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lhe unu Valu v moncy[TUM) lhu idza

Lhal mens i_auaiahualu pusil Tim
usosth mu'lhan lhe iane_ambuúnl ih Thlau
duu lo_il pobnkal taning Lupacily Thu tou
uipAihanu holds hotpinided ueny t
Laih inltasl any_anounl d menty i uelh mosu
th soenu it Auuid
Tim alu omenuy u usLd ib_Lenpau
invutmntallunallkeu andlo sollu pMabns ins0luuty
Joans lhasrs , sauwnge
TVM hulp uuin knouing hi_alus oeny
ioveshd ds lins thang valur ominey iteiud
On any pdbjut oiim alu hangti. dn ik pruzeat
Valuu hlulald by uiing dalhemalical emula
whith llu lhe valu o haeney wth iupeil: o
Pv: V
Pr:Pauitnl: valu,
FVaEuluu valutLhmenay lo _be Aiuved in lh
iliatounl ialz
n_numbu o peiio ols_wnil F V duved
Ria4enio lim Valun ol meus
Rsk_and hulaunly-
lhvatment eppushunihu

ithk-loauiv Ralo bDo hbuu i_Ala ene tal

hiwillpRyu s D,000 _no2 Thul bezaukr
loday h aay u ib _a pelum Topusthas.
mo geods ith thiu meniy lhan uwhálh u
amoLuntA enu4u

uhaiauu L u Vakus neny

Cenppsunding TuhnigutA[Fuluu valu Iehnigus
The pthiu o_talculallngului valuus bLcash
haes T Thú iencupt thi ihlbsut Lathed ern
lh iniial_painLpal AmuLn buemts a pauf
punupal at th 'nd e lht_CenpolLzdu peaiead

2DuconlnaPserilvalua_e Tuhhiaues
Th paniss_ aleulaling pLLsenl
Vau e Lash u s

Mkhads 4talulalin aluu alu

Cerhpouad inluaut_
int ntust
VPag» No

aalLalth_AMaximialuen Ve. LAl Maiaialien.

Jhlalth_Maxinuu 2alm
Fundamenlal objulin _ofwratth manimial2
Ls lo maxinie lhe _maikl vall1 of h úm
Ahaiu DMazimizts Tht nelt pueil valus"o a
CouuL Dailen lo lhe shau holdeas Bnui
OAL méasuaud in lm oiash lou
The oalth maimizala2m bbitlv lakes1
Caiu D lhe shauuhololus inta bndeu et
Ldilois ibttus woskeus Q mployeek inlsus, 1
ocuse m lhu_lena lim LI läk nlo aitounl
h lm valuu hmmyt_censiduss Aük.]l
ilcagniyus lhe valu ugulas _diidnd payzil
PanilManimiälien o
T a um whuch olunoliu lhe_ masiinuum
o h_be tAnLd by an Lganisaluen na guven
pLiLod D Lunt.he_pibl Daiimizäuen
implus'lhal lht lnviitmnenl, mnung l
dlidund diuiww ht erilpi should be
0AÁenlud lo proil auaini lien. T &The
b al lubnen_ deuisen makingThe pto
maximigluin hasliin alleälien elalsolnuu
and abo bplinum alligalun
Raoi Maaunuzalum Wrath_MaaLmLaluen
Imain pbjtdea i lo Lks maun phiuliu ia o
tAAn lusge aaoual achiw higbeul_bmasket
pallh aluuu OLemmn losk-
hphasiu shoi lhsm )D emphaizs_lerm lun
ignr um yaluu e) D cansideis lure valu
anems'uk SunLilan 'uognlgea k
il uhiulaunilu
) uegniz tht unsngs

3Capilal Budgilin_ pteu

Capikal iudaling i_dyined "as lht amd
Vcatilal. : inuolvu Jimi oluisonlo _in vest i
wnt unds Jor aaldiliendipociluin modiicaluen
Qnd AuplhemLl oLd as
igniucan o Capilal_Budgzunha
The Suui hnd auluau 'o huiiDemalnydipuds
pn houo tht _availat soulzus au bu ülild
h_bmain ain_ loedL inanualmangumenk All_
lypLapilal bádlina duisie asi uapestd
-Yoadk CunualainitThs _aiu ALVeLsiblu
in naluL
Pago No:

Capilal Budana_Paecss intolvey lh follouso4

.Pai kntialien i
nut aling lhu proposal Jpa invalmeil i h
At sp, Taking up_inveideok ha busDts_Lan be
mblvaua bya_hunibu oALaien.These Could be lhe
addiueral'ou eapanten haptejul: uu_an inatait
npoiLt,a diuLase n junduiluin_torlu Could als

gdnu hesu s no _emL_ingle l alallos
u i no dulincd chniquu or Aiia_a piejzul
PALLA busint has_diuss ivesh iuguitemat and thate
h hppoval pue a puojul tehs bastd en the objulo
2.Evaluülin dhe puhul
IE mainly Lenilk oseluilirg _all Lailaa
ALMay udgurhz_nzds e a pieped ó Gide
omamise maekl valu

4 InplLoeilalin
onu lht pLoyele unplumenlalien i kaild the
Cernc thr_hy Laitical eltnt such au _compliln il
in he ipulald tinm tamt o Sdueuen ocoil
benil tk rangemenl lak thoiu a_inplmbnung the
5Puamin kuiawi
hswnlve lhptus o analysus autu
h asual stsulk bvu he Lunalud_bulheroe
Thup hulps lh managumunl dinljy The lou
iliali4 thun JouJulu unpetal..
onuLLL Jundk:
ALo huibes can lce uuthoul unds
hioughout lhe L a busiot abnay u
lo hut he Jellauun hu Lyps o hud_
Tn slast a_bukinua_a inilial vapndiluu
To und Cenl'hotis buscness ailkiilhsmeney ou
Io apend lh busnA._

ompans dluap keuk kousaoundung lo

giu ihilbusinesd.kundurgalsk caleo nanung
pesLni an aul ikibuig sLsotu h phanu
AOam iul ei hed Flundung_Can be iialu.
Jo Ethea Aho-uam e Lemalum piuspess
Thdiluzat soLALLAolnds aiu

Dutouned xaining
Bulinessaim b mazimie ptaili y sellunq
A pLodut o undeiin dcauiu o bia hight!
thah shat it esllhem prudui Ihe_400dJ
i thu e t pinihve douLL'DLdugel any
Date :
Pago No:.

AJi genualiny olli a cohpany_duidu whal h do

tbthe atnd capilal_and hoo n alloral
Thi cenypany tanDves he boney inls a nuw pojtul
M_buildei _n uuloy, paitnesing usith e
othu mpanus lo iäl a jon venu
Dh capdlal
Lenpanu bblain de unds pialuly thamgh-
bank loans Thy Lan alss sauu nuoonds lay sRuLng
duhl lo he pidi Ih_debl imnu, e ulbe
ikus de stuailuisuth ak copetlu bend! oe
plemisoy nolu Dehlk 1Buu alio loelude deberliu, uas.
qui4 Lapila Cenpaniu_can daúL sunds Jaem he
publir ln tazharge ot a piopolisnal busnership slak1 n
b_Lenpany in en shcúu issud lo ievesla Lhco
become akassholäeis álii puchainy thu thau

pthtu 4undir AousLu au Lundng Louw also nchale

paili tgully, venlui Capelal,dondkcu, ganls &
sisbridishaldo no _have a_deul Lequiuimnt Jai
Rlin en Lovesmcnl expuzpl opilval49Lily
Venu cailal Thay au al cálledLoud fundeng

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