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What is business process 

Those are activities of this business

Formal definition of business process: is a chain of events, activities and decisions involving a
number of actors and objects, triggered by a need and leading to an outcome that is of value to a

Businesses: Can be seen as collection of business processes

Any organization has business processes

Negative outcomes (value-reducing): • Fault not repaired in a timely manner • Fault repaired but
customer pays more than expected.

Positive outcomes (value-adding): • Fault repaired immediately with minor intervention • Fault
repaired, covered by warranty

Examples functional area business processes :

 Manufacturing and production: Assembling the product

 Sales and marketing : Identifying customers

BPMN is a standardized language.

Role of Business process and information system :


A crucial role of ERP in business is to better position the organization to change its business

• ERP software have hundreds of business processes built into the logic of the system which may or
may not agree with current processes of an organization.

• When implementing an ERP system, organizations have two choices: * Change business processes
to match the software functionality. * Modify the ERP software to match the business processes.
Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)

Purposes of process modelling---

Mapping, Abstraction, and Purpose of a Model

Audience = who you are communicating are ,
All models are wrong but some are useful??

BPMN from 10,000 miles…

Based on popular graphical flowcharts:

- Core set of notation elements

- Each core element has various subtypes

Process Modelling Viewpoints
BPMN Elements: Activity and Events

BPMN Elements: types of activities

Sub process is a process that belongs to another process.

BPMN Elements: types of events

Figure 1Middle event

LAB 1: Order-to-Cash

This process starts whenever a purchase order has been received from a customer. The first activity
that is carried out is confirming the order. Next, the shipment address is received so that the product
can be shipped to the customer. Afterwards, the invoice is emitted and once the payment is received
the order is archived, thus completing the process.


WE should respect this naming conventions



what we
will use


A typical order-to-cash process is triggered by the receipt of a purchase order from a customer. The
purchase order has to be checked against the stock regarding the availability of the item(s)
requested. Depending on stock availability the purchase order may be confirmed or rejected. If the
purchase order is confirmed, the shipment address is received so that the product can be shipped to
the customer. Then the invoice is emitted and the goods requested are shipped. Once the payment is
received the order is archived then the process is completed.
LAB 3: Order-to-Cash

A typical order-to-cash process is triggered by the receipt of a purchase order from a customer. The
purchase order has to be checked against the stock regarding the availability of the item(s)
requested. Depending on stock availability the purchase order may be confirmed or rejected. If the
purchase order is confirmed and the shipment address is received. Then, the request product is
shipped while the invoice is emitted and the payment is received. Afterwards, the order is archived
and the process completes.
They are the same but the second one is very clear and understandable.
BPMN Elements
LAB 4 : Order-to-Cash

A typical order-to-cash process is triggered by the receipt of a purchase order from a customer to the
sale department. The sale department has to check the stock regarding the availability of the item(s)
requested before confirming the order. If the requested product is not available the order is rejected
by acknowledging to the customer and the process is terminated. Otherwise, the sale department
confirms the order and gets the address of customer then requests to the delivery department to
ship the product to the customer and, at the same time, requests to the financial department to emit
the invoice to the customer. After receiving the payment, the order is achieved by the sale
department and the process is completed.
The problem with this model is : a little bit complex

This is better
How to do it ? :
They are the same models

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