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International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 444 (2019) 116183

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International Journal of Mass Spectrometry

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Teaching venturi electrospray mass spectrometry with amino acid

Marcos A.S. Ribeiro a, b, Angelica P.P. Tonin a, b, Camila B. Poliseli b, Beatriz B. Lima a,
Luiz E.N. Castro a, Valquíria M. Silva a, Marcelo Vale rio a, Jaime C. Cedran c,
a, b, *
Eduardo C. Meurer
a , 86900-000, Jandaia do Sul, PR, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Parana
Universidade Estadual de Maringa, 87020-900, Maringa
, PR, Brazil
Universidade Tecnolo , Campus Medianeira, 85884-000, Medianeira, PR, Brazil
gica Federal do Parana

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: There is an urgent need to update the ways in which undergraduates learn science technology. In this
Received 26 March 2019 laboratory experiment, students improved their knowledge of the chemistry used in the analysis of
Received in revised form amino acids by mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization using venturi pump (VESI-MS) sample
24 June 2019
introduction. Amino acid analysis using mass spectrometry is connected to a variety of chemical issues,
Accepted 10 July 2019
Available online 13 July 2019
from macroscopic concepts of solution preparation and the use of average molecular mass (g mol1) to
microscopic concepts of chemistry, such as exact molecular mass (Da), organic functional groups, single
mass spectrometry (MS) to identify ions from molecules in solution, and tandem mass spectrometry
Mass spectrometry
(MS2) to access structural features of the ions formed. The experiment dealt with solution preparation,
Qualitative analysis physical chemistry concepts involved in VESI, and organic chemistry concepts in ion analysis by MS and
Practical chemistry class MS2 experiments in a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer.
Undergraduate education © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Venturi electrospray ionization

1. Introduction how chemists think and use certain equipment to justify their hy-
potheses [2]. This is a crucial point in our educational proposal: not
Science education is crucial for social and economic develop- to limit experimental practice to previous protocols and results, but
ment, but teaching in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and to place the student in the position of the protagonist in activities in
Math) areas is sometimes evaluated as unsuccessful [1]. There is an which his or her concepts, reflections, and hypotheses can be
urgent need to update the ways in which undergraduates learn presented and discussed [5].
science technology. Usually, experimental chemistry classes in Mass spectrometry (MS) exhibits great potential as a knowledge
Brazil do not use modern equipment to access concepts in chem- development tool due to its interdisciplinary and rich chemistry
istry due to the non-availability of the equipment and lack of concepts. It is used to analyse semi-polar and polar molecules
preparation of those responsible. However, it is a powerful tool to [6e10] with electrospray ionization (ESI), which has been
consolidate chemistry concepts [2]. Attempts to integrate the employed in almost all areas of science [11]. Thus, its use of MS in
knowledge of chemistry with the use of specific equipment, such as undergraduate classes are of great impact on scientific education
infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies, have [12]. Understanding of the technique by chemistry students could
already been reported in the literature [2e4]. This approach consolidate concepts previously seen only in the classroom
showed that the interaction of chemistry knowledge and specific [13e17]. There are successful examples of ESI experiments in the
equipment can develop promising results for basic knowledge, curricular structure of undergraduate institutions for molecular
student-centred learning, developing evidence, and demonstrating identification of peptides, compounds with multiple charges, for-
mation of complexes in the gas phase, and identification of fatty
acids, phosphorylated lipids, and their oxidized products
* Corresponding author. Universidade Federal do Parana, 86900-000, Jandaia do
Sul, PR, Brazil.
Thus, use of the Venturi Electrospray Ionization (VESI) tech-
E-mail address: (E.C. Meurer). nique was fast and efficient at introducing the sample into ESI-MS.
1387-3806/© 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
2 M.A.S. Ribeiro et al. / International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 444 (2019) 116183

VESI employs the Venturi Effect, which occurs when a high velocity with 900 mL of methanol with 0.1% formic acid to adjust to an acidic
gas (shelth gas or nebulization gas) flows coaxially in a tube with pH value and obtaining the final concentration of 5.0 mmol L-1. This
the electrospray capillary tube inside, constricting the gas to help condition led to protonation of the basic groups of the zwitterion,
pneumatically the formation of the sprayed droplets. The result is with groups possessing pKa values around to 2 first forming acidic
the reduction in tube pressure causing a self-pumping effect molecules [MþH]þ with net charges of þ1 in solution, which were
[19,20], which does not require the use of high performance liquid sucked towards the VESI source [23].
chromatography or auxiliary pumps and can easily be used on any Usually in solution chemistry the basicity rule lead us to define
commercial ESI just by changing the diameter of the capillary [20]. that an organic molecule with the highest pKa has better proton-
In a nutshell, the objective of our laboratory experiment was to ation efficiency, otherwise the experimental results of the ioniza-
explore chemical concepts related to solution preparation, molec- tion efficiency on the electrospray source show us that this rule is
ular mass calculation, ionization capacity of organic molecules, and not the only factor; there are a variety of factors, such as solubility
chemical bond stability using the ESI-related technique named and matrix influence [24].
Venturi Electrospray Ionization with mass spectrometry (VESI-MS) The VESI-MS technique works by selecting positively or nega-
[20] and tandem mass spectrometry (MS [2] or MS/MS) experi- tively charged ions (cations, VESI (þ); anions, VESI ()). Due to
ments as educational tools for students of chemistry classes. better ionization and ionic abundance, the positive ion mode was
used. The VESI source receives the solution containing neutral
2. Experiment development analytes, protonated analytes and solvent by Venturi Effect without
a delivery system (syringe pump or High Performance Liquid
The first contact of the students with the lab dealt with calcu- Chromatography (HPLC) system). The signal strength (intensity) in
lations of chemical concentration, dilutions, and handling of basic the spectrum of each species depends on the acidebase properties,
laboratory instruments, such as pipets, volumetric flasks, and vials. solubility, and the organic compounds in the matrix, that was
The second step consisted of preparation of a solution with four introduced as the sample in the VESI source. In the positive mode
amino acids at equimolar levels. Due to the ability of the equipment with the application of a positive spray voltage, the VESI capillary,
to identify a wide range of organic compounds that may appear on which has a high oxidant potential, neutralizes (oxidize) a small
the mass spectrum, washing of glassware must be performed fraction of the anions (that come from the acid used to protonate
before the experiment by the students to learn the cleaning pro- the amino acid), unbalancing the equivalence of cations and anions
cess, avoiding ionic contamination that make analyses and inter- from the solution. The resulting solution tends to have more cations
pretation more complex. Usually, glassware is washed with ultra- than anions. In negative mode with the application of a negative
pure water, methanol, acetonitrile, trifluoroacetic acid, or ammo- spray voltage, a solution with more anions than cations are pro-
nium hydroxide, depending on the residues in the glass surface, duced. The organic modifier used was formic acid, and the
which may include detergents. acidebase reaction produced protonated amino acids and formiate
Amino acids were selected because their acidic (carboxylic acid), anions in solution. Using VESI (þ), a high positive voltage was
basic (amine), and polar, apolar, acidic, and basic moiety side applied in the solution to oxidize the carboxylate anion to CO and
groups possess some of the richest chemistry among all small water, which were eliminated during spraying of the solution.
molecules (amino acids used: arginine, glutamic acid, leucine, and After this redox reaction inside the VESI source, a spray of the
cysteine). Amino acids in neutral solution (pH~7) possess zwitter- oxidized solution (positive mode) was produced and mixed with
ionic forms (Fig. 1); the carboxylic acid turns into carboxylate and nitrogen gas (inert gas) at high pressure. The concept of reduction,
the basic groups became protonated. Amino acids are species that the gain of electrons by chemical species, and oxidation the loss of
might be deprotonated at basic pH values (anion) and protonated at electrons by chemical species have to be dealt with during the
acidic pH values (cation), and the side groups add additional experimental class. The droplets formed can contain more cations
acidebase equilibrium to the two pre-existing from carboxylic and (positive mode) or more anions (negative mode). As the solvent
amine groups (eg., arginine pKR value of 12.48 of the guanidine started to dry, the droplets shrank and exploded due to the high
group, glutamate pKR value of 4.07 of the geCOOH group, and charge density in what is called a coulombic explosion. Then, cat-
cysteine pKR value of 8.37 of the sulfhydryl group) [21,22]. ions (positive mode) or anions (negative mode) were obtained in
The experiment was carried out in an acidic medium with a pH the gas phase; they were attracted by the difference in potential
of 2. The working solution (100 mL) was placed in an Eppendorf tube and delivered to the mass analyser of the mass spectrometer

Fig. 1. Structures of the amino acids used. Blue, arginine; green, glutamic acid; pink, leucine; and red, cysteine in pH near 7.0. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
M.A.S. Ribeiro et al. / International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 444 (2019) 116183 3

[25e27]. ion stabilities of the trajectories explained by Mathieu differential

During ion transference to the gas phase, the analytes with high equations, dependent on continuum voltage and alternate voltage
affinity for the surface of ESI droplets (surface-active analytes) have applied to the quadrupoles, which results in a tri-dimensional
a higher VESI response. The difference in affinity of the analytes on electromagnetic field [28]. Analysis of the ions results in a report
the surface (with residual charge) and the droplet interior with no of intensity vs. m/z, which is called a mass spectrum. The mass
residual charge is important. Usually, ions with nonpolar moieties spectra of cysteine, leucine, glutamic acid, and arginine are shown
tend to be on the surface and are better transferred to the gas phase in Fig. 2.
than highly polar ions. That is, highly polar ions tend to be attached Fig. 2 represents the mass spectrum obtained for the experi-
to the droplets and their offspring since the solvent is polar, ment in which the amino acids arginine, leucine, cysteine, and
impacting the ion intensity on the mass spectrum [27]. glutamic acid were at the same concentration. The reproducibility
The chemistry of VESI-MS, such as ESI-MS, involves solubility, of the mass spectrum is usually an issue since the use of different
acidebase reactions in solution, redox reactions in a VESI source, equipment, solvents from different brands, different analysts, and
and coulombic explosion/ion evaporation, which transfers ions different pH values may alter the intensities of the ions in different
from solution to the gas phase. All of these chemical processes were ways. All of the variables must be the same from the beginning to
adjusted to obtain more species of interest in the mass spectrom- the last mass spectrum acquisition to obtain reliable sample results
eter. These parameters are mostly tuned by varying solvent polar- between injections. It was observed that all presented different ion
ity, pH, spray voltage, temperature, and desolvation gas. After the intensities, a behaviour which might be related to a complex in-
VESI process, the cations or anions were delivered to the quadru- fluence of a variety of factors, such as pKa and the active-surface
pole mass analyser in sequence, called tandem. This part of the analytes in the droplets [27,28]. Fig. 2 clearly highlight that peak
mass spectrometer deals with the physics of the ions in the gas intensity depends on ionization efficiency, not concentration.
phase, which is used to measure the m/z ratio of stable ions in an Amino acids in neutral pH are in their zwitterionic form. When
electric field. The m is the sum of the exact atomic weights of the an acid is added, protonation takes place in order to first protonate
elements (not the mean) that the ion contains, molecular weight is the moieties with higher pKa values and then the moieties with
related to the neutral version of the ion observed. The students lower pKa values. Often, more concentrated species in solution do
should be awarded that mass spectrometers do not analyse mean not form the most intense ions in the mass spectrum, a behaviour
weight, but detect natural isotopes distribution, usually the higher that was exhibited. Because the intensity of signal in spectrum
intense ions come from the most stable isotopes and they have to dependent a higher capacity to be protonated and transferred to
be considered to calculate m. Roughly, the quadrupoles (Q) use the the gas phase.

Fig. 2. Venturi Electrospray Ionization (VESI) experiment for the amino acids with an equimolar 5.0 mmol Le1 solution resulting in the mass spectrum.
4 M.A.S. Ribeiro et al. / International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 444 (2019) 116183

To access connectivity of the ions observed, MS [2] experiments flow rate, 0.0 L h1; and scanning range, from m/z 50e500. These
in triple quadrupole mass spectrometers were conducted by parameters were optimized in preliminary experiments to get the
selecting the ion of interest (m/z 122 cysteine, m/z 132 leucine, m/z highest abundance of the targeted protonated ions. N2 was used as
148 glutamic acid, m/z 175 arginine), named the precursor ion and both a dry gas and nebulizer gas. The direct VESI-MS sample
adjusting the difference of potential (from 10e50 eV) with the sucking process took place to obtain the mass spectrum. All sam-
collision chamber filled with inert gas (argon) (1x10e3 Torr). Colli- ples were analysed in the positive mode using formic acid as an
sions of the accelerated selected ions with the neutral gas resulted organic modifier. All amino acids were purchased from Sigma and
in fragmentation. The data was collected from m/z 50 to m/z 190, were stored at 20 C. All solutions were prepared in equimolar
and the fragmentation occurred on the most polar and weaker concentrations for arginine, leucine, cysteine, and glutamic acid
covalent bonds for heterolytic cleavage. It is good to note that el- (1 mmol L1 diluted to 100 mmol L1 and diluted again to
ements that attract the electrons more efficiently (electronegative 500 nmol L1) (Fig. S4).
elements such as, fluor, oxygen, nitrogen) promote cleavages dur-
ing fragmentation experiments. The collision chamber focused the 3.3. Full scan MS and collision-induced dissociation MS/MS
precursor ion and the fragments formed by collision-induced experiments
dissociation (CID) to the last quadrupole mass analyser resulting
on the CID mass spectra. Usually, the acquisition is carried out in a The experimental procedure was developed for one laboratory
voltage ramp in order to obtain the precursor ion and as many period (5 h). The spectra were obtained using a mass spectrometer
fragments as possible. Fragmentation features are dependent on from Waters Company, but the experiments could be conducted on
the organic groups that might give very interesting clues about the any mass spectrometer with VESI. The experiment may also be
structure (supplementary information). The bond energies keep conducted with an ESI source with a conventional syringe pump or
the atoms together; they are related to the bond strength or the HPLC sample introduction system. Also, the equipment and its
bond enthalpy. They might be experimentally obtained through functionality in several areas were explained superficially. Learning
cleavage evaluating the energy that is absorbed to break the bond. science requires that the student not only listen, but speak, write,
CID experiment control the energy transferred (laboratory energy, and perform science in the process [29]. Therefore, the participants
Lab energy) to the ionic species controlling the extent of frag- were challenged to predict the masses of the amino acids presented
mentation. The Lab energy used might reveal the weaker bonds of in the spectrum, and the students compared their hypothesis with
the ions. Usually the bond energies might be calculated with ab the result acquired with a single mass spectrum [30e32]. Thus,
initio or hybrid method using quantum physics. Today, the major each participant saw the differences between the suggested values
use of CID experiment results is databank comparison for molecule and the ones obtained using VESI, obtaining a mass spectrum for
identification for metabolomics and proteomics analysis. 1e3 min. At this point, the limitations related to a quadrupole
analyser were discussed, such as unitary resolution, which makes
3. Experimental overview analysis of molecules with a difference in mass lower than 1 Da
difficult. Following a discussion of the problematic areas, the pro-
3.1. Participants fessor suggested using the experimental output in the technique of
MS to define the chemical identity of a molecule target using the
This study included students enrolled in chemistry classes at the concept of fragmentation. To exemplify, the professor showed some
Federal University of Parana in food engineering, agricultural en- the fragmentation of the amino acids using MS [2]. The students
gineering, and exact sciences courses in 2016 and 2017. The number were instructed to apply previous chemical knowledge to justify
of participants in this study was 100 individuals, divided into the data shown in the exemplification.
groups of 10 participants in the laboratory. The number of in- Fig. 3 presents a fragmentation experiment using CID (MS/MS
dividuals per group was associated with class time and the number experiment in the Supplementary Information) to access the
of students per room. The participants were subjected to a test at structural features of each ion, where the major fragmentation
the end of the course, which required a report with pre-defined pathways were directly related to particular chemical characteris-
questions that discussed concepts such as measurement of tics of the amino acids and ion stabilities. This was expected since
atomic weights and molecular weights, chemical and structural the chemical properties were different. The students might
analysis, redox reactions of the VESI source, acidebase concepts, compare the structure of the ions and propose the neutral loss on
electronegativity, and bond energies. This experiment has been the fragmentation. Even though the MS/MS spectra appear to
incorporated into mass spectrometry and organic chemistry classes possess different chemical features, they can be grouped by frag-
and is part of the educational curriculum of the institution. The mentation mechanisms. The mechanism proposed in Fig. 4 sug-
performance evaluation and report were used to evaluate the stu- gests NH3 loss followed by CO loss, H2O loss followed by CO loss,
dents. Students developed the experimental procedure in the lab- and formic acid loss, accessing the structure of the amino acids [33].
oratory with the preparation of the amino acid solution, and the Then until this time the experiment for each group was con-
professor performed introduction of the sample and optimization ducted in 35 min, for solution preparation and data acquisition in
of the equipment. the mass spectrometer. During this time, concepts about atomic
and molecular weight, chemical structure, proton affinities, elec-
3.2. VESI source and solution preparation tronegativity, bond energies, molar concentration, and redox re-
actions were discussed, increasing the class time by another
The solutions were prepared by the class attendants and the 25 min. In the third and last step, the students collected the data
concepts of solution, concentration, equimolar solutions, handling from the mass spectrometer and a report with pre-defined ques-
of micropipettes, and dilution were explored. The amino acid tions linking the chemical concepts used in MS analysis was sug-
analysis was performed in positive ion-mode VESI-MS on a Waters gested (available at the supplementary information). For each
PREMIER/XE® Quattro MicroTM API (triple quadrupole MS). The group of 10 students, a time of 60 min per class is required, with a
parameters were set as follows: spray voltage, 2.00e3.5 kV; cone total of 5 h for five classes. The commercial mass spectrometers
voltage, 10e20 V; source temperature, 110 C; desolvation temper- have built-in safety inter-locks, so there is low risk associated with
ature, 250e350 C; desolvation gas flow rate, 400 L h1; cone gas the operation of the instrument.
M.A.S. Ribeiro et al. / International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 444 (2019) 116183 5

Fig. 3. Double-stage (MS [2]) sequential collision-induced dissociation product ion mass spectra of (a) the cysteine ion with m/z 122, (b) the leucine ion with m/z 132, (c) the
glutamic acid ion with m/z 148, and (d) the arginine ion with m/z 175.

4. Hazards

Since electrospray sources have a source block and heated

drying gas, care should be taken when cleaning the source region
since source components may be hot. Skin contact with the pep-
tides and solvents, especially acetonitrile, should be avoided by
wearing gloves [32], and the level of exposure has to be carefully
calculated by the professor or technical assistant. Methanol may
cause irritation to skin, eyes, and the respiratory tract, and it is a
flammable liquid.

5. Educational value

Learning about the analysis of amino acid samples by MS,

including VESI-MS, in experimental chemistry classes enables rapid
analysis without complex sample preparation, making the study of
chemical concepts straightforward. Students learn how to use these
techniques for qualitative identification of organic molecules. The
amount of data analysis and interpretation may be tailored to the
capabilities and backgrounds of the students. Students were led to
relate fundamental concepts of chemistry, such as bond strength,
ion stability, and protonation sites, with the new concepts dealt
with in the experiment, connecting their previous knowledge,
Fig. 4. Principal neutral loss observed in the CID MS [2] fragmentation experiment of already anchored in its conceptual system [34], with the new in-
the amino acids. formation. Thus, it was expected that this approach would be
meaningful for students and that the technique used would not
simply be the interpretation of the data presented in the spectra,
but that they would understand the chemical concepts inherent in
6 M.A.S. Ribeiro et al. / International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 444 (2019) 116183

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