Lab 30 Face & Parotid, Infratemporal Fossa

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| Lab 30 Face & Parotid, Infratemporal Fossa PONS Saniten- Que pert. table §B 1. Facial Region ‘Section Review ¥] ‘Superficial Fascia & Facial Nerve C1 Superficial fascia of the face contains: MURS & Serveny bron | Yramciree | Facdorky — | Reon fart etree | oF dv, Fain. [vet | CPiatysma muscle oul fy CYMfasseter muscle [Parotid gland Enclosed by: wdtvetrtaf continuous with Parotid duct Empties where?. lav Cs%ccinator muscle. innervated by: late Fae wore, Buccal fat pad ‘acial nerve branches 2 vu wubee Mavgud al Gal. Lenngand | Zepmch (Long buccal neve Branch of ati D hore, eee & Vein Facial artery Continues lateral to the noso as: 7Qngullr ackny Cunatlewes | apthulwsd) enna of facial artery: [Superior labial artery Facial vein Anastomosis with: opthatanmc veins (clinically important) Muscles Around Orital Opening Tbicutaris ocul muscle ‘Muscles Around Oral Opening fea iis aL Setar wy orbital part ras meer ms Ci supraorbital nerve Branch of: \, viemse bvaneh Ciinfraorbital nerve Branch of: Na news byaauy Cimentalnerve Branch of: _V. Ci Infrgerbital vessels Rabevon Clinical Correlation: Dental Anesthesia Gitiferior labial artery (Watpebral part fn eee Depressor anguli oris muscle ‘Mental vessels 2 Parotid Region CExternal carotid artery C1 Superficial temporal artery and vein fice es Section Review 7 CAuriculotemporal nerve Branch of:_g_CCNN Dstylohyoid muscle pate belly of digastric muscle ‘Bh luebox Clinical Correlation: Parotid Gland 5 ayn ‘Superficial to Infratemporal Fossa Section Review 5 Parotid gland/duct & parotid plexus (CN Vil) removed or reflected Masseter muscle cleaned & identified | Superior Attachment: DyQomebe Gru, Action: Ele yohe [Retrachen tsa Ach Ouse de tmandible| (tbe | innervation: Ve wreley ‘Superficial temporal artery Branch of?__ fle iu Ge (ayrdbich dpe otemporal nerve Branch of?_V feomatic arch cleaned and identified Zygomatic arch cut as in Fig 7.30 (Grant's Dissector 16" Ed) Ci Mandibutar notch: Related structures? Prdepwh Geter muscle removed or reflected (to angle ofthe mandible) us of mandible leaned Temporalis muscle (tendon followed to inferior attachment) Supeior Alachment: tywpant= Coste =~ [peton: G lows ahaa ban ] inferior Attachment: (ovon od pvowegs Innervation: My J Teel rv 4 fopearo Fossa ‘Section Review wap through the ramus (lateral wall ofthe IT Fossa) ‘Score lingé are made with the Stryker saw and then use bone cutters to chip away at the bone. ‘Cut 1: horizontal just above the midpoint of the ramus (See Fig 7.31) (Be re that the position ofthe cut and its depth may disrupt entry of the inferior alveolar neuyévascular structures into mandible) (Cutz/Coronoid process cut and reflected superiorly along with temporalis muscle attachment (Depf temporal neurovascular structures located on deep surface of reflected temporalis muscle) .ck of mandible below TM joint otemporal nerve passes near the neck of the mandible) jamus bony flap removed to enable dissection of IT Fossa structures ‘Inferior alveolar nerve ie Ue. Seavey bevy [Fen stds runcey Tb [omn Winteroravesaraney — Branchot Mau villony a Comatiiat Nerve to myfohyois pers NgStnsior Woelenlte Function: (igh. We (0 ) 4 (ings nerve Of VAL [onto Guth wusotin to Out. 73 of to oan i si Aa cleaned. Branch of: sto Asti elationship of maxillary artery to lateral pterygoid muscle (can be superficial or deep) de te of maxillary artery Middle meningeal artery Ley nto shut: Soren Pinas | Nerve Retatinship: Miaoeldeyod MY inferior alveolar artery ep temporal arteries (2 branches) ‘Masseter artery (cut when masseter removed) Buccal artery Travels with: Aol ON ‘ 3 part of maxillary artery enters: Posterior superior alveolar artery (located on posterior surface of: ‘any nites ) Lateral pterygoid muscle (see mone \ nig Attachment: > Feue as Atedial pterygoid muses [seta Aten: MO POT Te TIE {infest attachment: anand Sots Waly aera plerygod muscle efeted or Ned to dear secon eld Octo tympani nerve. itis a branch of what neve? ON Vil | Middle Ear Raat Joins whatin IT fossa: |iMKIAA Rowe | eee rehprepe Rise Peripheral Targets: tongue [otbasdioieraoul [ss Function De Oak. 2/5 Aonve tnnervaton: Vg innervation: WV VE Function: caligki tn ‘Auriculotemporal nerve origin Often encircles what artery? Ao tBluebox Clinical Cortelation: Dental Anesthesia- Mandibular Nerve Block tl Alaa Temporomandular Joint Fig 7.24 of 18 Ed) ie “The lateral TM capsule surface is thickened to form ir pote Cp oot /94*) How may cavities in the TMJ? = Cavities separated by: OWT Onl ry Palpate the TMJ on yourself and feel its hinge and glide motions. sees Notes Non-Pathological Variants to Normal Anatomy Evidence of Pathology | [WJ Issues of Concern (e.g, missing structures dissection eros, factors affecting quay of dissection) {Ff Adiional Comments orseecion Group U6. Dissecting Group Print and Sign Name Legibi | . hk 2 ney GADOAM]9 SEM IY javriccy, Wwe DateTime Completa: 1:00 r Reviewing Group: AGO Noles (continue on back of page ifneeded) Date/Time Reviewed: y ‘0 Opa Reviewing Group: 42, Oo Reviewing Group Print and Sign Name Legibly Datertine Comptes: {00 pe _ y + aarti 2 ORS YAK \ Tuné Haren |s Alexandra Yak ob | Va | robe pre

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