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D 02000CHT206052102 Pages: 3

Reg No.:_______________ Name:__________________________

Fourth Semester B.Tech Degree Examination July 2021 (2019 Scheme)

Course Code: CHT206

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours

(Answer all questions; each question carries 3 marks)

1 Define: (i) Sphericity and (ii) Shape factor. (3)
2 List any four types of screens used in chemical industry. (3)
3 Describe various zones in batch sedimentation with a neat sketch. (3)
4 With a sketch, illustrate angle of nip in a smooth roll crusher. (3)
5 Differentiate between free and hindered settling. (3)
6 Define Capacity Limiting Layer. Give its significance. (3)
7 Differentiate between open circuit and closed-circuit grinding. (3)
8 What are filter aids. Give any two examples. (3)
9 Explain the criteria for the selection of a conveyor system. (3)
10 Define mixing index. Explain how it varies with mixing time for a batch mixing process. (3)
(Answer one full question from each module, each question carries 14 marks)
Module -1
11 a) Calculate the specific surface area of a sample having the following differential size (8)
analysis. The specific gravity of the material is 2.8.
Sieve Aperture
2000 1000 800 500 200 100 ˂100
Weight Retained
0 18.3 35.7 60.2 54.8 21.1 10.9

b) Describe any three types of industrial screens. (6)

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12 a) Derive the expression for screen effectiveness. Explain the relation between capacity (8)
and effectiveness of a screen
b) Describe any two sub-sieve analysis techniques. (6)
Module -2
13 a) The data give below were obtained from a single batch sedimentation test on an ore (7)
slurry. The true density of the solids in the slurry was 1750 kg/m and the density of
liquid was 1000 kg/m3. Determine the minimum area required for thickener to handle
100 tons of solid per day from a feed concentration of 45 Kg/m3 to an underflow
condition of 485 Kg/m3.
64.5 70.9 94.3 111.7 139.9 173.9 222 331
Settling velocity
139.9 103.6 71.9 49.4 27.1 16.8 10 6.4

b) Describe Froth flotation with neat sketch (7)

14 a) Based on Kynch theory, derive the equation for minimum thickener area. (7)
b) Define Classification. Describe the working of any two types of classifiers with neat (7)
Module -3
15 a) In a ball mill of 2500 mm diameter, 150 mm diameter steel balls are used for grinding. (8)
The mill runs at a speed of 15 rpm. Determine the speed of the mill, if 150 mm balls
are replaced by 50 mm balls. All other conditions remain to be the same.
b) Define Work index. Obtain the relation between Work index and Bond’s law of size (6)
16 a) List and explain different laws of comminution. (7)
b) Explain the working of jaw crusher with a neat sketch. (7)
Module -4
17 a) Explain the working of Rotary drum filter with a neat sketch. (6)
b) A leaf filter has an area of 0.5 m2 and operates at a constant pressure drop of 500 kPa. (8)
The following test results were obtained for a slurry in water which gave rise to a filter
cake regarded as incompressible:
Volume of filtrate collected (m3) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Time (s) 140 360 660 1040 1500

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Calculate the time need to collect 0.8 m3 of filtrate at a constant pressure drop of 700
18 a) Derive from fundamentals, an expression relating the volume of filtrate and the rate of (10)
filtration for a constant pressure filtration process.
b) Distinguish between compressible and incompressible filter cakes. (4)
Module -5
19 a) Describe the working principle of an electrostatic precipitator with a neat sketch (7)
b) Explain different storage methods of bulk solids. (7)
20 a) Air carrying particles of density 1800 kg/m3 and an average diameter of 20 m enters a (8)
cyclone at a linear velocity of 18 m/s. The diameter of the cyclone is 600 mm.
Determine: (i) The approximate separation factor for this cyclone and (ii) Fraction of
the particles that would be removed from the gas stream.
b) Name a mixer used for mixing rubber and plastic materials. Explain the working. (6)

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