4038CEM Engineering Mathematics I 4010CEM Mathematics For Physics and Engineering

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4038CEM Engineering Mathematics I

4010CEM Mathematics for Physics and Engineering

Week 1 – Linear Algebra

HELM Workbook 9
Eng. Mathematics Chapter 33
Adv. Eng. Mathematics Chapter 7

Dr. Paul Griffiths

Introduction to vectors
A scalar has only magnitude. However, a vector has both
magnitude and direction.

For example, a speed of 70 mph is a scalar quantity. However, a

velocity of 70 mph due north is a vector quantity.

It is important to know the difference between scalars and vectors!

• An area of 100 m2
Introduction to vectors
A scalar has only magnitude. However, a vector has both
magnitude and direction.

For example, a speed of 70 mph is a scalar quantity. However, a

velocity of 70 mph due north is a vector quantity.

It is important to know the difference between scalars and vectors!

• An area of 100 m2 – scalar
Introduction to vectors
A scalar has only magnitude. However, a vector has both
magnitude and direction.

For example, a speed of 70 mph is a scalar quantity. However, a

velocity of 70 mph due north is a vector quantity.

It is important to know the difference between scalars and vectors!

• An area of 100 m2 – scalar
• A time of 60 s
Introduction to vectors
A scalar has only magnitude. However, a vector has both
magnitude and direction.

For example, a speed of 70 mph is a scalar quantity. However, a

velocity of 70 mph due north is a vector quantity.

It is important to know the difference between scalars and vectors!

• An area of 100 m2 – scalar
• A time of 60 s – scalar
Introduction to vectors
A scalar has only magnitude. However, a vector has both
magnitude and direction.

For example, a speed of 70 mph is a scalar quantity. However, a

velocity of 70 mph due north is a vector quantity.

It is important to know the difference between scalars and vectors!

• An area of 100 m2 – scalar
• A time of 60 s – scalar
• A force of 10 N acting in a given direction
Introduction to vectors
A scalar has only magnitude. However, a vector has both
magnitude and direction.

For example, a speed of 70 mph is a scalar quantity. However, a

velocity of 70 mph due north is a vector quantity.

It is important to know the difference between scalars and vectors!

• An area of 100 m2 – scalar
• A time of 60 s – scalar
• A force of 10 N acting in a given direction – vector
Introduction to vectors
A scalar has only magnitude. However, a vector has both
magnitude and direction.

For example, a speed of 70 mph is a scalar quantity. However, a

velocity of 70 mph due north is a vector quantity.

It is important to know the difference between scalars and vectors!

• An area of 100 m2 – scalar
• A time of 60 s – scalar
• A force of 10 N acting in a given direction – vector
• An acceleration of 9.81 ms−2
Introduction to vectors
A scalar has only magnitude. However, a vector has both
magnitude and direction.

For example, a speed of 70 mph is a scalar quantity. However, a

velocity of 70 mph due north is a vector quantity.

It is important to know the difference between scalars and vectors!

• An area of 100 m2 – scalar
• A time of 60 s – scalar
• A force of 10 N acting in a given direction – vector
• An acceleration of 9.81 ms−2 – vector
Introduction to vectors
A scalar has only magnitude. However, a vector has both
magnitude and direction.

For example, a speed of 70 mph is a scalar quantity. However, a

velocity of 70 mph due north is a vector quantity.

It is important to know the difference between scalars and vectors!

• An area of 100 m2 – scalar
• A time of 60 s – scalar
• A force of 10 N acting in a given direction – vector
• An acceleration of 9.81 ms−2 – vector
• A temperate of 100 K
Introduction to vectors
A scalar has only magnitude. However, a vector has both
magnitude and direction.

For example, a speed of 70 mph is a scalar quantity. However, a

velocity of 70 mph due north is a vector quantity.

It is important to know the difference between scalars and vectors!

• An area of 100 m2 – scalar
• A time of 60 s – scalar
• A force of 10 N acting in a given direction – vector
• An acceleration of 9.81 ms−2 – vector
• A temperate of 100 K – scalar
Introduction to vectors
A scalar has only magnitude. However, a vector has both
magnitude and direction.

For example, a speed of 70 mph is a scalar quantity. However, a

velocity of 70 mph due north is a vector quantity.

It is important to know the difference between scalars and vectors!

• An area of 100 m2 – scalar
• A time of 60 s – scalar
• A force of 10 N acting in a given direction – vector
• An acceleration of 9.81 ms−2 – vector
• A temperate of 100 K – scalar
• A mass of 20kg
Introduction to vectors
A scalar has only magnitude. However, a vector has both
magnitude and direction.

For example, a speed of 70 mph is a scalar quantity. However, a

velocity of 70 mph due north is a vector quantity.

It is important to know the difference between scalars and vectors!

• An area of 100 m2 – scalar
• A time of 60 s – scalar
• A force of 10 N acting in a given direction – vector
• An acceleration of 9.81 ms−2 – vector
• A temperate of 100 K – scalar
• A mass of 20kg – scalar
Introduction to vectors
A scalar has only magnitude. However, a vector has both
magnitude and direction.

For example, a speed of 70 mph is a scalar quantity. However, a

velocity of 70 mph due north is a vector quantity.

It is important to know the difference between scalars and vectors!

• An area of 100 m2 – scalar
• A time of 60 s – scalar
• A force of 10 N acting in a given direction – vector
• An acceleration of 9.81 ms−2 – vector
• A temperate of 100 K – scalar
• A mass of 20kg – scalar
• A weight of 5 g
Introduction to vectors
A scalar has only magnitude. However, a vector has both
magnitude and direction.

For example, a speed of 70 mph is a scalar quantity. However, a

velocity of 70 mph due north is a vector quantity.

It is important to know the difference between scalars and vectors!

• An area of 100 m2 – scalar
• A time of 60 s – scalar
• A force of 10 N acting in a given direction – vector
• An acceleration of 9.81 ms−2 – vector
• A temperate of 100 K – scalar
• A mass of 20kg – scalar
• A weight of 5 g – vector
Vectors Magnitudes

b = OB −

v = AB

O −→ A
a = OA
−→ − → − →
OA + AB = OB,
a + v = b.
Magnitudes – A = (2, 0) – B = (3, 3)

b = OB −

v = AB

O −→ A
a = OA
|a| = |OA| = 2,
−→ √
|v| = |AB| = 10,

→ √ √
|b| = |OB| = 18 = 3 2.
Scaling vectors Magnitudes

c = OC
O −→ A C
a = OA
−→ −→
OC = 3OA/2,
c = 3a/2.
Unit vectors Magnitudes

b = OB

→ − →
b̂ = OB/|OB|,
b̂ = b/|b|,
|b̂| ≡ 1.
More vectors Magnitudes

b = OB −

v = AB

O −→ A
a = OA

→ −→ − →
OB = OA + AB,

→ − → −→ −
→ −→ −→ − → −

BO = BA + AO = −AB − OA = −(OA + AB) = −OB,
Some vector facts

• Vectors have magnitude and direction.

• Vectors can be added, subtracted and multiplied by a scalar
• The zero vector (0) has no magnitude.
• Vectors are only equal if they have the same magnitude and
• A unit vector always has a magnitude of one.
• The same position can be described in infinitely many different
• It does not matter how we add vectors:

a + b = b + a,
a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c.
Examples I

→ − → −

1) Express AB, BA and BC in terms of the position vectors a, b and c.


O a A
Examples I
2) Determine OM in terms of the position vectors a and b.


a b

Examples I
3) OABC is a parallelogram. The position vector of A is a and the
position vector of C is c. F is the mid-point of AB and the point E
divides the line OC such that OE : EC = 2 : 1. The point E also
divides the line AD such that AE : ED = 3 : 2. Find the following in
terms of a and c:
−→ −→ − → −→ − →
• OB, AC, AE, AD, BD.
• the position vector of F.



Resolving forces
A force of F1 = 4 kN acts horizontally and a force of F2 = 4 kN acts
vertically on an object located at O. Determine the resultant force.



θ F1 A

R = F1 + F2 .
p p √
|R| = |F1 |2 + |F2 |2 = 42 + 42 = 4 2.
θ = arctan(|F2 |/|F1 |) = arctan(1) = 45◦ .
Examples II
1) Find the magnitude of the resultant force R. You are given that
θ = 30◦ and φ = 45◦ .


A 8 kN B

You may make use of the sine rule:

a b c
= = .
sin A sin B sin C
Examples II
2) Two forces act on an object located at the origin. Force F1 is
10 kN, force F2 is 15 kN and is inclined at an angle of θ = 60◦ with
respect to F1 . Determine the resultant force R.

15 kN

A 10 kN B

You may make use of the cosine rule:

b2 = a2 + c 2 − 2ac cos B
Examples II

3) Two forces act on an object located at the origin. Force F1 is 10 kN

and is inclined at an angle of θ = 45◦ from the horizontal. Force F2
is inclined at an angel of φ = 30◦ from the vertical. Determine the
resultant force R.


Cartesian components of vectors
Vector calculations become much simpler if we make use of the unit
vectors in the x and y ‘directions’.


O i a A

OA = ai,
AB = bj,
OB = ai + bj.
Addition and subtraction
Addition and subtraction of vectors is exactly the same - the
notation is just simpler.

3 y
2 p
j x
−4 −3 −2 −1 i 2 3

p = 3i + 3j
q = −i − 2j
r = p + q = 2i + j
s = q − p = −4i − 5j
Addition and subtraction
Addition and subtraction of vectors is exactly the same - the
notation is just simpler.

3 y
2 p
j r x
−4 −3 −2 −1 i 2 3
s −2

p = 3i + 3j
q = −i − 2j
r = p + q = 2i + j
s = q − p = −4i − 5j
Magnitude and unit vectors
If t = ai + bj, using what we already know about the magnitude of
a vector we are able to write
|t| = |ai + bj| = a2 + b 2 .

We use trigonometry to determine the angle the vector is inclined at

θ = arctan .

This is measured from the positive x-axis.

Previously we noted that t̂ = t/|t|. Therefore

t t ai + bj
t̂ = =√ =√ .
|t| a2 + b 2 a2 + b 2

Here t̂ is the unit vector that corresponds to the vector t. This is a

two-dimensional unit vector.
3 y
2 p
j θ x
−4 −3 −2 −1 i 2 3

p √
|p| = 32 + 32 = 3 2,

θ = arctan(3/3) = 45.0◦ ,

p 3i + 3j i+j
p̂= = √ = √ .
|p| 3 2 2
3 y
2 p
1 p̂
j θ x
−4 −3 −2 −1 i 2 3

p √
|p| = 32 + 32 = 3 2,

θ = arctan(3/3) = 45.0◦ ,

p 3i + 3j i+j
p̂ = = √ = √ .
|p| 3 2 2
3 y
j x
−4 −3 −2 −1 i 2 3
s −2
p √
|s| = (−4)2 + (−5)2 = 41,

θ = arctan(−5/ − 4) = 51.3◦ −180◦ = −128.7◦ ,

p −4i − 5j
ŝ= = √ .
|p| 41
3 y
j x
−4 −3 −2 −1 ŝ i 2 3
s −2
p √
|s| = (−4)2 + (−5)2 = 41,

θ = arctan(−5/ − 4) = 51.3◦ −180◦ = −128.7◦ ,

s −4i − 5j
ŝ = = √ .
|s| 41
Rules to remember


j x
−2 −1 i 1 2



Principle argument:

−180◦ ≤ θ ≤ 180◦ .

Angle always in degrees.

Examples III

1) Given that p = 3i + 9j, q = −4i + 5j, r = −i − 3j and s = i − 3j.

• p+q+r +s
• p + 3r
• q̂ and the angle θ that the unit vector is inclined at
• ŝ and the angle θ that the unit vector is inclined at

2) Given that t = ai + bj and u = ci + dj, show that

v̂ 6= t̂ + û,
where v = t + u.
Examples III
3) Three forces act on an object located at the origin. Force F1 is
10 kN and is inclined at an angle of θ = 45◦ from the horizontal.
Force F2 is 8 kN and is inclined at an angel of φ = 30◦ from the
vertical. Force F3 = 15 kN acts vertically downwards. Determine the
resultant force R.

F2 F1

The dot product
We’ve discussed vector addition, subtraction and multiplication
with a scalar. The next natural question to ask is:

“How do we multiply vectors?”

There are two ways to do this. The first is the dot product – the
result of this calculation is a scalar. The calculation if defined like so

a · b = |a||b| cos θ, 0◦ ≤ θ ≤ 180◦ ,

where θ is the angle between the two vectors.

• If θ = 90◦ then the vectors are perpendicular (in this case the
dot product is equal to 0).
• If θ = 0◦ then the vectors are parallel (in this case the dot
product is equal to |a||b|).
Dot product in practice
Recall that the basis vector in the x direction is i and the basis
vector in the y direction is j. Then

i · i = |i||i| cos(0) = 1,
i · j = |i||j| cos(90) = 0,
j · i = |j||i| cos(90) = 0,
j · j = |j||j| cos(0) = 1.

Therefore if a = a1 i + a2 j, and b = b1 i + b2 j then

a · b = (a1 i + a2 j) · (b1 i + b2 j)
= a1 b1 (i · i) + a1 b2 (i · j) + a2 b1 (j · i) + a2 b2 (j · j)
= a1 b1 + a2 b2 .

Hence, in general  
a1 b1 + a2 b2
θ = arccos .
Graphical example


j x
−2 −1 i 1 2 3 4

p √
|p| = 42 + 12 = 17,
p √
|q| = (−2)2 + 32 = 13,
p · q = (4i + 1j) · (−2i + 3j) = (4 · −2) + (1 · 3) = −5,
p·q −5
θ = arccos = arccos √ = 109.7◦ .
|p||q| 221
Projection of a vector
We know that
a · b = |a||b| cos θ.
|a| cos θ = a · = a · b̂ = d.

d is the projection of the vector a in the direction of the vector b.



j b x
−2 −1 i 1 2 3 4

d = |a| cos θ = 3 2 cos(45◦ ) = 3,
b (3i + 3j) · (4i + 0j) 12
d =a· = = = 3,
|b| 4 4
d = a · b̂ = (3i + 3j) · (1i + 0j) = 3.
Work done (force times distance)
The work done by a force F in moving a particle from a point A to a
point B is defined as the product of the component of the force in
the direction of movement and the distance moved:

work done from A to B = projection of F in direction of AB

multiplied by the length of AB.
Or −

AB −→ −

work done from A to B = F · −→ |AB| = F · AB

−→ −
→ −

If r A = OA and r B = OB then AB = r B − r A . Therefore

W = F · (r B − r A ).
Work done (force times distance)
We wish to calculate the work done by the force F in moving the
particle from A to B.

1 rA
j x
−2 −1 O i 1 2 3 4

From the figure F = 3i − j. Also r A = i + 2j and r B = 3i + j.


W = (3i − j) · [(3 − 1)i + (1 − 2)j] = (3i − j) · (2i − j) = 6 + 1 = 7.

Vectors in three dimensions

k a
i a3
a2 a1 y

a = a1 i + a2 j + a3 k.
Vectors in three dimensions
Everything we’ve covered so far translates logically from
two-dimensions into three-dimensions.

If a = a1 i + a2 j + a3 k and b = b1 i + b2 j + b3 k, then:

αa = α(a1 i + a2 j + a3 k) = αa1 i + αa2 j + αa3 k,

a + b = (a1 + b1 )i + (a2 + b2 )j + (a3 + b3 )k,
|a| = a12 + a22 + a32 ,
|b| = b12 + b22 + b32 ,
a a1 i + a2 j + a3 k
â = = p 2 ,
|a| a1 + a22 + a32
b b1 i + b2 j + b3 k
b̂ = = p 2 ,
|b| b1 + b22 + b32
a · b = a1 b1 + a2 b2 + a3 b3 = |a||b| cos θ.
The cross product

We’ve discussed vector addition, subtraction and multiplication

with a scalar. The next natural question to ask is:

“How do we multiply vectors?”

There are two ways to do this. The second is the cross product – the
result of this calculation is a vector. The calculation if defined like

a × b = ê|a||b| sin θ, 0◦ ≤ θ ≤ 180◦ ,

where ê is a unit vector perpendicular to both a and b – in the sense

determined by a screw turning from a to b.
Cross product – visualisation

a × b = ê|a||b| sin θ, 0◦ ≤ θ ≤ 180◦ .

Cross product in practice
Recall that the unit vector in the x direction is i and the unit vector
in the y direction is j. Then
i × i = ê|i||i| sin(0) = 0,
i × j = ê|i||j| sin(90) = k,
j × i = ê|j||i| sin(90) = −k,
j × j = ê|j||j| sin(0) = 0.
Therefore if a = a1 i + a2 j, and b = b1 i + b2 j then
a × b = (a1 i + a2 j) × (b1 i + b2 j)
= a1 b1 (i × i) + a1 b2 (i × j) + a2 b1 (j × i) + a2 b2 (j × j)
= 0 + a1 b2 k − a2 b1 k + 0
= (a1 b2 − a2 b1 )k.
So that, in two-dimensions, the unit vector is in the direction:
(a b − a2 b1 )k
p1 2 = k.
(a1 b2 − a2 b1 )2
Cross product in three-dimensions
If a = a1 i + a2 j + a3 k, and b = b1 i + b2 j + b3 k then
a × b = (a1 i + a2 j + a3 k) × (b1 i + b2 j + b3 k)
= (a2 b3 − a3 b2 )i − (a1 b3 − a3 b1 )j + (a1 b2 − a2 b1 )k.
As an additional exercise prove that this is true!

We can use the idea of a determinant (we’ll spend a lot of time

looking at these in the next few weeks) to help us calculate the cross
product in three-dimensions:
     
i j k i j k i j k
a × b = + a1 a2 a3  − a1 a2 a3  + a1 a2 a3 
b1 b2 b3 b1 b2 b3 b1 b2 b3

a a a a a a
= +i 2 3 − j 1 3 + k 1 2
b2 b3 b1 b3 b1 b2
= +(i)(a2 b3 − a3 b2 ) − (j)(a1 b3 − a3 b1 ) + (k)(a1 b2 − a2 b1 ).
A force F is applied to an object making it rotate about a fixed axis

k r

The moment of the force about the origin is

M = r × F.

In the above example r = −1.6i and F = −1.6j. Hence M = 2.56k.

Examples IV
1) Determine the force F , which has a magnitude of 28 kN, in the
direction of the vector AB, where the respective coordinates of A
and B are (1, 3, 5) and (7, 1, 2).

2) Given that p = 3i + 9j − 6k and q = −4i + 5j + 2k. Determine

• p̂ and q̂
• p·q
• The angle between p and q
• The projection of p in the direction of q
• The work done by a force F = −2i + j in moving a particle
from (3, 9, −6) to (−4, 5, 2).
3) A force has a magnitude of 18 kN and it acts on a particle in the
direction of i + 2j + 2k. This force remains constant whilst the
particle is displaced form (1, 3, 5) to (7, 4, 2). Find the total work
done by the force.
Examples IV
4) Given that a = 3i + 2j − 2k, and b = 2i + 4j − k. Determine
a × b and hence find a unit vector perpendicular to both a and b.

5) Determine the moment of the force F = 3i + j − 2k, about the

origin, that is applied to a particle at the point (2, −1, 0).

6) Given that a = a1 i + a2 j + a3 k, and b = b1 i + b2 j + b3 k.

Show that

a × b = −b × a.

7) Given that a and b are as above and that c = c1 i + c2 j + c3 k.

Show that:

(a · c)b − (b · c)a = (a × b) × c.

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