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The Millicom Innovation Fellow program is a one year program that immerses our Fellows in world-class innovation practice, in fieldwork on the front line of sub-Saharan Africa, and in a community of change makers. Learn more to find out if you have what it takes to become a Millicom Innovation Fellow.

INTRODUCTION TO MILLICOM Millicom provides affordable, widely accessible and readily available prepaid cellular telephony services under the Tigo brand to some 38 million customers in 13 emerging markets in Latin America and Africa, where the basic telephone service is often inadequate and where economic development and rising personal income levels are creating increasing demand for communication services. Millicom's proven prepaid, mass market distribution and perceived price leadership strategy have enabled it to continue to pursue high growth while delivering operating profitability. Millicom is currently pursuing new areas of growth such as financial services and ultra-broadband.

WHO BECOMES AN INNOVATION FELLOW? While Fellows comes from diverse backgrounds and each brings a unique skill set to the innovation team, we have identified some key indicators of a successful Fellow: Strong leadership and project management skills Life experience in multicultural environments Unrelenting perseverance, personal integrity and critical thinking skills Strong passion and commitment Self starter who rejects the status quo Minimum 4yr degree in business or technology from an international renowned university. Additional masters degree a plus 0 to 3 years of work experience More experience could be valuable for specific projects English fluency required and French a strong plus


Emil launching Tigo Cash (our mobile money solution) in Ghana with the rest of the Tigo Cash Team

Collins connecting with fishermen in Tanzania to understand their communication habits and needs Gunnar doing some field research and observing Ghanaian Susu collectors who provide informal savings solutions

THE APPLICATION PROCESS Please find below the documentation required for the initial online application via Millicom website or by email to Resume/Curriculum Vitae One letter of recommendation (professional or academic) a plus 2 short essay questions a. Question 1: Take an unmet need youve seen in emerging markets; how might you envision a revolutionary business around it? (250 words) b. Question 2: Describe a time (context, action, results) when you have worked with others to complete an important task, when there was no formally appointed group leader. (250 words) 2011 Innovation Fellowship applications can be submitted from March 2011 to October 2011. THE SELECTION PROCESS Short list of candidates based on initial application Personality and logic online test Phone interviews In-person interviews Final selection Ideally the Innovation Fellow could start as soon as April 2011. MORE ABOUT THE INNOVATION FELLOWSHIPS Millicoms innovation team is hard at work incubating new business approaches to Africas toughest challenges. To succeed, we are taking advantage of the latest tools and thinking in technology, communications and innovation and of a network of experts who can help us truly change peoples lives. The Millicom Innovation Fellows program is designed to help our teams on the ground to run high impact projects. Each year, Millicom selects 5-10 high potential change agents from around the world who want to work on disruptive innovations in areas like telecommunication, healthcare, financial services, agribusiness, among many others. This is a one-of-a-kind innovation program designed for one-of-a-kind innovators who have the talent, passion and potential to change peoples lives. Please contact Stephanie Antoine at for further information on the Fellowship.

ABOUT THE FELLOWSHIP YEAR TRAINING The program begins with 1 week of intensive training at Millicoms office in Dubai. FIELD PLACEMENT For the next 12 months, Fellows work at Millicom operations in Africa as key staff members. Fellows work directly with our people and key partners, interact with customers, and grapple with the complex issues of our new ventures. DEBRIEF & BEYOND At the conclusion of the program, Fellows return to Dubai to share their experiences with each other and share learning with the innovation team. Fellows also receive career development support to find the next step in their journey within or outside of Millicom. COMPENSATION Fellows will receive a salary and benefits such as health insurance and living accommodation. INNOVATION PROJECT EXAMPLES Develop a life micro-insurance product in Ghana Launch new communication services dedicated to the bottom of the pyramid Design a new logistic solution to decrease the transportation inefficiencies in Tanzania

IMMEDIATE OPEN PROJECTS Online community management Define and implement Tigo Africa social network strategy and processes Online content Implement a mobile and web entertainment service in Ghana and/or Tanzania Voice over IP Exciting but we cant say much about this

More projects will come in the next months.

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