tell about the items you found and
Make them into a collage or poster. OR Visit one of the following and tell what you saw:
Zoo, Park,Wildlife area
I observed the following __________________________________________________





Grow one plant or one bulb and make drawings of it at three different stages of its growth
I grew_____________________

Stages in growth

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B Find something in Nature which God made to help you understand him better. Share
this experience with a family member





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