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BDC Call Flow

Call flow: Provides a guide about the general flow of the interaction and some suggested
best-practice language and keywords. (Your vehicle, easy, soon, options, negotiable,
flexible, experience, help, guide you…) The following are examples to use in your own
words, just stick to the structure of the call flow and save the important info for the
salespeople to tell the customer at the dealership.
If you are contacting the customer by message, follow the structure and after list, the
requirements make a call to the customer to set up the appointment and make the close/recap.
Always introduce yourself and the company after the greetings since the first contact, during the
call or by messages.

Structure of the call flow: Opening, discovery, requirements,

setting up appointment, and close/recap.

1. Opening:
From the start your goal is to take control of the call, just remember the customer must talk more
than you, you must direct the subject and make the right questions. It is important to let know
the customer “who” is calling, on behalf of whom are you calling (YouDriveAuto/Felix dealership)
and where we got the customer’s phone number from. (Facebook/website) How would you like
to be addressed on a first call? Create a bond with the customer, let’s begin building trust.

Good morning/afternoon my name is ________I’m calling from YouDriveAuto, may I

speak with____________?
Please to meet you!! We got your info from ___________ Do you still looking for a
vehicle? Excellent, I’ll be glad to assist you I’ll be glad to make easier your purchase
and get your next vehicle as soon as possible.
Customer is not available: Is there a better time to reach Mr./Mrs.? May I call you back?
What time would be better for you?
I got important info about the vehicle you need from YouDriveAuto Mr./Mrs.…!!

Voice mail: Should be short, include your name, company’s name, and your phone
number. End with a positive line of urgency and with a confident tone of voice:

Mrs./Mrs. ______My name is ___I’m calling from youdriveauto, please call me as soon
as possible on this number ______We
have great news from the dealership/ we
would like to have you for a test drive
with our best salesperson/ we want you
to be the first one testing the vehicles we
just got this week. I´ll be in touch. Have a
great day.

2. Discovery
Direct questions and open-ended questions.
React with sincere empathy to all the answers. Active listening. Kindly educate
the customer on the importance of being guided by the salespeople at the
dealership, and how important is for them to have a test drive. Never share
more info than needed. Let the sales experts do their job.
Some hints are included to be used along with your own words and questions.
(Confirm with team leader). Use the examples to counter objections when
needed, always with the best tone of voice.

You are looking for a (sedan, pickup, or SUV), right? / What kind of vehicle are you
looking for?
That’s a great model. You’ll be surprised by the inventory we have at the dealership. Lots of
clients came out with more of what they were looking for and come back to the dealership to
change vehicles year after year. Let us guide you through the process.

Do you require the vehicle mostly for your family or business? Do you have kids?
I understand safety means a lot to you. A vehicle is both, a great asset for business and part
of the family memories. I’m sure your family is/you are excited to get your next car.
We enjoy helping the community get what they have already earned after all their hard work.
Are you looking to be financed or pay cash for the vehicle?
Awesome!! We work with any kind of credit, we will guide you so you can get a different car
with us anytime you want it, ask about that to our salesperson. We will fit your budget and
get you the vehicle you need, we have lots of options, let us guide you. We based our
finance in your productivity.
How much are you planning to invest in the down payment?
We understand how important is to invest wisely, we completely inspect to all the vehicles
we show you, from the engine to the doors. All the prices and payments are negotiable.
Bring another $500/ bring the most you can as a down payment and we will help you get the
best deal.
Do you have a vehicle already? What model?
We can help you take your current vehicle to get a better deal
Is this the first time you finance?
Our sellers understand your needs and we can help you. We’ll work together so you can get
your vehicle as soon as possible. Let us guide you to get your next vehicle as soon as
Do you know where are we located?
No, don`t worry, we are close to_____, at the ______ You’ll get personal assistance from
our salesperson there.
Excellent so you know our location, is it close to your job? Have you seen us in your way to

3. Requirements.
It is important to send the customers to the test drive with the right documentation and not to
create any way out of the reality expectations or promise anything to them. (Model, price,
year, mileage, or color) Kindly prepare the customer to have an open mind and to trust the

Sure, we can help you, in order to get the finance started all you need to bring to the
dealership is the next documentation.
1.Do you have ID or driver license? Do you have passport?
2.Proof of address, any utility bill would do it: light, phone.
3.Proof of income like any salary stub or Boss letter.
Price is not available until you select a vehicle, every case is unique, the most you invest in
the down payment the better (range just if insist Sedan $1500-$2000, Pick up $2000-$3000)
is always better to negotiate the terms after you test the vehicle.
*Be clear about the wide car variety and let them know the salesperson assigned (provide
name after the call in a text or email) will guide them to get what they need and what would
fit best with their budget.
Last Option: Relative or friend with the documentation.

4. Setting up the appointment.

Confirm the date for the same or the next day. The sooner the better. Remark how important
is to test the car and to meet the salespeople to have personal assistance and be the first
one to test the new inventory. After booking the appointment:

Great Mr./Mrs. ________We would like to have you for a test drive at the dealership.
What day would be better for you, today or tomorrow? You could be the first one to
try our new inventory, what day of the week is better for you? What time do you leave

We are open until 7 pm (depending on the dealership) our salesperson will wait for
you, no problem. (Shift window only) Our salespeople have experience helping
customers with your same needs. Let our
salesperson guide you. / The benefit for you is
having direct assistance from an experienced
salesperson that understand your needs.
/Many of our clients appreciate that our
salespeople have a lot of experience getting
people behind the wheel.

5. Closing/Recap
Briefly recap the appointment info with the customer, the documentation needed, and clear
any doubts, remember to let the most important for the salesperson: price, finance plan, and
Mr./Mrs.____ I set your appointment for _______ in the _____dealership I’ll send the
info to your email/phone, if you don’t mind, along with the documentation you need to
bring and the name of the salesperson that will assist you in the test drive. Please,
send me a text or call me once you are out of the dealership, I’ll be in touch with you.
If you have any doubt let me know. My name is _____ from YouDriveAuto. I appreciate
your time. Have a great day.

6. Objections.
The best way to be prepared for objections is to ask the right questions. Your team leader
will ask you to do some role-playing before your first call, so you get the proper preparation
for dealing with all kinds of customers and objections. Most objections can be resolved
during the call, all in your favor. Don't forget to pause and slow down. You should address
concerns by speaking slowly, calmly, and with certainty.
• First rule: Talk less that the customer
• Second rule: Counter with a question
• Third rule: Validate their concern

a) Money:
How much are you planning to invest?
How much do you invest in your family/business monthly?
That makes sense, I understand your point of view. Let us give you more information about
how we can provide you with more options according to your budget.
Do you typically discuss things like this with anyone in your family or with another trusted

b) Time:
When is your day off? When would be better for you /and your wife to attend a meeting with
our salesperson at the dealership? Have you driven this model before?
Our salesperson will guide you through the whole process, we will get you riding your new
vehicle as soon as possible making your buying easier.

c) Model/kind of vehicle:
I`m glad to help Mr./Mrs.______ that’s why is important to me to let you know that we
understand your concern, once you get to the dealership, you’ll get the chance to compare
the vehicles and/ or our sales expert will explain you the best options to get a deal that fits
your budget acquiring the vehicle you need. We have lots of options from that brand with
different features.
Our salespeople have assisted customers with your same concern and keep coming back to
get new deals with us.

d) Location:
Do you know where we are located?
I’ll send you to the closest location to you
Once you get to the dealership our sales expert will assist you. Let us guide you in person
and make it easier for you to get a vehicle.
The best way to know a vehicle is to try it, let us guide you on a test drive
e) Documentation:
If you don’t have an ID or passport someone else can help you and finance the car in their

f) Lack of trust:

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