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Document Nr.

Smoking Policy Revision Nr. 02
Date: 2019-01-01



Smoking is not a right it is a choice.

All employers are compelled by law to provide a safe and healthy environment to their
employees, as stipulated by the Constitution, Basic Conditions of Employment Act and the
OHS Act.
The smoking policy of is dictated by the Tobacco Products Control Act, No 83 of 1993, as
amended by the Tobacco Products Control Amendment Act, No 12 of 1999, and the
Regulations relating to smoking of tobacco products in public places.
The Amendment Act defines “public place” which includes "workplace”. Workplace is
specifically defined as:
- any indoor or enclosed area in which employees perform the duties of their
employment; and
- any corridor, lobby, stairwell, elevator, cafeteria, washroom or other common area
frequented by such employees during the course of their employment.
- The above definition excludes any private dwelling and any portion of an area
mentioned above specifically designated by the employer as a smoking area and which
complies with the prescribed requirements.
- The building structures on the premises fall within the ambit of “workplace", as
- The smoking of tobacco products within the building structures i s

To protect and enhance our indoor air quality and to contribute to the health and well-being
of all employees, our company shall be entirely smoke free effective immediately.
Additionally, also effective immediately, the use of all tobacco products, including chewing
tobacco, is banned from the workplace, except as designated in this policy.
Smoking is prohibited in all of the enclosed areas within the worksites, without exception.
This includes common work areas, the manufacturing facilities, conference room, private
offices, hallways, the staff room, restrooms, employer owned or leased vehicles, and all
other enclosed facilities.
Document Nr. SAOHS-SF-04
Smoking Policy Revision Nr. 02
Date: 2019-01-01

The only designated smoking area in is outdoors, within the fenced-in area. No one may
smoke along any path way or walk way leading to or from the designated smoking area, nor
may employees smoke at or close to any door opening.
Additionally, employees may smoke in their personal vehicles, but the smoke and tobacco
products must be completely contained within the vehicle. It is not acceptable that either
smoking or non-smoking employees are subjected to smoke that they must walk through to
reach their vehicle or any other destination on the Company premises.
While our company makes these areas available to smokers, it in no way has any legal
responsibility to do so. Employees who choose to use these smoking areas do so at their
own risk.
No additional breaks are allowed to any employee who smokes. Smoking may only be done
within the scheduled employee breaks (tea time and lunch time).
Finally, smokers and users of tobacco products must dispose of the remains in the proper
containers. This helps to keep a neat and clean environment for all employees and our
visiting partners and customers.
Failure to comply with all of the components of this policy will result in disciplinary action that
can lead up to and include employment termination.
This policy is applicable to all employees, including owners and visitors to these facilities.
Non-compliance with the provisions of this policy shall result in disciplinary action being
taken against any employee

_____________________ __________________
Signature 16.1 Date:

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