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Escuela de Educación Media para Adultos – E.E.M.P.

A Nº 1251 EMILIO
READING: lectura.
“About Me”

My name is Lillian. I am 23 years old. I am from Hannover, Germany. My parents are Cheng Lu and
Susanna Lu. I have two brothers and one sister. My brothers’ names are Luke and Lakin. My sister’s name is
Lilac. I am not married. My boyfriend’s name is Jordan. I have no children. I am in school. I am taking
classes to be an engineer. I like studying. My favorite subject is math. In my free time, I like playing football
and I like watching Netflix. I love music too. My favorite musician is Michael Jackson.

1) Read the text and write T (true) or F (false). Correct the false ones.
a) She is 24 years old. ______
b) She is from Germany. ______
c) She has two sisters and two brothers. ______
d) She is in school to be an engineer. ______
e) She likes football and Netflix. ______
f) Her favourite musician is Michael Bouble. ______


a) Match the words to make sentences (Unir las palabras para armar oraciones).

B) Write the missing words. (Escribir el verbo que falta).


A) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to BE (is/isn’t- are/aren’t/ am/ ‘m not).
1 We…………….. in Brighton. +
2 She…………….. from China. -
3 …………….. they French?
4 Sophie and Johnny……………… my friends. +
5 I………………..his sister. –
B) Choose the correct option. PRESENT SIMPLE (Elegir la opción correcta del presente simple).
1 They plays / play together in a band.

2 We like Kylie Minogue. She sings / sing very well.

3 My cousin likes Russell Crowe because he doesn’t act / don’t act in his favourite film.

4 They doesn’t know / don’t know our telephone number.

5 She doesn’t play / don’t play football.

C) Complete the sentences with the present simple. (Completar las oraciones con la forma correcta del
presente simple: afirmativa o negativa).
1 They _____________ (not listen to) rap.

2 You _____________ (play) football on Sundays.

3 He _____________ (drive) a Ferrari.

4 She _____________ (watch) TV soap operas on TV.

5 We _____________ (not like) hip-hop.

D) Complete the questions and short answers with the present simple form.(Completar las preguntas con
la forma correcta del presente simple)
1 _______ you _______ (like) snakes? Yes, I _______ .

2 _______ the Indians _______ (hunt) piranhas? Yes, they _______ .

3 _______ he _______ (work) in a zoo? No, he _______ .

4 _______ she _______ (eat) meat? No, she _______ .

Les dejo a continuación un cuadrito explicativo por si no recuerdan el verbo ser/ estar y del presente
simple. Cualquier consulta no duden en contactarme. GOOD LUCK! ¡BUENA SUERTE!

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