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Table of Contents

What are the 3 main ideas you remember from this seminar?...........................................3
In your leadership style what are the 3 key strengths you want to preserve, further
develop and build on?........................................................................................................3
In your leadership style, what are the 3 areas that would benefit from some development?
For each area:....................................................................................................................3
What are the advantages / disadvantages to make your leadership style evolve?.............4
Management by objectives................................................................................................5
SMART objective would you like to set for yourself, for your own development.................6
DAY 1 : Motivation.............................................................................................................7
DAY 2 : Delegation.............................................................................................................7
Conflict management – Assertiveness – Negotiation..........................................................8
Leadership - Team Management......................................................................................10
What are the 3 main ideas you remember from this seminar?

The seminar was very rich in term of information and in term of how people can brand
themselves. Personally, I have learned that knowing ourselves, knowing what we are and who
we are is very crucial nowadays specially in a diverse environment. Knowing ourselves is a
key concept of self-branding.
Our motivational model can be summed up in our values. We are driven by the values we
believe in. Often, we lose motivation, passion, when we need it most. Reminding ourselves of
our values is the best way to rekindle that motivation. Values drive us to achieve our goals,
justify our actions and behavior and make us the people we are today.
We are the product of our values that we have developed since we reached a certain level of
consciousness. Values are an identity to our beliefs.
Through the seminar I have learned that communication is the key, why? because
communication is important in any relationship, as it allows you to effectively share feelings,
opinions, and expectations. Many people fail to communicate due to a fear of rejection or the
fear that they'll end up upsetting or even losing their partner, family members or friends.
In this course we faced that fear and everyone of us was able to share their opinions and ideas
without any hesitations.

In your leadership style what are the 3 key strengths you want to
preserve, further develop and build on?

I aim to perserve my self awarness since it enables me to manage and regulate my emotions
and evaluate myself and my behaviors in an objective way. Moreover, I seek to maintain my
effective communication and negotiation skills, which I consider significantly crucial, even
indespensable for managerial positions. Furthermore, I think that my ability to make the
initiative is a key strength that I am aiming to develop further.

In your leadership style, what are the 3 areas that would benefit from
some development? For each area:

The three areas I aim to develop are the following:

Cultural awarness: Needless to say that culture significantly impacts the way employees
perform in the workplace. For this reason, increasing my culutural awarness and creating a
positive culture in the workplace is my responsibility as a leader. As a manager of the
company, I would promote diversity to create a welcoming safe work environment. In a
world of multiculturalism, diversity is a reality that should be celebrated, not only in the
public sphere, but also in the work place. In order to achieve this goal, I think that
encouraging collaboration and training can help create a positive work place and increase
productivity and performance.
Emotional intelligence: Developping my emotional intelligence would make me understand
and manage my feelings better and recognize the others’ feelings. As a manager of a
company, I will be able to empathize with other employees, understand the challenges they
are facing and build an environment of trust and cooperation. My ability to regulate and
evaluate myself would help me achieve that. However, it is important to keep the
professionalism in the workplace.

Creativity: this important skill will foster critical strategic thinking and innovation. As a
creative manager, I will be able to encourage other employees to take iniatives, develop
alternative unique approaches, and express their creativity and individuality. to increase
creativity, hiring diverse talents who can develop new ideas and include other employees in
problem-solving processes to demonstrate that I value their contribution and value it.

3 areas that would benefit from some development

Areas Context Barriers Enablers How ?

being such a
good listener Full
Active Listening Easily influence and being concentration
listened by
Harm people by
Being aware
one' s own
Emotions Decision that this can Enhancing self-
dominance influence lead to false confidence.
decision making
When Walk away
disagreements from the
Conflict Thinking Avoid accusing
arise between conflict if you
resolution diferrences each other.
you and a feel too
coworker emotional

What are the advantages / disadvantages to make your leadership style


- By Build trust and strong relationships: By leveraging my active listening skills, I

will be able to foresee the challenges ahead and customise my leadership style to meet
everyone’s needs.
- By Positively influences productivity: By creating a more comfortable environment
for team members.
- By Creating a forward-looking and future-focused mindset.
- By Matching my team and co-workers’ expectations.
Management by objectives
After the first two years of professional experience, you are required to head a department
(new for you) with a dozen team members. How will you proceed as a Manager? If you
decide to apply a participative style of management, how do you intend to succeed? What
about a directive style of management instead?

As a manager, I will try to know my team personally as well as professionally. It will be

important to me to understand what was going on in their lives which may impact on their
work but also to be able to share in their joys and sorrows and even sometimes, where
appropriate their health issues. It will be about trust. But trust is a complex thing which can
take a long time to earn but can be destroyed in an instant.
My belief was that I will be in a management role to support and serve others in making their
working lives as simple as possible to help them deliver to the best of their ability. I will be
there to remove blockers and manage stakeholders and support them in their development.
My job will be to develop the team and create synergies through having a team of motivated
employees. It will be also important to me to lead by example and would not ask my team to
do something that I was not prepared to do myself.
Of course this all sounds quite straightforward but life always is known to get in the way or
throw a side ball when you least expect it and this is the inevitability of the changing word in
which we live. As the saying goes ‘the only consistent thing is change’. But it is how I will
deal with change as a manager, that is important and how i will help our employees deal with
change. We are all human beings and I believe we should encourage ourselves be human
even as a manager or leader in business.
I know I struggled to show my vulnerabilities sometimes at work before being manager but
actually on reflection when I did, I’ve never received negative feedback. I can reflect that I
sometimes also used my own vulnerabilities to build trust with my team and others because
in sharing those bits of myself I allowed others to share their fears or vulnerabilities with me.
As a manager this gives a different insight into a person’s strengths and abilities and how this
is changing over time. If you know your team well then you also have the opportunities to
play to your teams’ strengths.
For example, I am not good with details so I would often ask one of my team to review or
cross check details of my work to ensure it was correct. This will give them an opportunity to
see what I will be doing and that I will trust them to review it and provide me with honest
feedback. However, this can also just be within the team itself one person using their
strengths (the things they find easy and enjoy doing) to help other team members who
potentially find that task difficult and doing it on their own would take them longer to
complete. This builds the team working together and the trust within the team.
It can be important to develop an employee’s ability to do something they have not done
before or have little experience in to help broaden knowledge and your toolbox through
learning. This is especially true at the beginning of a career where everything is new.
However I feel that probably there is too much focus put on trying to improve some skills
which are more difficult to learn to do well. I am not convinced this always provides a good
return on investment for an organisation and needs careful consideration on a case by case
basis of what an individual would benefit from in order to develop.
On the flip side I definitely think there is a role to play from the employees about being open
to a relationship with their manager and being able to tell people what they are good at and
what they enjoy doing. This may sound a little strange and generally this comes in time as
trust is built but it makes a managers’ job a lot easier if the employees are reflective enough
to know what they do well and share it.
In summary I will really enjoy managing people. I will enjoy the diversity of the interactions
and being able to help others develop and succeed. There will be obviously times when i will
not succeed and from this I will learn a lot, so will my team. I think the learning effect of not
succeeding is probably still under valued in business but I hope my support for the team will
help soften the impact and use it as a learning experience when something will not go to plan.
To implement the participative management style, I will endeavor to delegate tasks as much
as possible as a manager, so that my team feels involved in creating something delicious.
Sharing the responsibility, as well as the taste for accomplishment, with them will make them
feel honored and eager to take on more. I'll have one meeting each month or every two weeks
to allow my team to express their thoughts on company operations and tasks. A meeting
devoted completely to their proposals, with the goal of ensuring that they are in sync with the
work in progress. It will also serve as a means of resolving conflicts among team members
and ensuring consistency and harmony in the work's execution.

SMART objective would you like to set for yourself, for your own

As a “Zig Ziglar said: A goal properly set is halfway reached ‘’ so:

1. My goal is I want to Get Fit

a Weak Goal is I’m going to get fit. But a SMART Goal is:
Specific: I’m going to start running daily and train for a marathon.
Measurable: I will follow the Nike app training program to run a full marathon without
Achievable: I have done some running before, my body is reasonably healthy, and the
marathon is 6 months from now.
Relevant: I want to become a fit, healthy, and strong person — I want to be full of
vitality, energy, and zest for life!
Time-bound: I have signed up for a marathon 6 months from now.

2. Self-Education and Getting Up Early : I will read every two weeks for the entire
calendar year. Some of this reading will be accomplished during my morning routine.
And for the next 3 months, I will wake up 30 minutes early, so I can build a morning
DAY 1 : Motivation
My Dream job:

From the very first days of primary school, I was always fascinated by numbers. Back when I
was in secondary school, I took part in various competitions that involved mathematical
problems. This was when I realized that I had to choose a field that was big on numbers.
Being an accountant was my dream since high school. I opted for subjects in the same area
and excelled through all my courses. Being a bookkeeper is the profession that most interests
me since I've generally had an affection for math. Math is the one subject I am great at, and I
discover it truly simple and agreeable to do. External auditors plan, dissect, and check the
exactness of monetary data. You can work in conditions like the public authority, non-benefit
associations, and private organizations. All organizations rely upon bookkeepers to keep their
business running great.
Most people find desk jobs boring. But in my case, being a desk accountant is an ideal
situation. I enjoy stability and long for it. Sitting in front of a computer all day and crunching
numbers is fascinating because I like being in control of that computer.
Dream jobs are hard to find. Since the start of my professional life, I have worked towards
one goal. I made sure that my top priority was becoming an “Reviseur d’entreprise”, and i
spared no effort in making my dreams come true. The career path that I took was not without
any hurdles. I spent countless hours working hard and completing relevant courses when my
friends were out partying and having the time of their lives. This is just a glimpse of how
dedicated I am to becoming an External auditor.
I led a simple life from the start. I paid my tuition fee with my hard-earned money so that my
parents won't have to burden themselves with my dream. I learned that time is one of the
most important things in life.
Let's now move towards finance. Portfolio management is one of my shining capabilities.
Finance had always been of keen interest to me because I love managing assets and looking
at trends that might raise a decent portfolio. I have myself invested in various stocks which
have been profitable since the last year.
The skills I have acquired along the way are some of my best features. Just give me a laptop,
and I shall conquer the world of numbers. Not just this, I have developed some excellent
communication and interpersonal skills in my college life. I attended several seminars on
presentation management and vocal skills, which have improved my overall confidence and
minimized my stage freight.
In conclusion, I have bested all the necessary skills for a person in your accounting and
finance department. I believe that I will be an exemplary asset to any organization and help in
the growth of a company.

DAY 2 : Delegation

I had an average score of 4 in the poker game where I played the role of Production Manager.
The team's average score was likewise a 4, owing to the fact that the debates and talks were
conducted in a very sharing manner, in which everyone spoke their perspectives while also
allowing others to express their own. This could possibly be attributed to the fact that the
majority of the squad was "yellow," with only two players being "blue." In reality, we all
exchanged ideas and made joint decisions about what to do next.

This activity taught me that speaking and persuading people of your thoughts is difficult
when everyone has various ideas and personalities. Fortunately, like me, the most of my
teammates wore yellow, and blues go well with yellows. However, I can see how tough it
will be to come to a final conclusion when there are so many varied perspectives,
expectations, and interests. It is critical to first comprehend this distinction and turn it into a
team strength rather than a weakness. When differences are viewed in a positive light, they
can spark new ideas and increase creativity. These disparities must be managed in a team to
offer value to the group and achieve the goal.

The strength of a team lies in the trust between its members and delegation reinforces this
trust. Some examples of delegation in the workplace with varying levels of trust and
autonomy include:

 Giving directions to a subordinate and telling them exactly what to do

 Assigning someone to compile research, gather feedback, and report back to you so
you can make informed decisions
 Delegating decision-making responsibility to someone else, but retaining authority for
the final say

Conflict management – Assertiveness – Negotiation

1. Scenario : bringing coffee to the boss

Role : Employee

The problem or conflict: I have to bring a cup of coffee evry morning to my boss. A
daily habit that my boss was used to whereas this is not my job and I have other things
more important to handle than bringing coffee to my boss.

The divergent and the convergent interests in this situation:

The supervisor expects me to bring him/her a cup of coffee every morning since he/
she believes I enjoy doing it. The manager didn't give any thought to how his or her
employee would interpret this gesture. In terms of the employee (me), I believe my
supervisor lacks respect by assigning me such a work each morning when it is not my
job and I have too many jobs to manage, some of which may be delayed as a result.

However, I understand that my boss needs his or her coffee, and I can accept that
because I couldn't start my day without one as well.

The negotiation style and strategy chosen by each party

For the employee: In negotiations, I'll employ the compromise strategy. What's up
with that? By proposing ideas that will make both me and my boss feel at ease. I'll
advise to my boss that a coffee machine be placed near his office so that he may
receive his coffee without having to leave his office. If he/she appears ungrateful for
that decision, I'll make further concessions, such as bringing him/her coffee twice a
week instead of every morning if he/she is in a hurry.

For the boss: the same strategy as the employee

Did it change over time?

To avoid misunderstandings, the negotiation strategy can always be adapted to the

tension in the discussion. For example, I can begin with a collaborative strategy, but if
I discover that my boss does not value my point of view, I can correct that by finding
compromises if we are both to be satisfied. If she appears to be upset about it, I should
always set a break point that will end the friction and prevent things from progressing
too far, potentially leading to more serious conflicts.

Can you imagine a scenario of happening of the conflict that could lead to a
negative issue?

Indeed, if I stick to my negotiation technique but my employer isn't receptive to what

I'm saying or is in a foul mood that day, I'll lose ideas for compromises and begin to
defend myself more, which could lead to a major misunderstanding and my boss
becoming insulted.

Can you imagine a scenario of happening of the conflict that could lead to a
positive issue?

The employer may be receptive to the idea of removing or adding a coffee machine to
his or her office that might service all of the employees on the same floor. Adjoining
employees enjoy this as a genuine gesture from their supervisor.

How did the negotiation end?

Negotiation is most likely to succeed if both parties are assertive, listen to each other
and above all show empathy by putting themselves in the other party's shoes.

What elements and attitudes made a difference to the positive / negative outcome of
the negotiation?

In any negotiation, the following three elements are important and likely to affect the
ultimate outcome of the negotiation:

 Attitudes.
 Knowledge.
 Interpersonal Skills.

 The tone of voice in the discussion.

 respect, active listening and transparency….
How to develop the assertiveness skill?

You can learn to be more assertive over time by identifying your needs and wants, expressing
them in a positive way, and learning to say "no" when you need to. You can also use assertive
communication techniques to help you to communicate your thoughts and feelings firmly and
directly. it's not always easy to become more assertive, but it is possible. So, if your
disposition or workplace tends to be more passive or aggressive than assertive, then it's a
good idea to work on the following areas to help you to get the balance right:

- Value Yourself and Your Rights

- Voice Your Needs and Wants Confidently
- Be Open to Criticism and Compliments
- Learn to Say "No"
- Review Your Progress
- Acknowledge That You Can't Control Other People's Behavior

Leadership - Team Management

My leadership style is democratic, near to laissez-faire: I obtained an 8 in democratic
leadership, a 6 in laissez-faire leadership, and a 1 in authoritarian leadership.

1. A situation in which my style helped me

My leadership style is a good style that cope with members in group works for
projects I managed with my team. It helped me to remain the work flexible with
them, to motivate them but also to establish a trustful environment of work.

2. A situation in which your style deserved me

I believe that my way of leading is the most effective way to produce successful
results. For instance, working at one of my previous student job, I was the project
manager and the first one on my team to jump in and tackle the scheduling calendar.
Once this step was complete, other team members and I found it easy to stay on track
with our assigned tasks.I made sure to include realistic deadlines for all aspects of our
project, and it made it easy to check in with everyone to see where they were during
completion. As a result, we not only finished the project on time, but we completed it
before the tight deadline.

3. For the green card : Setting my own objectives

Setting my own goals makes me feel accountable for the goals I select. Instead of
being affected by others, it helps me to realize my own vision and do what I want. It's
a sense of self-assurance in my decisions and the conviction that I've picked my route
and will fight for it till the finish. Setting my own goals is the driving force behind my
life outlook. Within a team, I'd appreciate the opportunity to set my own goals for
how I want to improve, as well as what and how much I can contribute.

How do I plan to do that?

 Fixing smart objectives

 Convert my goals from an idea to a concrete plan each month.
 Modify my goals if there are some changes in the vision (as goals are not
stable in time, they may change).
 Always assess the progress in the plan once every week.

4. For the red card : Unhealthy relationship within members in the team

Bad competitiveness can cause division among a team, resulting in a failure to fulfill the goal.
Unhealthy relations inside the team, as the name implies, is both mentally and physically
harmful. It takes a lot of work to achieve the wrong aim rather than the major, shared goal.

Normally A team is designed to work in a cooperative environment where individual interests

are merged for the common good.

Let us recollect the major lines in order to face a situation:

 Avoid the individual compensation system in the company and encourage

team compensation.
 Increase group synergy through workshops including trust exercises and
expression of differences.
 Set up work values to respect.

To conclude, this seminar was very rich and since my classmates has different background
and we are all from different countries, I have learnt that diversity is not an obstacle, but it is
a way to forge our leadership and our communication skills whatever the diverse
environment we are working in. Because our differences are not a barrier to our achievement.
It is, on the contrary, a catalyst for creativity, a source of identity diversity, and a means of
improving performance. A competent manager is one who can capitalize on these distinctions
and turn them into something fantastic.

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