The Little Match Girl

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Author: Hans Christian Andersen

CHILD 1 and 2

NARRATOR: It had begun to snow, on the New Year's Eve. When night came, the little birds took
refuge in their nests and people were in a great hurry to get home as soon as possible. Only the
little match girl walked through the deserted streets, on her old slipper; she knows they had
broken.... A little bird from her nest watches her while he comments on her mother...

LITTLE BIRD: Look mom, that poor girl is shoeless.

MOTHER BIRD: Poor girl, where is she going?

NARRATOR: As you can see, the poor match seller was hungry and cold to death.

THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL: Matches, sir..... do you buy matches?

SIR: I don't buy matches, girl.

THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL: I can't go home yet. Since I haven't sold any matchboxes, my stepmother
would hit me.

NARRATOR: Some children passed by playing guitars and trumpets. One of them shouted:
BOY 1: We've sung enough already. Let's go back to our houses.

BOY 2: Yes, yes. Today we will have turkey for dinner.

NARRATOR: It was still snowing. The cold was more intense and the little match girl took refuge in
a doorway.

THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL: If I dared, I would light a match, just one, to warm my hands a little.

NARRATOR: Finally, before her hands were completely frozen, she took out one of the matches
and lit it on the wall.

THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL: Oh... what a pleasant warmth

NARRATOR: The flame of the match grew larger, but a snowflake fell on it and extinguished it....

THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL: I'll light another.....

NARRATOR: She lit a second match and her flame glowed brighter. In the light of the flame, the girl
saw that before her there was a beautiful Christmas tree with a multitude of burning candles.

THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL: How beautiful, Oh how wonderful....

NARRATOR: Next to the tree is also a roast chicken, fruit and candy. The girl reached out to take
them, but the match went out. Then she was amazed she saw that all the candles rose and
became stars.
THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL: I'll lit another match, maybe I'll get another one of those pretty things.

NARRATOR: When She lit the third match, in the circle of flame, she saw the figure of her mother,
who was in heaven....

THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL: Mom... mom... dear mommy. Take me with you before you disappear
when the flame of the match goes out.

NARRATOR: As son she had finished saying those words than the flame went out.

THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL: mom... mom... I want to go with you

NARRATOR: The mother was smiling, up there, and she was waving at him to hurry up. The next
morning, a pale sun lit up the snowy streets, in that portal, the girl was still curled up, as she was
asleep. At her feet there was a large amount of consumed matches..... Several passengers
approached her and realized that the girl would never wake up.

PASSENGER 1: Poor girl....

PASSER 2: she has tried to warm her hands with matches

PASSENGER 3: What a shame.

NARRATOR: But they didn't know that the little saleswoman would have found true happiness. She
now she was in heaven next to her mother. He would never feel cold again because for her, a real
new year had begun.

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