Tugas TOEFL II Surya Anriyan 31219258

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Nama : Ahmad fachrizal basri

Nim : 31219258
Kelas : A6 Manajemen
Mata Kuliah : TOEFL II


1. Why do we have to take the TOEFL test? Please give your reasons!
Answer :
Important roles either for academic matters such as to continue school, or for work
problems such as requirements to become an ASN or promotion.

2. In the listening section, how long the narrator will move to the next
Answer :
The listening section Endah after the narrator Aska the last question. When you have
finished the listening section, set your time fot 25 minutes and begin the language
form and meaning section.

3. How many tips for improving your language form and meaning skills as
drawn above? Please explain briefly!
Answer :
There are eighteen namely :
1. Watching English language movies and television programs and
listening to English language radio provide excellent opportunities to
build your listening skills. English language recording are equally
valuable and helpful. The internet is also a great resource for material
that you can use to improve your English listening skills.
2. Listen carefully to what the speaker is saying.
3. Stay active by asking yourself questions. For example, what main idea
is the speaker communicating.
4. Think about what the speaker is doing. In other words, what is the
purpose of the speech or conversation. Forexample, is the speaker
apologizing, complaining, or making suggestions.
5. Is the speaker’s voice calm or emotional? What does the speaker’s
tone of voice tell you.
6. Pay careful attention to the way stress and intonation patterns are
used to convey meaning.
7. Think about how a talk or discussion is organized. Listen for signal
words that indicate the introduction, major steps or ideas, examples,
and the conclusion or summary.
8. Listen for words that show connections and relationships between
ideas (for example, because, however, therefore).
9. Listen to recorded material and stop the recording at various points.
Predict what information ideas will be expressed next.
10.During or after the lecture, create an outline of the information
11.Read a few pages in English every day. Read a variety of English
language texts, including short stories, newspaper and magazine
articles, and non fiction texts about academic topics such as science,
social studies, and arts. Many such text scan be found on the
12.Practice skimming a passage quickly to get the main idea. Develop
the ability to skim quickly and identify major points.
13.After skimming a passage, read it again more carefully and write
down the main idea, major points an important facts.
14.When you come across an unfamiliar word, try to determine the
meaning from the context. If you cannot determine the meaning
from context, look up the meaning of the world in a dictionary.
15.Underline all pronouns (he, him, they, them, etc) and identify the
nouns to which they refer in the passage.
16.Carefully follow directions in each section of the test to avoid wasting
17.Don’t panic. Concentrate exclusively on the currents question only.
Don’t think about how you answered other questions. This is a habit
that can be learned through practice.
18.Avoid spending too much time on any single question. If you have
given the question some thought and you still don’t know the
answer, eliminate as many choices as possible and then select the
best choice.

4. How many questions in the reading language form and meaning

Answer :
42 questions

5. What do you think about reading tips?

Answer :
In my opinion, after learning about reading tips, you will be more
thorough in answering questions and quickly find important points in
questions and also don't waste too much time in answering questions.

Tips for improving your reading skills :

a. Read a few pages in English every day. Read a variety of English
language texts, including short stories, newspaper and magazine
articles, and non fiction texts about academic topics such as
science, social studies, and arts. Many such texts can be found on
the internet.
b. Practice skimming a passage quickly to get the main idea. Develop
the ability to skim quickly and identify major points.
c. After skimming a passage, read it again more carefully and write
down the main idea, major points an important facts.
d. When you come across an unfamiliar word, try to determine the
meaning from the context. If you cannot determine the meaning
from context, look up the meaning of the world in a dictionary.
e. Underline all pronouns (he, him, they, them, etc) and identify the
nouns to which they refer in the passage.

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