Emcee Speech For 5 Year Anniversary Gala: Jason: Hey AIESEC! (Audience: What's Up?) Hey AIESEC! (What's

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Emcee Speech for 5th Year Anniversary Gala

1:55 pm:
Tey: I’d like to make an announcement, we will be starting in 5
minutes. Please begin taking your seats.

2:00 pm:
Jason: Hey AIESEC! (audience: what’s up?) Hey AIESEC! (what’s
up?). Welcome to AIESEC in Cambodia’s 5th Year Anniversary!

My name is Jason Yung,

Tey: And my name is Hum Sophoanvotey, we’ll be your Master of

Ceremonies this afternoon

Jason: For those who are bit new to AIESEC culture, you can yell
“Hey AIESEC” and everyone will respond? (put hand to ear - What’s
Up?). You can definitely give it a try if you’re up on stage later on!

Tey: We’d like to welcome everyone to this event, Her Excellency

Koy Sodany from the Ministry of Commerce, on behalf of H.E. Sun
Chanthol. Also here is H.E. Ly Chheng from Beltei International

Jason: Welcome to several CEOs, Rami Sharaf of RMA, Thomas

Hundt of Smart, Dr. Mengly J Quach and Mr. Chy Sila, welcome.
Even though this is just the 5th Year Anniversary, for those CEOs it’s
about their 500th AIESEC event altogether, and we really thank you
for your support.

Tey: Welcome to our beloved members and alumni, supporters

from the private and education sector, friends from the NGO sector,
and all guests. Tonight, we are celebrating a milestone for AIESEC
in Cambodia, our 5th Year Anniversary! But first, a special message.
2:05 pm
(play video)

Jason: Now if you could please help me welcome the President of

AIESEC in Cambodia on stage, Inez Natalia Putri!
2:10 pm
(Inez has 5 min speech)

Tey: Thank you Inez. Now for the Chairman of AIESEC Cambodia’s
Board of Directors, CEO of RMA Cambodia, Mr. Rami Sharaf!
(Rami has 5 min speech)
2:15 pm Jason: Thank you Rami. We wanted to have the founders of
AIESEC Cambodia here today but they had engagements to
attend. However, we got a special message from two of them, Jan
Bartscht and Jessica Macias.

(play video)
2:17 pm:
Tey: Now to present the 5 Year Journey of AIESEC Cambodia,
we’d like to welcome back Ms. Inez Natalia Putri, President of
AIESEC Cambodia

2:25 pm: (Inez delivers slideshow)

Inez: And now for a special message

(lights turn off, play Tourism Malaysia video)

Inez: Could I have our new partner Ms. Sao Ratha from Tourism
Malaysia on stage!

2:30 pm: (Ratha delivers speech)

Jason: Another new partner this year is Dr. Mengly J. Quach, who
joined our Board of Directors, and graciously offered a space for
AIESEC’s National Office, located at American Intercon Institute.
Please welcome Dr. Mengly to the stage!
2:35 pm:
(Dr. Mengly delivers speech)

Tey: Thank you Dr. Mengly. Today Mr. Paul Popelier, CEO of
Coca Cola and a member of our Board of Directors, was unable to
come. However, Mr. OUK Villa, Head of HR, has come to speak on
his behalf. Please welcome Mr. Villa to the stage.
2:40 pm:
(Villa delivers speech)

Jason: Thank you Villa. Looking back 5 years, AIESEC would not
be where it is today without our alumni. One of our alumni headed
to Boston, USA for his Masters this August at HULT International
Business School, Mr. Panha Ung, recorded a video for us:
2:43 pm:
(show video)
Tey: On behalf of alumni, we also have former National VP for
Talent Management, former President of AIESEC Local Chapter at
IFL, and currently in ANZ Royal’s Young Banker’s Program, Mr.
2:45 pm Sim Sou Sachak.

(Chak delivers speech)

Jason: Thank you Chak. We’d like to thank all alumni, but can’t tell
you apart within the audience, so could we have all alumni stand
up for a round of applause?

Now for a special performance from Sabay’s Hear My Song

2:50 pm: participant, [WHO IS PERFORMING HERE?]

(Hear My Song perform)

Tey: Amazing! [insert joke?] That performance wouldn’t have been

possible without the entrepreneurial work of our next speaker,
please welcome him on stage, Mr. Chy Sila!
2:55 pm:

(Sila delivers speech)

Jason: Thank you Mr. Sila! Our 3rd Champion Partner has been a
huge supporter for us as well, as long as we cheer for Germany to
win the world cup, please welcome Mr. Thomas Hundt on stage!
3:00 pm:

(Thomas delivers speech)

Tey: Thank you Thomas. We’re one hour into the programme and
you might feel like you need a quick stretch, so I’m going to lead
one for you. Everyone please stand up.
3:05 pm:

(Do Arm/Leg shake countdown)

Jason: Thank you Tey. Next is the Awards Section of today’s

Anniversary, to recognize all those we worked with over the years.
Inez, could we have you onstage as well to hand out awards?
The first group are organizations that have supported AIESEC from
the very beginning, our Champion and Long Term Partners.
Without them AIESEC would not exist in Cambodia. They guide us
as Board Members, they connect us to their networks, whenever
we have any crisis to deal with, and eager to help whenever they
can. We are so thankful for these beautiful individuals.

Please give a huge round of applause Thomas, Rami, Sila, and Mr.
Villa on behalf of Paul Popelier.

(Bring partners on stage)

Would anyone like to share on behalf of the group?

3:10 pm Tey: The second group of award recipients have supported our
Exchange Program, to deliver life-changing experiences to
Cambodians to go abroad, as well as organizations bringing
international talent here to impact the local Cambodian
community, through volunteering and professional work.

Since we have many recipients, what will happen is that we’ll

announce all the recipients to come on stage to receive a
certificate, to stay on stage until the entire group is up here, and
we can have several award recipients share a few words.

Tey: We’d like to invite representatives from the following

organizations on stage:
- Tourism Malaysia for subsidizing flights costs to internships in
- University of Puthisastra for a medical project to deliver
supplies to areas in need, as well as previously hosting our
national office
- National University of Management for the Cambodia
Exchange Learning Project, hosting classes on diversity
- Human Resource University for our Cross Culture
Understanding project, teaching students about academic life
abroad, language, and soft skills
- Daravishea International School for the Explore Diversity
- Eastern International Academy for the Teach Me English
3:17 pm: Project
- People Improvement Organization for the Cambodia Wing
Project, teaching English to children
(Bring partners on stage)
Would anyone like to share on behalf of the group?

Jason: Thank you Tey. Next are current and past partners, I
would like to invite:
- MJQ Holdings for hosting our national office, sponsoring
conferences, and support of Dr. Mengly
- Westline Education Group for their workshops of prior
Business Plan Competitions
- JCI for collaborating on one of the first Let’s Do It Campaigns

3:25 pm:
to clean up the city
- IDP and ACE for hosting uncountable AIESEC meetings and events on their
premises, as well as sponsoring English scholarships to our top members
- PwC for their support of our Global Leaders Program, Youth to Business
Forum, and financial coaching program to come
(Bring partners on stage)
Would anyone like to share on behalf of the group?

Tey: Continuing current and past partners, I would like to invite:

- CamEd Business school for their support of our Youth to
Business Forum
- FTB Bank for sponsoring several national conferences and
- ANZ Royal bank for past Youth to Business Forums and
- Manulife for accepting our alumni into their company and
judging on our past Business Plan Competition
- Yamaha for being our past national partner
- Tutti Frutti who was also a past national partner
- Brown Coffee & Bakery for partnering in past events, as well
as allowing us to use their beautiful training room located at
their new head office and Roastery in BKK
- Last but not least, the Ministry of Commerce for allowing H.E.
Chanthol Sun, Senior Minister, to deliver an amazing keynote
at our last Youth to Business Forum. Please welcome Under
Secretary of State, Her Excellency Koy Sodany.
(Bring partners on stage)
It’s a big group, but we’d love to hear a few words. Perhaps Your Excellency
3:32 pm Sodany?

(if LC university representatives come)

The final recognition before our member awards goes out to

universities that have allowed their students to be involved in
AIESEC, allowing them to develop leadership skills, strong
network, and achieve huge milestones. We would like to
- Institute of Foreign Languages
- Pannasastra University of Cambodia
- Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
- National University of Management
- University of Puthisastra
3:40 pm - Royal University of Law and Economics
(all recipients come on stage?)

Jason: Now for the most exciting part of today’s event, recognition of our AIESEC
Members this past one year term. It might get very loud so be prepared to cover
your ears, could I have Mr. Rami Sharaf and Ms. Inez Natalia Putri to RMA Award
for Best Experience Quality?

(Inez, Rami come on stage. Hand Rami award to hold. Inez describes RMA
Award criteria in externally-understandable manner)

(In sequence, Inez invites Coca Cola, Sabay, Smart for their
awards in similar manner)

(Present LC Award)

3:55 pm Jason: Before we leave for snacks and beverages courtesy of

Tous Les Jours and Coca Cola, we have a small group of people
to thank. Could I have Zaman University on stage please?

(Vantharith comes on stage)

4:00 pm
We’d like to thank Zaman for their support for this event, as well as past events
held in this beautiful hall, for their gracious administration that has always been
supportive of our activities, and we’re looking forward to continued cooperation,
thank you.

(Hand certificate to Tharith)

Lastly, could I please have the Organizing Committee on stage please!

I think we can have a word from Bill, our Organizing Committee President, on
behalf of the team.

(Bill speaks, then explains Lucky Draw and invites people to Networking Session)

(Break to Networking)

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