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Hi , Beth . Do you like amusement parks ?
Yeah ! I really like them .
Some of us from the accounting M department are going to Dreamworld on Saturday for a
team bonding day .
Oh really ? I've never been there before .I had some plans this Saturday but I can easily
change them . What time were you thinking of going ?
We should meet around 10:00 A.M. at Central Station . It will be much easier to take the
subway because it's hard to find parking at the amusement park .
OK . Sounds good . I will book all of the tickets on my credit card online so we don't have to
wait in the line .
Are you guys ready ? We need to leave shortly because the show starts in an hour . The
traffic will be very busy .
Yeah , we better go soon . I'm so excited ! I've never seen a Broadway show before . I'll call
John and see if he is ready to go or not .
Tell him I can pick him up with my car on the way there . Otherwise he has to take the
subway and that will take a long time .
Yeah , you're right . I will text him and let him know we are on the way .
Do not text him . I will just call him now and let him know . Oh , and Judy , I will give you
some money for parking because it is quite expensive at the theater .
OK , the body wash set on special today is sixty - eight dollars . Do you have a customer
loyalty card ?
I have a discount coupon I want to use while it's still valid . It's in my bag ... here it is .
OK ... Hmm , it's not registering on the computer . Let me try to figure this out .
Wait a minute ... Oh- I see what the problem is . I don't have enough item .
Let me get more things snd I will be right back
No proeblem. I will hold this stuff at the counter for you while you take a look.
Did you hear about the network closures next week ?
Mr. Bronson got the e - mail about this yesterday . They need to upgrade our network so we
can update our software next month .
Oh , OK . But why would they put the 2nd floor offline at one o'clock ? They are usually so
busy during that period . I don't understand why they would schedule it like that . They
should do it on their lunch break .
Hmm ... Good point . You should go to talk to the manager . I'm sure he will agree with you ,
and then he can get the schedule changed .
Yeah , I will . I think I better tell him now so we can arrange it .
Hello , I'm travelling to Barcelona , Spain on business next month . I'd like to use my mileage
points to upgrade my seat .
Of course , can you please tell me your JenAir membership number ?
OK , it's JA388739 .
Give me a minute as I bring up your information . Oh , I'm sorry . You don't have enough
points to upgrade for this trip .
Oh , that's too bad . How many points do I need ? About 20,000 more points . You should
have enough to upgrade after your trip to Spain however .
Oh , that's so disappointing . I'll have to come to terms with waiting another few months
before that upgrade then .

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