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Hey Arnold!


1. Yarn
• Beige
• Green
• Blue
• Red
• Black
• A little white for eyes (thinner than the main).
• a yarn for a fulling of yellow color

2. Hook
3. Wire
4. A filler (We fill on the knitting course)
5. Needles for sewing together
6. A slice of black felt for eyes (it is possible to connect a circle from black yarn)
7. Adhesive plaster or insulating tape
8. Yellow thin threads or acrylic paints on fabric of yellow color for sections on a shirt


sl st - slip stitch
sc - single crochet
ch - chain
inc - increase
dec - decrease

Let’s go:

Beige yarn:
1. create a magic ring and 6 sc into ring (6)
2-3) 6 sc (6)
Close a loop cut off a thread

Other 3 fingers
1. create a magic ring and 6 sc into ring (6)
2. -4) 6 sc (6)
5) 3 sc on last finger, 3 sc on middle finger, 6 sc on first finger, 3 sc on middle finger, 3 sc on last finger (18)
6) 18 sc (18)
7) 7 sc, 3 sc on thumb, 8 sc (18)
8) 7 sc, 3 sc on another thumb's loop, 8 sc (18)
For other hand at first 8 sc, then 7 sc9) 18 sc (18)
10) 3 sc, dec, 3 sc, dec, 8 sc (16)
11) dec, 5 sc, dec, 5 sc, dec (13)
12) 13 sc (13)
13) to change a yarn for the green: dec, 11 sl st (12)
14-35) 12 sc (12)
Close a loop cut off a thread

Boots (black yarn)
1) create a magic ring and 6 sc into ring (6)
2) 6inc (12)
3) (3 sc, inc) * 3 (15)
4) 15 sc
5) (4 sc, inc) * 3 (18)
6-13) 18 sc
14) (4 sc, dec) * 3 (15)
15-17) 15 sc
18) (3 sc, dec) * 3 (12)
19-20) 12 sc
21) (2 sc, dec) * 3 (9)
To pull together with a needle for forward semi-loops, to hide a tip

Feet (blue yarn)

1) 14 ch , sl st
2-25) 14 sc (14)
The first foot - a loop to close, to cut off a thread. The second foot - a thread not to tear off, we continue by it to crochet a

Body + neck
We begin with a yarn of blue color
1) 7 sc on the second foot with which didn't cut off a thread, 15 ch, 14 sc on the first foot, 15 sc on ch, 7 sc on the second foot
2) 58 sc (58)
3) 41 sc, we change color for the green, 17 sc (58)
4) 41 sc, 17 sc in back loop only (58)
5) 46 sc in back loop only, 12 sc (58)
6) dec, 13 sc, dec, 12 sc, dec, 13 sc, dec, 12 sc (54)
7) 54 sc (54)
8) (7 sc, dec) * 6 (48)
9-11) 48 sc (48)
12) (6 sc, dec) * 6 (42)
13-15) 42 sc (42)
16) (5 sc, dec) * 6 (36)
17-20) 36 sc (36)
We do "fork" of two pieces of a wire

To wind this part with an

adhesive plaster or an
insulating tape

We insert a wire

The ends have to be such length then to enter the head.

21) (4 sc, dec) * 6 (30)
22-23) 30 sc (30)
24) 15 sc, 12 sc по руке, 15 sc on body (42)
if the hand doesn't appear on a place, change a ratio of loops (not 15 and 15 on a trunk. and for example, 17 and 13)
25) 12 sc on the second hand, 15 sc on a back, 12 sc on the first hand, 15 sc by forward part of a body (54)
26) 54 sc (54)
27) (7 sc, dec) * 6 (48)
28) (6 sc, dec) * 6 (42)
29) (5 sc, dec) * 6 (36)
30) (4 sc, dec) * 6 (30)
31) (3 sc, dec) * 6 (24)
32) (2 sc, dec) * 6 (18)
We change a yarn on beige and we crochet a neck in back loop only
33) (sc, dec) * 6 (12)
34-37) 12 sc (12)
Close a loop cut off a thread

we attach a red yarn to forward loops of the 4th number of a body

1) 63 sc (63)
2) ch , turn, 63 sc (63)
3) ch , turn, 63 sc (63)
4) ch , turn, 63 sc (63)
5) ch , turn, 2 dec, 55 sc, 2 dec (59)
6) ch , turn, 2 dec, 51 sc, 2 dec (55)
7) ch , turn, dec, 51 sc, dec (53)
8) ch , turn, dec, 49 sc, dec (51)
9) ch , turn, dec, 47 sc, dec (49)
10) ch , turn, dec, 45 sc, dec (47)
11) ch , turn, dec, 43 sc, dec (45)
12) ch , turn, dec, 41 sc, dec (43)
13) ch , turn, dec, 39 sc, dec (41)

Close a loop cut off a thread

Crochet with sc from the first loop to the last

We leave on the center of 3 loops, we attach a red yarn to forward semi-loops of the 33rd number of a body (which crocheted
a green yarn).
1) 15 sc (15)
2) ch , turn, inc, 13 sc, inc (17)
3) ch , turn, inc, 15 sc, inc (19)
4) ch , turn, inc, 17 sc, inc (21)

Close a loop cut off a thread

Crochet with sc from the first loop to the last

1) create a magic ring and 6 sc into ring (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc) * 6 (18)
4-5) 18 sc (18)
6) (2 sc, inc) * 6 (24)
7) 24 sc (24)
8) (3 sc, inc) * 6 (30)
9-10) 30 sc
11) (4 sc, inc) * 6 (36)
12-13) 36 sc (36)
14) (5 sc, inc) * 6 (42)
15) 42 sc (42)
16) (6 sc, inc) * 6 (48)
17-20) 48 sc (48)
21) (7 sc, inc) * 6 (54)
22-28) 54 sc (54)
29) 2 ch , 52 sc (54)
30) 2 sc по вн, 52 sc (54)
31-37) 54 sc (54)
38) (7 sc, dec) * 6 (48)
39-42) 48 sc (48)
43) (6 sc, dec) * 6 (42)
44) 42 sc (420
45) (5 sc, dec) * 6 (36)
46-47) 36 sc
48) (4 sc, dec) * 6 (30)
49-50) 30 sc (30)
51) (3 sc, dec) * 6 (24)
52) 24 sc (24)
53) (2 sc, dec) * 6 (18)
54-55) 18 sc (18)
56) (sc, dec) * 6 (12)
57) 6 dec (6)

Close a loop, to hide a tip

to pass the wire which is sticking out of a neck in an opening from ch of the 29th number of the head to sew the head

We knit a beige yarn

1) 6 sc в кольцо (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) 12 sl st (12)
Close a loop, to hide a tip

We crochet a blue yarn
1) create a magic ring and 6 sc into ring (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc) * 6 (18)
4-6) 18 sc (18 sc)
7) ch, turn, 6 sc in front loop only
8) ch, turn, 6 sc
9) ch, turn, dec, 2 sc, dec

We crochet a beige yarn
1) create a magic ring and 6 sc into ring (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc) * 6 (18)
4-5) 18 sc (18)

We crochet a white yarn
1) create a magic ring and 6 sc into ring (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc) * 6 (18)
4) (2 sc, inc) * 6 (24)
5) (3 sc, inc) * 6 (30)
6-7) 30 sc

We plan "the line of growth of hair": in front it passes on the center of the head if to look from above. Behind
doesn't reach a bottom. We take wool for a fulling, and on a fringe method ranks along the head we attach hair. We
do the first 3 rows at the person more dense, then is more rare. After that we do a hairstyle.

We make out a face


In the animated film at Arnold a shirt in a cage. There are 2 options – to sew a thin thread or to draw lines with
acrylic paints on fabric.

P. S. At desire it is possible to pass a wire and throughout handles. For this purpose we measure a piece from a palm
to a palm, we pass it after the 29th number of a trunk is connected. We attach by means of an insulating tape or a
plaster to "backbone".

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