Association For The Development and Enhancement of Women (ADEW)

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Association for the Development and Enhancement of Women (ADEW)

Helping women help themselves

About ADEW
The Association for the Development and Enhancement of Women (ADEW) was founded in 1987. The Association is registered by the Ministry of Social Solidarity with the no. 3528 as a private, voluntary, non-governmental organization.
ADEW has become a leading feminist NGO committed to promoting womens development and rights in the social, legal and economic spheres.

Our Mission
Our Mission is to Empower women especially Female Heads of House Hold who are usually marginalized out of the development mainstream. Women Empowerment is achieved through working on two levels, The first level is the women themselves where ADEW provide them with needed skills, tools and motivation to change themselves.

Our Mission
The second level is changing how society see women away from descriptive stereotypes of being a helpless burden.

Our vision
To give women, especially female heads of households the chance to contribute to the own wellbeing their families and societies in the legal, economic, social, political and cultural arenas in order to become full citizens and decisionmakers within the family.

Our Goals
- Empower women
economically, giving them control over resources through the provision of micro credit loans, providing training and job placement.

Our Goals
2- Empower women socially, giving them outlets to express themselves and their dreams through interactive life skills, training and awareness sessions where they learn about their basic rights and adults.

Our Goals
3- Empower women legally, providing them with legal existence by obtaining legal documentation papers and help them files lawsuits if needed

Our Goals
4- Empower women politically, providing them with needed skills and to join the political arena 5- Channel the voices of women, their needs and aspirations to decision makers through ADEWS strong advocacy program.

Our Goals
6- Build networks between the civil society and governmental organization with the aim of women empowerment. 7- Transfer ADEWS model and know- how to other civil society organizations through training and capacity building.

Operational Areas
ADEW works in slum squatter marginalized areas in 5 different Governorates in Egypt, namely: 1- Cairo 2- Qalubiya 3- Gharbiya 4-Helwan 5-South Sinai

Target group
ADEW distinguished itself through its commitment to promoting the rights of marginalized women and challenging traditional taboos and models. ADEW was the first NGO to address the needs of Female Heads of Households (FHH) and identify them as a distinct target group. In our continues quest to improve womens living conditions on every level ADEW works with all family members, providing them with direct service as health, education, legal aid, and loans.

Micro- credit Program Youth lending Program Legal Program Health Program Education Program 1- Egyptian woman speak out program 2- Literacy program 3- Girls Dreams program 4- Scholarships project Elimination of violence Program Community Mobilization Program Employment program and Rehabilitation

Supportive administrations
Fundraising department Media department Training department Finance department Administration and Human Recourses department. Monitoring and evaluation department

Micro credit Program

ADEWS core services rest on the twin pillars of micro-credit and legal empowerment. ADEWS microcredit program has served thousands of women over the past 22 years helping them to improve their prospects and those of their children. ADEWS credit program centers on the concept of 'peer lending' instead of on traditional notions of collateral.

Micro credit Program

In order to extend the service to more beneficiaries, ADEW started an individual lending program for youth. Projects implemented through the micro credit program vary from the commercially, industrial, and services.

Legal Program
The Legal Assistance Program originally began to help women obtain official documentation and raise womens awareness on legal rights. The program soon expanded to legal service assisting women with personal status problems and conjugal matters.

Legal Program
ADEW files lawsuits in courts to help marginalized women obtain their legal rights, various spheres such as divorce, custody, alimony.

Health Program
ADEW works in slum squatter areas lacking services such as medical care, water and sanitation garbage collected such situation leaves women their families in a health hazard where a lot of diseases spread. Accordingly ADEW provides such communities with medical services through medical convoys providing check up and medication.

Health Program
In addition ADEW raises health awareness of women through sessions tackling day to day issues that affect the health of women and their families. Health Program also works on reproductive health awareness through seminars held especially for women Discussing FGM and its consequences and antenatal care, post Partum care children, personnel hygiene and appropriate age of marriage.

Community Mobilization program

ADEW intensified its effort to enhance the local community's ability to help themselves. Community leaders were selected, trained to play a central role in identifying and solving local challenges. Coming up with solutions through periodical meetings, ADEW facilitate solutions executive through officials at the district and governorate levels .

Education Program
Providing literacy, awareness raising, skill training and support to women and girls in the formal and informal education sectors:

Informal Education 1- Egyptian woman speak out program 2- Girls Dreams Program
3- Literacy program Formal Education: 1- Girls scholarships.

Egyptian Women Speak Out Program

Uneducated poor women in slum squatter areas lack personal confidence and leadership skills to play a powerful role in family and community affairs. In 1999, ADEW collaborated with CEDNA and John Hopkins University to host classes that would teach women how to be socially empowered and gave

self esteem.

Egyptian Women Speak Out

The EWSO classes provide women from 1855 years old with negotiation skills, problem solving, communication skills in addition to health and legal awareness.

Girls Dreams Program

Girls from age of 12 till 18 usually overseen in all development initiatives especially in squatter areas. Thus ADEW designed and implemented the girls dreams program that attend to these girls.

Girls Dreams Program

Girls undertake a great deal of the burden of the households domestic work upon reaching puberty, and continue to shoulder responsibility for childrearing, cooking, household finances, and cleaning until marriage.

Girls Dreams Program

Through the program ADEW provide these goals with avenue to vent and dreams where they can freely express themselves, learn about the outside world, gain basic skills in addition to simple handicrafts.

Literacy Program
ADEW recognized that literacy is pivotal to building womens selfesteem and resistance to legal exploitation. In collaboration with the National Adult Education Agency, ADEW contact literacy classes to women in slum areas.

Literacy Program
Yet ADEW adds to the national curricula health and legal awareness in addition to life skills training. ADEW uses film screenings, trips, informal tests and extracurricular activities to make learning an enjoyable experience and the class make attractive to women.

Formal Education- Girls scholarships

working with family approach, ADEW provides girls in schools with scholarship to prevent them to drop out of school. ADEW provides school fees, uniforms, and stationery.

Formal Education- Girls scholarships

Additionally we provide students with private tutoring classes to improve their school performance.

Violence Elimination Program

ADEW, through its diversified outreach activities was able to discover women suffering from abuse with no way out of their plight. Through Field research and in-depth interviews with 444 women in seven low-income urban areas in Cairo and Alexandria showed that 96% reported serious abuse by their husbands. Accordingly ADEW decided to start its Violence Elimination Program.

Violence Elimination Program

The Program works on two pillars; awareness raising about violence, its repercussions and providing shelter for abused women Working on awareness raising about violence, its definition, types and ways out

ADEWS Shelter House of Eve

Being the first civil shelter for abused women in Egypt, House of Eve, is the answer for a lot of women's quest for safety. In Some cases, women suffer unbearable, pushing women to flee their homes with no place to go. ADEW, provides them with temporary shelter. The shelter is placed outside the suburbs of Cairo, yet, can be easily reached by abused women nationwide.

Services Provided at the shelter

Psychological listening guidance. Medical services Illiteracy eradication classes Legal aid (if ongoing law suit to obtain her rights for divorce, alimony and/or custody) and issue civil identification documents. Vocational training

Employment program and Rehabilitation the program is designed to help unemployment reducing of girls and young people by providing opportunities for training that qualifies them for the labour market in addition to providing employment opportunities for them

Employment program and Rehabilitation the work in this program on two axes: First axis: Study community needs, training and market needs in parallel to identify the most important trades and industries and functions required by the business people The second axis: Create database of all vacant posts and all who wish to obtain data on the jobs data as well as those who have had access to training through the program

Legal program since 1987- 2008 270000 beneficiaries (women- men children) obtained identity cards- birth certificates- official papers- pensions) Micro- credit Program since 1987-2008 ADEW gave loans to 200000 women with a sum of money 20000000 million egyptian pounds lending youth program since 2006 till 2008 ADEW gave loans to 1295 young people with a sum of money 3097000 million egyptian pounds

Community Mobilization Program since 19872008 3000 leaders (women, men and youth) in our work areas and they joined activities of community mobilization program

Violence Elimination Program since 20052008

House of Eve hosted 500 women and their children through the year, 1200 lestining sessions, and 700 women particiapated in awareness sessions.

Girls Dreams program since 1999-2008 11000 girls graduated in Girls Dreams classes. Literacy program since 1996-2008 7000 women graduated in literacy program classes. Egyptian woman speak out program since 2000-2008 120000 women graduated in classes of Egyptian woman speak out. Scholarships project since 2007-2008 Offering educational scholarships including school fees, school uniforms, stationary and other services to 8000 students.

Our Donors
Ford Foundation European Commission Global Fund for Women Global Fund for Children Italian Debt Swap Australian Embassy V-Day Mansour foundation Sawiris Foundation Swiss Fund Open Society Institute GTZ British Council Finnish Embassy Citibank WHO UBS united bank of Switzerland

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