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1. Go over the Philippine National Anthem and the Filipino Pledge of Loyalty. Write them down and
reflect on them, guided by the ff. questions:



Bayang magiliw,

Perlas ng Silanaganan,

Alab ng puso

Sa dibdib mo’y buhay.

Lupang Hinirang,

Duyan ka ng magiting,

Sa manlulupig

‘Di ka pasisiil.

Sa dagat at bundok,

Sa simoy at sa langit mong bughaw,

May dilag ang tula

At awit sa paglayang minamahal.

Ang kislap ng watawat mo’y

Tagumpay na nagniningning;

Ang bituin at araw niya,

Kailan pa ma’y ‘di magdidilim .

Lupa ng araw, ng luwalhati’t pagsinta,

Buhay ng langit sa piling mo;

Aming ligaya na ‘pag may mang-aapi,

Ang mamatay nang dahil sa ‘yo.


Ako ay Pilipino

Buong katapatang nanunumpa

Sa watawat ng Pilipinas
At sa bansang kanyang sinasagisag

Na may dangal, katarungan at kalayaan

Na pinakikilos ng sambayanang


Makakalikasan at
 How do the National Anthem and the Filipino Pledge of Loyalty resonate to you?

Being a Filipino, we should respect our National Anthem and the Philippine Flag and its purpose,
because the history and value of it are connected to the freedom that we have today. It resonates me, simply, by
acknowledging myself as a proud citizen of this country, the Philippines. It is like a reminder for me that many
people fought so hard for the sake of this country. And as a Filipino, I should value and treasured our heroes
sacrifices and devotion for our country. I should also take an action of how can be a good citizen of this country
and lived by my heart what is written in the Philippine National Anthem and the Filipino Pledge of Loyalty.

 How Committed are you in adhering to our National Anthem and Pledge of Loyalty? What active/Proactive
Engagements are you into in Practicalizing being a Patriotic Filipino.

As a Filipino citizen, I can say that I am fully committed in adhering to our National Anthem and Pledge of
Loyalty as it embodies and expresses the commitment and determination, as well as the nationalism and
patriotism of the Filipino people. And to practice that, I am assuring that I will be aware of the issues and needs of
this country and be of help if there’s a need to, as long as I can and encourage my fellow Filipino people to
participate and respect our flag and its anthem and even our different symbols, for they provide us our identity as
Filipinos or citizens of the beautiful Republic of the Philippines.

 How do you appraise the present state of our country: geographically, culturally/socially, economically,
politically, spiritually? What does your appraisal tell you about the Philippines today?
While looking at the present state of this country, I can say that there are lots of improvements in terms of
geographically, culturally/socially, economically, politically and spiritually. Especially now that we are facing and
experiencing this kind of situation, the pandemic. The country’s population are growing even bigger and larger,
but when we look at the country’s economy and political, I can say that it is no longer good anymore because
some of the politicians put their selves first more than to serve and provide an action to help the problem of this
country. While our culture still continues to improve in these trying times, as well as our spiritual being. Because of
this pandemic who has strengthened our faith and trust in God.
My appraisal tells me and makes me realized how badly we need an improvement especially in political. We
should speak up and choose the deserving leader who will put their hearts and determination in serving this
country, putting the country and its countrymen first before anything else and provide a concrete solution and
action to the country’s current problem.
2. Reflect on your identity as revealed through our past lessons.
- The previous lessons taught me that our identity came only from God itself. He made us as his own and
as his likeliness, that even though we are a sinner, as long as we acknowledged and accept Him as our
Father, He will forgive us and show his mercy. Also, it taught me that I should never let my sins hinder my
faith to Him, but think how He loves us even if we are a sinner.
 Pick the most significant lessons that tell you who you are. Do you completely agree to what you’ve come
to know? How could you benefit most from those lessons in becoming a responsible, patriotic citizen of
our land?
- The most significant lessons that tell me who really am I is that GOD created us as His own image. We
can clearly see how righteous and how good our God is, for he accepted us as his sons and daughters. He
never let the evil nor the enemies separate us with Him but instead, He overflows us his goodness, mercy and
his words, that had help us to acknowledge him and receive him as our Father and the one who created us.

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