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* POST GRADUATE COMMON ENTRANCE TEST - 2011 DATE and TIME (COURSE SUBJECT 06-08-2011 ME / M.Tech / M. Arch / 10:30 am to 12:30 pm | .und' ea es CIVIL ENGINEERING ‘MAXIMUM TIME FOR MAXIMUM MARKS ‘TOTAL DURATION SOU EEE 100 150 Minutes 120 Minutes MENTION YOUR PGCET NO- (QUESTION BOOKLET DETAILS ‘VERSION CODE ‘SERIAL NUMBER A 00001833 Dos. “1 Check whether the PGCET No. has been entered and shaded inthe respective circles on the OMI answer sheet. 2 Tins queston booklets issued fo you bythe inigator after ve 2nd Ball. after 10:25 am. 53 The seria numberof his question bookll should be entered on the OMR answer sheet. ‘4 The version code ofthis question Booklel should be entered on the OMR.anwer sheet and the respective circles shoul aso be shaded compctly 5. Compulsonly sigh atthe bottom portion ofthe OMR anewer sheet in the space provided DONT= 11 The timing and marks printed on the OMR answer sheet should not be damaged / mutilated / spoiled. 2 The 3rd Bel rings at 10:30 am, tl then: = "Do nat remove he seals ofthis question booklet. {De nat ook mise tis question Booklet. Donat start marking onthe OMR answer sheet j IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: ‘1 This question booklet conlains 75 (ems) questions and each question wil have one statement and four srswors (Four diferent options / responses.) 2. Alter the 30 belli ung at 10:30 ah, remove the seals of his question booklet and check that this booklet dows not have any unprinted or fon or missing pages oF items etc, i so, get k replaced by a complete tes booklet. Read {ach item and stat maang/on the OMR answer sheet 3. During the subsequent 120 minutos ‘Read each question (tem) caretly. Choose one correct answer from out of the four available responses (options / cheioes) given under each {question item. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response wivch YoU Consider the best. In any case, choose only one response for each quaston item ‘+ Completely darken / shade the relevant cio wih a blue of black ink ballpoint pen against the question number on the OMR answer sheot. “4 Please note thal even a minute unintended ink dot onthe OM enswer sheet wil also be recognized and recorded by te scanner. Therefore avod multiple markings of any kind on te ON answer sheet, 5 Use ine space provided a the btm on each Page ofthe question Boot fer Rough Work. Deno use the OMR answer sheet fo the same, 8. After the last bell is rung at 12:30 pm, slop marking on the OMR answer sheet and affix your left hand thumb Impression on the OMR answer sheet a8 por the instructions 7. Hand over the OMR answer sheet othe room ivigaior as ti6. 8. Aer eeparing he top sheat (KEA coy), te ligt wal eum he Botom sheet replca (ends copy) to yout carry home Tor self evaluabon Preserve the replica ofthe OMIR angwer sheet for a minimum period of ONE year ‘0. Oni Nonsprogrammnabiecaciars ar showed Marks Distribution PARTI: 50 Questions cary one mark each (1 to 50) PART Il: 25 Questions cary two marks each (51 to 75) collegedunia: * POST GRADUATE COMMON ENTRANCE TEST - 2011 DATE and TIME ‘COURSE SUBJECT ME / M.Tech / M. Arch / cece MBA (Infrastructure Manage: 10:90 am to 12:90 pm | courses offered by VIU / UVCE/ CIVIL ENGINEERING TARMOW TNE FOR [ae OTE 100 [180 minutes 120 Minutes SaaaTIOn YOUR FOCET Ho. GunETION BOGRIET PETA TERIOR COE SE by 00001833 Dos 1” Check whether the PGCET No. has been entered and shaded in he respective cicos on tho OMR answer sheet 2. This question booklet i issued fo you bythe inigiator after the 2nd ele. after 10:26 am. 3_The serial numberof this question booklet should be ented on the OM ect ‘4. The version code ofthis question Booklet should be ertered on the OMR. answer sheet and the respective cicies should sto be shaded competly Compulsory sign atthe bottom portion of the OMR answer sheet in the space provided, DONTe {Tho timing and marks printed on the OMR answer sheet should not be damaged / mutilated! epoiled 2 The 3rd Bell rings at 10:30 am, il then; = "Deiat move the seals ol his question booklet Do not lock inside tis question Booklet + Do not stat marking on the OMR answer sheet. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES. 11 This queston booklet contans 75 (lems) questions and each question wil have one statement and four answers (Four diferent optons / responses) 2. Aller the 3c bell is rung at 10:30 ar, remove the seals of tis question booklet and check that tis booklet dows nat have any unprinted or fom or missing pages oF Items et. $0, gett replaced by a complete test booklet Read ‘each tom and start marking on the ON anewer shee. 3 During the subsequent 120 minutes ‘= Read each question (tom) careful. ' Choose one correct answer from out of the four avaiable responses (options / choices) given under each {question fem In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the Tesponse wivch YOU Eonsider the best. In ay case, choose anly one response for each question / Rem ‘+ Completely darkon J shade the relevant eile win 2 blue oF Black Ink ballpoint pen againet the question number on the OMR answer sheet. 44 Please note that even a minute unintended ink dot on the OMR answer sheet wit also be recognized and recorded by he scanner. Therelore, avod multiple markings of any kod onthe OMR answer sheet, '5 Use the space prowided ai the botlom on each page ofthe question Booklet for Rough Work. Do not use the OM answer sheet forthe same. 6. After the last bell is rung at 12:30 pm, stop marking on the ONR answer sheet and affix your left hand thumb Improssion on the OMR answer sheet a per the institutions 7. Hand over the OMR answer sheet lo the foom invigiator a is. 8. After separating the top sheet (KEA copy, the Inviglator Wil tum the botom sheet rep (candidate's copy) 1o you to carry home fr self evaluation 9. Preserve the replica ofthe OM answer sheet fr 8 minimum period of ONE year. 10 OniyNon programmable caleuators sre alowed Marks Distribution PART! : 50 Questions camry one mark each (1 to 80) PARTI: 25 Questions carry two marks each (5 t0 75) [43] 8 ao > PART -1 Each question carries one mark. 50 x 1 = 50 1. ‘The (otal strain energy stored in a body is known as (Resilience (B)__ Proof Resilience (©) Modulus of Resilience (0) Potential Energy. | 2. Fora simply supported beam subjected to central point load 1) curvature is constant (®) curvature increases towards mid-span (©) curvature decreases towards mid-span (©) curvature ts zero at mid-span, 3. Early strength gain in cement is caused by (A) Tricalcium silicate B) (©) Tricalcium aluminate i) (4. Flow curve is drawn from the test data of (permeability (8) pipette analysis test {)_ hydrometer test (D) liquid timit test. 5. The water content of a soil which represents the boundary between plastic & liquid states is known as WW quid Umit (B) shrinkage Umit 10) plastic mit (D) plasticity index. ee a UO [PT.0. af collegedunia: 401 4 [Aa} oC ouing sreaalira ota Camere . ia activity ofa sot B)_ sensitivity ofa sot {C)_ permeabtlity of a soil (D) compressibility of a soil. 7. At ajunetion, elevation of hydraulic grade line of three pipes is above the elevation of @and R and below reservoir P. Then the direction of flow wil be (A) from Q to Rand P ®) from PtoQandR a (C) from R to Pand Q () from Q and R to P. 8. Continuity Equation deals with the law of conservation of (Mass (®) = Momentum: (©) Energy (0) Pressure. 8. Which ofthe following isan impulse turbine ? 4 WW kaplan turbine Pelton turbine (©) Francis turbine ©) Reynolds turbine. 10. The points having zero y-ordinate in a Mohr's circle of stress represent 9 (A) Maximum shear stresses (B) Resultant stresses * (C) Transformed stresses (D) Principal stresses. 11. Which of the following is a non-recording rain gauge ? 16 1A) Tipping bucket type (B) Simon's rain gauge {C) Weighing type gauge (D) Floating type gauge. SE ES __ @ ‘collegedunia: [Ay 5 401 tases ina ane canes (4) more than vapour pressure of liquid (8) equal to vapour pressure of liquid (©)_ less than vapour pressure of fluid (0) at laminar flow velocity. 13. ‘The sensitivity of a bubble tube can be increased by (increasing diameter of tube (8) decreasing length of tube (©) increasing viscosity of liquid (D) decreasing radius of curvature of tube. 14, Any line which is normal to the plumb line at all points is known as (A) Horizontal line (B) Level line (Q) Datum line (D) Vertical line. 15. An imaginary line lying throughout the surface of ground and preserving a constant inclination to the horizontal is known as W contour line (8) horizontal datum line (©) contour interval (©) contour gradient. 16. If the geometric dimensions of an axially loaded prismatic member are doubled, the ip deformation (4) remains the same (B) increases by a factor of 2 (©) decreases by a factor of 2 (D) _ increases by a factor of 4. ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 1 PTO. @ collegedunia: 401 6 1 17. The primary compression failure in an RC beam is caused in og (_under-reinforced beam (B)__ balanced beam () over-reinforced beam (D) doubly reinforced beam. 18. The vertical window built in the sloping side of a pitched roof is (gable window (B) dormer window (©) skylight window (0) fan-light window. 19. The whole circle bearing ( WCB ) of a line observed by a prismatic compass is 120°. Its bearing rate on a surveyor's compass is W S205 © ser © N1206 ©) N6OE. 20. Maximum pressure to which a pipe is subjected to during its operation is known as (pipe pressure (B) working pressure (©) design pressure (©) test pressure. 21. Standard unit of turbidity is expressed in terms of (A silica (®) mud © chy (D) _ organic matter. 22. Glazing is used to make earthenware hard ©) porous (©) impervious ©) exible. ‘SFACE FOR ROUGH WORK cy collegedunia: 7 01 23. “She type of pile which is driven at an inclination to resist inclined forces is known as (friction pile (B) sheet pile (©) batter pile (0) anchor pile. 24. The coefficient of friction ts less when pavement surface 1s (rough @ ay (© smooth and dry () smooth and wet. 25, ‘The degree of indeterminacy of a propped cantilever 1s (zero (8) three (© two (0) one. 26, The effective length of a cantilever column is @ 15L ® Le © 2L m LA2. 27, ‘Temperature stresses in a pinjointed truss are zero when it 1s (hinged at both ends {B) statically determinate (© statically indeterminate (D)_ amobtle truss. 28, The addition of sugar to fresh conerete results in. (A) increase in setting time by 1 hour (B)__ decrease in setting time by 1 hour (©) increase in setting time by 4 hours (D) decrease in setting time by 4 hours. —_ a (PTO. Ff collegedunia: 401, 29. 30. 31 32. 33. 8 [aa] Dai aeixcuem ie spammer techs ax uence S affected by presence of ground water table located at depth which is (A) 1m below base of footing (8) 1-5 m below base of footing (3m below base of footing (0) 2.5 m below base of footing. ‘The ratio of maximum shear stress to average shear stress in a rectangular beam is w v2 8) wie wie (e) o wie ‘Compared to a level surface, on descending gradient the stopping sight distance is less (8) more (©) same (D) dependent on speed. Which is the best quality of coal ? (Anthracite Peat (©) Bitumen (D)Lignite Which of the following errors is not climinated by method of repetition in theodolite ? (A) Errors due to eccentricity of verniers (8) Errors due to inadjustments of tine of collimation, () Errors due to inaccurate graduation (D) "Errors due to displacement of station ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK collegedunia: [aa] 9 401 34, ‘Nangalore tiles are placed between ( purlins batters (©) rafters ©) pos 85. The allowable compressive stress in M20 grade of concrete 1s (5.0 MPa ® 60MPa (© 7-0MPa (D) 20.0 MPa. 36, Modulus of rigidity is (A) always less than Young's modulus (8) always greater than Young's modulus (©) dependent on bulk modulus (D) dependent on Poisson's ratio. 87. A series of closed contour lines in a map with lower values on inner side and higher values on the outer side represents Ht ©) Ridge (© Cave (©) _ Depression. 38, The degree of indeterminacy in a portal frame single bay. single storeyed fixed at both supports is @ 3 ® 2 oO 6 o 4 (P70, Ff collegedunia: 39. 40, 4 42. 43, 44. 10 The CBR test surcharge weights are used to W) simulate traffic condition (B) simulate effect of overlying pavement (C) simulate worst natural conditions (D) prevent horizontal movement of piston during test. ‘The OMC and MDD are determined for the soil sample in (A) consolidation test 6 (©) compaction test o ‘The maximum value of Poisson's ratio ts Ww oO5 6 © 00 © As the grade of concrete increases, the (A) strain capacity increases 8 (©) strain capacity remains constant (D) shear test liquid limit test. 1-0 0-499, strain capacity decreases compressive strength decreases. ‘The standard size of a cube used for testing mortar strength is (4) 70mm x 70 mm 6 (©) 200 mm x 200 mm ©) Which of the following is a unit of stiffness ? (A) KN/radian © ( kvm o 150 mm x 150 mm 100 mm x 100 mm, kNm/radian KN, SS a Sn rr collegedunia: [aa] b 401 45. “Ihe principal diagonal elements of the stiffness matrix are always (A) negative and non-zero (6) increasing in magnitude (©) positive and non-zero (D) positive and negative. 46. Point of contraflexure indicates (A maximum bending moment (B) — maximum deflection (C)_ change in curvature (D) zero shear force. 47, Banking or superelevation is necessary on | (4) all roads (®) vertical curves (©) horizontal curves {D) _ straight roads. 48, The instrument used to measure specific gravity 1s (A Imhoff cone (8) Vicat apparatus (©) Le Chatelier’s apparatus ©) Pycnometer. 49, The minimum compressive strength of masonry bricks as per IS 1905 Is 3.0 MPa (® 2.0MPa (© 35 MPa (©) 5-0 MPa, 50. The plane on which shear stresses are zero is known as (©) Von Mises plane () Resultant plane. | (Zero Shear plane (8) Principal plane | | (pro. of collegedunia: 401 12 [43] PART - 1 2 Each question carries two mark 25 x2 = 50 51. The centroidal distance of a quarter of a circle of radius R, from sts apex is 4R aR Woon @ 32 aR [8 2R © 48/3 o 3 52. Three rectangular blocks of weight 100-0 N each (A, B and C) are placed such that C is resting on ground and carrying B and A above it. If yg = lige = 0-4 and teste = OF1 then the least value of force applied on A to move any block(s) is 300N ) 400N (©) 600N ©) 700N. 53. The ratio of least MI of circular lamina to that of the least MI of a square equal to diameter of circle fs w 3 © xD © o # 54, Ifo, =0, = 100 MPa and t,,=0 MPa, the maximum shear stress is @) 50MPa ®) 100MPa (zero (D) 200 MPa, 55. The relationship between the radius of curvature R and moment M for a beam of flexural rigidity Els given by M EI w r-M ® m-# R MI © ae 0) set 56. The strain energy of a structure offering resistance against bending is given'by Max 1{ max - Er FS eaakt 2-M2ax 1 f ax {S J EI ©) “s) oer ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Ff collegedunia: [Aa} 13 401 57.

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