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investment trade

The generic equivalents

play an irreplaceable
role in our health care
says Rob Koremans,
Zentivas CEO
March~April | 2011 6,90 |
Nervous energy what
can Europe learn from
Total continues its
development in solar
For Industry 2011
HIP Petrohemija
Ing. Ludk Drnec
All bad things can be
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Trade & I nvestment | 3 March ~ April 2011
Nervous energy what can Europe
learn from Fukushima?
The crisis in Japan spread not only a wave of destructi-
on across the land and sea but also a ripple of fear the
world over regarding nuclear power. The earthquake
and tsunami were testament to the force of Mother
Nature, then the threat from the potential repercussi-
ons on the Fukushima nuclear power plant exemplify
the precarious nature of Mans power.
The risks associated with nuclear power have always
been at the forefront of energy debates but despite
the true outcome of the Fukushima disaster being
not yet known, governments are re-examining their
energy programmes with a revived nervousness. For
example, in March German Chancellor Angela Merkel
closed down seven of the countrys nuclear reactors
to undergo tests, despite just months earlier commit-
ting to increase the amount of nuclear power Ger-
many generates. Other European countries such as
Italy who after the Chernobyl crisis chose to abandon
nuclear power altogether and were now perhaps on
the cusp of reviving the debate have again pressed
pause on their discussions.
The diference between the conditions immediately
post-Chernobyl and today is that there is a far gre-
ater sense of urgency. Governments recognise that
fnding alternative energy sources is not a task that
can be set aside until conditions are less conten-
tious. The matter has to be addressed now. Russia
has been vocal about its commitment to the nuclear
industry, with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin recently
af rming his countrys intention to continue building
new power stations and he is supported by Belarus,
Turkey and Hungary who, in cooperation with Rus-
sia, are assertively moving forward plans to build or
modernise their nuclear power plants. In the Czech
Republic the construction of two new reactors of the
Temelin nuclear power plant is anticipated to create
jobs for up to 5,000 people. The extension is set to
be completed by 2025; fve years later than originally
anticipated though in this instance the delay is only
a result of reduced demand in energy caused by the
economic crisis. The investment in Temelin is proof
of the Czechs confdence in nuclear power and its
Whereas the majority of Europe is not as susceptible
to natural disasters as that seen in Asia, the sensible
focus in light of Japans events, and in order to ensure
nuclear power remains a viable option for alternati-
ve energy, is safety. And this is where time has been
on our side: since Chernobyl, technologies have pro-
gressed immeasurably, with there now being extre-
mely sophisticated systems geared to ensure stability
and signifcantly reduce the potential for accidents.
Despite the fears surrounding nuclear power, it could
be argued that it is in fact the safest energy option
when compared with coal and oil for example
without even considering the impact of climate chan-
ge. A study of the health efects of electricity gene-
ration in Europe showed that coal caused more than
1,000 times as many cases of serious illness among
the public. Such comparisons are being scrutinised
now more ferociously than ever. Perhaps that the
Fukushima disaster has forced an even more cautious
and exhaustive approach to the nuclear power deba-
te will ultimately strengthen the case in its favour.
Gabrielle Brown
Trade&Investment is a business magazine published by Smart Publications, s.r.o., Radnin 231/4, 787 01 umperk, Czech Republic, registered with
the commercial registr in Ostrava, Czech Republic, registration number C 44339, business number 28606795.
Eidotr in Chief: Kateina Urbanov
Editor: Gabrielle Brown
Production Director: Mgr. Luk evk
Business Development Manager: Marek Rottenborn
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Ing. Jana Vojtkov, Ing. Barbora Svtlkov.
Sector Managers: Jan Kahnek, George Tacticos, Ji Dohnal
Writers: Diane Mannion, Dave Foxall, Silke Humphrys,
Gabrielle Brown
Price of one issue: 6.90
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Subscription: Handled by SEND Predplatne spol. s .r.o.,
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/ Editorial
Nervous energy what can Europe learn from Fukushima?..................................... 3
/News from industry sectors
Construction ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Automotive ............................................................................................................................................... 14
/ Story
Presentation of exhibitors of the Mechanical Engineering Trade Fair held in Prague
/ Companies
VERBUND | Leading the Way in Hydro Power
ZENTIVA Group a.s. | Respiratory Expansion ............................................................................... 26
TERNA S.p.A. | Independent Power ................................................................................................... 30
BONNET NV | Constantly Cool ........................................................................................................ 34
NRW | Modern and Responsible Hard Coal and Cole Producer ....................................................... 36
HIP Petrohemija | Investing in the Future ..................................................................................... 40
ito, D.D. | The Heart of the Tradition ................................................................................................ 44
/ Technology news
The Internet Is Out of Addresses, But Dont Panic ........................................................ 48
Audi Selects IBM to Migrate SAP Infrastructure to Cloud ....................................... 49
Mobile network technology for smarter cars ................................................................... 50
Nokia and Microsoft Sign Definitive Agreement Ahead of Schedule ............. 51
Fujitsu Launches Support Services for Cloud Environments
Employing Open Source Software ............................................................................................ 51
/ Interview
Ing. Ludk Drnec
All bad things can be overcome
Trade & I nvestment | 4 March ~ April 2011
Total continues its development in solar energy
Total announces the signature of
an agreement with EDF ENR to
acquire all of Tenesols operati-
ons (outside of Frances overseas
departments and territories1),
of which it already owns 50%.
Tenesols operations in the French
overseas departments and ter-
ritories would continue to be
equally owned by the Total Group
and EDF ENR. Tenesol, which was
created in 1983, is a top-tier solar
energy operator in Europe, leader
in the French market for large
industrial and commercial photo-
voltaic rooftop solutions.
Presentation of exhibitors of the Mechanical Engineering
Trade Fair held in Prague
The FOR INDUSTRY 2011 Trade Fair
is a unique area with presentation
of production technologies, tools,
materials, components, mecha-
nical engineering technologies,
news and innovation trends. An
advantage is the simultaneous
organisation of specialised trade
Leading the Way in Hydro Power
VERBUND is Austrias leading ener-
gy supplier, employing nearly 3,000
staf and producing 40% of Austrias
total electricity requirements. 90%
of the energy it creates comes from
hydro power, which represents the
second highest proportion in Euro-
pe. The company achieved a turno-
ver of 3.5bn in 2009, and runs 137
power stations.
Ing. Ludk Drnec
All bad things can be overcome
The defeated say what they would
do, the victors go and do it, claims
Ing. Ludk Drnec (43), Commercial
Director and one of the Executive
Heads of DHL Express (Czech Repub-
lic) s.r.o. DHL ofers services in the
feld of international and domestic
express forwarding of documents
and parcels. All bad things can be
overcome if the will is there. Ludk
has repeatedly confrmed this, espe-
cially during certain challenges in his
private life in the past. This principle
has accompanied him his whole life.
p. 52
p. 22
p. 18
p. 9
Trade & I nvestment | 5 March ~ April 2011
PetroChina to Acquire
50 Percent Interest in
Encanas Cutbank Ridge
Business Assets for C$5.4
PetroChina International Investment
Company Limited, a subsidiary of Pet-
roChina Company Limited and Enca-
na Corporation signed a Co-operation
Agreement, that PetroChina would ac-
quire a 50 percent interest in Encanas
Cutbank Ridge business assets in British
Columbia and Alberta, Canada at a con-
sideration of C$5.4 billion. The assets
cover 1.3 million acres of land, approxi-
mately 700 mmcf/day processing capac-
ity, 3,400 km of pipelines and an under-
ground gas storage.
Separately, the two companies will, in
proportion to their investment, each in-
vest 50% into a joint venture to increase
natural gas production. Encana will
continue to operate the joint ventures
assets and market all the production at
frst. The joint venture will be operated
under the direction of a joint manage-
ment committee.
This agreement is the culmination of
more than nine months of discussions
between PetroChina and Encana and
represents both a signifcant achieve-
ment and major milestone in the devel-
oping relationship of our two companies.
By combining resources with PetroChina
in this joint venture, we would expect
to recognize additional value through
accelerating our pace of development
and by leveraging increased capital and
operating ef ciencies through further
technical advancements and through
greater certainty of the long-term de-
velopment plan for the business assets,
said Randy Eresman, Encanas President
& Chief Executive Of cer.
etroChina International Investment
Company Ltd. said that, PetroChina has
outstanding overall advantages in pe-
troleum exploration and production,
engineering design and feld operation
services around the world, while Encana
is a world leader in the development of
unconventional natural gas business.
Through this strong alliance, the joint
venture is set to unlock greater value for
our shareholders, and will strengthen
the competitiveness of Canadian natural
gas business while providing a boost to
the economy and job market in Canada
and China. PetroChina expects the joint
venture to provide a platform for enter-
ing the major market in North America.
For years, PetroChina has been looking
for opportunities to work with major Ca-
nadian oil and gas companies in areas
including LNG and oil sands in Canada,
and projects in China.
Sinopec, one of the
worlds largest oil
companies, will invest
$7.1 billion
Repsol and Chinas Sinopec have entered
into an agreement to jointly develop the
projects of Repsol Brasil, the upstream
subsidiary of Repsol in Brazil, creating
one of Latin Americas largest energy
companies, valued at $17.773 billion.
Repsol Brasils assets are currently val-
ued at US$10.664 billion. Under the
terms of the agreement, Repsol Brasil
will increase its share capital by issuing
new shares to which Sinopec will fully
subscribe. On completion of the transac-
tion, Repsol will hold 60% of the shares
of Repsol Brasil while Sinopec will hold
40% of the shares.
The injection of funds generated by this
transaction will allow Repsol Brasil to
fully develop all of its current projects,
which include some of the worlds largest
exploratory discoveries in recent years.
The agreement between Repsol and Si-
nopec involves full collaboration in the
development of the existing projects in
Brazil, and allows for both companies to
continue expanding their activity in that
country jointly or independently.
The agreement is subject to the approval
of the competent authorities. For Repsol
Chairman Antonio Brufau the deal is
a good refection of the value created by
the investment of technical, human and
material means by Repsol in exploration,
particularly in Brazils pre-salt ofshore in
the last few years.
We are very pleased to share the devel-
opment of Repsols Brazilian subsidiary
with an internationally renowned and ex-
perienced partner as is Sinopec. Together
we can help expand business relations
between our countries, Brufau added.
Trade & I nvestment | 6 March ~ April 2011
Brazils ofshore boasts one of the worlds
fastest-growing oil and gas reserves. The
deal highlights the enormous interna-
tional interest in this historic moment
for Brazil, and particularly for the Santos
Basin pre-salt activity led by Petrobras.
Repsol in Brazil
Repsol is one of the largest independ-
ent upstream operators in Brazil and
the countrys third-largest oil producer
in 2009. It is the largest foreign owner
of exploratory blocks, with presence
in the Santos, Campos and Espiritu
Santo Basins. Repsol has a strategic
presence in Brazils pre-salt areas with
the most potential, and together with
Petrobras and BG Group is leading ex-
ploration in the prolifc Santos basin.
The companys diversifed projects port-
folio includes a producing feld (Albaco-
ra Leste) and eight discoveries as well as
other exploratory projects and identifed
areas of potential.
BP Commits to Early
Restoration Projects
Along Gulf Coast
Effort aims to restore
natural resources
affected by spill
BP Exploration & Production, Inc. (BP)
today announced it has signed a ground
breaking agreement with federal and
state agencies that will accelerate work
starting this year to restore areas of the
Gulf of Mexico that were afected by the
Deepwater Horizon accident.
The agreement commits up to $1 billion
to projects that will restore injured natu-
Trade & I nvestment | 7 March ~ April 2011
Sinopec is the largest petroleum and
petrochemicals company in China,
producing over 350 million barrels of
oil equivalent annually, and with re-
serves close to 4 billion barrels of oil
equivalent. Sinopec is Chinas largest
refner with a distillation capacity
of approximately 4 million barrels
a day. Internationally, Sinopec is de-
veloping almost 50 projects in 20
ral resources in the Gulf at the earliest
opportunity. It allows projects impor-
tant to the Gulfs recovery to begin now,
as early restoration projects, rather than
waiting for the Trustees to complete all
of the Natural Resource Damage Assess-
ment (NRDA) studies that are underway.
The projects will undergo public review
before they are funded, and priority will
be assigned to projects aimed at improv-
ing areas that ofer the greatest benefts
to wildlife, habitat, and recreational use.
BP believes early restoration will result
in identifed improvements to wildlife,
habitat and related recreational uses in
the Gulf, and our voluntary commitment
to that process is the best way to get res-
toration projects moving as soon as pos-
sible, said Lamar McKay, chairman and
president, BP America Inc. Our volun-
tary agreement to accelerate restoration
projects builds upon the cooperative
approach BP has taken toward working
with Gulf communities and regulators
since the accident, and in assessing the
potential injury to natural resources. We
hope to work in partnership with the
Trustee Council to address injured re-
sources in the Gulf as soon as possible.
We believe the early restoration projects
to be funded through this agreement
represent the best way forward in restor-
ing the Gulf.
BPs commitment to early restoration
is not required by the Oil Pollution Act
(OPA) at this stage of the NRD process,
and will have the efect of speeding up
restoration work that otherwise likely
would be deferred for several years,
while the NRD assessment continues.
OPA directs the federal and state Trus-
tees to study potential injuries, com-
plete a report that identifes the injuries
resulting from the incident, and develop
restoration plans to address the identi-
fed injuries. The process typically takes
years to complete. Shortly after the inci-
dent, BP began working with federal and
state agencies to collect data needed to
assess damages to natural resources,
through the NRDA process. Over 100
cooperative studies are underway to
evaluate the potential for injury to all
types of wildlife and habitat in the Gulf
of Mexico.
Under the expedited restoration frame-
work made possible by this agreement,
and to allow restoration to begin as
quickly as possible, the Trustees will use
the study data they have collected to
date to identify injuries that are evident
now and propose plans to restore those
resources at the earliest opportunity, fo-
cusing on projects that can start in 2011
and 2012. According to the agreement,
Trade & I nvestment | 8 March ~ April 2011
the Parties intend to work cooperatively
to seek to achieve signifcant, meaning-
ful restoration of natural resources in the
Gulf of Mexico.
Total continues its
development in solar
Total announces the signature of an
agreement with EDF ENR to acquire all of
Tenesols operations (outside of Frances
overseas departments and territories1),
of which it already owns 50%. Tenesols
operations in the French overseas de-
partments and territories would con-
tinue to be equally owned by the Total
Group and EDF ENR.
Tenesol, which was created in 1983, is
a top-tier solar energy operator in Eu-
rope, leader in the French market for
large industrial and commercial photo-
voltaic rooftop solutions.
Tenesol designs, manufactures, markets
and operates photovoltaic energy sys-
tems. Tenesol enjoys wide recognition
for its photovoltaic competencies, ofer-
ing superior engineering and technical
services. The company has a production
capacity of 800,000 solar panels a year,
or 170 megawatt peak2, at two plants,
one in Toulouse, France, and the other in
Cape Town, South Africa.
The planned acquisition covers all Ten-
esols operations, with the exception of
those in Frances overseas departments
and territories, which employ more than
760 people in numerous countries and
generated revenue of approximately
240 million in 2010.
This project confrms Totals commit-
ment to expanding rapidly in the photo-
voltaic solar energy industry, comment-
ed Philippe Boisseau, President of Total
Gas & Power. Completion of the deal
would step up Tenesols international ex-
pansion by capitalizing on the expertise
of its teams and strengthening synergies
with Totals other businesses.
The planned acquisition is subject to
applicable legally required processes
for notifying and consulting Tenesol
employee representatives and the ap-
proval of the anti-trust authorities in the
countries concerned. The closing of the
transaction could take place in the sec-
ond half of 2011.

Gazprom and Itochu
discuss energy supply
to Japan
The Gazprom headquarters hosted to-
day a working meeting between Alexan-
der Ananenkov, Deputy Chairman of the
Companys Management Committee
and Eizo Kobayashi, President of Itochu
The parties discussed proposals
on speedy restoration of sustainable
energy supply of Japan, particularly
through developing the Companys
swap transactions on natural gas supply
to Europe.
The meeting participants gave spe-
cial consideration to the opportuni-
ties for interaction between Gazprom
and Itochu Corporation as part of the
Eastern Gas Program implementa-
tion. The parties also addressed gas
processing projects in Russia with the
promising one that involves construc-
tion of an LNG plant near Vladivostok,
natural gas processing and CNG of-
foading facilities as well as natural gas
and its derivatives transportation and
their sales among potential consumers
in Asia-Pacifc countries.
Trade & I nvestment | 9 March ~ April 2011
Total and Solar Energy
Total is also present in the solar energy
sector with a 50% interest in Photovolt-
ech, alongside GDF Suez. Photovoltech
manufactures crystalline silicon photo-
voltaic solar cells.
In December 2008, Total became the
biggest shareholder in US start-up Kon-
arka, which develops products based on
organic solar technologies. The Groups
stake is now nearly 25%.
In June 2010, Total acquired a 25.4%
interest in AE Polysilicon, a US start-up
specializing in a new solar polysilicon
production technology.
Also of June 2010, Total was selected
by the authorities in Abu Dhabi to build
and operate the Shams 1 concentrated
solar power plant. Totals partner in this
project is Abengoa Solar, a Spanish com-
pany with expertise in concentrated so-
lar power technology. Construction of
the plant has begun and is expected to
take two years.
Total is also conducting signifcant R&D
through partnerships with world-class
laboratories in France, such as the Ecole
Polytechnique engineering schools Lab-
oratoire de Physique des Interfaces et
des Couches Minces (LPICM - Interface
and Thin Film Physics Laboratory) and
the Toulouse-based Laboratory for Anal-
ysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS),
as well as in the United States, Switzer-
land, Belgium and Germany.
French Guiana, French Polynesia, Guad-
eloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, New Cale-
donia and Reunion Island.
A megawatt-peak (MWp) = one million
peak watts. A peak watt, the unit used
to rate the performance of photovoltaic
panels, will deliver one watt of electricity
under standard conditions of 1,000 W of
light intensity per square meter and an
ambient temperature of 25C.
Trade & I nvestment | 10 March ~ April 2011
Bechtel and SolFocus
Deliver Renewable
Power for California
Bechtel, SolFocus, and developer Sol Or-
chard announced that a one-megawatt
high concentrator photovoltaic (CPV)
power plant was completed for Nichols
Farms, a pistachio farm in Hanford, CA.
The solar plant, which utilizes the SolFo-
cus SF-1100S CPV systems, was designed
and built by Bechtel.
Helping to advance high-ef ciency,
large-scale solar energy is a strategic
interest for Bechtel, said Ian Copeland,
president of Bechtels Renewable Power
division. The SolFocus system provides
a combination of high-ef ciency CPV
with rapid installation capabilities that
can deliver cost competitive power very
The power plant is located on six acres
adjacent to the pistachio processing facil-
ity and will produce 2.244 million kilowatt
hours in the frst year, providing roughly
70 percent of the farms electricity de-
mand. SolFocus CPV technology employs
a system of patented refective optics
to concentrate sunlight 650 times onto
small, highly ef cient solar cells.
This CPV agribusiness project with Ni-
chols Farms is the frst of its kind in North
America, said Mark Crowley, CEO of Sol-
Focus. It demonstrates how SolFocus
technology can easily accommodate
a wide variety of energy demands that
farms and other agricultural sites need.
Solar project developer Sol Orchard in-
troduced the concept to Nichols Farms.
This is the third project we have devel-
oped utilizing SolFocus technology, com-
mented Sol Orchard President Jef Broth-
ers. The high energy yield and reliable
products allow us to move forward on
projects quickly and with good fnancial
results. Bringing Bechtel in as the con-
tractor gave us assurance that when the
switch was fipped, wed have a robust
power plant capable of delivering on all
of its expectations.
Skanska reaches
financial close for
Croydon and Lewisham
Street Lighting PPP
Skanska has, as part of a 50/50 consor-
tium with John Laing, reached fnancial
close to renew and upgrade Croydon and
Lewishams Street Lighting. The construc-
tion contract is worth GBP 74 M, about
SEK 760 M, and investment GBP 4.5 M,
SEK 46 M. The project will be carried out
as a PPP (Public Private Partnership).
This is the second street lighting project
under the British PFI-program (Private
Trade & I nvestment | 11 March ~ April 2011
Finance Initiative) that the consortium is
involved in, following fnancial close of
the Surrey Street Lighting project at the
end of 2009.
The Skanska-Laing consortium will be
responsible for the design, build, fnance
and operation of lighting columns and
illuminated street furniture for a period
of 25 years starting in August 2011. The
clients for the project are the London Bor-
oughs of Croydon and Lewisham.
Skanska will receive a construction con-
tract worth GBP 74 M, which will be in-
cluded in SkanskaUKorder bookings for
the second quarter. In addition, Skanska
will operate and maintain the street light-
ing during the life of the project valued at
around GBP 2 M a year, the frst two years
will be included in Skanska UK order
bookings for the second quarter of 2011.
Over the course of the next fve years
about 38,000 street lights and 8,000 street
signs and bollards will be replaced over
the boroughs. Also 4,000 street lights will
be refurbished.
Skanska Infrastructure Development is
a leader in the global Public Private Part-
nerships (PPP) market. The business unit
invests in, develops and operates roads,
hospitals, schools, power plants and
other social infrastructure in partnership
with the public sector.
SkanskaUKreported revenues of SEK
14 billion in 2010, with about 4,500 em-
ployees. The company is active in build-
ing and civil construction, utilities and
building services. In the UK Skanska is
also a leader within the sector for Public
Private Partnerships, PPP, also known as
Privately Financed Initiative, PFI. Skan-
ska has also initiated the development of
homes for theUKmarket.
Mining contracts for
almost EUR 518 million
in Africa and Australia
Diamond and iron ore mine in Botswana
marks entry into the contract mining
market in Africa - Expansion of Austral-
ian coal mine Via its Group companies,
HOCHTIEF subsidiary Leighton has se-
cured new contract mining contracts
worth almost EUR 518 million. In this con-
text, Leighton International managed to
establish business in Africa: As partner in
a joint venture, the company will provide
services at the Debswana diamond mine
in Jwaneng, Botswana, for a period of 66
months. The project has a volume of ap-
proximately EUR 409.2 million (USD 586
million). Of this, Leighton Internationals
share is roughly 60 percent. Only recently,
Leighton Contractors was commissioned
to expand the Broadmeadow coal mine
in Queensland, Australia, for EUR 108.8
million (AUD 148 million).
In Botswana, Leighton Internationals
services will include mine scheduling,
drill and blast, waste removal and limited
ore mining. On total, the joint venture will
move 156 million cubic meters of mate-
rial in the mine. The project clients are the
Government of Botswana and DeBeers.
Jwaneng with its open pit mining op-
erations is considered one of the richest
diamond mines in the world. At Broad-
meadow mine, currently an open cut pit,
Leighton Contractors is to provide an ac-
cess for underground works. Until 2013,
the company will take on earthworks and
concrete works and build infrastructure
including roads, dams and drainage.
Larsen & Toubro and
CASSIDIAN join forces in
India to forge long term
Cassidian and Indian engineering giant,
Larsen & Toubro (L&T), have joined forces
in the feld of defence electronics. The In-
dian authorities have now approved the
formation of a joint venture (JV) company
between L&T and Cassidian, the newly re-
named Defence and Security Division of
Europes leading Aerospace and Defence
Group - EADS. The JV, based in Talegaon
near Pune and in Bengaluru, will be active
in the defence electronics market. It aims
to cover manufacturing, design, engi-
neering, distribution and marketing in the
felds of electronic warfare, radars, avion-
ics and mobile systems (such as bridges)
for military applications. L&T will hold 74
per cent in the JV whereas Cassidians
share will be at 26 per cent. The JV will
cooperate closely with Cassidians new
engineering centre in Bengaluru where
systems design and engineering activities
will be carried out in the felds of electron-
Trade & I nvestment | 12 March ~ April 2011
ic warfare, radars and avionics for military
application. Mr. M.V. Kotwal, Member of
the Board, L&T and President (Heavy Engi-
neering), said: In addition to its other busi-
nesses, L&T has been a leading company
in India for engineering, manufacture &
integration of custom made technology-
intensive equipment and systems. The
coming together of L&T with Cassidian,
the Defence, Electronics & Security arm of
the European Defence & Aerospace Com-
pany EADS, is a major milestone in the
area of defence electronics. It will not only
serve the Indian armed forces with state-
of-the art technology, but also provide
a platform for making signifcant contri-
butions to the high-technology defence
equipment global market.
Mr. Bernd Wenzler, CEO, Cassidian Elec-
tronics, said: Cassidian is a high-tech
company supporting global security by
the development of high tech product
and system solutions for armed forces and
civil security worldwide. We are proud of
joining forces with one of Indias biggest
technology companies. Wenzler contin-
ued: Our joint venture is a proof of our
commitment to India. Cassidian would
like to establish an Indian industrial base
for our European technologies with the
development of a long term partnership.
We are prepared to bring additional ca-
pabilities into the JV company after the
Indian laws allow an increase of shares up
to 49 per cent.
The new JV will deliver indigenous solu-
tions for military requirements of Indian
customers as well as the world market.
Thus, the Indian JV company will provide
the armed forces with locally produced
high tech equipment and assured life-
time support.
Recognising L&T-IES growing engineer-
ing engagements established with EADS
Tier-1 suppliers, EADS Group Procurement
signed a contract with L&T in January this
year. This agreement will also enable L&T
to be a part of EADS strategic programs.
Since 2006, Cassidian has been working in
a successful partnership with the Defence
Avionics Research Establishment (DARE),
a reputed DRDO (Defence Research &
Development Organisation) laboratory
based in Bengaluru, and cooperates with
CABS (Centre for AirBorne Systems). On
February 8th, Cassidian inaugurated an
engineering centre in Bengaluru that will
employ more than 100 Indian engineers
in the mid-term.
Trade & I nvestment | 13 March ~ April 2011
L&T has played a leading role in Indias
indigenisation eforts in defence equip-
ment and systems. With an impressive
track record that includes design, devel-
opment and manufacture of integrated
multi-disciplinary defence systems, L&T
has matured into a trusted partner for the
Indian Armed Forces and DRDO.
MT Hjgaard to
manufacture and install
offshore foundations
for DONG Energy near
MT Hjgaard has been awarded a major
contract valued at around DKK 1.3 billion
(in round fgures) for Dong Energy.
The project is well suited to MT Hjgaards
competencies, and we look forward to
cooperating with DONG Energy. The
project reinforces our leading position in
construction of foundations for ofshore
wind turbines, says Kristian May, Presi-
dent and CEO of MT Hjgaard.
MT Hjgaard is to manufacture, transport
and install ofshore foundations for a new
wind farm situated between Djursland
and Anholt in the Kattegat. The wind
farm will consist of 111 wind turbines.
Anholt Ofshore Wind Farm is a 400 MW
ofshore wind farm and will become the
biggest ofshore wind farm in Denmark.
No ofshore wind farms this big have as
yet been installed anywhere in the world.
The farm will begin delivery of electricity
to the Danish electricity supply system at
the end of 2012 at the latest and be fully
established in 2013.
When the 400 MW ofshore wind farm
is completed it will supply environmen-
tally friendly electricity corresponding
to the annual electricity consumption of
400,000 households. This corresponds to
approx. 4% of Denmarks total electricity
The civil engineering works will begin at
the turn of the year 2011/2012 and will
involve a series of specialised vessels and
employees in and around the area. DONG
Energy has chosen to use Grenaa Har-
bour as base for the project; both during
the construction phase, but also for the
subsequent operation of the farm.
The project has a series of challenges,
including the soil conditions and a very
tight schedule, so the project is suited to
our experience and gives us an opportu-
nity to continue to develop our exper-
tise in ofshore foundations, says Bente
sterbye, Vice President, in MT Hjgaard.
At the completion of the Anholt-project
MT Hjgaard will have installed a total
of 630 ofshore foundations more than
any other contractor in the world.
The ofshore foundations will be manu-
factured and installed during 2011-2012.
The contract is expected to contribute
positively to MT Hjgaards earnings dur-
ing the two years the project lasts.
Trade & I nvestment | 14 March ~ April 2011
Toyota Outlines Timeline
for Restoring Normal
After an in-depth analysis of its suppliers
afected by the earthquake and tsunami,
Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) an-
nounced today that global production
will begin to ramp up as soon as July in
Japan and August in North America, with
all models back to normal production by
November or December 2011.

The one-month diference in the start
date is due to the time required to ship
parts from Japan to overseas plants.

To all the customers who made the
decision to buy a vehicle made by us,
I sincerely apologize for the enormous
delay in delivery, said TMC President
Akio Toyoda at a press conference in
Japan today announcing the normaliza-
tion timeline.

Currently, manufacturing plants in Japan
are working at 50 percent of capacity due
to parts availability, while those in North
America are operating at 30 percent of
capacity because of the parts supply situ-

The company said it plans to continue
procuring parts from the same suppliers,
but it will consider substitute parts from
other suppliers. TMC said there are ap-
proximately 150 parts afecting new-vehi-
cle production, mainly electronic, rubber
and paint-related. However, replacement
parts for sales service and repair are avail-

TMC also said it is continuing to do
all it can to minimize the impact on
employment. In North America, it was
announced earlier this week that there
are no plans for layofs at manufacturing

Our entire company is committed to
solving the problems before us, Toyoda
said, so that we can achieve production
recovery even one day sooner.
Chevrolet Volt Named
2011 World Green Car
Chevrolet Volt was named 2011 World
Green Car of the Year at the New York
Auto International Auto Show.
The selection of the Volt as the World
Green Car is a further proof point of the
fuel-ef cient technologies that are now
being ofered by the Chevrolet brand
around the world, said Rick Scheidt, vice
president of Chevrolet marketing. This
award, and the others that have preceded
it, validate the eforts of the development
team to build a truly remarkable vehicle
with the potential to transform transpor-
tation around the globe.
The Chevrolet Volt was chosen from an
initial entry list of 12 new vehicles from
around the world, then a shorter list of
10, then three fnalists: the Chevrolet
Volt, the BMW 320d Ef cient Dynamics
Trade & I nvestment | 15 March ~ April 2011
Edition and the Nissan Leaf. The award is
decided by a panel of global automotive
To be eligible for the overall World Car
Award, the candidates must become
available for sale on at least two conti-
nents during the period beginning Jan.
1, 2010 and ending May 30, 2011. The
Chevrolet Volt will be eligible for the 2012
World Car Award as the Volt goes on sale
in Europe and Asia later this year.
Charged up: Ford Pushes
for Electric Vehicle -
Readiness across the U.S.
While Ford is gearing up to launch the all-
new Focus Electric later this year and C-
MAX Energi plug-in hybrid in 2012, cities
around the country also are preparing for
the arrival of new electric vehicles. Some
of the key actions Ford has identifed in
working with cities and utility partners
Utility rate structure that encourages
of-peak or nighttime EV charging to
minimize demand on the existing electric
Streamlined permitting and inspection
process to support customer and com-
mercial EV infrastructure installation
Integrated advisory committees that
include participation from electric utili-
ties, vehicle manufacturers and dealers,
municipalities, EV customers and local
Urban planning approach to optimize
public/commercial EV charge locations
Infrastructure incentives to ofset a por-
tion of customer costs for hardware/in-
As more and more electric vehicles come
to market, its incredibly important that
cities develop action plans including in-
frastructure development and permitting
solutions to ensure these vehicles are
a viable solution for citizens, said Mike
Tinskey, Fords manager of Vehicle Electri-
fcation and Infrastructure. Ford contin-
ues outreach with cities across the coun-
try to spread best practices and work with
multiple partners including local utilities,
auto manufacturers, technology compa-
nies and others to support a successful
integration of electric vehicles.
Fiat continues to be the
brand with the lowest
emissions in Europe
For the fourth year running, Fiat Automo-
biles is the brand that has recorded the
lowest level of CO
emissions by vehicles
sold in Europe in 2010 as certifed by the
company JATO Dynamics, the worlds
leading automotive consultancy and re-
search frm.
Compared to 2009, Fiat posted a mean val-
ue of 123.1 g/km and it also ranked frst as
Group, with 125.9 g/km and an improve-
ment of 5 g/km compared to last year.
This important record is a sign of con-
stant improvement: over the last 4 years,
Fiat Automobiles has reduced its aver-
age emissions by 10%, from 137.3 to
123.1 g/km of CO
, signifcantly lower
than the target set out by the European
Union for 2015, which has been fxed at
130 g/km. It is a result that shows Fiats
commitment to protecting the environ-
ment, also through the development
of simple and ingenious solutions such
as the TwinAir engine, the worlds most
ecological turbo petrol engine, the
use of alternative fuels such as Meth-
ane/LPG, a sector in which the brand is
the European leader; and the develop-
ment of innovative technology such as
eco:Drive, a system which encourages
a driving style which is more respon-
sible and eco-compatible, and which
has drivers to achieve emissions which
are even lower than the type-approval
All of Fiats eco-technological innovation
is grouped under the Air Technologies
These solutions are revolutionary and at
the same time simple and of low envi-
ronmental impact without giving up the
driving satisfaction which has always dis-
tinguished Italian cars.
emission-free the MINI
on two wheels.
MINI presents the eco-friendly solution to
the parking space problem in city centres.
The brand is celebrating the comeback of
the folding bike with a modern version of
Trade & I nvestment | 16 March ~ April 2011
Trade & I nvestment | 17 March ~ April 2011
the practical means of locomotion. The
special gimmick: when folded, the MINI
Folding Bike fts into the boot of almost
every vehicle and most defnitely into
the MINI. When travelling into the city, sim-
ply park the car outside the overcrowded
city centre, then continue on the bike and
relax. Park & Ride with an environmentally
conscious understatement!
The bike is also absolutely suitable for
commuters and impresses in urban trav-
els. When folded, it can be taken free of
charge on public transport.
The MINI Folding Bike presents itself
as a genuine high-tech vehicle: high-
quality components, a light-weight
aluminium frame and a clever folding
mechanism make the trendy bike the
ideal companion while travelling. The
bike can be folded and unfolded in just
a few seconds. The bike is folded along
the crossbar and handlebars. In addi-
tion the saddle can be retracted and the
pedals be folded up. This makes the bike
extremely easy to handle whilst saving
space. Fitted in a sleeve under the sad-
dle is a practical transport bag. The MINI
Folding Bike can easily match the riding
characteristics of a normal bike. Weigh-
ing less than 11 kilos and equipped with
8 gears and 20-inch wheels, it is quick
and versatile. The tefon-coated chain
prevents annoying soiling caused by
chain oil and reduces the wear and tear
on the components. The comfortable gel
saddle ensures comfort. Thanks to the
front and rear mudguards, you can carry
on peddling regardless, even in the rain.
Good visibility on the road is guaranteed
by the accompanying refectors.
Even on two wheels MINI proves its un-
mistakable design expertise. The bike
comes in exquisite matt black. Silver
highlights are set by the MINI lettering
on the crossbar, the brand logo on the
handlebars and the Union Jack motif on
the rear forks. The absolute eye-catchers
are the bike chain and bell in bold neon

Trade & I nvestment | 18 March ~ April 2011
Presentation of exhibitors of
the Mechanical Engineering
Trade Fair held in Prague
International Trade Fair of Mechanical
Engineering Technologies
Ing. Martin Vodvka, Commercial Director
of TEXIMP s.r.o. answered three questions
we asked him:
Why do you consider the presentation at
the spring specialised Trade Fairs in Pra-
gue to be an interesting opportunity?
The TEXIMP company belongs among
the main suppliers of CNC machine tools
in the Czech Republic.
The spring Trade Fair is always an impor-
tant presentation and marketing oppor-
tunity for us.
We believe that thanks to its position
as well as thanks to its term of organi-
sation, the FOR INDUSTRY Trade Fair is
a convenient opportunity for customers
from all over the Czech Republic who
Trade & I nvestment | 19 March ~ April 2011
have a possibility to outline their capital
expenditure plans already in the frst half
of the year. The recovery in the mechani-
cal engineering production which started
already at the end of 2010 needs new in-
formation, new machines and new tech-
nologies, and this is the aim of the spring
What innovations do you plan to pre-
sent at your exposition?
At this years exhibition we will present
the following new machines: lathe centre
of HAAS DS30SSY and lathe automatic
system of QUICK TECH - TT42. Besides
these machines we will traditionally ex-
hibit machines of NAKAMURA and TOR-
What should the visitors not miss in any
We warmly invite them to see our expo-
sition at the FOR INDUSTRY Trade Fair as
well as to visit our presentation Teximp
centre where the Open House of Teximp
event is organised simultaneously with
the FOR INDUSTRY Trade Fair.
Other exhibitors
have revealed what
innovations they
prepare for their
DK MACHINERY a.s. will present the
SMAR-TURN 180 model, together with
a representative of the very successful
model series of CNC lathes LNC of LICO,
which is characterised by its high fexibil-
ity making it possible to quickly respond
to requirements arising from produc-
tion. The exposition will be completed
by representatives of the metal sheet
forming technologies, hydraulic press
brake APHS 1250 x 40 and electromotor
scissors RGS 2060 x 4. The co-exhibit-
ing frms are ISCAR R s.r.o., which is to
present tooling and clamping systems
at the machine tools exhibited, and DK
group a.s. dealing with deliveries of
self-regulation heating cable. T.F.A. alfa
s.r.o. will present, as an absolute inno-
vation, a demonstration of a modular
clamping system which is intended for
operators of the most demanding tech-
nologies, i.e. machining horizontal cen-
tres. An advantage of this system is the
reduction of costs of new production at
multiple use as well as shortening of the
time for TPV preparation. Hexagon Me-
trology s.r.o. will present the mobile
measurement machine Absolute Arm
7525SI for checking operations and the
wide area of use for further innovations,
which is equipped with an integrated
scanner for contactless measurement.
In the group of mobile measurement
machines it will present the absolutely
new instrument CogniTens for con-
tactless scanning of surfaces of large
parts with a possibility of shape as well as
dimensional analysis. Visitors will be able
to try the use of CAD/CAM applications
from the Autodesk company production
by themselves. CAD Studio, a.s. ensures,
being the supplier of these applications,
mutual interconnection of applications
from a conceptual design to a digital 3D
prototype, its analysis, visualisation and
interconnection of the CAD design to the
corporate systems and administration of
product data for the entire product life-
time. An innovation on the Czech market
will be formed just by the presented new
series of CAD applications, namely Au-
toCAD 2012, Autodesk Inventor 2012 and
Autodesk Vault 2012. Other news pre-
sented at the FOR INDUSTRY Trade Fair
will include the precision pneumatic
chucks PVS 160 featuring a new clamp-
ing mechanism developed by KORAN,
spol. s r.o. The compressed air intake is
limited only for the time of the clamp-
ing or releasing of the part. For the time
of machining it is not necessary to bring
any pressure air into the chuck, because
the clamping force developed during the
clamping process continues to operate,
even though the air inlet is interrupted.
This possibility is already ensured by the
above mentioned innovative mecha-
nism which operates on the basis of the
self-locking principle. An advantage is
that for clamping it is convenient to use
a conventional air gun which is usually
installed at any machine tool.
The traditional machine tool manufac-
turer TOS, a.s. elkovice following up
to the manufacturing tradition estab-
lished almost 152 years ago will present
its product range among the FOR INDUS-
TRY Trade Fair exhibitors for the frst time.
Its product range includes production
of high-precision grinding machines,
conventional and CNC lathes, CNC gear
cutting machines. TOS delivers machines
also in technological sets adjusted ac-
cording to the customers requirements.
The latest product of the frm is the high-
Presentation of exhibitors of the Mechanical
Engineering Trade Fair held in Prague
Trade & I nvestment | 20 March ~ April 2011
precision multifunction machining centre
JE s.r.o. has taken part in the FOR INDUS-
TRY Trade Fair already for a number of
years, and its participation always means
interesting meetings with customers for
this company. They believe that this will
be the case this year as well. In their ex-
position they plan presentations of the
new series of CNC lathes PUMA made by
DOOSAN from South Korea.
What should the visitors
not miss in any case?
A very fast method of production of
Braille characters will be presented at
the stand of Gravo Tech s.r.o. by using
the CNC etching calender IS900. This
method is suitable as a complement for
the marking systems e.g. at door plates,
lifts, orientation spots on railings, etc.
Czech inventor Josef Pra will present
Trade & I nvestment | 21 March ~ April 2011
a 3D printer which makes it possible to
model almost arbitrary real objects from
various materials. RepRap is an open
source 3D printer available to everyone.
It creates (prints) real objects from dig-
ital designs. It is designed in such a way
that it can be possible to print as many
parts for the actual printer as possible,
and thus to achieve at least a partial self-
replication. This is a product of coopera-
tion of thousands of volunteers and any
other ones are welcome. The exposition
of the Technical University of Liberec
will ofer a practical demonstration of
activities of the blow moulding ma-
chine GM351.E for the processing of
plastic materials. The technology of the
blow moulding machine is a result of the
scientifc and research cooperation of
TUL with an industrial company, namely
of the Department of Engineering Tech-
nologies of the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering of the Technical University of
Liberec and GDK spol. s r.o. The visitors
to the exposition will see an original
surprise as well. In the exposition of the
Brno University of Technology you can
obtain new information about possibili-
ties of cooperation with the Section of
Technologies Transfer and you can also
see presentations of such projects as: Ma-
rabu glider, Orpheus rescue robot.
The Trade Fair partners
made us familiar with
the accompanying
programme prepared
for conference rooms of
the Exhibition Centre
Prague Letnany.
Besides expositions, we also invite you
to visit the accompanying programme
with interesting topics, which is to be
held at the Congress Section situated in
the Entrance Hall (no. 1) of the Exhibition
Centre Prague Letnany. For example, they
will be formed by the following special-
ised seminars: Information seminar on
mechanical engineering research in the
Czech Republic, Gallery of innovations,
Technology of mechanical engineering
production product quality grounds,
Resistant identifcation with RFID and
a bar code for industry, warehouses and
logistics, Transfer of technologies be-
tween the Brno University of Technol-
ogy and companies, Modern trends in
the feld of manufacturing technologies,
Production is our area of competence
Information systems for manufacturing
companies, Energy-ef cient use of waste,
Waste not only from the building sec-
tor its recycling, use and disposal, and
other ones.
The FOR INDUSTRY 2011 Trade Fair
is a unique area with presentation of
production technologies, tools, materi-
als, components, mechanical engineer-
ing technologies, news and innovation
trends. An advantage is the simultane-
ous organisation of specialised trade
fairs FOR SURFACE (surface treatments
and fnal technologies) and FOR WASTE
& CLEANING (waste management, re-
cycling, industrial and municipal ecol-
ogy, cleaning processes). The Exhibition
Centre Prague Letnany will be a venue
of professional communication of the
sectors closely following up to each other,
accompanying programmes focused on
current topics, presentation of modern
trends, interesting information from the
world of industry and technological co-
For more details please visit the Trade Fair
web sites, www.for- and
We are looking forward to seeing you
at the Exhibition Centre Prague Let-
nany from 3 to 5 May 2011.
ABF, a.s. Trade Fair Administration
Trade & I nvestment | 22 March ~ April 2011
Leading the Way in Hydro Power
VERBUND is Austrias leading energy sup-
plier, employing nearly 3,000 staff and
producing 40% of Austrias total electricity
requirements. 90% of the energy it creates
comes from hydro power, which represents
the second highest proportion in Europe.
The company achieved a turnover of 3.5bn
in 2009, and runs 137 power stations.
Outside of Austria, VERBUND has heavily
invested in several key markets, holding
shares in the following companies: Poweo
(France, 46 %), Sorgenia (Italy, 45 %),
EnerjiSA (Turkey, 50%), and Energji Ashta
(Albania 50 %). With dwindling fossil fuel
resources and increasing demand for power,
VERBUND is striving to become the leading
hydro power supplier in Europe, making
significant investments over the next five
years to achieve this goal.
Investing into the
Investment is high on the agenda for
VERBUND. Having recently invested in
selected international markets such as
Trade & I nvestment | 23 March ~ April 2011
France and Turkey, the company is now
focusing on becoming the leading pro-
vider of electricity from hydro power in
Europe. To this end, it will be investing
2.4bn over the next fve years, a large
share of which will be spent on increas-
ing capacity within Austria. In 2009, the
company already acquired 13 hydro
power plants in Bavaria, Germany, in-
creasing production by 7%. Furthermore,
VERBUND is advocating the use of highly
ef cient and environment-friendly CCGT
(Combined Cycle Gas Turbine) plants in
Europe, having launched one in France
in 2009, one in Italy as well as one in Tur-
key in 2010 and currently constructing
one more in Italy.
In terms of hydro power stations, VER-
BUND is currently running 123 plants
in Austria and Bavaria, with a combined
output of 7,500 MW. Further plants are
under construction in Austria which will
add another 520 MW when completed,
and a further 1,395 MW worth of power
stations are in the planning stages at the
moment. Add to this another 1,100 MW
from plants under construction with its
partners in France, Italy, Albania and Tur-
key, and it becomes clear that VERBUND
is set on achieving its goals.
Ines Schurin, VERBUND international
spokesperson, explains: Simply put, we
want to make electricity more environ-
ment-friendly. By increasing the output
of our existing power stations and con-
structing more ef cient new ones, in
particular those driven by hydro power,
we are creating energy that is low or free
from CO2 emissions; in addition, we are
keen to explore new applications and
technologies such as electric mobility
and energy management.
To further strengthen the company and
increase its fnancial fexibility to enable
the planned investments, VERBUND has
realized a capital increase of 1bn in No-
Lumpi-Berndorf Draht- und Seilwerk GmbH
Binderlandweg 7, A-4030 Linz, Austria, Tel.: +43 732 383 848 0, Fax: +43 732 383 848 20
. . . connect i ng t he wor l d
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When it comes to upgrading your overhead line networks, draw on the experience of the
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Trade & I nvestment | 25 March ~ April 2011
vember 2010. Listed on the Vienna and
Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the Austrian
government holds a 51% majority stake,
which it will continue to do following
the increase.
Austrian Mobile Power
As the No.1 electricity producer in Austria,
VERBUND takes its environmental respon-
sibility very seriously and participates ac-
tively in initiatives for electric mobility.
Having teamed up with Magna and Sie-
mens Austria, VERBUND has founded the
open platform Austrian Mobile Power,
which is aiming to revolutionise the fu-
ture of transportation by helping to put
at least 200,000 electric cars on Austrias
roads over the next decade.
One of the key challenges of the 21st
century is the rising demand for energy,
Ms Schurin outlines. Current prognoses
predict a 45% increase in demand by
2030, making it ever more vital to secure
the supply, as at the same time reserves
of fossil fuels will begin to dry up. This
is why we, along with our partners, see
electric mobility as THE technology to
keep us moving in the future provided
that the power required to run the ve-
hicles can be sourced using renewable
energy. Out of the 4.3m cars currently
registered in Austria, 200,00 will run on
electricity by 2020.
Visions for a Greener
VERBUND is increasingly focusing its
eforts on innovation, research and
development in order to increase the
proportion of renewable sources of en-
ergy in the overall energy mix in Europe
- currently dominated by fossil fuels. The
key areas of focus are electric mobility
and hydro power, and the company is
taking a leadership role in fnding in-
novative solutions for an energy system
that satisfes the increasing demand in
a cost-efective way, without causing
strain on the environment. VERBUND is
in a position to supply a signifcant pro-
portion of the required energy for new
applications in Austria using renewable
resources. For instance, by 2015 it will be
able to provide an additional 1bn kWh
from local renewable sources enough
to power 500,000 electric cars.
Ines Schurin: A not altogether distant
vision we are pursuing is an energy sys-
tem that is made up of a mixture of cen-
tral and decentralised production units
(such as solar cells on individual homes),
which will be controlled by a smart grid
with smart meters. We are actively work-
ing with research facilities and trade
partners on making this type of power
system of the future a reality.
Silke Humphrys
Trade & I nvestment | 26 March ~ April 2011
ZENTIVA Group a.s.
Respiratory Expansion
In October of last year Zentiva announced
their intention to launch generic respiratory
products in 2013 following the acquisition
of the Siegfried inhaler franchise. Diane
Mannion takes a detailed look at Zentiva; its
roots, its current position and its plans for
the future.
Acquisition of the Siegfried inhaler fran-
chise was made by Sanof Aventis; Zen-
tiva has been a part of this giant phar-
maceutical company since 2009.The
acquisition enables Zentiva to further
their aim in supplying afordable medi-
Trade & I nvestment | 27 March ~ April 2011
cines to the European public as well as
becoming a market leader in respira-
tory medicines in particular. When com-
menting about Zentivas plans regarding
the production of inhalers and related
medicines, Zentivas CEO, Rob Koremans,
Todays acquisition provides a real
boost to our plans to extend the range
of modern high quality afordable medi-
cines to patients. By acquiring the Sieg-
fried Inhaler Franchise we believe we
will have a strong competitive position
which will allow us to become a leader
in afordable respiratory medicines in
the future.
The impact of this acquisition will be re-
alised from 2013 onwards when Zentiva
will launch generic respiratory products.
The Pulmojet inhaler now comes un-
der Zentivas ownership. This is a high
performance device, which delivers
a range of inhaled medicines easily and
efectively for patients with Asthma and
As well as the Pulmojet inhaler, Zen-
tiva intend to concentrate on develop-
ing inhaled medicines, which include
a product containing salmeterol and
futicasone, and another combination
product with formoterol and budeso-
nide as its active ingredients. The market
for such products has proved very lucra-
tive in recent years with European sales
of these types of products reaching over
2.9 billion in 2009.
Generic Drugs
In order to market generic products,
Zentiva have to wait until the patents
expire on the existing products, which
will not be until 2013. Although generic
products are usually marketed using
either a diferent trademark, or using
a simplifed name of the active ingredi-
ent, they bear many similarities to the
original product. For instance, they con-
tain the same active ingredients, which
have the same efectiveness, and the
company will also follow the same pro-
cedures regarding quality and safety.
Where generic drugs have an advantage
over the original products is that they
can be produced and marketed more
cheaply. This is because, frstly, the origi-
nal drug may have a monopoly causing
prices to remain high. Secondly, manu-
facturers of generic drugs can utilise
a lot of the fndings from clinical studies
that were carried out during produc-
tion of the original drugs. This therefore
keeps production costs down as these
clinical trials will not have to be carried
out again. The management of Zentiva
recognise the important role of generic
ZENTIVA Group a.s.
Respiratory Expansion
Trade & I nvestment | 28 March ~ April 2011
Constantia Flexibles
Big enough to dare, small enough to care.
Constantia Flexibles
T +49 961 87 223, F +49 961 87 485
Constantia Flexibles develops, manufactures and supplies flexible packaging solutions
for the pharmaceutical, healthcare, food and beverage markets. We are a leading
supplier of aluminium based packaging for medicines and medical/cosmetic
applications, including tablets, capsules, powders and medicotechnical products.
Blister Lidding Foil, also Child-Resistant
H|gh Performance L|dd|ng Fo||
Co|dform Fo||
Str|p Pack, Suppos|tory Fo|| and Lam|nate
Overwrap, Sachet and St|ck Pack Fo||
L|dd|ng and Sea||ng Fo|| for Cups and Cans
Promot|ona| and Peta|| Sachet Fo||
W|pe and Doypack Fo||
Ant|-Counterfe|t|ng So|ut|ons
drugs, as they state, The generic equiv-
alents play an irreplaceable role in our
health care system.
The Zentiva Group
Although it is now a part of Sanof Avent-
is, Zentiva was already one of the biggest
pharmaceutical companies in Central
and Eastern Europe with almost 6000
staf. Its headquarters are in the Czech
Republic, but it also has a presence in
Slovakia, Romania and Turkey. Zentiva
is also expanding into other countries
including Russia, Poland, Hungary, Bul-
garia, the Ukraine and the Baltic States.
According to a survey, Zentiva was con-
sidered the 10th most highly regarded
company in the Czech and Slovak Repu-
lic in 2008 and this position rose to 5th
in 2009.
Zentivas roots date back to the medi-
eval ages with the emergence of the
oldest pharmacy in Bohemia, the Black
Eagle pharmacy. The company has op-
erated as a pharmaceutical company
since 1930 following construction of
a pharmaceutical plant in what is now
a part of Prague. Zentivas mission is to,
develop, manufacture and market
pharmaceutical products that help im-
prove the quality of human life.
The companys mission is refected in the
work that it does in the health sector by
partnering with medical professionals
such as physicians, specialists and phar-
macists. Zentiva supports these profes-
sionals both fnancially and practically.
In recent years Zentiva has undergone
a number of changes. As well as becom-
ing a part of Sanof Aventis in 2009, Zen-
tiva replaced its Chief Executive Of cer
in 2010, with Rob Koremans taking on
the role with efect from 1st July. Prior
to 2009 Zentiva had already sustained
a lengthy period of continual growth
and expansion.
Zentiva places a heavy focus on health
and safety as it is aware that the sub-
stances it produces and the associated
waste materials can be detrimental
to employees health as well as to the
Environment. The company therefore
has an Environment and Occupational
Safety and Health Policy, which is strictly
adopted at all three of its plants. Zenti-
Trade & I nvestment | 29 March ~ April 2011
vas Environmental Management Sys-
tem is certifed in accordance with ISO
14 001, and its Occupational Health and
Safety Management System is certifed
to standard OHSAS 18 001 as well as be-
ing certifed by DNV.
Apart from the future plans for respira-
tory medicines, Zentiva produce a wide
range of medical supplies and other
products. These include cosmetics and
dietary supplements. Their range totals
over 280 preparations and 550 types of
drug. Although their products are de-
signed to help with many types of ill-
nesses, the main areas of concentration
are pain, infammation, cardiovascular
diseases, and diseases of the central
nervous system including digestive
problems, alimentary and genitourinary
tract diseases.
The addition of respiratory medicines
will complement the existing product
portfolio. It should also help the com-
pany to continue in its development and
expansion, allowing Zentiva to achieve
its vision, which is, To be and be per-
ceived as the leading pharmaceutical
provider in Central and Eastern Europe.
Diane Mannion
Trade & I nvestment | 30 March ~ April 2011
Independent Power
Italian grid transmission operator Terna
SpA (Rete Electtrica Nazionale) boasts
some fairly impressive credentials: it was
the first independent operator in Europe,
was appointed Best European Utility 2010
and is seventh in the world in terms of the
length of lines managed (over 62,000km of
high-voltage lines across Italy). Speaking to
Gabrielle Brown, Regulatory Affairs Director
Mr Luigi De Francisci discusses Ternas
unique position and the companys latest
In 1999 Italian law decreed that the en-
ergy market was to be liberalized and
unbundled. This saw Terna, a spin of
from Italys then energy provider the
state-owned monopoly ENEL, being
established as the countrys independ-
ent transmission system operator (TSO).
Terna became the owner of the national
transmission grid and therefore respon-
Trade & I nvestment | 31 March ~ April 2011
sible for the management, security and
development of the national transmis-
sion network. In 2004 the company was
quoted on the Milan Stock Exchange and
in 2005 the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (an
Italian joint-stock company under pub-
lic control, whose mission is to fnance
development in the country) acquired
approximately 30% of Terna shares from
ENEL. Terna then took over the dispatch-
ing activities of the national transmis-
sion grid. This degree of unbundling
and the new setup instigated a number
of benefts. The new system made way
for increased transparency in regulation
and in the guarantees for investors. It
also meant that Terna stood as the in-
dustrial operator with the strategic aim
of developing and realizing transmission
investments, which meant a substantial
reduction in costs and an increase in ef-
fciency. The new system also meant im-
proved network security and reliability,
says Mr De Francisci.
The Italian Challenge
Since 2005 Terna has owned 99% of the
Italian national grid. Geographically,
this means working within the scope of
a long country and two islands. One of
the greatest challenges is dealing with
local authorities. There was not enough
investment in the grid in the start of the
1990s, so when we became independ-
ent we tripled this investment, not only
from a fnancial point of view but also in
our relationship with the local authori-
ties. Whereas before there would be op-
position to new, big, infrastructure, after
a communications strategy focused on
common understanding and exchange
of information where the benefts of
hosting overhead lines were communi-
cated, we are now seeing a more posi-
tive response to our proposals. For ex-
ample, in just three years we were able
to remove all obstacles and objections
to plans for one particular investment,
the MateraSanta Sofa interconnection,
that was brokered for ten years, says Mr
De Francisci.
Connecting Europe
Being in Italy, Terna operates in the Cen-
tral South Europe (CSE) region and is
therefore involved in the management
of interconnections with bordering
countries. The company also cooperates
at a European level in order to promote
the completion and functioning of the
Internal Electricity Market (IEM) and
cross-border trade. Italy is connected
to fve countries through 22 intercon-
nections and with its plans for future
interconnection projects, Terna is set to
become the electricity hub of the Medi-
terranean basin. We have committed
to implementing interconnections with
bordering countries so as to improve se-
curity of the national electric system and
diversify the sources of energy, says Mr
De Francisci.
Terna is also part of ENTSO-E, the Euro-
pean Network of Transmission System
Operators for Electricity, and therefore
involved in broader activities relating to
cross-border congestion management
Corporate Social
Responsibility at the
Terna places ethics and sustainability
very high on its agenda. Its commitment
to ensuring safety, quality and cost ef-
fectiveness is frmly held throughout all
areas of operation and activities, wheth-
Independent Power
Trade & I nvestment | 32 March ~ April 2011
er thats in granting non-discriminatory
access to the network or developing the
grid and its interconnections with bor-
dering countries. We are fully commit-
ted to meeting international standards
in sustainability; all our employees are
committed to this and this is evident to
anyone who visits our of ces and facili-
ties. This also goes through to our rela-
tionships with local authorities, suppli-
ers, parliament, and stakeholders, says
Mr De Francisci. With 3,500 employees
holding this ethos, its not an insignif-
cant facet.
Terna also has a Sustainability Report
based on the Global Reporting Initia-
tive (GRI), which for 2009 it reached the
A+ level the highest possible. Terna is
also ranked third in the 2009 Account-
ability Rating for Italy and is rated in the
2009 and 2010 Dow Jones Sustainability
World Index.
Being the Best
In March this year Terna was assigned
the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Inter-
national Utility Award, which recognized
Ternas success in increasing the value of
its shares by approximately 40% over the
previous three years well above the av-
erage for other European utilities in the
same feld. We are very proud because
after the turmoil of the second half of
2008 we had performances which had
no relationship to the global environ-
ment, says Mr De Francisci, adding that
the secret to Ternas success was simply
to always create value in our work.
A key feature of the business is that al-
though its partially public, it has all the
agility of a private company, able to re-
spond quickly to challenges and take ad-
vantage of new opportunities. The will
to create value over time for our share-
holders is another element of distinc-
tion within our company; our technical
objectives are intertwined with our will
to monitor and limit the environmental
Trade & I nvestment | 33 March ~ April 2011
impact of our activities and to improve
our economic performance so as to cre-
ate overall welfare, says Mr De Francisci.
2010 Investments
Terna is well placed to continue invest-
ments into the Italian, and European,
electricity network; its EBITDA for 2009
was 1.003 million, an 18% increase on
2008 and the total net income 771 mil-
lion, a 125.8% increase on the previous
year. In 2009 Terna recognized it had
valuable infrastructure such as substa-
tions not being fully utilized; it therefore
invested in solar energy frm Rete Rin-
novabile Ltd to install photovoltaic (PV)
plants at its redundant facilities. After
just ten months Terna sold its new sub-
sidiary in October 2010. This created
consistent capital gains which allowed
us to reap the fruits of our labor. The
transaction is worth approximately 650
million and will increase the Italian PV
plants by approximately 10% which will
allow savings of up to 135 million tons
of annual CO2 emissions, explains Mr De
This year also saw plans approved for the
creation of a new electricity highway be-
tween Pavia and Lodi in northern Italy.
The 250 million investment, approved
in July, is anticipated to create jobs for
100 employees over at least 18 compa-
nies. The initiative should see a saving
over 25 million a year for the electric-
ity system, says Mr Francisci. Also in July
Terna received the green light for the de-
velopment of a 105km New Electricity
Bridge across the Strait of Messina. The
interconnection will incorporate 38km
of underwater record-breaking extra
high-voltage AC cables and is expected
to create work for 200 people across 70
companies. Evidently, Terna looks set to
boast even more success stories in 2011,
and beyond.
Gabrielle Brown
Trade & I nvestment | 34 March ~ April 2011
Constantly Cool
Leading European group and global Partner
in the sector of commercial refrigeration for
retail chains, Epta operates, in France, with
its brand Bonnet Nv and is specialised
in the production and sale of refrigerator
units for fresh and frozen products, plug-in
integral units, medium and high-power
compressor packs and cold rooms.
Epta designs and manufactures refrig-
eration systems for the worlds leading
retail giants. With one clear objective, to
be the best, Product Development Man-
ager Mr Patrick Cazalis talks to Gabrielle
Brown about how Epta, for its brand Bon-
net Nv, manages to push the bounda-
ries of refrigeration technology.
Employing a staf of about 500, Bonnet
Nv is one of fve brands in the Epta
Group and leader in the French market.
In 2009, Bonnet Nv, whose main cli-
ent base is the retail sector, turned over
115 million, contributing one quarter
of Eptas total turnover for the year. The
frms history dates back to 1830 when
Bonnet was established to produce
professional kitchens, but it wasnt until
a century later that the company entered
the refrigeration market. Now, a further
80 years later and after a series of merg-
ers and acquisitions, Eptas french label is
frmly positioned as world-leading pio-
neer of refrigeration technologies.
Our signifcant research and develop-
ment resources have enabled us to be
a technological leader. We employ 30
people across four R&D departments:
the laboratory department (for testing
and certifcation), the design and prod-
uct development department, our cus-
tomisation unit (to incorporate particular
client requirements) and lastly the pro-
totype department, explains Mr Cazalis.
Technology Firsts
This comprehensive Epta R&D setup has
recently enabled Bonnet Nv to make
a radical change to its product portfolio.
Its new Energia line comprises a broad
range of products and product families
(including modular refrigeration sys-
tems) which all beneft from the same
cutting-edge technology. Energia has
been the biggest event for some time.
The objective of this development was
frst to vertically reduce the energy con-
sumption across the entire range, which
we did by between 10 and 20% depend-
ing on the model. Second, to be able
to provide our clients with a range that
is coherent across all models and prod-
uct types. And third, to standardise the
technical platform used by the various
product families. This last feature ena-
bles clients to beneft from a simpler af-
ter sales service, where having the same
technologies across the product range
means maintenance is more straightfor-
ward and therefore cost efective.
An even greater technological achieve-
ment, for Bonnet Nv, was in 2009,
when the Epta Group developed a new
refrigeration system for the chilled cabi-
nets which doesnt produce frost. Be-
fore we developed this technology, in
order to eliminate frost the cabinets had
to stop and start at intervals throughout
each day. Our new system produces no
frost and therefore the cabinets can con-
tinue working and maintain a constant
temperature. They save more than 10%
in energy consumption, says Mr Caza-
lis. This may sound admirable though
perhaps not astonishing, but to put
this achievement in context Mr Cazalis
Trade & I nvestment | 35 March ~ April 2011
explains, This technology, in our indus-
try, was considered impossible. You can
compare it to when the frst plane went
at the speed of sound. Having pioneered
something so groundbreaking is a coup
for Bonnet Nv but the next challenge
is to convince clients that they have in-
deed achieved the impossible. We now
have customers in Italy, Germany and
France testing the new technology.
That Bonnet Nv is part of the Epta
group enables an even stronger R&D ca-
pability. Epta has an innovation centre
in Italy which we are always cooperating
with to help discover and develop new
technologies. A critical role of the centre
is to test new systems; we receive all the
post-test information which we then use
to introduce new technology into Bon-
net Nv branded products.
Big Clients, Serious
With clients as signifcant as Carrefour,
the worlds second-largest retailer, Bon-
net Nv closely observes market de-
mands and emerging trends in its sector,
and beyond. The three demands were
most aware of at present are frstly to de-
crease our products energy consump-
tion. Whereas this is not a new expecta-
tion in terms of the fnancial implications
for clients, the environmental aspects of
this requirement have become more
important. The second demand is that
we develop natural refrigerant gases;
the HFCs (hydrofourocarbons) typically
used in refrigeration systems cause dam-
age to the atmosphere and after around
fours years of research we are now able
to provide systems that utilise carbon
dioxide, which is kinder to the environ-
ment, and water instead. The third and
increasing demand is concerned with
the recyclability of our products: both
that our products incorporate recycled
matter and that we provide more op-
tions to enable our products to be recy-
cled at the end of their lives. Mr Cazalis
goes on to state that he anticipates recy-
clability soon becoming one of the top
three concerns for clients when select-
ing a new refrigeration system.
Selling to large retailers also means that
Bonnet Nvs refrigerators must present
clients goods in such a way that will at-
tract attention and drive sales. Appear-
ance is not the frst consideration for our
clients, but its important for us to sup-
ply cabinets that allow our customers
to present their products efectively. For
example, we provide fexible shelving
systems and even cabinets which mimic
a traditional market look.
Bonnet Nvs main customer base is
in Europe and particularly France, but
working with global retail giants means
their refrigerators are distributed across
the world. Its a case of wherever they
go we go, explained Mr Cazalis when
I asked him if Bonnet Nv had any plans
to target new geographic markets.
Being Number One
When it comes to corporate strategy
Epta for its french brand Bonnet Nv
recognises the importance of clarity and
simplicity. We have a very clear objec-
tive: to be the best and the frst, says Mr
Cazalis. Being located West Europe the
frm is comfortable with the fact that
it will never be the cheapest option for
clients. Our staf are really motivated by
the aspiration for Bonnet Nv to be the
best in the industry at all levels of the
business, from research through produc-
tion to service.
Of course, being the best doesnt come
easily and at present one challenge fac-
ing Bonnet Nv is to ofer all the ben-
efts of a local frm together with the
advantages that come from being part
of the global player Epta. Our custom-
ers are located all over the globe so we
need to be able to provide the same
level of quality everywhere. To do this,
we must have local expertise this in-
cludes being aware of the specifcs of
each country, each store and each client
in that country. Having achieved the im-
possible technologically, no doubt Bon-
net Nv will overcome this particular
obstacle with admirable panache.
Gabrielle Brown
New Word Resources N.V. is Central Europes leading hard coal and
coke producer, supplying 5.3 million tonnes of coking coal, 5.5million
tonnes of thermal coal and 1.1 million tonnes of coke in 2010.
The Company has 396million tonnes
reserves and produces
quality coking and thermal coal for the steel and energy markets in
Central Europe through its subsidiary OKD, a.s. (OKD), the largest hard
coal mining company in the Czech Republic. NWRs coke subsidiary,
OKK Koksovny, a.s. (OKK) is Europes largest producer of foundry coke.
After a tough year in 2009, demand for coal and coke in the Central
and Eastern European (CEE) markets rebounded strongly in 2010 and
the Company successfully increased its sales volumes and prices in
response to this demand.
NWR mined 11.4Mt of coal with three fewer operating longwalls
compared to the year before, reaping the benefts of its recent capital
investment programme (Productivity Optimisation Programme
POP 2010) in new longwall mining equipment. The new longwalls
produced on average approximatelly 2,800t of coal per longwall per
day up just over 72 per cent when compared with the old equipment.
The Company expects demand for coking coal in the CEE region to
remain robust, driven by continued recovery in the automotive sector
as well as the continued investments in infrastructure in the region.
Recovery in Central Europes industrial sectors will also underpin
demand for thermal coal. NWR expects to produce approximately
11Mt of coal and 800kt of coke in 2011.
Globally, coking coal is in short supply as China and other emerging
economies continue to drive world demand. In the neighbouring
Silesian state-owned Polish mines, total production has been
declining steadily since the 1980s. Poland is subsequently struggling
to meet its own domestic demand, which is evidenced by the fact that
the country became a net importer of coal in 2008. In 2010 the robust
recovery in the Russian and Ukrainian domestic markets resulted in
a decrease in exports of thermal coal from those countries into the
regional market, and the increased demand was largely satisfed
by the Polish and Czech producers. As an emerging economy, the
amount of energy required in the region continues to rise. Further
afeld, increasing volumes of coal are being imported to the region
from seaborne markets to plug the missing production, but logistical
constraints and high transportation costs will keep these imports
As at 1 January 2011
Full name: Joint Ore Reserves Committee
OKD, a.s. (OKD)
producer of hard coal in the Czech Republic
over 17,200 employees
4 active mines Darkov, Karvin, SM, Paskov
covering a mining area of approximately 120 square kilometres
our mines have 24 shafts extracting coal from depths ranging
from 600 to 1,200 metres below surface
For further information please refer to
OKK Koksovny, a.s.
(OKK Koksovny)
the largest producer of foundry coke in Europe
750 employees
1 coking plant Svoboda
4 coking batteries in operation at Svoboda
For further information please refer to
Polish subsidiary of NWR
NWR KARBONIA oversees two development projects in southern
Poland Dbiesko and Morcinek
For further information please refer to
NWR Modern and Responsible Hard Coal and Coke Producer
NWRs coke business delivered a very solid performance, with
production up 19 per cent to 1.0Mt and a reduction in coke conversion
unit cost of 16 per cent. These numbers refect increased volumes as
demand recovered. Consolidation of coke production at the Svoboda
site following the closure of the Jan Sverma plant, combined with the
refurbishment of one battery and the commissioning of a new coking
battery in Svoboda which came on stream at the end of 2010, and will
further help lower unit conversion costs going forward.
As a product of coking coal, coke demand similarly follows the
fortune of the steel industry. However, coke markets tend to be more
volatile since many steel mills produce their own coke supply with
independent producers complementing their production. However, a
number of producers continue to operate out of date coking batteries
in the region, giving OKK a more competitive market position.
Subsequent to the collapse in steel production, coke demand in
Central Europe fell signifcantly in 2009. In response much coke
capacity in the merchant coke market was taken of line. This reduced
supply capacity, along with export restrictions from China and rising
demand, helped coke prices in Europe to recover in 2010 from the
lows of 2009.
NWRs main customers are blue chip organisations in the Czech Republic
and neighbouring countries including Austria, Germany, Poland and
Slovakia. They are primarily based in the industrial belt of eastern Czech
Republic and Poland where a concentration of heavy industry is located.
The industries in the region have a strong interdependence, with coal
miners supplying the steel mills who in turn supply the automotive,
construction and manufacturing industries. As a result of the economic
recovery, demand in all of these sectors experienced renewed growth
during 2010. For instance vehicle production in the Czech Republic grew
by 9 per cent during the year while general steel consumption in Europe
returned to positive growth.
The Companys close proximity and excellent logistic links to our
customers underpin long-term relationships. This, in combination with
the long distances to deep-water ports, gives us a competitive advantage
over seaborne imports, which incur higher transportation costs.
Development projects
NWR has signifcant opportunities for organic growth within its
existing licence portfolio in Poland. There has been good progress
made during 2010 in developing these investment projects,
Particularly Dbiesko, where a world-class project team and group
of advisors are now in place and undertaking a detailed feasibility
study. Land and infrastructures acquisitions are also underway.
Dbiesko and our other Polish project, Morcinek, are a signifcant
part of our growth strategy, as they will bring newly developed mines
with lower production costs into our portfolio, helping to ofset
higher costs as we continue to mine deeper at our Czech operations.
There are also considerable unexploited hard coal resources in the
area where we currently operate in the Czech Republic, which would
add to our reserves and extend the life of our mines. Our experience
in land rehabilitation means we are well qualifed to control the
environmental impact of developing these opportunities and we
continue to work diligently to fnd ways for accessing coal that are
mutually benefcial for both the local communities and NWR.
We continue to pursue similar opportunities, particularly in Poland
and Ukraine where we are monitoring privatisations closely.
The investments in POP 2010 are delivering increased productivity
and improved safety standards. Last year the number of occupational
accidents in our mines dropped by 22 per cent to 271 from 346 in
2009. The Annual LTIFR in the same period decreased from 12.00 in
2009 to 9.13 in 2010.
The new equipment also had a positive impact on reducing dust
levels. Having completed and seen the frst benefts of POP 2010,
NWR will now focus its attention on further optimising the efciency
of the new technologies, as well as further improving health and
safety standards in line with the Companys aim to reach zero harm
levels. NWR successfully completed its SAFETY 2010 programme at
the end of 2010. SAFETY 2010 entails the largest purchase of mining
work equipment ever realised in the Czech Republic. This two-year
project was primarily focused on replacing personal work wear and
technical equipment with the latest innovations. The new equipment
has not only improved safety but also general working conditions
Furthermore, as part of NWRs ongoing commitment to improving
safety conditions, the Company has implemented more stringent
safety regulations, processes and monitoring systems at all its
operations. Additionally, employees are encouraged to appreciate
not only wider potential risks but also to have a greater sense of
responsibility for their own safety and that of their colleagues. NWR
runs several initiatives to promote a safer workplace, which are based
on an improved dialogue between employees and senior staf in day-
to-day operational life. These include suggestion boxes for employees
on ways to improve safety, working conditions and efciency with the
best ideas being rewarded.
Going green Reclamation Project Karvinsk
potok (Karvinsk Brook)
Driving to Karvin from Ostrava, one cannot help but notice on the
right hand side the church of Saint Peter of Alcantara, built in 1736
in the Baroque style. The church is a protected cultural monument
and one that has been preserved in what was once the historical
centre of Karvin. It thus serves today as a reminder of the historical
placing of the city. Other buildings in the town had to give way
to the miners and the landscape subsequently changed beyond
The building reminds somewhat of the Leaning Tower of Pisa,
not so much because of its architectural style but because of the
nearly seven-degree tilt from the vertical axis, something which was
caused by coal mining. From the beginning of mining operations in
1874, as many as 27 seams of a total thickness of 52.8 metres were
exhausted. The church, which once stood on a small hill, sank by
more than 30 metres and now stands in a shallow valley beside a
small lake. The site came in for a better future in 1996 when OKD
provided for the refurbishment of the church sanctuary. Reclamation
of the 22-hectare valley commenced two years later.
Inundated areas along the Karvinsk Brook were flled in and
the channel of the brook itself was redesigned. The landscaping
consumed approximately 220,000 cubic metres of tailings. The
original development plan proposed a conversion of the area into
woodland, but concerns were soon voiced that grown trees would
obliterate the view of the church. The immediate surroundings of
the buildings have thus been designed as a park area.
The reclamation works were completed in 2006 at a cost of CZK
65 million. The site has become one of the most popular in the
NWP |s the on|y company |n that m|nes hard coa| |n the Czech Pepub||c. Hard coa| |s an |mportant raw
mater|a| for the energy |ndustry and for the stee| |ndustry and re|ated sectors. We prov|de work for tens of
thousands of peop|e. Our subs|d|ary OlD |s one of the |argest emp|oyers |n the country and one of the b|ggest
contr|butors to the state budget. We ma|nta|n the h|ghest |nternat|ona| standards |n m|n|ng techno|ogy,
safety, and bus|ness management. We endorse the g|oba||y shared pr|nc|p|es of corporate respons|b|||ty.
We be||eve that our bus|ness has |ongterm prospects. We are prepared to share these prospects w|th our
emp|oyees and the commun|t|es |n the reg|ons where we operate.
An |mpcrtant emp|cyer
Industr|a| uses
An |mpcrtant
payer cf taxes
The mcst
Paper |ndustry
Energy |ndustry
Trade & I nvestment | 40 March ~ April 2011
HIP Petrohemija
Investing in the Future
HIP is the Republic of Serbias leading
producer and exporter of petrochemical
products and employs around 1,800 people.
Its plants cover an area of 247 hectares
in the industrial zones of Panevo, Elemir
near Zrenjanin, and Crepaja near Panevo,
producing an annual output in the region
of 700,000 tonnes. Silke Humphrys spoke to
Chief Executive Mladen Popovic about the
companys history and its direction for the
Founded in 1977, HIP is today 80% state-
owned. It operates seven production
plants, each location equipped with its
own utility and electrical distribution
systems, wastewater treatment plants,
laboratories, and other essential utilities.
Trade & I nvestment | 41 March ~ April 2011
In April 1999, the site was targeted by
NATO and partially destroyed, resulting
in a 30% loss in capacity. Although the
majority of the operation has now re-
sumed, the chlorine line was shut down
HIPs basic product plants provide raw
materials for its own polymer plants, as
well as for various industries (ethylene,
propylene, C4-fraction, pyrolysis oil, py-
rolysis gasoline, MTBE (methyl-tertiary-
butyl-ether) and 1,3 butadiene).
Its polymers - high density polyethylene
HIPLEX and low density polyethylene
HIPTEN, as well as styren butadien rub-
ber HIPREN - provide the raw material
for numerous products that are essential
for making our everyday life better and
more comfortable. They are particularly
vital in the packaging sector, because
the processing, packing, transportation
and protection of any given product
requires strong, resistant, impermeable
and light packaging material, which pro-
tects the product and reduces costs of
transportation and storage and allows
the possibility of printing.
Other types of polymer are used for mak-
ing car and truck tires, but also conveyor
and driving belts, pipes and hoses, foor
coverings, cables and adhesives.
Export Success
With more than three decades of expe-
rience in conquering new technologies,
products and markets, HIPs teams of
experts permanently work on expand-
ing the applicability of the companys
products, as well as on the production
process and product quality research
and improvement.
Thanks to the very high level of prod-
uct quality, the majority about 80%
- of HIPs output is destined for export,
while maintaining its leading position in
the domestic market as well. The main
export markets are Italy, Ukraine, Ro-
mania, Greece, Germany, Slovenia and
Chief Executive Mladan Popovic: At HIP
we take pride in our ef ciency, responsi-
bility, permanent quality improvement,
devotion to buyers, and environmental
protection its those things which form
the core of our business and a backbone
for the future.
In an industry such as this, adhering to
international environmental standards is
crucial. HIP-Petrohemija is paying great
attention to quality and environmen-
tal protection in accordance with the
HIP Petrohemija
Investing in the Future
Trade & I nvestment | 42 March ~ April 2011
requirements of the integrated model
of environmental protection and qual-
ity management pursuant to the stand-
ards ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004.
More than 98% of all products are clas-
sifed as frst class products, being regu-
larly tested in the companys own labo-
ratory which is accredited in accordance
with ISO/IEC 17025:2006. Polymers have
a Statement of Conformity, which de-
clares their conformity with EU norms for
materials intended to come into contact
with foodstufs issued by the Institute
for Public Health, Slovenia.
In addition to this, HIP-Petrohemija has
declared its intention to register all rel-
evant substances by 30.11.2010 to the Eu-
ropean Agency for Chemicals in Helsinki,
to comply with the new REACH regula-
tion. REACH is a European regulation (EC
1907/2006), which has become efective
in June 2007, regulating the registration,
evaluation, authorisation and restriction
of chemicals. It supersedes the existing le-
gal provisions which refer to about 30,000
substances in the European data base for
chemical substances. REACH also regu-
lates new substances released for sale and
use, as well as the restriction of existing
substances that carry a risk for people,
animals and the environment in general.
The basic aims of REACH are the protec-
tion of the environment and human
health, whilst maintaining and encourag-
ing research and development within the
Trade & I nvestment | 43 March ~ April 2011
chemical industry and ensuring the up-
keep of a competitive marketplace.
By applying the existing standards ISO
9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004, HIP al-
ready follows the highest standards reg-
ulating human health and safety as well
as environmental protection and has
pledged to meet all the requirements
prescribed by REACH.
Increasing Capacity
Like so many companies around the
world, the last year or two have been
challenging fnancially, a fact worsened
by extremely high virgin naphtha prices.
HIP-Petrohemija started a restructur-
ing process, supported by the Serbian
government, enabling the company to
cut expenses and make more ef cient
contractual agreements with suppliers
as well as buyers. Now, the focus is on
We are currently working to dramatical-
ly increase our production capacity, Mr
Popovic explains. As the Serbian gov-
ernment has a high stake in the organi-
sation, a big investment will be made in
the course of the coming year around
70 million. We are planning to increase
the capacity of our polyethylene plant
to around 90,000 100,000 tonnes per
year, and the ethylene plant by up to
80,000 tonnes. In addition, we plan to
invest in improving energy ef ciencies
and control systems.
Currently, a public tender is underway
to select a company that will help real-
ise the investment programme on the
reconstruction of Ethylene, HDPE and
LDPE Plants.
Silke Humphrys
Trade & I nvestment | 44 March ~ April 2011
ito, D.D.
The Heart of the Tradition
The ito Group is one of Slovenias leading
manufacturers of food products. Chair-
man and CEO Mr. Anton Balai talks to
Gabrielle Brown about maintaining culinary
traditions and discusses current consumer
and market trends in the Slovenian and
European food industry.
Bread has come to represent many dif-
ferent things depending on your loca-
tion, culture and beliefs. For some its
a straightforward symbol of sustenance,
to others it represents wealth, and in
some religions, for example, bread is
synonymous with hope and sacrifce. In
Slovenia, the tradition of making and
eating bread is rooted deep within the
countrys history and culture, which is
namely based around rural life. Slov-
enians are traditionally rural people, so
high-energy foods that give strength
are at the core of our culinary tradition.
Bread therefore holds an important
place in our history; its a signifcant, and
symbolic, product, and consumption is
comparatively high, explains Mr Balai.
Trade & I nvestment | 45 March ~ April 2011
ito is the largest bread manufacturer
in Slovenia and bread sales account for
40% of the businesss total revenue. Like
most bakeries ito also produces bis-
cuits, cakes and pastries. Our product
portfolio is very much a refection of the
Slovenian diet, says Mr Balai.
Retaining Artisan Skills
Technology continues to change man-
ufacturing process across industry,
though itos bread-making processes
have remained largely the same for dec-
ades. When I frst came to ito I was
surprised that the bread was made in
the way it was 50, even 100, years ago.
Our premium breads are labour inten-
sive and the basic process is as it was for
our grandmothers. ito therefore relies
on having an especially skilled work-
force, capable of consistently producing
bread of which grandmother would ap-
prove. Our bakers undergo a great deal
of training. Being the biggest bakery in
Slovenia, the challenge we face is in re-
cruiting adequately skilled staf. Bread
making and baking is sadly a tradition
that is dying out, so were constantly try-
ing to fnd ways to drive interest in the
profession, says Mr Balai.
itos other product ranges include
chocolates and sweets, noodles/pasta
and rice, and tea, and it is in these areas
that modern technology has more of
an impact. New technologies have im-
proved cost ef ciency and productivity,
but ultimately for ito it is the people
and their skills, rather than machinery,
that has a greater infuence.
Connecting with Trends
ito states innovation as one of its cor-
porate values, which for a business so
frmly entrenched in maintaining past
traditions seems somewhat incongru-
ous. However, bread can be something
of a yardstick for observing change
and then a vehicle for connecting with
that development. There was a limited
choice of breads in Slovenia just twenty
years ago, but in the last ten to ffteen
years, as ito acquired other frms, we
created whole new categories of bread,
segmented according to the needs of
the consumer, explains Mr Balai.
ito, D.D.
The Heart of the Tradition
Trade & I nvestment | 46 March ~ April 2011
Current consumer trends have been
driven by the desire for a more health-
conscious diet, and in response to this
ito has introduced to the market breads
with lower salt levels and products with
no trans fats. The issue of healthy eating
is an interesting one for ito. As one of
the biggest food producers in Slovenia
ito recognizes that it has a responsibili-
ty to give consumers access to food that
has health benefts. The issue of health
goes both ways. On the one hand we
have to play our role as corporate citi-
zen and be responsible, so we cooper-
ate with nutritionists and universities to
help us ensure our food is good for the
people the consumers. On the other
hand, we strive to be not only a trend-
setter but also a trend imitator, and this
means being market-oriented and un-
derstanding consumer needs, which at
present are certainly health oriented. So,
we adapt our products to meet trends
that are driven by the people. We also
promote ideas and concepts relating
to healthy eating throughout all sales
channels, such as via our business-to-
business supplies to hotels, restaurants
and schools.
Aside from developments in the bread
market (which is perhaps the most sta-
ble) ito defnes the trends that afect
its other products to be indulgence and
pleasure, convenience, and appear-
ance/packaging. One of the other most
infuential trends at the moment is con-
venience. On the whole people have less
time and are therefore consuming more
outside the home. We are presently in-
vesting in a project that will establish
a number of convenience stores that
will sell our convenience foods, says Mr
Going Eco Pros and
Across industries and markets the de-
mand, and sometimes legal require-
ment, for businesses to introduce
greener manufacturing processes and
produce more ecologically sound prod-
ucts is an escalating force. For ito this
has meant developing food products
that are organic or manufactured under
a smaller carbon footprint. I see at least
two sides to this. One is the infuence on
the portfolio consumers are demand-
ing more and more products be pro-
duced in an organic or ecological way, so
we are investing a lot of knowledge and
Trade & I nvestment | 47 March ~ April 2011
money to meet those trends. The other
side is the infuence on our manufactur-
ing processes. Im confdent that in our
eforts to become the biggest bio grain
and millet products producers in Slov-
enia, and we are constantly seeking local
suppliers to work with to ensure shorter
supply and logistics chains. Then, we are
working to reduce the amount of waste
across our business, and last of all we are
looking at ways to be more energy and
water ef cient, both from an ecological
and cost-reducing perspective.
The movement towards greener indus-
try, although inarguably necessary, does
lead to some distinct problems for the
food industry. As land is being used to
create green energy, this in turn pushes
up food prices. For all its benefts, green
energy can be seen as a competitor, of
sorts, says Mr Balai.
Curious Times
Mr Balais appointment in 2010 marked
the start of a series of changes at ito.
A new strategy will be announced be-
fore the end of the year, which will focus
on the themes of improving ef ciency,
taking a more aggressive marketing ap-
proach, increasing international presence
and consolidating the ito brands in Slov-
enia. Despite producing what many of us
would consider staple foods, ito did
sufer the efects of the recent recession.
Theres always a decrease in demand
during recession but it was somewhat
unusual, and interesting, that we saw
a notable decrease in the consumption
of basic foods, says says Mr Balai.
Other challenges facing ito are that
stock market speculation on commodi-
ties is pushing food prices up and that
retail consolidation is changing the mar-
ket landscape. We are increasingly see-
ing a symmetry between the power of
the retail industry and that of the food
With further changes and challenges
ahead, I asked Mr Balai to explain how
he keeps his staf motivated and focused.
The most important part of our culture is
that we foster teamwork and appreciation
among team members. I doesnt matter
whos the boss. Additionally, we are es-
tablishing a culture based on professional
knowhow, innovation and result orienta-
tion. These are the core values with which
we will realize our new strategy.
Gabrielle Brown
Trade & I nvestment | 44 March ~ April 2011
Technology news
The Internet Is Out of
Addresses, But Dont
You would have thought 4,294,967,295
internet addresses was plenty. But less
than 30 years after the Internet Protocol
was adopted and barely 15 years after
the internet went mainstream, the pool
of numerical addresses that allow PCs,
servers, and an ever-growing food of
mobile devices to fnd each other on the
net has been all but exhausted (graph
below). The good news is the solution
is at hand, and while consumers may
barely notice the change, it will require
a long-overdue reworking of some cru-
cial internet infrastructure.
The solution is a diferent, if not really
new, addressing scheme, Internet Proto-
col Version 6, or IPv6. (The original, and
still current, version is 4; version 5 was
never implemented.) It makes a number
of changes in networking procedures to
provide for more ef ciency and greater
security. But the big change is quad-
rupling the length of addresses to 128
bits, which provides many trillions of ad-
dresses for every person on earth.
IP addresses are a bit like phone num-
bers. When you want to open, say, www., your browser requests its nu-
merical address from the distributed di-
rectory called the Domain Name System.
Routers then use the address to connect
to the appropriate server. All devices on
the network - computers, phones, TV
set top boxes, printers, routers, servers
- need their own address. My two-per-
son household is more gadget-intensive
than most, but as I write this, I have 19
devices assigned addresses on my home
With the explosive growth of networks,
the original 4 billion addresses lasted as
long as they did only because of some
tricks. Dynamic address assignment lets
diferent devices share one address, pro-
vided they dont both use them at the
same time. More important, network
address translation lets the devices on
a local network use private addresses. If
you look at the IP address of any device
in your home, it is probably of the form, a block of addresses re-
served for private networks. To the inter-
net at large, everything on your network
appears to to use the same public ad-
dress that was assigned by your service
provider. Your router sorts out what data
goes to which device.
But this year, the inevitable occurred
and the Internet Assigned Numbers Au-
thority, which is responsible for address
assignments worldwide, announced
it had given out the last unallocated
blocks of addresses. There are still lots
of unused addresses around in scat-
tered bits, but if you need a large block,
it will have to be of the IPv6 variety.
The transition to IPv6 has actually been
proceeding glacially since the standard
was frst published in 1998. With no com-
pelling incentive to expend the efort
and money needed to convert to IPv6,
companies and service providers have
been taking their time. The exhaustion
of IPv4 addresses is fnally forcing the
issue. Fortunately, equipment makers
and software publishers, under pressure
from the U.S. government and others,
have been making their products IPv6-
ready. The U.S. Of ce of Management
& Budget has required agencies to sup-
port IPv6 since 2008 and all fairly recent
computers and operating systems, in-
cluding Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux,
can handle IPv6 addressing. Engineers
have also devised a number of ways to
let IPv6 and IPv4 networks communicate
more or less seamlessly.
As time goes on, new sites will emerge
on the internet that will only be acces-
sible through IPv6, since there will be
no v4 addresses to give them. Internet
service providers will have to either en-
able IPv6 or one of the workarounds for
their customers, especially residential
and small business customers for whom
these issues are technically daunting.
For example, most if not all of the gear
on my home network can support IPv6,
but not all home routers.
A frst big trial of the transition will come
on June 8, when the Internet Society
sponsors World IPv6 Day. Major internet
infrastructure operators, including Com-
cast, Time Warner Cable, Google, Micro-
soft, Yahoo!, Akamai, and Limelight will
enable IPv6 on their systems for a 24-
hour test run.
In the end, the transition to IPv6, will be
a bit like a mini version of the Y2K tran-
sition of the late 1990s, albeit without
warnings of airplanes falling from the
skies and other doomsday predictions.
Network operators and others respon-
sible for internet infrastructure are go-
ing to have to do a lot of heavy lifting.
But one of the glories of the internet
has been its designers ability to keep
the plumbing hidden. The odds are that
most users will never realize that the
change has been made.
49 March ~ April 2011
Audi Selects IBM
to Migrate SAP
Infrastructure to Cloud
IBM announced recently that Audi se-
lected IBM to build a cloud environment
for Audis SAP infrastructure to deliver
higher performance, fast and fexible
provisioning of SAP applications and
capacities, lower infrastructure costs,
and to deliver above-average energy ef-
fciency with the ability to enlarge future
SAP applications to an almost unlimited
Audi was facing challenges to scale its
IT systems by the increased use of busi-
ness-critical applications in areas such
as production and logistics, supplier
relationship management and human
resources which challenged their IT in-
frastructure regarding reliability and
In April 2010, Audi signed a contract
with IBM to rebuild their existing SAP in-
frastructure, including consolidation and
virtualization of the server hardware,
process standardization, opportuni-
ties for performance-related billing and
a much higher operational fexibility.
Audis new SAP Infrastructure solution is
based on a new generation of high-per-
formance IBM POWER 7 Servers and IBM
database technology (DB2).
Along with a very high level of reliabil-
ity and failure safety, the new SAP Infra-
structure solution, which we will migrate
into a private cloud, substantially low-
ering energy consumption, said Audis
Lorenz Schoberl, head of IT Infrastruc-
ture Services. The DB2 solutions built-in
data compression capability will enable
us to save time and reduce costs of stor-
age and archiving.
We were able to demonstrate that our
combination of POWER servers and DB2
will decrease the total cost of ownership
over the next four years from a business
and technology point of view, said
Gunter Frohlich, IBM Client Manager for
The new infrastructure is fully opera-
tional and will be managed by IBM in
a private cloud environment hosted in
Audis data center.
About IBM Cloud Computing
IBM has helped thousands of clients
adopt cloud models and manages mil-
lions of cloud based transactions every
day. IBM assists clients in areas as diverse
as banking, communications, health-
care and government to build their own
clouds or securely tap into IBM cloud-
based business and infrastructure serv-
ices. IBM is unique in bringing together
key cloud technologies, deep process
knowledge, a broad portfolio of cloud
solutions, and a network of global deliv-
ery centers.
Technology news
Mobile network
technology for smarter
As you are about to drive into an intersec-
tion, a piercing alarm and a fashing red
warning light cause you to hit the brakes
hard. You narrowly avoid a serious colli-
sion with a car running a red light.
Today, a relatively few cars equipped
with expensive radar and camera-based
collision-avoidance systems could give
you this warning. But if a coalition of
automakers backed by the U.S. Depart-
ment of Transportation has its way,
much cheaper warning systems would
be installed in all new cars before the
end of the decade. The key is replacing
expensive sensors with cheap and ubiq-
uitous global positioning system (GPS)
and Wi-Fi wireless technology.
Cars are full of electronic sensors and
computers that monitor all phases of
vehicle operation. GPS, already present
in cars with built-in navigation systems
and inexpensive to add to others, can
provide data on precise location, accel-
eration, speed, and direction. Wi-Fi pro-
vides an easy way to broadcast the data
so other cars in the vicinity can use the
A car equipped with the system broad-
casts data 10 times per second using
a WiFi variant known as dedicated short-
range communications. Other cars in the
vicinity pick up the broadcasts and feed
the data to onboard computers, which
use the information to calculate the rela-
tive position of other cars and fgure out
which pose potential hazards.
We use low-cost automotive GPS, says
Joseph Stinnett, a research engineer
with Ford Motor Active Safety, who dem-
onstrated the system in a mostly empty
parking lot at Washingtons Robert F.
Kennedy Stadium. Since we are just
locating two vehicles relative to each
other, the GPS positioning is quite good.
If we wanted to position the vehicle on
a map of the earth, we would have three
to fve meters of error. But positioning
relative to another vehicle, its actually
sub-one meter. Thats good enough for
the critical task of resolving which car is
in what lane.
In the real world, it will take some so-
phisticated software to make the system
work efectively. On a crowded highway,
a car might be receiving signals from
dozens of vehicles within Wi-Fi range
at any time. The software has to flter
out information from irrelevant cars for
example, those heading in the other di-
rection on a divided highway to focus on
those that pose a potential threat. With
1,000 or more signals arriving every sec-
ond, that takes a fair amount of process-
ing power. Fortunately, processing, like
GPS and Wi-Fi, has gotten very cheap.
Meanwhile, high prices continue to pose
a major barrier to adoption of existing
systems, efectively limiting their use to
high-end cars. For example, a relatively
limited radar-based blind-spot monitor-
ing system is part of a package that adds
more than $3,000 to the price of a Ford
Of course, existing systems have one
huge advantage: their radar and com-
puter vision sensors dont depend on
other vehicles being similarly equipped
to do their job. But the GPS plus Wi-Fi
approach only works if all nearby vehi-
cles are broadcasting data. A car in your
blind spot that isnt sending out position
information is as invisible to your com-
puter as it is in your mirrors. Thats why
the members of the third-generation
Vehicle Safety Communications Con-
sortium Ford, General Motors, Daimler,
Volkswagen Audi. Kia Hyundai, Toyota,
Nissan, and Honda are working with DoT
and theNational Highway Traf c Safety
Administration toward requiring instal-
lation of the systems once they become
cheap and reliable enough.
Widespread use of the system could
provide additional benefts. Existing sys-
tems for monitoring traf c fow mostly
rely on loop sensors embedded in the
pavement. They are expensive to install
and maintain, generally limiting their
use and the availability of real-time traf-
fc reports to a few major roads. Monitor-
ing the Wi-Fi broadcasts of passing cars,
though it would raise some privacy is-
sues that must be addressed, could pro-
vide much more extensive data at much
lower cost.
Trade & I nvestment | 51 March ~ April 2011
Fujitsu Launches
Support Services for
Cloud Environments
Employing Open Source
Fujitsu today announced the launch of
six support services for building and op-
erating cloud environments that employ
open source software (OSS)(1) in Japan.
The new services are aimed at corpora-
tions and organizations that are build-
ing and operating private cloud environ-
ments with OSS, as well as cloud services
providers that deploy public cloud serv-
ices using OSS. By using templates that
have been pre-verifed to work with
both Fujitsu hardware and OSS, these
advertisers list
Constantia Flexibles ...................................................................... 28
DHL Express s.r.o. .......................................................................... 52
FOR INDUSTRY ................................................................................ 53
HERRMANN AG ............................................................................... 29
Lumpi-Berndorf Draht und Seilwerk GmbH .................................. 24
NKT Cables group GmbH .................................................................. 2
Schenker Deutschland AG .............................................................. 54
OSS clouds can be ef ciently and quickly
built in a short period of time as roughly
two weeks.
As Fujitsu will also be extending the use
of the same templates to its On-Demand
Virtual System Service(2), OSS cloud en-
vironments can also be built on Fujitsus
On-Demand Virtual System Service pub-
lic cloud. This will enable customers to
use this as back-up for their own systems
in times of emergency, or to supplement
their own systems during periods of
peak demand.
Nokia and Microsoft Sign
Definitive Agreement
Ahead of Schedule
Nokia and Microsoft today announced
the signing of a defnitive agreement
on a partnership that will result in a new
global mobile ecosystem, utilizing the
very complementary assets of both
companies. Completed ahead of sched-
ule, the defnitive agreement is consist-
ent with the joint announcement made
on February 11.
In addition to agreeing to the terms of
their partnership, including joint contri-
butions to the development of the new
ecosystem, Nokia and Microsoft also
announced signifcant progress on the
development of the frst Nokia products
incorporating Windows Phone. With
hundreds of personnel already engaged
on joint engineering eforts, the compa-
nies are collaborating on a portfolio of
new Nokia devices. Nokia has also start-
ed porting key applications and services
to operate on Windows Phone and joint
outreach has begun to third party appli-
cation developers.
At the highest level, we have entered
into a win-win partnership, said Stephen
Elop, President and CEO of Nokia Corpo-
ration. It is the complementary nature
of our assets, and the overall competi-
tiveness of that combined ofering, that
is the foundation of our relationship.
Our agreement is good for the indus-
try, said Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft.
Together, Nokia and Microsoft will in-
novate with greater speed, and provide
enhanced opportunities for consumers
and our partners to share in the success
of our ecosystem.
Trade & I nvestment | 52 March ~ April 2011
Ing. Ludk Drnec
All bad things can be overcome
The defeated say what they would do,
the victors go and do it, claims Ing. Ludk
Drnec (43), Commercial Director and one of
the Executive Heads of DHL Express (Czech
Republic) s.r.o. DHL offers services in the
field of international and domestic express
forwarding of documents and parcels.
He is married and has
two sons aged 10 and 5. His wife works
as a paediatrician and the whole family
live in a fat in Plze. They are currently
starting to build a family house near
Plze (in the village of Dina), where
they plan to move next year. He could
not imagine life without his family. This
is also the reason he regards meeting his
wife and the birth of his children as fun-
damental turning points in his life.
All bad things can be overcome if the will
is there. Ludk has repeatedly confrmed
this, especially during certain challenges
in his private life in the past. This princi-
ple has accompanied him his whole life.
He was infuenced by two crucial events
one was overcoming serious illness 10
years ago and other was the fall of com-
munism in 1989. He characterises him-
self as a cheerful choleric and a person
who by habit cannot stand doing noth-
ing for long.
I wake up around 6 oclock on work-
ing days, at the weekend it depends on
the programme, but as I get older, I fnd
myself even getting up at weekends be-
tween 6 and 7 I am usually woken by
the radio alarm clock, at the weekend
often by the children shouting in the
next room. I frst make some tea, then
I exercise for 15 minutes, wash and pre-
pare breakfast for the whole
family. I wake my wife at 6.30,
the children at 6.45, after that
I just try to manage the chaos,
so that we manage to leave
on time for school with my
oldest son At home I have
cereal with yoghurt and fruit
for breakfast, when I am travel-
ling, I dont say no to an English
breakfast in the hotel. I listen
to Rock Radio while doing so,
I sometimes read, but you are ap-
parently not supposed to do that.
As far as clothing is concerned,
I wear a suit to work. I wear sever-
al brands and I have recently taken
a liking to Feraud. In my free time,
I choose sports clothing, otherwise
jeans, t-shirts and casual shirts
I drive to work by car, I have a VW
Passat Estate. The journey from Plze
to the of ce in Nov Butovice takes
me 4560 minutes depending on
the condition of the D5 motorway.
Of course I go to the of ce about 50%
of my working days as I spend a lot of
time in the feld with our clients and
partners and with our sales agents. I try to
make my phone calls from the car, it is the
ideal time especially for a longer discus-
sion If I am in the of ce, I usually have
several meetings there and I usually try to
arrange these between 10 am and 3 pm.
The rest of the time, I deal with the nec-
essary administration and e-mails. I keep
e-mails to the minimum, but we cant get
by without them internally in the compa-
ny. As far as clients are concerned, I have
never heard of anybody doing business
by e-mail. Personal contact is the abso-
lute basis for this My main task at work
every day is to maximise sales and eve-
rything else is subordinate to this. There
are then sub-tasks on some days, such as
various projects and presentations to my
superior. But the best day is a day spent
on successful negotiations with a client.
On working days, I have either a working
lunch or improvise in various ways in the
of ce, because the building we are cur-
rently based in has not unfortunately re-
solved establishment of its own canteen
yet. I try to avoid fast food. That really is
only an extreme option to stop myself
starving to death on my travels. If I can
choose, I prefer Italian cuisine, chicken
in general, fsh and vegetables If I am
with clients, then my time really is very
fexible, this often includes a working
dinner, followed by a late return home or
having to stay the night in a hotel some-
where. If I am in the of ce, I try to fnish
around 6 pm.
On working days, I usually only work out
on the exercise bike in the evening, there
isnt much time for any other sport, I try
to make up for this at weekends. I am an
average yet passionate golfer, and as far
as other sports are concerned, I prefer
cycling and skiing in winter, if possible
with the whole family, which I have also
forced into playing golf. Passively, it is
sport again (ice hockey and football), lots
of flms and if I dont fall asleep watching
one, then I try to read something in the
evening. On weekdays I spend a bit of
time with the children, but this has var-
ied success rates, of course this also in-
cludes homework etc. And if for example
I manage to organise a barbeque with
some friends and some good wine, then
that really is absolutely ideal.
If I am at home, we mostly sort out din-
ner with a quick salad or other or the
obligatory ham and cheese, I certainly
dont demand a cooked dinner. I leave
that either for business dinners or the
above-mentioned get-togethers with
friends. Of course I like the beer from
Plze and sweet things, but I have cut
down on these a lot recently, this does
after all give you a nice body. Wine is
my hobby, I prefer white wines from
Moravia, reds from slightly hotter climes
= Spain, the New World, Italy
I mainly try to look back on the work-
ing day in the car, the almost two hours
I spend every day travelling from Plze
to Prague and back certainly provides
enough time for this. But often I cant
stop thinking about a problem until I fall
asleep, you cant avoid that sometimes.
I mostly pick up a book. That is guaran-
teed to put me to sleep within 10 min-
utes. I go to bed relatively late, mostly
around midnight, so I dont usually have
any problems falling asleep.
3. 5. 5. 2011
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International Trade Fair of Waste Handling, Recycling,
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