Handouts and Term Tests (Go Getter)

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Go Getter 2 Units 0/1 4th year A- Read about City Creatures! Carla, Rocco and Big Al are friends. Carla is a cat, Rocco is a racoon and Big Al is a dog. Their home is in the city. It’s sometimes messy. Carla is clever at Maths.She likes reading books, painting pictures and playing the guitar. She always wants to help her friends. Rocco is good at sports. He loves skateboarding . He can also do karate. Big Al is friendly. He likes telling jokes. He is always hungry. B- Answer True or False: 1- BigAlisaracoon.___ 2. The friends live in the city. 3- Carla is bad at Maths. ___ 4 Carlais helpful. 5- Rocco is sporty. 6 Big Alisnot funny. C- Complete with one word about the City Creatures: 1- The City Creatures’ home is not always tidy. Itis___. 2 Carla painting pictures. 3- Roccodoes___. 4- He is really friendly! Big Alhas got alotof___. ‘4th YEAR — GO GETTER 2 REVISION H. i - ‘A- PUT THE WORDS IN ORDER {ANDOUT - UNITS 0-1. 1: have ~ | ~ always - ballet - Wednesday — on 2- wear ~1~to—a—have — uniform 3+ in~for ~ Let's ~ lunch ~ the ~ meet ~ canteen 4-1-do—never~ pottery 5- We — blue and red — for ~ need — paints ~ Art 6- on - Karate — He ~ does Thursday 6- ANSWER 1- What time do you usually go to school? 2- What's your favourite subject? 3- Do you have a hobby? What is it? 4- Do you like your school? 5- What's your favourite lunch?. 6- Do you finish school before 5 pm? 7- Does your best friend wear a pinafore or a uniform? Describe it. 8- How long are your Summer holidays?. (C- CIRCLE THE CORRECT ONE 1. Mysisteris / has got 11 years old. 2-Has / Have you got a pet? 3- There are / They are two beds in my bedroom. 4 This is my dad. Her / His hobby is fishing. 5 My friend is always /always is late to school. 6 Do / Does your mum like cooking? 7- My cousin plays / does karate. 8 What do / does you do after classes? 9-In / At the afternoon, | do homework. 10- My brother don’t / doesn’t wash the car. 4th Year. UNIT 1 EXERCISE 1 * Read the prompts and write sentences about Carla 2 HOBBY / VOLLEYBALL WEEKDAYS / GET UP / 6.30 \ CEREAL / BREAKFAST / WITH HER FAMILY, WALK / SCHOOL 4._D FAVOURITE SCHOOL SUBJECT / BIOLOGY BIOLOGY / LEARN / PLANTS / INSECTS. FRIDAY / DO HOMEWORK / STUDY / TESTS. WEEKENDS / BIKE / FRIENDS / PARK. EXERCISE 2 * Now write about a friend. Use exercise 1 to help you 4th YEAR ~ GO GETTER 2 - UNIT 1 HANDOUT ‘A- REWRITE THE SENTENCES ABOUT PETER AND LAURA have lunch at school 3+ My favourite subject is Science PETER 4-I'm never late for schoo! B- LOOK AT KELLY’S NOTES. WRITE A BLOG ABOUT HER FAVOURITE DAY. NAME: Kl14 FAVOURITE DAY: Saturday GET UP: £:00 CHESS CLASSES: 11:00 FAVOURITE sudgcrs: Maths and P.E AFTERNOON: ineet frienals / park. Play volleyball. DINNER TIME: pizza (love!) at hove. EVENING: watch TY / 9:00 prn My name is. and my favourite day is, UNIT 1 HANDOUT 4th YEAR - GO GETTER 2 A- MATCH (0- watch 1 the carpet athe dog 1 vacuum be the table b- about school 2-do c- chess 3- send - your room €- pottery eto music fa message & the plants @- COMPLETE THE SENTENCES 1. I think my schoo! uniform 2... 2. I've got a bike but .. = 3. Idon't like. 4. | always do 5. At my school boys and girls. 6. Mum is very good at... 7. Atthe weekend | usually hang, 8. My grandmother Ann is a good cook but... (C- VOCABULARY 1. Name 5 school subjects : 2. Name 5 free time activities 3. Name 3 activities you are bad at : Receptionist - Good morning, what's your name ? - My name’s Alice Jackson. D- COMPLETE THE DIALOGUE Receptionist — - J-A-C-K-S-O-N Receptionist - - Tlive in Leeds Receptionist - + Its alja@xnet.com Recept - Its 091 568 95443 REVISION UNIT 1 GG2 4TH YEAR READING 4+ Read the text and write T (true) or F (false) ‘A day in the life of a ballet student Michelle is a student at the Blanchard School of Ballet. She has lessons six days a week. On school days she gets up at seven and has breakfast in the canteen. The students and teachers eat together. Michelle has eggs, bread, jam and a glass of milk. Lessons start at half past eight. Michelle studies Maths, Science, Geography, History, Music, English, French and Italian. Michelle has one ballet class at twelve o'clock. Then she has lunch. She doesn't eat a lot of food because she does ballet after lunch too. She practises from two to five. Then the last lesson of the day is an acting class. After that Michelle has a shower and she does her homework. Dinner is at eight and bedtime is at nine. ‘On Sundays there aren't any lessons. Michelle writes emails, plays tennis and talks to her friends. She goes to bed early and the school week begins again. 0 There are lessons every day at the Blanchard School of Ballet. F 1 Michelle has breakfast with the other students at the school. 2 Michelle studies eight subjects at school. 3 3 Michelle has a big lunch on school days. 4 Michelle studies acting in the afternoon. 5 Michelle does her homework before she has a shower. VOCABULARY 2- Complete the text with missing words. Today is Wednesday. Every Wednesday at nine o'clock we have °F classroom and we say ‘Bonjour, Madame Du Bois’. | need my ' d we have? G__g__p__. We learn about different countries and we look at? m__s. At eleven we have Maths so Ineed my*¢___u___o_. Attwelve we have °S__e_¢_, my favourite subject! We do a lot of interesting experiments. in the afternoon, 1° p_a_basketball. Some students ” _o judo. 3: Write the names of places in a school 0 The students have Computer Studies in the er. Foam. w& Bh 1 The teachers and students meet in the h. ‘every day before lessons start 2 Everyone has lunch in the school ¢. ay 3Thes. or. is for teachers, not students. y 4 We do PE. inthe g. . e DO, PLAY was 4- Circle the correct word. 0 Gina does play3 tennis every weekend, 1 Janice does / plays ballet on Monday afternoon. 2 | do/ play karate on Saturdays. 3 Ben does / plays basketball for the school team. 4 Oliver and lan have the same hobby. They do / play pottery. 5 Lisa does / plays chess well. She's the school champion! GRAMMAR 5: Put the words in the correct order. 1 lessons / are / for /late / we / never / Music 2 waik/Licilie and Jon 7 sometimes 7 school /to 3 iunch/ you/ at/ have / home / usually 4 with’ 7hang out often 7 my friends 71 COMMUNICATION 6- Read and circle the correct answer. OA: D: 4a D: 5A: D: WRITING Hi, Dolly. | want to send you some photos. What's your email address? a D-O-L-O-R-E-S, S-A-N-C-H-E-Z. 26 Village Road. ¢ dolorez.sanchez8@xyz.com. What are those things in your school bag? a They're my ballet shoes. b It's my calculator. ¢ My Geography book Do you have a Music lesson today? a Yes, I can. 'b No, | don't No, I haven't Would you like anything to eat? a Yes, | like. No, | like eating. ¢1'd like a sandwich, Anything else? a No, thanks. b Yes, there No, we don't. How many tests do you have this week? a They're good. b Two ~ Maths and English. ¢ There are some tests. 7-Write 60-70 words about a day in your life at school. Use the questions to help you. = What time do you get up? san, * What are you favourite subjects? pais * What do you have for breakfast? + Where do you have lunch? + What time do lessons begin? + When do lessons finish? ‘4th YEAR ~ GO GETTER 2 - UNIT 1 HANDOUT ‘A- READ TIM'S POSTCARD POSTCARD 1 | g Dear Aunt Sut, Mrs Sue Thompson @ How are you? I'm having a good ti F Mendoza with my faraily. | like the hotel 2 Oak Lane 2 because it has a big swimming pool. a | London J we usually do outdoor morning. | like climbing rountains' NP23 6OX = Father loves taking photos but my sister 3 Para doesw't like visiting museums, F | play video games in the evening after | F dinner. At the monent me writing this © nosteard to you because Pane is using the | computer. Love, Thine se 1: RIGHT (-¥ OR WRONG (X)? 2- READ THE TEXT AGAIN AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS orduelibdie?eeune w 1.Is Tim on holiday in Mendoza? 1. Tim is staying in a hotel. 2-Is there a swimming pool in the hotel? 2- Tim doesn't like the hotel. 3- Tim likes climbing mountains. 3+ What does Tim do in the morning? 4- Tim's mother takes the photos. 5- Pam loves museums. = 4- When does Tim play video games? 6 They have got a computer. 7- Pam is with the computer now. ‘5- What is Tim doing at the moment? 3+ MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE 1- Claire usually gets / get to school at 8:00 but she sometimes is / is sometimes late. 2- They can play soccer very well. It’s his / their favourite sport. 3+In History we learn /learns about the past. 4- What / How do you spell that? 5-On / In weekdays | get up _at / on 7:30 and go to school. After / Before 2 lesson we always have a break. 6 Mum usually has / have salad on /at_lunchtime. 7-In_£ At the evening, Tanya always dance / does ballet. 8 We don't have to /don’t have wear a uniform. 9- How / What often do you play sports? 10- Sara has to / have to_ wear a cream shirt. 4th YEAR ~ GO GETTER 2- UNIT 1 HANDOUT 1- Read Lian’s blog. ‘a- Which is her favourite day ? a) Saturday —_b) Sunday My weeend | usuaily get up at 8 o'clock on Sundays. After breakfast | skateboard my friends. | love my skateboard and I love Saturdays ! Before dinner | watch ‘Torplay computer games. | get up at 9 o'clock on Sundays. Before lunch I tidy my room and do my homework. | always have lunch with my family. After lunch | often draw or listen to music. b-True or False ? © Answer the questions. 1. Lian gets up at $ o'clock on Saturdays. E 21 Does Lian like Saturdays ? 2. Lian plays computer games on Saturdays. 3, Lian doesn’t do homework on Saturday, _ 2. When do her friends go skateboarding ? 4, Lian plays computer games in the morning. 5. Lian has lunch with her family on Sunday. 3. Does Lian tidy her room on Saturday ? 6. Lian doesn't like drawing. ‘4. When does Lian watch TV ? 2- Complete the sentences. 3-Circle the correct word. Lin my house there isn’t © make /@pomework. 2. Mum never vacuums... _ 1. get/go to bed 3. My little brother hates 2. do / play ballet 4, At school my lessons... 3. do / make the washing up 5. After school students can 4. put / lay the table 6, My mother is very good at. 5. talk /speak about the weather 4, Arrange the sentences. ‘4th YEAR — GO GETTER 2 - UNIT 1 HANDOUT READ THE TEXT - MY CRAZY COUSIN My cousin Ron is twenty-six. He’s a bit crazy. He hasn’t got a car but he’s got a big, old motorbike. Ron rides his. motorbike to work every day. Ron lives alone. He hasn't got a girlfriend but he’s got a cat called Yamaha and alot of friends. His friends often visit him. They listen to music and watch films all night. There are a lot of DVDs in Ron's house. He and his friends also go to the cinema together. And of course, they all have motorbikes and on Saturdays and Sundays, they usually go for a ride on their motorbikes. 1- TRUE OR FALSE? 1-|_} Ron's gota big old car. 2- L_] Ron goes to work by bus. 3-|__}Ron’s got a girlfriend 4 Ron and his friends watch a lot of films. 2- ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 1: Does Ron drive a car to work? 2- How often do his friends visit him? 3- When does Ron listen to music and watch films with his friends? 4- What does Ron do with his friends on Saturday and Sunday? 3- PUT THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER TO MAKE SENTENCES 1- learn - History — We ~ about —in- past—the 2- are -in - They ~ never ~ class ~ noisy 3- always ~ school ~ My ~ ballet ~ sister ~ does ~ after, 4- he —late ~ How often —is — English —to-? ~ address ~ What - email - ? 5- your 4- COMPLETE THE SENTENCES 1- On weekdays my sister 2-1am usually 3-Does your grandma ? 4-We don’t 5- What time does ? 6- My schoo! uniform isn’t comfortable. | have to, '5- WRITE ABOUT YOUR FAVOURITE WEEKDAY. My favourite weekday is because In the morning | In the afternoon | In the evening | always 40 4th YEAR ~ GO GETTER 2-HO UNIT 2 ‘A- Read Sandra's email. Hi! I'm Sandra, from Sydney, Australia. I'm 13 years old and I live with my family: my father, my mother , my two sisters, my cat Madonna and my dog. My dog's name is Cruise. I haven't got a ‘grandfather but I have got two grandmothers and a fantastic aunt: aunt Cecilia. She's my mother's sister. ‘We love Cecilia | She’s my French teacher too ! [love French , Do you like French ? I also like Music and History My sisters don’t like French but they like Spanish. They are very good students. I'm not a very good student, Do you like school ? I'm not very healthy because I don’t eat many vegetables . I love eating sweets and cakes, it’s a problem Answer my email, please True (7) or False (F)? ‘Answer the questions 0. Sandra is Australian. 1. Where does Sandra live 7 1. Sandra has got two grandfathers. 2. How old is Sandra? 2. Cecilia is Sandra's grandmother. Has Sandra got a dog? 3. Ceciliais a teacher. 4. What's her aunt's name? 4, Sandra’s sisters don't like French. O00 000 5. What subject does Sandra like ? 5. Sandra is a good student, 6. Doher sisters like Spanish ? 6. Sandra likes Music. U Are her sisters good students ? 8. Why isn’t Sandra healthy ? ath YEAR GO GETTER 2- 0.2 EK 2- HANDOUT A: Arrange the sentences 0. in / live / Elephants / Africa ___Flephants live in Africo 1. play / doesn’t / My / tennis / Mother sister / like / your / Cola/ Does /? do / What / you / get/time / up? doesn’t / drinking / Mother / wine / like like / What / drink / to / you / would /? awe at / usually / They / pizza / weekend / eat / the B- Match the two columns alate 1] | | stetaweets 0. Where does 2- apples do you eat aday ? L apécket b-of beer 1. The children vais b- have some chips, please ? 3. weaaet cof tomato: 2. don’t always doing a project. Bain id beckonotaee 3. Cant d- Alice live ? a kta a oterisns 4, Hedoesn’t drink much e- wearing a uniform. 5 ae ettes 5. Idon’t like f+ play computer games eae) of milk 6. How many water for lunch, (C+ MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE, .:Tusvlly chat with flends_@___theofternoon, Avon on ot 1. Mother abways, ‘TV when she’s having tea ‘watch B- watching C- watches 2. There aren't ceggslett to make a cake Aalotof Bemany much 3. My grandmother hates football on TV. Ae watch 8 watching C- watches 4. What time ‘Wendy do homework ? Ac does bdo Gis 5. My cousin is really bad doing pottery Aat a-with cis 6.Wenever do homework ___ Saturdays A-every bon Gin 2 mil do we need to make pancakes ? ‘k- How many 8. How often ¢- How much D+ WRITE petty Her name's Betty Biode Janeiro Cereal for breakfast Not much meat sengianentianie earth pint estan sot Alot of water entnereeneeaneinneinesncnetet uct AE Favourite sportiuuu/because AQ Revision Units 0-1-2 GG2 4th Year ‘A-Match the text with the correct photo The friends from GoGetter 2 2 ee a) I'm 12. I'm Welsh. love playing football. I'm a fan of the Welsh football team. b)P'm 12. 'm English. fe spending time with my friends. c) I'm 14. I'm Spanish. I'm living in England at the moment. My hobby is riding my bike everywhere! I'm good at Maths. d) I'm 42. I'm 13 in November. | love listening to music and playing the guitar, too. B- Complete the sentences with the school subjects from the box Art PE Geography Science History Maths 1-1 need my trainers! We have___in some minutes! 2- The green paints are in that box. You can use them inthe ___class. 3-Have a look at my map.ls it OK? I'm doing my __ homework. 4.1 don’t like books about the past. Ihate___! teacher. 5-The students are in the lab now. They are with the 6- I've got a new calculator for C- Match the questions to the answers a) At 23 Moon Street, Oxford. b) Matt Clint ©) It’s 07855224114 d) It’s Matt.clintxnet.com ) M-A-T-T C-L1-N-T 4) What's your name? 2) How do you spell that? 3) What’s your email address? 4) What's your telephone number? 5) Where do you live? a3 D- Put the sentences about Amy’s routine in the correct order a-1 meet my friends before lessons start. b- | always have breakfast at home. c- Lessons start at 8.30 a.m. d- On Wednesday afternoon | watch my favourite series on TV. e- I usually do my homework before dinner. f- On Tuesday afternoon | go to my cookery class. g- | usually go to sleep at about 9.30 p.m.. E- Choose the correct place at school 41- Teachers mark homework in the a)staffroom —_b) assembly 2- At break time we meet our friends in the a)classroom —_b) playground 3- For extra study we borrow books from the a) library b) hall 4- There are 20 laptops in the : a) computer room b) canteen 5-The is a large room to do physical exercise. a)lab —b) gym F- Choose the correct word about food from the box to complete the sentences. biscuits carton packet can pasta ham 1- Don't forget to take a of juice to the gym class. 2-Mum, can | open anew of crisps, please? 3-Inever havea___of cola with my lunch. 4-Mum usually has __ for dinner. She loves spaghetti. 5- Grannie is preparing some sandwiches for us. I'm so hungry! 6- Can I have some chocolate with my coffee, Dad? 4th YEAR ~ GO GETTER 2 - REVISION UNIT 2 |A- COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS WITH OW MUCH OR HOW MANY, AND ANSWER THEM a g 1 bars of chocolate are there? 2 water do you drink every day? 3 apples do you eat every week? “ cans of cola are there? fi 5 packets of biscuits ae there? Bess a 6 flour is there? es 8- COMPLETE WITH THE CONTAINER 1 of water. oa of chips 2 of jam. Sa of lemonade » of juice, 3 of toothpaste (C- COMPLETE THE SENTENCES 1. There isn’t, milk in my fridge 2-There are sausages. 3- For breakfast | have ees. 4 Lucy likes bread with butter. 5- Amy sometimes has banana for breakfast. 6- For the pancakes we need sugar. D- COMPLETE ABOUT YOU Ihave for breakfast. For lunch | usually have E- WORD ORDER 1- have ~Boes - pizza - mum — for - dinner - your -? 2-1 watch = never ~ TV ~ school before 3- friend ~ girl — My ~is~a—noisy- very 4- live —-does ~ Where — your ~ cousin ~? 5- geography ~ do - When — have — you — lessons — ? AS UNIT 2 (3 7 it cut cook \ PuT ADD mix GO GETTER 2 COOKING 4- How to make a SMOOTHIE Lo 7 some. cartons big cucumber cyuuiber and the dee peppers Pt ham ina bowl, Ther add the (Greek yoghurt an mix ¥ Add the yoghurt, milk and sugar. VY Mixeverything. We need : a pot of yoghurt, 100 mi of milk, some fruit and some two lage & some orange vanile ee cease Instroctions Cut the etruntorien and par. Mix tem and dora on, Patho mizur in the an hour Serve wih ‘ream Yury Speaking: Order food and drink @ write the words in the correct order. 1 some) Uke } you ) ice ream? ) would Would you ike some.ice cream? 2 have) 1) please? ) some water, | can 3° like j would } drink? | what | you ) to ‘4 Scoops | how } many | you | like? | would | 5 you) are) order? | ready | to 6 you) excuse | any | me. tomato ketchup? got have '@ Match the questions 1-6 in Exercise 1 with ‘the answers a-f. Of course. There's a bottle over there. 6 Can | have two, please? Can | have a glass of milk, please? Yes, I'd like some chocolate ice cream, please. Yes, Id like the pasta with mushrooms, please. Yes, sure. Here you are. seance Your turn ® Complete the dialogue. Use the words in. brackets or your own ideas. Waiter: Are you ready to order? Seb; * (chicken and chips) Luke; ? (the same) _ Waiter: * (drink) , : = Seb: * (two glasses of water) Waiter: Here you are Luke; Thanks, "= Waiter: * (dessert) = Seb: * (vanilla ice cream) Waiter: ' (scoops). . Seb: Two. please. Luke: * (the same) 4th YEAR - HANDOUT UNIT 3 ~ GO GETTER 2 ‘A- COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. USE THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Ll (chat) with my best friend now. 2-Tom and Lucy. (work) on a school project. 3-Dad (tally on the phone with his sister now. a1 (wear) a tracksuit because | have PE 5 My best friend {not read) a Harry Potter book at the moment, B- HOW DO THEY FEEL? COMPLETE - = OF 2 a 1 or é ) © COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. USE: | AT }OUT (X2) - IN - OF 1- My brother is interested tennis, 2-I'mnot good Maths 3 Mumis scared frogs. 4- My sister is worried her language test. 5- My best friend is excited her next winter holidays. D- COMPLETE USING VOCABULARY ABOUT TECHNOLOGY. USE: ‘SURF THE INTERNET — TEXT A FRIEND ~ SEND EMAILS ~ DOWNLOADS ~ TAKING SELFIES 1- When I'm bored | usually 2- Mum has to when she’s working. 3-Dad ‘songs and listens to music on his new cell phone. 4 always to find information for my school projects. 5-Ilove with my friends when we're at the park. E- WRITE ABOUT YOUR FAVOURITE TECHNOLOGY ITEM. What technology items do you have? ‘What do you use them to? How often? What is your favourite one? Why? What about your best friend? AF ‘Ath YEAR ~ GO GETTER 2 - HANDOUT UNIT 3 ‘A- LOOK AT THE PICTURES AND THE PROMPTS. WRITE SENTENCES IN PRESENT CONTINUOUS (AFFIRMATIVE OR NEGATIVE). 1-The children / eat / hamburger 9 2- Daniel / read / book 3- The cat / play / with the ball 4- Matt / sleep oat B- CIRCLE THE CORRECT ONE. 1: Ihave 2 exams today. 'm (worried / happy ) 2-We can’t go on holiday. We are( sad / tired ) 3-My teacher is ( bored / angry ) with me because | didn’t do the homework. 4- My sister is (scared / bored ). Her phone is broken, 5-Mumis good ( at / in ) cooking but she is bad ( at / in ) doing sports. C-VOCABULARY 1. Before | go to bed, | ‘0___with my friends. 2- Moved. songs and then | listen to them on my b, 3- When I need information for school, Is the Internet and then with my p I print the document. D- COMPLETE THE TEXT. USE PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Emma, Bobby and her parents are in the kitchen. Emma and Bobby (not have) breakfast. They (eat) dinner. Dad (sit) at the table, too. Mum {not sit She (stand). {she / eat) dinner? No, she isn’t. She (drink) water. She is not hungry. E- COMPLETE 1-I'mscared 2-My friend is excited 3-Are you now? 4- My favourite technology item is because Ag 4th YEAR ~GO GETTER 2~HO UNIT 3 1 Read Alex email to his friend Henry. Hi ! How are you ? Are you OK at school this term ? Which is your favourite subject ? I'm good at Art and Music because | like playing the piano. There’s an electronic organ at school and | am interested in learning to pla My smart phone is good help because | use it to download music and make my personal playlists. Which app do you use to have your music Spotify ? All the students in my class likeTechnology .Our Biology and History classes are really boring and we hate doing homework or studying at home. What about you ? a-True or False ? b- Answer the questions. 1. Alex loves music. 1. What instrument does Alex like playing ? 2. Alex can't play an electronic organ. 2. Where isthe electronic organ ? 3. Alex hasn't got a smart phone- 4, Students are good at History. 5, Students don’t like doing homework, 4, Has Alex got his personal playlists in his phone ? 5. What subject are students interested in ? 2- Read Henry's answer and fill in the blanks Hi Nice to get your answer! I'm doing rather well »_Ot school. imagine you are very good at the piano. ‘At school we can’t work with computers because Wi Fi connection bad so! only 5 technologyat home. | play « ‘with my laptop and also ___ videos. Of course I the internet to do homework.'m not the studious type of student. ‘At the moment | have problems with Maths. 'm worried > my exam result. Why don't we have a video call » Friday ? 3+ Complete the sentences. 1. At the moment my sister 2. 1'm a good student. love 3. My teacher usually 4. At the weekend | always chat 5. At school students 6. The children don’t want . Aq ATH YEAR ~ GO GETTER 2 - HANDOUT UNIT 3 + SIMPLE PAST ‘A; REMEMBER - SEND DOWNLOAD. - TALK TEXT - USTEN TAKE - WATCH Go B- COMPLETE THE TEXT ABOUT LUCAS’ FRIEND My friend Juan is tech madi Last night I (go) to his house to see a movie. He (download) Toy Story 4.1, (be) excited because | love that movie! The problem was that he (not watch) or he (not listen) to it because he {text) a friend like 100 times! He (send) photos and she also (talk) on the phone with a friend from China! '/'m worried about my friend. | think we need to be careful about technology. He can’t (enjoy) the movie! ‘And you, are you tech mad? (C-ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE TEXT 1: What movie did Juan download? 2- Why was Lucas excited?, 3- Did Juan watch the movie? Why? 4- What did he do with his phone? 5; Did Juan enjoy the movie? D- COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. WORRIED __ INTERESTED EXCITED BAD. SCARED 1- When | was 5 years old | was of monsters ® | was very. at football too. Now I'm great! 2- When | was a child | was also in Mickey Mouse. | had all my bedroom decorated! 3- Last year | was about my new phonel! it was amazing! 4- | was very about my English test last week but | got a good mark. @ E- WHAT ABOUT YOU? COMPLETE When | was a child: 1- I was scared 2-1 was interested 3-1 was bad 4-1 was excited 5-1 was good F- TECHNOLOGY. GUESS! 1- You use it to click on an icon. 2. You need it to print a document. 3+ I've got films, e-books and songs in it. 4- You use it to write 5- You use it to listen to music. or Go Getter 2 — UNIT 2-UNIT3 \ (paw 30 we) Complete the blanks with ONE word. The students. __at___ North Street Secondary school 1 asking people for help. They need tech devices they have » __home and do not use. The computers they have 3 school are old and slow and they sometimes do «__ work welll. Students are worried 5 their Computer Science lessons. They are good «. technology and they 7 fix the computers that families donate to work at school. Itiss interesting idea ! (m Spig 31 WH \ Read Lily's blog and answer the questions 1. Is Lily good at technology ? 2. What technology item has she got ? 3. Does Lily play games on her phone ? 4. What device does Lily use to do homework ? 5. Has Harry got a smart phone ? Complete the sentences 1. She's my sister. His / Her / My name is Clara. 2. There isn’t / There aren't sweets in the jar. 3. My brother hasn't got / haven't got a computer. 4, There is @ carton / packet of milk in the fridge. 5. How many apples is there / are there in the basket ? Seven. 6. Father hates get / getting up early on Sundays. 7. It's never / usually cold in Winter. 8. How much / How many oil is there in the bottle ? Not much / many. 9. The students at school are playing / doing karate at the moment. 10. | playa lot of sports so / because I’m always hungry. Complete the sentences. 1. What do you think .. 2, Atthe moment my brother 3. There isn’t 4, What are you... "~ 5. Does your mother usual! 24 v2/3 4" YEAR GO GETTER 2 A~ Make the right Choice Eg. 1 go to school _in_ the morning aon em cat 1. Look LIMy sister___playing the piano. a-can b-has e 2. How _milk do you drink a day ? @ much be many cold 3. Alice doesn’t computer games at home. a-playing plays play ___ milk in the refrigerator. a much b-many some 5. We are all scared ‘our PE teacher. aat b-of with 5. rever want. selfies. atotake —betaking take 6. The students are in the classroom adancing —b-dance ~—- dances 7. Father can't emails. besurf csend 8. You don't need eggs to make a cake. a much b- many some 8 have some cake for dinner. a What. b-Where —c-Let's -2- Putthe word.in order to make sentences and questions. 1. [goto work?| | tatner does _| | Whattime| | your 2 [The || are| | children | [ footbait | atthemoment playing 3. [do want eat? |{ What ]{ to |[ you 4. [sister] [at ] [my ] [tv ] [watch] [doesnt | [weekends 5. | room? |[ Do [ When you | | tidy} | your] 6. | want | [a 1 ‘of | [ chocolate | [~ bar 3+ Read the information and write a paragraph about Pinky 6 years old 4 School i Favourite day Friday because . Healthy because eS 22 VA 2-35 4th YEAR ~ GO GETTER 2 A- Read Irek’s emi and answer the questions. z ————$§ = ae coed Hell i My name's Irek and I live in San Francisco. It's a very big city and I like it very much! Everyday I get up very early because school is at 8 o'clock. In the afternoon I play Ap on) homework. SS tennis with my friends in the club and 1 also play the guitar, but I haven't got a guitar. I use my mother’s. In the evening, I do my On Sundays I go to my grand father’s farm and I ride horses, My grandmother always makes del jus cakes. There isn’t Wi-Fi connection on the farm so I can’t use my laptop. What’sNavourite subject at school 7 Do you use technology items ? ———— 4. Where does Irek live? 2. Is San Francisco a small city? 3. What time does Irek start school? 4. Does Irek go to the club in the moming? 5. What instrument does Irek play? 6. Has Irek got a guitar? 7. When does Irek go to his grandfather's farm? 8. What can’t Irek do on the farm? Why ? B- Choose the correct answer. 4- The children play basketball Sunday, a) doesn't —b) don't ajin— b)on a 2:Is there lemonade in the fridge? Yes, there are two a a a) any b) some a)jars —_—b) bottles. @ & 3 She watch TV in the moming because she likes the house, a) doesn't —_b) don't a)cleans b) cleaning 4 My grandma 75 years old. She's scared spiders and mice. a) hasgot by is a)of —b) about 5-1 usually my friends with my . 3, a) hangout _b) text a) printer —_b) smart phone u. y 6-How ‘sugar do you need? | need only one b) many —_b) much a)carton _b) packet 23 UA-2-3 ‘th YEAR GO GETTER 2 A> Guess what itis 1. ...,used to take photographs : ...CAMERA....... 4. ......used to listen to music so eUSOD10 dO GYM 5 onenessssensensevne 5... used to make cakes : ®- Answer. 1. What do you want to do on Friday ? 2. How often does your mother tidy the house ?, 3. How many eggs do we need to make pancakes ? 4, Are you healthy ? Why 7 5, What's your favourite electronic device ? Why ? 6. What does your father like doing in his free time ? C Write about. 1. Your favourite technology item 2. Your favourite subject at school : .. 3. Your favourite day of the week : ‘D- Put the words in order. : MEAT - EAT - LIONS r it meat 1. PLAYING - HE - VOLLEYBALL - LIKES 2. NEVER - WATCHES - MOTHER - SUNDAY - ON- TV 3. BAD - FATHER - AT - IS - CAKES - MAKING 4. DOING - CATHY - HOMEWORK - HER - IS ~ AT THE MOMENT 5. WANTS - ALICE - CHAT - ONLINE - TO - SOMETIMES 6. YOU - OFTEN - HOW - DRINK - DO - COKE? 24 4; CONTAINERS. Complete la of chocolate. ha of cola, Ba of jam, 4a of milk. Sa of biscuits. ba of eggs. ya of tomatoes. 6 RIDDLES 1- You use itto take photos. C. 2- You use it to listen to music. H 3- You use itto print from the computer. P 4- You use it to cycle on icons. M. 5- You use it to surf the Internet and play games. T 4th YEAR GO GETTER 2 PRACTICE HANDOUT 1°" TERM COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE CORRECT OPTION 1-He wear a uniform at school, ‘A- HAVE TO B-HASTO 2-They tidy their bedroom every day. ‘Ac HAVEN'T TO. B- DON'T HAVE TO 3-They on the phone now. A- ARE TALKING B- ALWAYS TALK o you like a small salad? ‘A- WOULD. B-CAN 5. yoghurt do you have? ‘A: HOW MUCH B- HOW MANY 6- My dad often barbecue at weekends A-MAKE B- MAKES D- COMPLETE WITH A VERB POTTERY TO MUSIC THE INTERNET JUDO THE DRUMS HOMEWORK ATEXT MESSAGE ASONG A PICTURE A SELFIE ON THE PHONE CHESS & WRITE ABOUT YOUR MEALS AT WEEKENDS. USE: USUALLY- SOMETIMES ~ BIG — ALSO ~ BECAUSE ~ MAKE(S) 4th YEAR - GO GETTER 2 PRACTICE HANDOUT ~1°" TERM. A> MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE when | am old. play football with my team. | also like « Right now lam « selfies and, musicl! What about you? Hil My name’s Juan. | live in Buenos Aires. | love karate with my brother. We usually practise 5 football and | want to be a professional player I always 2 ‘my friends at the club and have a good time. My favourite day is Friday 5 1 Saturdays. on line with my Granny. She is really cooll Guess what? She > 1 adoing b- playing 2 achat b- meet 3 abut bso 4 doing b- playing 5s bon & — a-surfing be chatting 7 atakes b- chats & — a-sends b- downloads 8- COMMUNICATION What would you like? L Anything else? 2 Would you like anything to drink? + Would you like some ice-cream for dessert? a (> PUT THE WORDS IN ORDER I-never - it~! -because — fish - don't 2- friends - noisy ~in~- My~sometimes — are— class 3-do - your - surname —How ~ spell ~ you - ? 4- usually ~ have 5- there ~ many ~ are ~ How ~ sandwiches - ? 6- photos - camera — takes — Dad — hi with ~ cereal - breakfast —for play etalk because © going cat & downloading ¢ downloads ce texts A- Yes, can | have some chips, please? B-I'd like a cheese and ham sandwich, please. C-Sure, | love it! D-Yes, I'd like some orange juice, please. 26 4th YEAR - GO GETTER 2 PRACTICE HANDOUT - 1" TERM. READING COMPREHENSION How do you spend your free time? Teresa Fiona Thomas Noe spor etal ard : ye st ane oy ie prs yc na wee goto cterethcbie.ko Inte evn. waton TV wth ry ‘ractmy tense ny eetime Wermeet’ | painting, photography and drame. But {amy V's vey popae tw UK Poole ‘ry Saran ater foto! People pay |_| alo ke doing outdoor activites, for Walch abut eno nou ot TV every ‘Gotalorin mows andpaygosnde at | example camping, and Ym a scout rece Tate alto ‘or wUX Reaver popuerteem spot. | There are 400,000 boy and gi! scouts hoessretaaes wot rsmecenenat inthe UK. Scouts love faring new things. At the moment, Fm doing my Outdoor Chalange Aware and I'm Yearning now to cook ona fre, ‘Ac Read the text again and answer T/F. 1- Teresa likes listening to music. 2-TV'is very popular in the UK. 3+ There are football teams for girls in the UK. 4- In netball you can run with the ball 5- There are 4000 scouts in the UK. 6- Scouts often learn new things. B-Read again and write the name 0- This person meets friends every Saturday. [_FIONA 1- This person has alot of hobbies, 2- This person watches TV with her family 3- This person loves sports 4- This person listens to music on line. 5-This person likes doing outdoor activities. inswer the question: 1- What do you usually do after school? 2- What do you do at weekends? '3- What sports do you do? 4- Do you go to any clubs? '5- What are your favourite hobbies? 2t 4th YEAR ~ GO GETTER 2 A; PUT THE WORDS IN ORDER PRACTICE HANDOUT 1-1-a-of- Can—have - bar — chocolate - ? TERM 2-We~ Maths ~ on ~ have ~lessons - Wednesday 3-often-am = school - to—late 4-lunch — have ~ for ~ never: sausages 5- friend ~ best ~ My ~ plays ~ Saturdays — computer —on— games 6- grandparents ~ the ~ e-mails ~ My ~surf — Internet - and — send - MAKE THE CORRECT CHOICE 1- Timand Mark [play/ plays] football at the weekend. 2-l always talk [with / on] the phone. 3-Ineed [some / any] butter for the cake. 4-[Can / Would | have a hot dog, please? 5- We usually have lunch at the school [hall /_ canteen 6- There isn’t any paper in the [printer / keybo: C~ COMMUNICATION ~ AT THE RESTAURANT A- Yes, can | havea salad, please? Waiter. 8: Great, thanks Tom. I'd like a Hawaiian pizza, please C What would you like? Waiter. Anything else? D- Would you like anything to drink? Tom. Waiter. Tom. Yes, I'd like a lemonade. Waiter. D~ COMPLETE THE SENTENCES 1 Inthe fridge 2- My mum always 3-For school, | have to wear 4- My favourite weekday is, because, 5- Lucas often has 28 4th YEAR ~GO GETTER 2 PRACTICE HANDOUT. -1°° TERM. READING I'm Emilio and I'm Italian. These are three of my favourite meals in my country. STALIAN BREAKFAST For breakfast | usually have a cup of coffee with milk and croissants. It’s a quick breakfast. On Saturdays my mum makes pancakes and milkshakes. | love Saturday breakfast! PASTA In italy people eat this meal. | love spaghetti! My granny makes the best spaghetti in the world! We always have flour and some eggs at home because she usually makes pasta on Sundays. BREADED MEAT AND CHIPS This meal isn’t very popular in italy, but I love eating it when | visit my aunt in Argentina. I'd like to prepare it for my family. It's yummy ‘A- TRUE OR FALSE? 1- People in Italy often eat breaded meat. 2- Emilio likes eating ravioli 3- On Sundays he has pancakes. 4- On weekdays he always has croissants. 5- His grandmother makes the best pancakes of al! B- MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE: A or B? 1-Does Emilio like milkshakes? ‘A- No, he doesn’t B-Yes, he does, 2- Who cooks pasta in Emilio’s family? ‘A-His grandmother 8-His aunt 3- Are there any eggs at his house? ‘A-Yes, there are B- No, there aren’t 4- When does he eat breaded meat and chips? ‘A-When he sees his aunt —_B- When he prepares it for his aunt C- RIDDLES. Read and complete with words form the box FooD A 1- It's a type of fish 2- | have it for breakfast with milk. 3+ We use these to make hot dogs. CONTAINERS La of jam. 2a 3a of biscuits. PLACES AT SCHOOL 1- We have lessons in the 2-We do P-Ein the, 3- We have assembly in the SCHOOL SUBJECTS 1. We can learn about the past. 2- We can play hockey 3- We can paint pictures Unit 4.1 Vocabulary Geographical features ‘A- Look at the picture and write the words. There is one extra word. ‘beach city desert forest island lake mountain river sea town volcano waterfall B- Write the names of places. Use the map to help you. 1 Itis thousands of metres high. People sometimes climb it. 2 itis big. There are thousands of houses and a lot of people live there. 3 Ithas got thousands of trees. 4 There aren't any trees here. It is very hot and it doesn't often rain, 5 tis next to the sea. People sit on it under umbrellas. 6 Itis hundreds of kilometres long. It is full of water and fish live in fhe 7 You can come here in a boat. You can't walk or drive here. 8 Itis a kind of mountain. itis very dangerous. 30 Quiz 1- Is the Amazon a river or a mountain?_ 2: I Kilimanjaro in Asia or tic? 3+ Are the Iguazu Falls in Misiones or Corrientes?_ 4- |s the Mississipi river in The USA or Mexico’ 5- Is Greenland a desert or an island?_ 6- Is the Aconcagua in Neuquen or Mendoza?_ D- Complete with geographical features 4- In summer | like sunbathing on the 5+ 1 often go shopping with mum in our E- Choose the correct word 4+ My cousin Billy and | both like cycling in the volcano / mountain. 2. In Greece there are lots of islands / waterfalls in the sea 3+ I stay with my aunt when I'm on holiday. She lives in a big river / city. 4- It's too hot in the desert /forest and there aren't any plants. re 4 Year — HANDOUT UNIT 4~ GO GETTER 2 ‘A- VOCABULARY. Match the words with the definitions: DESERT - WATERFALL — VOLCANO ~ BEACH 1-It’s a mountain without a top. 2-It’sa very hot place. There isn’t any water in it. 3- Water from a river dropping from a higher to a lower point. _ 4- There is sand here. It’s next to the sea. 5- (your own) B- MATCH THE SENTENCE HALVES. 1-Big cities are expensive a because it’s not cheap 1 2-1 can’t buy this bracelet - safer than skateboarding? 2 3-Are you of world records? 3 4- What do you think d-so you need money. 4 5- Is running - funnier than your classmates? 5 C- PUT THE WORDS IN ORDER TO MAKE SENTENCES. 1- to— cinema ~ Going ~is ~ the ~ great 2- the ~ meal ~ best ~~ pizza~ think ~is 3+ nicer ~ In ~ than — my ~ giraffes ~ monkeys ~ opinion ~ are 4- can — African ~ dangerous — elephants — be. 5- would — watch ~ you ~ What — like — to - ? D- CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER. 1-There are_ places to eat sandwiches in this city. a-lotof b- lots of calot 2- This is the holiday of all! a- worst b- worse bad 3+ Adventure stories are than animal videos. a-funny be fun funniest 4- What do you want at the sports centre? a-todo b- doing edo 5: I'ma zookeeper. | have to look hippos a-at b- for after. ~GO GETTER 2~HO UNIT 4 Nate snssepssncon A> Read Hi My name is Tommy Amstrong. Hive in Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires is the biggest city in my country. {ove playing football and | want to be a professional player when | am older. | think football is more entertaining than basketball. My favourite day is Saturday because | play football with my team. \ always meet my friends at the club after school and we have a good time. | also like going to the cinema with my brother. We watch detective stories. hate romantic comedies, they are boring O What about you ?- What do you like doing ? 8. True (T) or False (F)? C- Answer the questions 0. Tommy is Argentinian oO 1. Where does Tommy live ? 1. His favourite sport is football mo 2. What does Tommy want to be? 2. Tommy meets his friend at school. ° rs 5. Tommy often goes to the cinema. Tommy likes Sundays, Tommy likes romantic comedies. 3. What does Tommy think of football ? 4. How often does he go to the club ? 5. What does he do on Saturdays? Do Tommy and his brother go to the cinema? Dood 7. What films do they like watching ? 6. Tommy wants an e friend. 8. Does Tommy think comedies are more interesting than detective stories ? _D- Make the right Choice L 2 3 4 5. 6. 2 8 9. 10. 11. 2 2B. 14 How much / How manyeggs do you need to make a cake ? Jalways go to school by / on foot. Would you like going / to goto the cinema tonight ? ‘There aren't many / much cinemas i my town. I'm scared of / with my cousin’s dog. It's so big ! Tigers are more dangerous that / than pet cats. My little brother doesn’t plays / play table tennis at home. My friends love listening / listen to pop music. There isn’t / aren't much milk in the fridge. Do youneed some / any CDs ? Do you want listening /tto listen to some music ? Susanis the best / better student in class. Let's to watch / wateh a film together this evening amy opinion, London is more / most beautiful than Lima. Mum is always worried of / about the time | return home. 33 A> Choose the correct option Lain for from Hi! My name’s Freddy . come 1) the USA. 2 atowatch —b-watching _c- watches Hove 2) action films on TV everyday. | thinkthey are) 3 a great b-awful © boring 4 ware bearen't isn't There 4 ‘many cinemas in my town and | ‘Also meet my friends at the club every 5) b Sundays Sunday Hove 6) football too but my favourite btoplay play sportis golf. Golf is more relaxing 7, football, > athat ethan what Vd like) _ a professional player one day. & tobe bbe actaing Are there). {olf clubs in your town ? & a some beany e-much How 10)__do you meet your friends ? 10: a-many bemuch c-often ‘Answer my email if you want 11) afriend. A atohave — b-have having love Freddy % VOCABULARY Read the text and make the right choice. |ive in a small MOUNTAIN. /TOWN. There isn’t a LAKE / ISLAND in my town. ove swimming so in summer we go to the FOREST / BEACH and | swim in the SEA / WATERFALL. ‘G Complete the dialogue with a word in the box. PAOURT- MORE ORE - RANG -OMMON HA = What do you think _OF _ your new Language teacher ? > Inmy, she is better my old one. > Why? ~ Because she is funnier and her classes are. interesting than Miss Claire's classes. > Are you good Language ? Yes! love dilike: an adventure story . They are my 34 8. 1d the e-mail and the right ,r I've got a big family, my parents, three siblings and me. We're six! Robertiss coldest. He's 13 John i the ‘ALICE ROBERT Alice istaller____John but she's « than Robert. John is the 5 friendly in the family but Alice is, most intelligent of us. I'm older > Alice and I'm 5 most adventurous because I'm interested . dangerous sports. 1 Aan B.the Comore 2. A. youngest 8. young ©. younger 1 A of 8. that ©. than 4 A. shortest B. short . shorter A. more 8 best . most «Aan 8.the C.more > A of B. that. C. than, Aan B.the Camore a Ain 8. of C. about Arrange the sentences. 1. sugar I any don’t want 2. mother watch does your How often film? a 3. most school English at is subject the interesting 4, like dog walking Father doesn’t the 5. isn’t Mother than at better Father cooking 35 4" Year — HANDOUT UNIT 4 ~ GO GETTER 2 ‘A- COMMUNICATION. CIRCLE THE BEST ANSWER. 1. A-Whois Andy? 8 a) The rabbit b) Ilike him a fot. 2 A-Why don’t we go surfing? 8 a) Well done! b) No way! 3. A-Heis the best friend in the world. B- a) That's true! b) It’s really good! 4 AcLcan’t jump over it! B- a) Hold on. b) Help! B+ PUT THE VERS IN THE CORRECT FORM 1- What (your best friend - do) in Winter? 2-Mr Evans (not live) in that tree house because it (not be) safe. 3-How about__ (watch) a different film? That’s boring! 4- love the beach. | go (sail) and (swim) in the sea, too, 5-There are lots of birds city so itis easy (get) to places. eI (not know) how to jump with a parachute. it sounds scary! (C COMPLETE THE SENTENCES 1: In Winter Dad loves 2- In my opinion Geography 3- Iguazu Falls are the most 4-1 don’t want 5- Eating pizza is 6- Mum really enjoys D- WRITING. ‘a Complete the text about your favourite wild animal. Compare it with other animals. In my opinion are the best wild animals in the world. They are than . They are also than many animals. They eat. They can and They've got the of all animals. They've also got the best {think are ofall! b- Write sentences about a place you know. Include geographical features (lake — waterfall - etc), comparative and superlative forms (more exciting than ~ the most interesting —ete) and activities you can do there (s 1g sailing ~ etc) isa very beautiful place. There are You can, 36 GO GETTER VOCABULARY 1-| sawa football match last Sunday at the 2- Dad always gets money from the 4th YEAR 2-HANDOUT UNIT 5 3: Students use Google to find information. They don’t use books from the 4- Alto Palermo is my favourite 5- When there are competitions, our PE teacher takes us to the CIRCLE THE CORRECT ONE 1- Mum ( was / were ) at the shops 3 hours ago. 2- There ( was / were } some people at the train station. 3- My friends ( wasn’t / weren't) at school on Saturday. 4-( Was / Were ) you at the cinema at the weekend? 5- Last Friday my brother ( wasn’t / weren't ) well. WRITE ABOUT YOU Li last Saturday 21 yesterday. 3 in 2017. READ WORKBOOK PAGE 48 AND WRITE T OR F 1-London wasn’t big in 1965. 2- The London Eye was in London in 1965. 3- Pop music was new in 1908. PUT THE WORDS IN ORDER 4- There are more shops and theatres now. . 5- The London Eye is a theme park. LONDON 1- together / cinema / Were / at / you / and / Susie / the ? 2-easy/ History / wasn’t / The / test 3+ busy / city / very / The / is / during / week / the 4- ago / Junin / There / a / cinema / 3D / wasn’t/ years /in 5- was / a / park / There / 10 years / here / ago 6- you /last / were / Where / night /? 3? 4" YEAR GO GETTER 2 JOBS 1. My uncle isa He keeps cows and chickens. He lives in the city so he has travel to the farm car every day. 2- Our neighbour John is a . He looks after animals. He has have problems. work when animals 3- Mr Tomson, who lives near home, He has to. - He works in a police station uniform. 4-My Mum isa . She works with children at a school 5 My sister Lily is a She in an office, She doesn’t a uniform, She usually works 8 hours a day. to wear 6- My friend Robert wants to be a He doesn’t want to be an -He flying planes. because he hates working in an office all day. 7. A friend of my brother's is a He He drives a bus everyday and he to work long hours. to drive in heavy trafficin the city. 8-I'dlike tobe a twat help dctorsin hospital and look people who are ill. Ce What would you like to be ? Why ? 38 4th YEAR GO GETTER 2- UNIT 6 A- COMPLETE 1 Myaunt isa She ina and. people. 2-My Dad isa -He building a big supermarket in my town. - He’s got pigs and cows. 4- My uncle isa He drives his bus all the afternoon. _ 5+ My mum is a -She inan office in Junin, B- COMPLETE USING A VERB IN THE PAST. 1- Yesterday, | (go) to Vicenta. | (eat) a sandwich and (drink ) an orange juice. 2- Last weekend we (visit) the museum. We (have) a great time! 3- One year ago | (travel) with my family. We (go) to Bariloche. We (enjoy) ita lot. 4- For my birthday my mum (make) a chocolate cake. My friends (love) itt 5-On Sunday | (meet) my friends. We (go) to the park. We (have) a great day. C- CHOOSE THE RIGHT OPTION. . 1- My brothers and | help / helps in the house. We make /made our beds and wash the dishes. 2-Inever working / work to get pocket money. | get it for special days. 3- Last weekend | walked /walk the deg. My mum give / gave me $50! © 4-1 always put my money in my money box. I'm saved /saving for new headphones. D- WRITE. WHAT DID YOU DO YESTERDAY? 39 4th YEAR GO GETTER 2- UNIT 6 A- WRITE. Wrat jobs at home do you HAVE TO do? How often? ut do the shopping 24 look after my brother / sister. BI vacuum the floor at clear the table. A -2- READ AND WRITE PARAGRAPH AUNT LUCY JOB: chef PLACE OF WORK: restaurant WORKING TIME: 18 TO 23.30 UNIFORM: hat and an apron 3+ ABOUT YOU. ANSWER 1+ What do you want to be when you grow up? 2+ Would you like to be a pilot ? Why 2/ Why not ? 3+ What time does your father have to get up to go to work ? 4 - What does your mother have to do at home in the morning ? 4{- WRITE THE VERBS UN THE PAST. 1- Last Saturday, | {invite) my friends to the cinema, We (meet) outside the candy bar. | (not eat) popcorn because | was sick. 2. Three months ago, my family and | (g0) on holiday. We (travel) by car and we (take) our dog Zara with us. She (make) ‘a mess all the way to the coast! 3- Yesterday | _ (watch) a great documentary on TV. It (be) about unusual jobs in the past. People, (not have) alarm clocks so one person (make) very early and (g0) door by door to. wake them up! Interesting! Right? 4TH YEAR HANDOUT UNIT 6 ‘A- CAN YOU NAME THE JOBS? 1: I sit at a desk and work on a computer: 2+ play Messi’s sport: 3+ drive around town and take people to different places: 4-| build houses: 5: [fly planes and take people to other countries: 6 I catch criminals: 7- | cook food at a restaurant: 8- COMPLETE Last week |, (want) to have extra money so! (help) muy aunt with the house. First | (look after) my Little cousin then t (empty) the bins. tw the afternoon | (walk) the dog. Luckily t (not wash) the dishes. | hate that! My aunt (be) very happy. She $200. | (buy) a present -for my mune’s birthday. ('m excited! © Ns C- PUT THE WORDS IN ORDER 1- My / watched /a / Dad / yesterday / film 2- didn’t / Dad / two / go / My / days / ago / work / to 3- sister / hockey / ago / My / two / started / months ' 4-a/I/last/ friend / texted / night 5- met / Mum / friends / ago / My / her / weeks / two 6- worked / shop / 1990 / Grandma / a / flower /in / My 4A v. ae READ THE TEXT AND MAKE THE CHOICE A- B- or C- Last week | didn’t 41) to school because | 2) iin bed. My mother 3) worried and she 4) me to the doctor. The doctor didn’t. '5) me any medicine because | only 6) a fever. He 7) me permission to get up but | couldn't 8) to school 1 9) happy but bored. 1. A-went B- go C- goed 2 A-am B. was C- were 3. A-was B- were Cis 4. A- take: B- takes C- took 5. A-gave B. give C gives 6. A> had B- have C- has 7. A- gave B- gived Cc give 8. A-go B- went C- going 9 A-am B was Chad Q-PUT THE WORDS IN ORDER 1- My / watched /a/ Dad / yesterday / film 2-wasn't /town /a / yesterday / my /There / concert / in 3-tell / way / the / me / Can / station / you/ the / to /? 4-a/1/ last / friend / texted / night S- has / Mum / cook / to / My / everyday / 6 like /a/to/ club /a/join/ I'd/ basketball / (> MATCH THE TWO COLUMNS ride a- homework 0. ae \ b- the Internet ‘ 1. surf ca bike 2. have d- music 3. do e- the dog 4. walk f breakfast 5. listen to &-with friends q2 4TH YEAR HANDOUT UNIT 6 4- ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: Hi! What did you do last Saturday Did you watch Netflix? Cool! What did you have for dinner’ Great! What was your favourite part of the day? 6 DID YOU HAVE TO HELP AT HOME LAST WEEKEND? WHAT DID YOU DO? MATCH 1- What do you buy with your pocket money? a- Apolice officer 2- Where were you this morning? b-Yes, | was 3- Did you cycle to schoo! today? c- New clothes 4-Whatd you want to be? d-Yes, | did 5- Were you at home last night? e- At Pete's Pizzas. 43 4th YEAR GO GETTER 2-HOUNITS/6 Name: ‘4~ Read Penny's email to her efriend and answer the questions Hove the town where | live. It’s called Princetown. It’s nicer than 5 years ago, because there weren't any clubs and it was boring. Now, there are two important and big clubs near the church and there's also a cinema with 23D screen. It’s quiet and | can meet my friends everyday. We usually go to the cinema at the weekend. My schoo! from home. It’s next to the local library. | always go to school on foot. ‘What about your town ? Write and tell me, Love, Penny ‘ "thar 1. Where does Penny live ? 2+ Is Princetown a busy town ? 3+ Was her town more boring than now ? Why ? 4- Where are the clubs ? 5- Is there a cinema in Princetown ? 6- How does Penny go to school ? 2~ READ THE TWO COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS AND MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE Teese alien aces ani connie Baul: What's he DO / DOING now ? Chad: | HAVEN'T / CAN'T see. Paul: Perhaps he ARE / 1S coming this way ! ‘a notebook 2. Sal: What IS / WAS the weather like in London yesterday ? Jen It WERE / WAS terrible I! In the morning it SNOWING SNOWED and then it STARTS / STARTED torain, We DIDN'T GO / DIDN'T HAVE an umbrella"! Then, late yesterday afternoon, the sun ‘COMES / CAME out and it MADE / WAS hot ‘Sal : What WERE / DID you do when the sun came out ? Jen: We WERE / WENT to visit Covent Garden Market, ‘twas really coo! ‘3+ WRITE ABOUT YOU Le last Saturday 21 yesterday. 3 in 2017 4y U,4-2-3>- 5-A-6,A 4th YEAR ~ GO GETTER 2- A- Read the interview: This week, we meet 23-year-old Sarah Johnson ‘She has got a very interesting job Reporter: Sarah: Reporter: Sarah: Reporter: Sarah: Reporter: Sarah: Reporter: @MY JOB Hi Sarah! What do you do? I'm a receptionist at an important hotel in Buenos Aires. Cooll! Do you work at the weekend? | work on Saturday but | don’t work on ‘Sunday. That's my day offl! What time do you start work? ‘At 9:00 in the morning and | finish at 6:30. Ihave lunch at work. A salad and an orange juice. Do you like your job? Yes!! It's great!! | meet a lot of famous people at the hotel. | have got a photo with Messi Thank you Sarah!! 5- TRUE ~ FALSE, @aeenao C- ANSWER. Sarah is twenty-five years old Sarah is a secretary. Saturday is her day off. Sarah doesn't work in the morning, Sarah meets a lot of people in her job. ‘Sarah isn’t happy in her job. Sarah has got a photo with a famous footballer. 1. Where does Sarah work? 2. Does Sarah work on Sunday? 3. What does Sarah have for lunch? 4. What time does Sarah finish work? PUT THE WORDS IN ORDER [eee] -(Sen] - fe) Pee] - a a ~ [econ] “fe ]- fon Dre] - eet] Cool! Did you celebrate Halloween last October? What's your favourite technological item? What do you use it for? How often do you chat on line? Great!!! Were your friends at school 2 months ago? 4uq Ea COLEGIO 3 BOSTON 4" YEAR SETTER 2 INGLES cost 2 TERM NAME: A- READ a_| My name is Emma. It was my friend Julia's birthday last week. Lots of friends and cousins visited her. Julia’s mum cooked her | Julia made her cake in the afternoon. The favourite dinner and her dad decorated the problem was she didn’t have a recipe so she house. | took the bus the first time and at 8 invented one. It had very strange things in ’ clock | was at her house. Very early! | it. So guess what? It was horrible and helped them tidy the room! nobody ate it! That was funny! P c| My favourite part was when Julia’s parents ‘went to sleep and we had the sleepover. We danced, listened to music and wrote beautiful things in Julia's notebook. We didn’t sleep very well because we slept on the floor but we had a great timel Julia was very happy. BREAD AGAIN AND CHOOSE THE BEST PART FOR EACH TITLE. 1-Aproblem with the cake. 2-Julia's birthday. 3- We really enjoyed it. TRUE (T) OR FALSE (F)? 1- It was Julia's birthday last month. 2- Emma went to Julia’s house by car. 3: She arrived at 8 o'clock. 4- Julia's mum made the cake. 5; The cake wasn’t delicious. 6- Emma didn’t sleep well because she was scared. D- READ AGAIN AND ANSWER. 1-Who did Julia spend her birthday 2- Did her dad decorate the house? 3- Was Emma at Julia’s house early?, 4- Why didn’t they eat the cake? S- What did they do after dinner? 6 Where did they sleep? 4" YEAR ~ GO GETTER 2- HANDOUT 2" TERM. NAME: ‘A-CAN YOU NAME THE JOB? 1- | fly planes. P. 2-Iplay a sport. | score goals. F 3+ drive around town and take people to different places. B 4-1 work in a supermarket. S 5-| have cows and chickens. F 6-1 cook delicious food. B- COMPLETE WITH THE PAST. Last year! (GO) to Barcelona with my family. We (STAY) in a beautiful hotel and (do) a lot of things. The weather (BE) excellent and we (HAVE) a great time. We (NOT COOK) because we (EAT) at restaurants. Last night we (VISIT) a great museum and we (TAKE) a lot of funny photos. And | also. (BUY) souvenirs for my friends. My favourite part: we (MEET) Messi outside the cinemalll | was so excited! © C- PUT THE WORDS IN ORDER. 1- usually ~ pocket — get: = every ~ money ~ week 2- arrives ~ always ~ school ~ on ~ at - Evan - time 3-isn’ t-Amy - of ~scared - spiders 4- Dad ~ for ~ a ~ my ~ gave ~ last ~ watch ~ me — birthday S- yesterday ~ Were —home—at- you -? 6-|—to~ Buenos Aires ~ Last ~ by - went — train - weekend D- MATCH 1-make a: the bin 2-wash the dog 3-empty your bed 4 tidy d-the dishes 5-walk e- your brother / sister 6-look after your room Cag COLEGIO o BOSTON 4" YEAR INGLES GO GETTER 2 2 TERM NAME: READ THE PARAGRAPH. Hello, everyone! lam on holiday with my friend Lucy. We are having a great time! We are in Quito now, the capital city of Ecuador. itis beautiful We travelled by plane and we arrived in Quito at eleven o’clock in the morning. We are staying in a hotel. We can see the Andes from the hotel window. The old city is very interesting. visited old monuments and big museums. Inthe streets there are old colonial houses and Spanish-style churches. The modern city has got tal hotels, shops and parks. The restaurants are good, but Hamburger Alley s excellent. | ate four hamburgers last night! On Friday we went dancing to one of the “salsatecas” but | didn’t like the musi. | can't dance very well. We have an invitation to see a film in an important cinema next Saturday. Itis @ romantic film. Jove romance Sadly, |am back home next Monday ‘A: TRUE OR FALSE? 1-Tina travelled by plane. 2- She can’t see the Andes from the hotel window. 3-The city is very interesting. 4-She liked the music. 5- Next Saturday she’s at home again, B- ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 1. Where did Tina go? 2- Who did she travel with? 3- What time did she arrive? 4- Did she travel by train? 5- What did she have for dinner last night? 6- What places did she visit? 7-Can she dance? 8 Is she happy to be back home next Monday? a 4 YEAR ~ GO GETTER 2 ~ HANDOUT - 2" TERM NAME: ‘A- COMPLETE WITH ONE WORD od 1+ My grandad has cows and chickens. He’s a F 2- This transport travels under the ground. U 3- You can have lunch or dinner there. R ({ ~ " Qo 4- My aunt looks after ill people. She’s a N \\ e i '5- This transport travels on water. B. S 6- You can see a mummy there. M Zs G G B- PUT THE VERBS IN THE PAST ‘My name is Sam. Last holidays | (GO) to the beach with my family. We (HAVE) a great time. We (GO) sightseeing and (VISIT) many important places. | (BE) very sad because we (NOT GO) to the Aquarium. It (BE) closed ®. | also (SWIM) inthe seaand__(PLaY) with my brother. We (EAT) at restaurants and (BUY) some souvenirs for my granny. | love holidays! © (C- WRITING ‘+ LAST WEEKEND, Write about your weekend. Use the questions to help you. DO NOT ANSWER THEM. ~ What did you do? What was the weather like? = Where did you go? What did you eat / drink? Did you have a good time? Why? ‘* LAST BIRTHDAY. Write about your birthday. DO NOT ANSWER THE QUESTIONS When was it? ~ Who did you invite? - Where did you do it? - What did you do / eat / drink ? - Favourite part? - Presents? * YEAR ~ GO GETTER 2 - HANDOUT - 2" TERM NAME: ‘A- WRITE THE VERBS IN THE PAST. My name is Tom. | live with my mum and dad. We've got a black and white cat. Her name is Fluffy. Yesterday, it (BE) my father's birthday. Mum (Give) him a clock. At3 o'clock a bird (COME) out of the clock and (say) ‘cuckoo 3 times. Fluffy. (NOT LIKE) the little bird. She UMP) on the chair. Mum. (TAKE) Fluffy to the garden and (CLOSE) the door. B- ORDER THE WORDS. 1 yesterday — friends ~ Were ~ all - your school — at - ? 2- birthday — ago — friend’s 3 weeks — It~my-was 3: last cinema — We — buy ~ didn’t - at - popcorn ~ Saturday ~ the 4- Friday — sister —looked ~ my ~ On ~|~after— baby - COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. 1 Last night 2- My grandma was 3-You didn’t 4- When did D- VOCABULARY 1L- This person works in an animal hospital. He / She cures pets. 2-You can help at home. When there is a lot of rubbish you can 3- This isa place in town. There are a lot of books here. You need to be silent here. 4- You can watch a football match here. a £- CHOOSE THE CORRECT ONE. ont 4/0 sh vp “fSew 2-Last weekend my friends didn’t go / didn’t went to the park for a picnic. oes 3- Was / Were you and your cousins at the museum two days ago? 4 There are lots of people in our city. It's usually very busy / quiet. F- WRITING. YOUR BEST WEEKEND. START: My best weekend was USE: On Saturday / On Sunday / First / Then / After that / Finally. WRITE: what you did, with whom, where, what happened and how you felt. sy Aes COLEGIO io BOSTON a vear INGLES GO GETTER 2 2 TERM NAME: ‘A-READ THE STORY My name is Joan. Last week I went to visit a castle in the country. I went with my mum and dad and my brother Harry. He is six. My mum took lots of photos. “I want to live here,” she said. “I like the country”. “I don't,” said Dad. “I like living in town.” I want to see the bedrooms”, said Mum and went upstairs. Dad, Harry and I went into the big dining room. ‘There was a picture of a man with long hair. “That’s King Charles” said Dad Harry saw a big chair. “I want to sit down” he said. “Don’t touch the chair,” I said. But Harry was a bad boy and he sat on it. Aman ran into the room. “Please don’t sit there. That chair is ninety years old.” Harry was very sorry. ‘Then I went to the shop and bought a book about the castle. B- WRITE TRUE (T) OR FALSE (F) 1. The castle was in the country. 2- Dad had a camera. 3- Mum wanted to see the dining room. 4- Harry sat on a big chair. 5. There was a shop to buy souvenirs. C- ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. 1 Where did the family go? 2- Where were the bedrooms? 3- How old was the big chair? 4- Was Harry sorry? 5- Did Harry buy anything? 6: Who wanted to live in the castle? ‘7- Where did Harry buy a book about the castle? 2" TERM a™ YEAR HO NAME: A~ PUT THE WORDS IN ORDER TO MAKE SENTENCES AND QUESTIONS 1: any-there ~ the ~ sandwiches - Were ~ fridge ~ in -? 2- sometimes ~ to ~ Saturday ~ shops ~ My ~ on ~ the ~ goes — family 3 school ~ Last ~ didn’t ~ bus ~ take ~ week ~ 4- ago — at aunt's ~ stayed my - week house -a 5. time — Tommy — Paris ~ didn’t good -have—in-a 6- breakfast ~ Mum ~ What ~ have ~ did ~for - your -? READ THE DEFINITIONS ‘TRANSPORT 1: Itis very long and it has lots of wheels. It doesn’t run on streets. 2-Ithas got wings. It flies TRAVEL EQUIPMENT 3+ My Dad bought one to go camping. Four people can sleep in it. 4-You use it to put your things when you travel. It sometimes has wheels. JOBS '5- My mum looks after ill people and helps doctors. 6-He doesn't live in the city. He gives food to animals. C- YOU ARE ON HOLIDAY WITH YOUR FAMILY. SEND WHATSAPP MESSAGES TO YOUR GRANNY TELLING HER ABOUT IT. Hi Granny! We are having a great time in Hello! How are you all? ‘What did you do yesterday? Yesterday, we Great! And what are you Then doing today? After that Today 56 4" YEAR - GO GETTER 2 - HANDOUT ~ 2"° TERM NAME: A- ANSWER THE QUESTIONS you do last weekend? Did you help your mum, on Saturday? What did you do? Did you have a birthday party? What was your favourite part of the weekend? What did you drink? ome bain V4 3- STAY cAFILM ‘+ Doyou get pocket money every week? Do you work for it? What do you do with your money? 3+

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