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If you need fo get your fridge-freezer serviced 1 you hove ony problems with your fidge- her the place where you proof of purchase avoilable if under guarantee, 97081893/D canoy USER INSTRUCTIONS Frost Free FRIDGE-FREEZER Contents Poge | Installing you fridge-freezer 2 | Everyday with your fidge-treezer 1 Looking offer your fridge-freezer 2 Safety advice 12 What fo do when going on holiday or moving house 13 | Ifyou think your fridge-freezer is foulty 13 Hf you need to getyour ener serviced 6 ‘the fridge on left for details of Eneray ing Capacity, Gross and Storage Volumes. il fere food ui po stn the fezer| vention the oven conta which sinated in © sma! ning if the Fdgererer i located si iver by 0 5 wl robb Be able cormorant bain he faozerbckwel ine quit plc. ‘Abo bu in bain U you think your fridge-reezer is fully Fridge-freezer is not keeping food cold enough 1. Has the door boon left open? No v 2. Hos there been recent interruption inthe power supply? No v 3. Isthe thermostat set corey? Yes v 4, Isthe interior Light on? 5 es v 6. Hf plug socket has o swith, turned on? YES ¥v 7. Hosthe fuse Blown in the plug? NO. Vv Hos the fuse blown onthe main use board (You conchek this by connecting 9. Contact your local Elec 14 YES Yes NOP YES > HOD Nob YES YES Keep the thermostat dial on SUPER’ until the freezer isbock tits normal operating Jemperature Remember to tra the thermos dial beck ‘othe normal seting Keep the thermostat dial on ‘SUPER’ for 24 hours after power is restored, Remember to turn the thermostat diol back jormal setting a higher setting Fridge Electricty Company or service doles erat is fully. Contact your local in ond check tha the ight comes on 1fs0,idge-teozer is operating corral S itch on If interior light comes on, fidge- freezer is operating correct. Replace use (se poge 4, sep 9) and plug unit bock in nero ight comes on, ‘ridge-freezers operating correc Reploe fuse and plug back in interior light comes on, rdge-feezer is operating correc ly Company or service dealer Door reversal instructions The following instructions are o guide fr the revetsel of the fridge-foszer dors by 0 competent person, ITS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU READ THROUGH THESE COMPLETE h the fridge-reen very port ond sequence, JF YOU ARE NOT CONFIDENT with your perform the complete sequen service engineer can be requested fo you, A charge i made fr this service. Peas call GIAS service on 08705 990011 to request this serve, WARNING ‘Check that you hinge bush (see Figure C) ‘spare door stop supplied with your frdge-eezer. Keep all ports and screws uf the toskis completed, Hake a ote of hw they were positioned, most of hm are required tobe r= assembled on the other side ofthe fidge-eszar. Tale care in using oll tools ond handling components and the fidge-rezer. 1) Unplug the fridge-freezer. 2}, Remove the contents. (Foed and fridge door furniture) 3} Remove the cover ‘Brom the back ofthe fridge dor-top ond very carfully remove the moteral to be ct out. (Figure B) ing care to gure A) 4) Remove the top hinge, support the fridge door. 5) Remave the fridge dove 6) Remove the LHS cover plate 'A' from the ner facia ond plac into the RHS poston (Figuce A) Installing your fdge-roszer 7) Remove the centre hinge, taking cre to suppor the freezer dor. Remove the freezer door exchanging the Covering disc ond hinge-bush on the door handle. Transfer the hinge-bush to the LHS, underneath the door. 9} Tronsfer the two plate cover butons fom the LHS ofthe fidge-freszer front fo expose the Left-hand centre hinge fixing holes 10) ‘well-supported to acess the strew underneath the front ofthe lower hinge) DO NOT lay the fridge-freezer on its back 11) Remove the Right-hand hinge bush door stop’ from the lower edge ofthe fridge oor ond fi the Lef-hand hinge bush Sk onthe other sie. (Fgure C) Looking ater your fridge-frezer Looking after your r fridge-freezer No defrosting! You wll NEVER have to dofros this unit Frost ‘won't form inthe freezer es its evaporator mechanism is kept deorby 0 hecter which cut ct just the right moment. Frost will form on the rear wal ofthe fridge 0 periodically disposed of by the aormal operation a the outa defrost system. {fot ony time yousee any unwanted ie, twill be the result of somebody nat cocng the door properly - or gerhops running he appliance under conditions of unusuolly high humidity. door and/or geting dof the damp Keep in the cold When freezing 0 large quonlity off, remove the bosket ond close the door, Load th couse the cobinet, then repla ensuring thot the doo remave the basket, gently ofthe bosket atthe some fim. Efficient freezing is new technology ir thot does the ireezng, Lae 25mm (1 inch) botween packs for proper circulation and faster freezing The smaller the food, the quicker separately before freezing Water Drain When the fridge detross, water dain ovay through the hole inthe drip trough ‘at the back. Koop the drain hole clear of | food ports or it may become blocked ond fillup Cooning Outside: + dean with warm soapy water rinse = wipe dry. Inside: + dean regulary wi tepid solution of + wipe doy. NEVER use spirits or solvent cleaners. Safety advice Here are afew precautions that you con taketo ensure that no accidents happen. 1. Never keep in your freezer: — Corbonated drinks ~ Medicines ~ Ether = Anyater vo 1G oriflaneble substances. 2. Never consume ices diredt from the freezer: ~ They con cause low temperature ~ Always leave ‘them out for o few ‘minutes until they ore just ~ Benzine skin burns. Cc Important The wires inthe moins lead ore coloured in acordence wit the following code: green &yellow = ~ earth ue ~ neutral brown — Ine 4s the colour ofthe wires inthe mains leadof this nce may not correspond wi the clued incur 9 the wire which s coloured green & yellow must be connected tothe ermine in he peg which is rmorked wit he eter or he earth symbal =, cris colored graen or green & yellow. The wire wich is coloced blue must be conned tothe terminal yhich is marked with heletter aris coloured black ‘The wire whic is coloured brown must be conneded tothe termincl whichis marked wi the eter ‘or is colouted red, It the terminals in he plug are not marked ort Your ae in ony doubt as othe caract connections, fied electrician. Srenveton Len Diagram shoving py ne vitng fora iv 13 Apply Diagram shoving wiring fora 1Sémpphg NN ng yo "WARHING" THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE EARTHED Plugit into the power socket ond ensurethat the on/oft switch isin the on position. The green light on the cntel pone ou unplug your fridge freezer, clwayswolt at Joost 6 minutes before plugging it back in ridge FRONT OF CABINET Initial thermostat sefting Turnthe thermostat dal to 4. Put the ice tray in the freezer 1. Fllthe ie troy with water 2. Putitin the top basket. Wait 24 hours before loading the freezer After 24 hours, check thatthe ice cubes are frozen, iso, the freezer is ready for use. lithey are not frozen, goof yu think your ‘ridge trezer is faulty’ on poge 13. toad the freezer 1. Youcan nowload ihe freezer 2. Keep the dal on while you ore loading fod and for at east 3 hours alterwards Everyday age VEGETABLES To blanch Those vegetables which are usally cooked be cooked from Produ sions Not reauied ‘ Caulitower 3 6 Corts Wot required 2 1 Top ond tal French beans, ‘Shing and sce namners Freeze before packing Sion porion-ize bogs. Sproas 13 ” Frere before poctng Pees 1 n Freeze before poking. Spinach 2 2 Drain wel belo resnng. Everyday with your frdge-freezer Everyday with your fridge-freezer Fridge Tips + Toprevent food fom drying ou, covert witha table material such os renserotpoper or Fridge compartment storage times STORAGE TIMES E ] 3 67 2 DAIRY. PRODUCE Comer | | t [ota faa z — re 167 | | | 3 lcoicdmer | if = | Faaeretaane ay 9G Beans fel i i Se i | | L Every wth your hidge-rezer Freezer Ready frozen foods You wil find a wide varity of ready frozen foods at supermarkets and specialist fezen food cents. ‘Simply follow the monufocturers instructions regarding storage times and delrstng procedures, rememb your freezer fons youto stare a roting-intondod for long erm storage offozen foods. To keep the food in the best condition: + make the frozen foodstore the lst stop on your shopping tr ‘+ bring it home in an insulated bag ot box. tothe freezer as soon as you get = put home. Cooking for the freezer By cooking more than you need and freezing ‘what you don’ use, youcan soon build vp @ stock of instant meals Freeze ready-cooked meals in individual portions and pack tham in aluminium containers or on plates covered with down fo soom temperature bel the frazer. When reheating, keep the food covered ond use «6 moderate oven Freezing fresh food any foods vary considerably in price during the year. Yur freezer lets you save by buying when prices are low and keeping fod in store, Below ve give advice on the storage tines for various ‘types of frozen fresh food, together with some ‘Suggestions on preparation. Fresh food in store MEAT + Ensure that has been hung (especially beef} forthe righ length of time betorefrezing + Get your butcher to pre-pack itn the sizes and amounts you wil Beusing. Produ Stove tie (mis) Has (Cored meats Thow beloe using Hine Thaw before cooking Ol 2 Tho belo coking Sausoes 6 Thaw before coking Pork 6 The before coking Beat 2 Taw before cooking tomb 2 Thaw before cooking Sree Everyday with yourfidge-froerer POULTRY FISH + Rapid freezing is essential + Be absolutly sure tht he oe feshly ough. + Moke sure hot birds oe thoroughly cool SOF heads ond ails, dean and wrop 10°C before freezing. polythene, + Wrap carefully in esze bogs ond exclude air Get thom into the roezer 0 quik as you con before sealing. + Ensure shellfish oe fit for enting ond not from + Hfeezing wholebirds, do not freze more hon | 0 possibly contominated beh Jord otc time Gib: 3 Peck sepoetly rm terest of the bird. Thaw before wing, They 2 Thay before ooking Dud, ‘ Thaw belore cooking Goose 6 Thow belore cooking Gane birds 6 Thow betove cocking hikes 2 Thaw before cooking Produt ) firs Scampi, pawns 1 Freeze cow, Cook rom frozen obs, osters| 1 ‘ook befor freezing Thaw before using Tout, bering other 3 Thaw belore ooking od silo bite ish ‘ Thow befove cooking your fridge teezor Torn the thermostat to its everyday setting The thermostat dial on the control panel sets the temporoture ofboth the fridge and the freezer The higher numbered settings are the colder DO NOT load the fridge compartment until you have reset the thermos everyday setting, The setting you select for everyday use depends on individual ccumstences. eg. How often the door is opened, wherethe un issited, room conditions. in douby, start wit o setting of 3and adjust with experience, op cooling in both fridge ‘nd freezer. lowing setting are for guidance: Dial sting 2 Well ventilated room with n heating Diol senting 3 Room with norm heating and ventilation Dia setting 4 Worm room with Cental heting turned up, orb Low temperature conditions The thermostat which controls the cooing unit ‘operates on the temperature in he fridge Compartment so that ifthe temperature of he air surrounding the fridge becomes oo cold; then the sir temperture inthe fridge wil noise enough to switch the cooling unit bck on, This wil cause the food inthe freezer to become warmer Extended operation under these conditions would spoil the frozen food. you cannot avoid locating your tye freezer may need to set the thermostat di the winter months. This is normal NOTE: Ths produc wil no maintain covet storage femperatresit located in cold place such asan unheated garage outhouse or ella, FRUIT st types of rit freeze well, clthough some freeze bes if prepored for storage in a particular woy. For example, sof fruits are bes frozen on open trays and then packed int rigid containers. Othe ‘ore best frozen in sugar loyers rin syrup. We suggest you refer too specilist freezer cookery book fr details, Where fo load fresh food + Pal ‘+ Leave spoces between the packages. * Do not place food for ireezing in direct contact with already frozen food, the top bosket Don't freeze too much at once Freezing o large omount of food will cause ito freeze slowly, possibly reducing its she lie, So don't freeze more than the freezing capaiy of your freezer. Refer o serial label fied inside the fridge on the left, for details of ergy Consumption, Freezing Capacity, Gross and Storage Volumes. When freezing the maximum copaciy turn the ‘thermostat knob to the ‘SUPER position. On the control pane, te yellow lluminate, to indicate that the quick freeze process has begun FOODS NOT SUITABLE FOR FREEZING Fruit and Vegetables Bononos ond AvOCOdOS nn turn black led potatoes. ~ unless masked Row celery _ loses crispness Solad vegetables... loses crispness Rov whale tomatoes. collapse w» yolks and whites may Eggs te frozen separaely Everyday with your hidge-treazer FRONT OF CABINET Turning the thermostat knob to ‘SUPER’ positon prevents a freezer delist unil after 2 ‘akon the ‘SUPER’ function wil automatic off, ond the pr restored (the Yel This wil peed up the freezing f fresh food. Remember fo turn he thermostat dial back tothe normal sting. Saving food if there's a power failure 1. if you know thatthe power supply is to be interrupted, turn the thermostat to 4. 2. Don't open the door until the freezer is operating normally ogain. As loag os the power is restored within 10 hous, the food should not deteriorate too much, 3. Keep the thermostat on setting 4 for a ther 74 hours ater power is restored, NOTE: The storage ife of the items inthe freezer ‘moy hove been shortened. Frozen food that may have been defrosted must he used immediately, Sauces ofc. Glazes .. ~ torn renny Grea seporates Yoghurt separates CUStOFD nnn SOPOTERS Sof meringue goes watery 19 your frdge- freezer support and replace round, Make sure the hinge suppor. (Fi Re-essemble components onthe Left-hand side of the fridge-freezer, in severseorder 10 dismantling (starting hing} 14) Allow the fidge-feezer to setle for? hours minimum before seitching back on 15) Chee the door goske gasket with a warm d flomened areas Slide the fridge-freezer inte position Check that if is level IF the rdge-reezaris ot oval, agjust he fet Clean inside it | 1. Thoreughly dean inside with o warm solution of bicarbonate of soda 2. Rinse with water. 3. Wipe dry NEVER use spits or sovent cleanes to dean any part of your fidge-heszr. Plugging in your fridge-freezer For your convenience your fidge-treezer is supplied complet w incorporating a 13 Amp fuse ready to plug into a power sock te event of replacing a fuse in he plugsvpp- i, 13 Amp fuse approved by ASTAto BS 1362 smust be used. fa removable fuse cover sited and itbecomes fs, the plug most NOT be used until o replacement fuse cover has been obtained cand fitted. Note the plug manufadurers name or reference number from the plug, and use itto abtoin a replacement rom you Ee shop. Fi the socket outa in your home ore notof he 13 ‘Amp BS1363 type, ut off the plug and fi the appropriate plug os instructed on poge 5. ‘When cutoff, this plug can constitute a shock hazard if inserted into a socket outlet, It mus, therefore, be disposed of safely. With alternative plogs a 15 Amp fuse must be fitted ether in he plug or at he main ise box. What to de when going on holiday What fo do when going on holiday or moving house Moving house Normal Holidays + Leove the rdge-freezer running ot normed termperctre + Check before you g that he mains ele Longer Absences * Run down food supplies in he period tefore you go. + Belore leaving ~ Completely empy the ridge ond the freer ~ Disconned from the mains. ~ Clean inside the fridge ond freezer with o weak solution of tepid bicarbonate of soda Leave the doors open unl you return, Hf you think your fridge-freezer is faulty Brant ssa pln lh snl chs gen on he fllvingpge may be something minor which you con solve you Fridge-freerer is excessively noisy NOTE: Sigh bubbling noses ore normal fortis pe of refrigeration system, asissome nese fom the fan used to circ 1. Isanything a touching the YES D> Move the cabinet further avoy from the wall 2. sthe cabinet standing level and steady? NOD Adjust the feet until stable Yes v 3. Are the tubes ot the rear No v Contac your local Elecity Company or service deolec ot YESD> Ease them genlyopart. 13 Installing your tidge-resaet Installing your fridge-freezer Important + Please ceo this instruction book carefully before installing or using your appliance instruction book shouldbe kep in safe place for future reference, * Should you sll or tonsfr ownership of, this appliance, please pass on hese ve new owner + The doors of your appliance may be fited with coloured pocking spacers, please ‘ensure tha hey ore removed before use cand disposed of. For appliances with isobutane (R600a) Isobuion iso naturl go that does nat harm ‘he envconment sobutane is however flammoble. Therefore Do not use mechanical devices or other means fo acelerate the defrosting processother than those recommended by the manufacurax Do not damage the reftigerant drut Do not use electrical appliances inside the food siorage ofthe aplionce. Keep ey vrai opnings into aprlone enxlosur or in the structure for building in, clear of obstrucion. © Dispose of your old fridge and freezer got your old freezer, issfe ond wil not cause occidons Far information onthe disposol ofthe appliance «the local outhority esl If you are throwing it away Remove the hinges or latch to ensure that 0 «child connot get ropped inside they wont unscrew, knotk them of with o sledge hammer. IF it will be re-used Secure the dcor to prevent accident in transit Check the voltage of your new fridge-freezer | Check thatthe voltage on the serial label fited inside the fridge on the elt matthes he volage of cl spl in your hom see your local Elcriy Company, or «consult a competent elecrcian, Decide where to locate it Boar these pons in ind hen fcating your ridge rece The idge-oeer should sot bef located ino coldplacesuchas on aneatedgorage, call, ethoue or sears col ihe. eae The dg sezer i designed to x periorm in acordance with arr International Sandord; fr m° operating in ambien! ‘mpertues atbetwean 10°C (s0'F)andazc (90°F, thought wiliperorm "280 safe anit emp erature of PC (45°F) you think your ridge freeze If the yellow light flashes on and off Contact your local Electricity Company or service deel Replacing the light bulb (if fitted) You canblaino spare bulb ram your focal Eleiity shop or dealer. ‘The type required is 0.240, 15x, small Edison straw Toft the new bul 1. Unplug the fridge-freeer 2. Remove the lamp cover by springing out mmoyhep to use a 5. Clip the cover back inp. 6 lug the fidgo-teezer back in, 2 15,

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