Properties of Matter Solution Level-3 DTS-12

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Level - 3 JEE Advanced++ Pattern/Solutions

141. (30°C)
Let the final temperature be  f .

Heat gained by block, Qb  m b S0

 (1  k ) d 

Heat lost by water, Qw  mwSw (45   f )

Qb  Qw

 k 
 mb S0   f  2f   m wSw (45   f )
 2 
Given : mb  100 g, S0  4.2  103 J / kg C, k  0.1C 1

mw  500 g, Sw  4.2  103 J / kg C

Solving, we get  f  30C

142. (i) 240 min (ii) Never, max  120C

Let the specific heat of water  Sw J / kg C
Let the rate of heat supply by the heater  Qh J / min
So, (Qh )(40)  (20)(Sw )(60  20) ........ (i)
Now, let us assume that water starts boiling ' t ' minutes after we started adding water at 20°C at rate
r  0.2 L / min
Then, (Qh )(t )  Sw 20(100  60)  rt (100  20) ........ (ii)
t 800  (0.2)(t )(80)
Dividing equation (ii) by equation (i), and 
40 800
 t  200 min
So, water starts boiling 240 minutes after beginning of the experiment.
Now, if a liquid with properties same as water except with boiling point 150°C is used, equation (ii)
(Qh )(t )  Sw 20(150  60)  rt (150  20) ........ (iii)

Dividing equation (iii) by equation (i)

t 1800  26 t

40 800
Solving this we get t   300
This answer is unacceptable, So, this means that the liquid mixture never boils.
Let us assume that the maximum temperature reached is m .
Then, (Qh )(t )  Sw 20(m  60)  0.2 t ( m  20) ........ (iv)
Dividing (iv) by (i) and solving we get
20 m  1200
t 
24  0.2 m
To get a valid answer, t must be positive
So, 20 m  1200  0 and 24  0.2 m  0  m  60 and m  120
So, clearly, the maximum temperature reached is 120°C

Properties of Matter 1 DTS -12 | Solutions

143. (110 g < m < 143 g)
At first, the ice ball sinks. This means that :
Buoyant force on ice ball < Weight of ice ball
 (Volume of ice ball) × (Density of water) < 0.9 + m
 0.9 m 
    (1)  0.9  m
 0.9 11 
 m > 110 gms
Now, the lead and ice ball gain heat from the surrounding water as they are at temperature 42C . This
causes surrounding water to freeze on the outer surface of the ice ball. This happens until the lead and
original ice reach a temperature of 0C . Let the mass of water that freeze be m 0 .
Heat gained by lead and original ice = Heat lost by freezing water
(0.9) (42) (2.4  103 )  m 0 (336 103 )
 m 0  0.27 kg
Now, this ball with extra ice frozen on it floats.
This means :
Buoyant force on ice ball > weight of ice ball.
(volume of ice ball)  (Density of water)  0.9  m  m 0
 0.9  m 0 m 
   (1)  0.9  m  m 0
 0.9 11 
 m 143 gms
So, range of m is
110 g < m < 143 g

144. (–54°C)
Water shows anomalous expansion; the volume of water increases during freezing. If the entire volume of

water would have frozen then its volume would have increased by a factor of w  1.1 and the level of
water in the calorimeter would have increased by (h/3)(1.1  1)  2.5 cm. But according to the problem,
h  0.5 cm, it implies that a part of water has frozen. Thus the calorimeter has ice water mixture at
Heat lost by water = Heat gained by ice
m wCw  Tw  0   mL f  Cice m ice  0  Tice  … (1)
Where m is the mass of the water that freezes. As the volume of water changes by a factor of w / ice
on freezing, we have
   m
hA   w  1 … (2)
 
 ice  w
Where A is the cross-section area of the calorimeter
Substituting expression for m from eqn. (2) in eqn. (1) and using mw  h/3  w A and
m ice  h/3  ice A, we get
h ice w h
Cw A w Tw  L f A h  Cice ice ATice
3 w  ice 3
L f 3 h w Cw w
Hence, Tice    Tw
Cice h w  ice Cice ice
On substituting numerical values, we get, Tice  54C

Properties of Matter 2 DTS -12 | Solutions

Let AC  a , BC  b and AB  

Then, 2  a 2  b 2
and also, a   cos , b   sin 
After heating, let the lengths become a , b  and 
Then, a   a (1   x ) and b   b (1  y )

So,  2  a  2  b 2  a 2 (1   x )2  b 2 (1  y  )2

Using the approximation (1  x )2  1  2x for small x.

 2  a 2  b 2  2a 2 x   2b 2y 

 2a 2 x  2b 2y 
 2  (a 2  b 2 ) 1  2 2
 
 a b 

Now, putting a 2  b 2  2, a   cos  and b   sin ,

 2  2 1  (2 x cos2   2y sin 2 ) 
Taking square root and using the approximation
(1  x )1/2  1  for small x.

   1  ( x cos2   y sin 2  ) 
We can see from this result that the coefficient of linear expansion along AB is :
 AB   x cos2   y sin 2 

Replacing given values, we get

 AB  5

146. (i) x  0.5m & x  0.7m

(ii) Left end : 0.5 towards right
Right end : 1.5 towards right
The centre of mass of the rod will not move at all because net external force is zero.
Now, consider the portion between x  0.2 and x  0.5
The portion has been cooled, hence there is contraction.
This contraction, y1  0.3( )
So, x  0.2 shifts to the right by y1
The portion between x  0 and x  0.2 is heated, so it expands by amount y2  0.2( )
The left end ( x  0) shifts to the right by amount y2 relative to the point x  0.2
So, the left end shifts to the right by y1  y2 to the right. Also, net decrease in length of the portion
x  0 to x  0.5 is y1  y2  0.1  .
Similarly, portion x  0.5 to x  0.6 contracts by y3  0.1 
And portion between x  0.6 and x  1.0 expands by y 4  0.4 
So, the right and shifts to the right by amount y 4  y3.
 0.3 

Properties of Matter 3 DTS -12 | Solutions

Now, notice that portion x  0.6 to x  0.7 expands by 0.1  .
So, between x  0.5 and x  0.7, there is a contraction by 0.1 and expansion by 0.1  .
Hence, the point x  0.7 comes back is its original position.
Total length change    y1  y2  y 3  y 4
   0.2 
So, left end shifts to right by 0.1 , i.e. 0.5  and right end shifts to right by 0.3 , i.e. 1.5  .
The points on the rod that do not shift are x  0.5 and x  0.7.

Properties of Matter 4 DTS -12 | Solutions

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