Geographical Extent of Assembly Constituencies in Mumbai City District

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Geographical extent of Assembly Constituencies in Mumbai City district

No. and Name of Extent in terms of Census Extent in terms of Geographical Boundaries
Assembly Section/ Enumeration
Constituency Blocks

178-Dharavi (S.C) Greater Mumbai (M Starting from the junction of Harbour Line Railway
Corp.) (Part)
Tracks and Mahim Creek going east along northern limits
933 (Part)- Dadar
E.B. No. 12 of Mumbai City district up to Central Railway Tracks and
E.B. No. 16 to 507
then turning south along Central Railway Tracks up to
E.B. No. 699 to 733
Harbour Line Railway Tracks, then turning west along the
Harbour Line Tracks up to the Mahim Creek.
179- Sion Greater Mumbai (M Starting from the sea through Salt Pan Road up to Shekh
Corp.) (Part) Mishry Dargah Road and then turning North along this
732 (Part)- Sion Road and then turning West along southern compound
E.B. No. 1 to 56
wall of Kane nagar up to Harbour Line Railway Tracks
E.B. No. 58 to 74
E.B. No. 76 to 112 and then along Harbour Line Railway Tracks up to its
E.B. No. 116 to 178
junction with Central Railway tracks, the turning North
E.B. No. 184 to 359
E.B. No. 378 to 393 along Central Railway tracks up to the northern boundary
E.B. No. 395 to 409
of Mumbai City District, then turning along this northern
E.B. No. 414 to 449
E.B. No. 475 to 479 boundary upto the starting point.
E.B. No. 482 to 489
E.B. No. 496 to 540
E.B. No. 552 to 570
E.B. No. 572 to 604
E.B. No. 616 to 643
E.B. No. 791 to 794
E.B. No. 797
E.B. No. 1601
180-Wadala Greater Mumbai (M Starting from the sea along Shivadi Fort Road then along
Corp.) (Part)
Shivadi Koliwada Road and then turning north through
630 - Naigaum
731 - Matunga Gate No.6 of Harbour Line Railway Tracks and then
629 (Part)- Shiwdi
crossing R.A. Kidwai Road, then along Jerbai Wadia Road
E.B. No. 32 to 48
E.B. No. 304 to 306 crossing Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Road up to J. Bhatankar
E.B. No. 309 to 310
Marg (Elphinstone Road) and then along . J. Bhatankar
732 (Part)-Sion
E.B. No. 57 Marg (Elphinstone Road) crossing Senapati Bapat Marg
E.B. No. 75
to Sayani Marg and then along Sayani Marg up to
E.B. No. 113 to 115
E.B. No. 179 to 183 Gokhale Road South (Phalke Chowk). then turning north
E.B. No. 360 to 367
east through Bhavani Shankar Road up to its junction with
E.B. No. 394
E.B. No. 410 to 413 Saraswati Joshi marg, then along Saraswati Joshi marg up
E.B. No. 450 to 474
to Kabutarkhana, then turning south east from
E.B. No. 480, 481
E.B. No. 490 to 495

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E.B. No. 541 to 551 Kabutarkhana through Dr. M.C. Jawle Marg crossing
E.B. No. 571
Senapati Bapat Marg through Dadar Foot Over Bridge up
E.B. No. 605 to 615
E.B. No. 644 to 790 to Central Railway Tracks then turning north along the
E.B. No. 795-796
tracks up to the Harbour Line Railway Tracks and then
935 (Part)- Prabhadevi
E.B. No. 122 to 130 turning East along the Harbour Line Railway Tracks up to
E.B. No. 132
southern compound wall of Kane nagar. Then turning east
E.B. No. 134 to 162
along the southern compound wall of Kane nagar up to
Shekh Mishry Dargah Road then turning South along
Mishry Dargah Road up to the Salt Pan Road and then
turning east through Salt Pan Road up to the sea.
181-Mahim Greater Mumbai (M From Mahim Creek along the Harbour Line railway tracks
Corp.) (Part)
up to the junction with Central Railway tracks, then
934 (Full)
835 (Part)- Prabhadevi turning south along Central Railway tracks till Dadar Foot
E.B. No. 1 to 66
Over Bridge, then crossing Senapati Bapat Marg through
E.B. No. 182
E.B. No. 212 to 225 Dadar Foot Over Bridge along Dr. M.C. Jawle Marg to
935 (Part)- Prabhadevi
Kabutarkhana and then turning south -west through
E.B. No. 1 to 121
E.B. No. 131 Saraswati Joshi marg upto its junction with Bhavani
E.B. No. 133
Shankar road, then along Bhavani Shankar Road up to
E.B. No. 163
836 (Part)- Worli Gokhale Road South. Then along Gokhale Road south up

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E.B. No. 120 to Khedekar Chowk. then turning west along open
E.B. No. 122
drainage channel up to Annie Besant Road then turning
E.B. No. 127
E.B. No. 129 North along Annie Besant Road up to junction with Veer
E.B. No. 130 to 157
Nariman Marg then turning North west along Veer
E.B. No. 284
E.B. No. 287 Nariman Marg up to the sea.
933 (Part)- Dadar
E.B. No. 1 to 11
E.B. No. 13 to 15
E.B. No. 508 to 698
E.B. No. 734
182-Worli Greater Mumbai (M Starting from the sea, south of Haji Ali Dargah to Vatsala
Corp.) (Part)
Desai Chowk (Haji Ali Chowk) through Keshavrao Khade
838 (Full)- Love Grove
837 (Part)- Chinchpokli Marg, crossing Western Railway Tracks up to Sant Gadge
E.B. No. 27 to 186
Maharaj Chowk then turning north-east to Sane Guruji
E.B. No. 88 to 194
836 (Part)- Worli Road (Arthur Road) then from Gulab Ganacharya Chowk
E.B. No. 1 to 119
turning north through N.M. Joshi Marg (Delisle Road) up
E.B. No. 121
E.B. No. 123 to 126 to Khedekar Chowk then turning west along open
E.B. No. 128
drainage channel up to Annie Besant Road then turning
E.B. No. 158 to 283
E.B. No. 285 to 286 North East along Annie Besant Road then turning North
E.B. No. 801 to 802
along Veer Nariman marg up to the sea.
E.B. No. 1001

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183-Shivadi Greater Mumbai (M Starting from Khedekar Chowk at the junction of N.M.
Corp.) (Part)
Joshi Marg (Delisle Road) and Gohkale Road South
628 (Full)- Parel
837 (Part)-Chinchpokli going north-east along Gokhale Road South, then from
E.B. No. 1 to 26
Phalke Chowk turning south-east through Sayani Marg
E.B. No. 187
835 (Part)- Prabhadevi then crossing Senapati Bapat Marg and Western and
E.B. No. 164 to 181
Central Railway Tracks through J. Bhatankar Marg
E.B. No. 183 to 211
629 (Part)- Sewree (Elphinstone Road) then crossing Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
E.B. No. 1 to 31
Road through Jerbai Wadia Road crossing R.A. Kidwai
E.B. No. 49 to 303
E.B. No. 307 to 308 Road up to Harbour line Railway Tracks through Gate No.
E.B. No. 311 to 317
6 then turning south along Harbour Line Railway Tracks
then turning east through Shiwadi Koliwada Road then
along Shivadi Fort Road up to the junction with Mahul
Road, then North- East along Mahul Road (Opposite of
Bharat Petroleum residential complex ) up to junction
with Kharap creek , then south along this creek up to
sea. then turning South along the sea-shore up to Hay
Bunder Road then along 1st Avenue and along 1st
Avenue up to Harbour Line then crossing foot-over bridge
over harbour line railway tracks to S.N. Reddy Road and

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along that road turning North to Ghodapdev Road and then
along Ghodapdev Road up to Shravan Yeshwante Chowk
then turning West from Shravan Yeshwante Chowk along
Dattaram Lad Path (Kalachowki Road) through S. Pujare
Chowk crossing Central Railway tracks (north of
Chinchpokli Railway Station ) and then turning north
along N.M. Joshi Marg up to junction of N.M. Joshi Marg,
and Gokhale Road South (Khedekar Chowk).
184-Byculla Greater Mumbai (M Starting from Mumbai Central Railway Station going
Corp.) (Part)
North along Western Railway Tracks up to Keshavrao
522 (Full)- Mazgaon
523 (Full)- Tadwadi Khade Marg then turning east through Keshavrao Khade
524 (Full)- 1st Nagpada
Marg to Sant Gadge Maharaj Chowk (Sat Rasta) then
527 (Full)- Byculla
turning north through Sane Guruji Road (Arthur Road)
crossing Central Railway Tracks to the north of
Chinchpokli Railway Station, then going East through S.
Pujare Chowk along Dattaram Lad Path (Kalachowki
Road) then from Shravan Yeshwante Chowk turning south
along G.D. Ambekar Road (Parel Tank Road) up to 1st
Avenue, then turning east along 1st Avenue crossing

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Harbour Line Railway Tracks then turning South along
Forsberry road up to Signal Hills Avenue, then
turning North- East along signal Hill Avenue up to Hay
Bunder Road, then east along Hay bunder road up to
sea, then turning south along the sea-shore then turning
west along J. Rathod Marg (Wadibunder Road) crossing
P. D’Mello Road and then along J. Rathod Marg
(Wadibunder Road). Then turning South along Shivdas
Champli Road (Mazgaon Road) crossing Central Railway
Tracks through Handcock bridge then turning West along
Ramchandra Bhat Marg (Babula Tank Road) up to the
Western Compound wall of J.J. Hospital and then turning
north along Sir J.J.Road up to M. Shiblo Marg (Shepherd
Road) and then turning west along M. Shiblo Marg
(Shepherd Road) up to Mirza Galib Marg (Clare Road)
then turning West from S. Mohani Chowk along J.B.
Behram Marg (Belasis Road) up to Western Railway
Tracks to the South of Mumbai Central Railway Station.
185-Malbar Hill Greater Mumbai (M Starting from sea, south of Haji Ali Dargah to Vatsala

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Corp.) (Part) Desai Chowk (Haji Ali Chowk) then through Keshavrao
Census Ward No.416(Full)-
Khade Marg up to Western Railway Tracks coming south
418(Full)- Girgaum along the Railway Tracks up to Grant Road Railway
419(Full)- Chowpaty
Station, then turning East through M. Shoukat Ali Road
420(Full)- Walkeshwar
421(Full)- Mahalaxmi (Grant Road) then turning south to Trimbak Parashuram
street, then crossing Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Road to
Ardeshir Dady Street, then turning South-east on
Vithalbhai Patel Road, then turning south –west to B.
Jaykar Marg (Thakurdwar Road) crossing Western
Railways Tracks and then through J. Podar Road crossing
Marine Drive to sea.
186-Mumbadevi Greater Mumbai (M Starting from the junction of Western Railway Tracks and
Corp.) (Part)
J.B. Behram Marg from the South of Mumbai Central
208(Full)- Umarkhadi
209(Full)- Dongari Railway station going east along J.B. Behram Marg
310(Full)- Khara Talao
(Belasis Road) up to S. Mohani Chowk and then turning
311(Full)- Kumbharwada
312(Full)- Bhuleshwar north to Mirza Galib Marg (Clare Road) and then turning
417(Full)- Tardeo
east to M. Shiblo Marg (Shepherd Road) up to Sir
525(Full)-2nd Nagpada
526(Full)- Kamathipura Jamshedji Jijibhoy Road, then turning south on Sir
Jamshedji Jijibhoy Road, then turning east along the J.J.

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Hospital Compound wall to Ramchandra Bhat Marg
(Babula Tank Road) then from A.B. Thakar Chowk
turning north through Shivdas Champsi Marg (Mazgaon
Road) crossing Hand Cock Bridge over Central Railway
Tracks and then turning east to J. Rathod Marg (Wadi
Bunder Road ) crossing P. D’Mello Road up to sea, then
turning south along sea-shore up to north of Victoria Dock
through Masjid Siding Road then along Dr. K. Raishi
Marg , then turning west to Lakdi bridge over Central
Railway Tracks, then through Chinch Bunder Road,
turning south to Narsi Nath a street turning west to I.M.
Merchant Road crossing Mohmaad Ali Road, then
Kalbadevi Road then turning west to Dadisheth Agyari
Street then turning north to A. merchant Road then turning
west to Bhuleshwar Road, then along Bhuleshwar Road
up to B. Jaikar Marg (Thakurdwar Road) then turning
North –West to Vithalbhai Patel Road then along
Vithalbhai Patel Road up to Ardeshir Dady Street , then
along Ardeshir Dady Street crossing Sardar Vallabhbhai

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Patel Road to Trimbak Parashuram street and then along
Trimbak Parashram Street up to M. Shoukat Ali Road
(Grant Road), then turning West along M. Shaukat Ali
Road to junction of Western Railway Tracks, then turning
North along the Tracks up the junction of J.B. Behram

187-Colaba Census Ward No. 101(Full) Starting from sea to the north of Victoria Dock through
-Upper Colaba
Masjid Siding Road then along Dr. K. Raishi Marg , then
102(Full)- Middle and
Lower Colaba turning west to Lakdi bridge over Central Railway tracks,
103(Full)- Fort South
and then along Chinch Bunder Road, turning south to
104(Full)- Fort North
105(Full)- Esplanade Narsi Natha street then turning west to I.M. Merchant
206 (Full)- Mandavi
Road crossing Mohammed Ali Road, then Kalbadevi Road
207(Full)- Chakla
313(Full)- Market then turning west to Dadisheth Agyari Street, then turning
314(Full)- Dhobi Talao
north to A. merchant Road then turning west to
315(Full)- Fanaswadi
Bhuleshwar Road up to B. Jaikar Marg (Thakurdwar
Road) then turning west along B. Jaikar Marg
(Thakurdwar Road) crossing Western Railways tracks and
then to J. Podar Road crossing Marine Drive to sea.

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Geographical extent of Assembly Constituencies in Mumbai Suburban district
No. and Name of Extent in terms of Extent in terms of Geographical Boundaries
Assembly Census Section/
Constituency Enumeration Blocks
152-Borivali Greater Mumbai (M Starting from the sea in the west along the northern boundary of
Corp.) (Part)
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai up to Manori creek
Ward No.1566
Ward No.1771 then through Eksar Nala up to Chandavarkar Lane, then turning
Ward No.1769
east through Chandavarkar lane up to Western Railway tracks,
Ward No.1772 (Part)
E.B. No.64 to 107 then turning South along the Western Railway tracks up to the
109 to 179
junction with Kasturba Road, and then turning east along Kasturba
Road up to Western Express Highway, then turning south along
the Western Express Highway up to Poisar Road and then turning
west along Poisar Road crossing the Western Railway Tracks
through Gamdevi Road then crossing Swami Vivekanand Road
through Boras Pada Road and then through D.P. Road No.4 up to
Manori Creek and then turning North along the creek up to the
north-west boundary of Municipal Corporation of Greater

153-Dahisar Greater Mumbai (M Starting from Manori Creek going North along the northern

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Corp.) (Part) boundary of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai then East
Ward No.1770
along the same boundary up to Western Express Highway and
Ward No.1870
Ward No.1874 then turning south along Western Express Highway up to
Ward No.1772 (Part)
Kasturba Road, then turning west along Kasturba Road up to
E.B. No. 1 to 63
E.B. No. 108 Western Railway Tracks and then going North along the Western
Railway Tracks up to Chandavarkar Lane and then turning
West through Chandavarkar Lane crossing Swami Vivekanand
Road and then along Chandavarkar lane up to Eksar nalla, then
along Eksar nalla up to Manori Creek.
154-Magathane Greater Mumbai (M
Corp.) Starting from the junction of Western Express Highway and
Ward No.1773 Northern Boundary of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
Ward No.1873
Ward No.1668 (Part) going east along Boundary of Municipal Corporation of Greater
E.B. No. 213 to 356 Mumbai up to common boundary of R-North and T Wards and
E.B. No. 482 to 501
E.B. No. 519 to 525 then turning south along the common boundary of R-North and T
Wards passing between Kanheri Caves and Tulsi Lake up to road
in Sanjay Gandhi National Park, then turning South along this road
up to common boundary of R-South and P-North wards, the
turning West along common boundary of R-South and P-North

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wards up to Damupada road, then turning north along Damupada
Road (18 meter D.P. road ) up to Akurli road, then turning West
along Akurli road up to Ali Yavar Jung Marg (Western Express
Highway) then turning north along Ali Yavar Jung Marg
(Western Express Highway) up to its junction with northern
boundary of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai.
155-Mulund Greater Mumbai (M Starting from junction of common boundary of S and T wards and
Corp.) (Part)
common boundary of R-North and T wards, going northward
Ward No.2486
Ward No.2487 along this common boundary of R-North and T wards up to the
Ward No.2488
Northern boundary of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
then turning east along with M.C.G.M. boundary up to Thane
creek then turning south along the creek up to Airoli Bridge, then
turning west along Airoli Bridge crossing Eastern Express
Highway through Goregaon Mulund Link Road up to the common
boundary of S & T wards, then turning South along the common
boundary of S & T wards up to the junction with common
boundary of R-North and T wards.
156-Vikhroli Greater Mumbai (M Starting from the junction of Adi Shankaracharya Marg
Corp.) (Part)
(Jogeshwari Vikhroli Link Road) and Central Avenue of
Ward No.2384 (Part)

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E.B. No. 1 to 118 Hiranandani Complex and going East along the Adi
E.B. No. 124 to 254
Shankaracharya Marg up to the Central Railway tracks then along
E.B. No 303 to 432
E.B. No. 611 to 613 Central Railway Tracks going northwards up to Goregaon –
Ward No.2385 (Part)
Mulund Link Road then turning east along Goregaon- Mulund
E.B. No. 1 to 107
E.B. No. 111 to 169 Link Road and then crossing the Eastern Express Highway up to
E.B. No. 523 to 548
the creek at Airoli Bridge, then turning south along the creek up
E.B. No. 595 to 627
E.B. No. 688 to 689 to the creek to the south of Kannamwar Nagar, then turning west
E.B. No. 691 to 699
to the South of Hanumannagar Hutment and Kannamwar Nagar
E.B. No. 832
E.B. No. 834 to 836 along with Kannamwar Nagar Nala up to the Eastern Express
Highway. Then after crossing the highway, through Vikhroli
Station Road (Phirojshah Godrej Marg) and crossing Central
Railway tracks to the south of Vikhroli Railway Station up to Lal
Bahadur Shastri Marg, then turning south along Lal Bahadur
Shastri Marg up to southern compound wall of Godrej Colony and
then turning west along the compound wall along the Vikhroli
Park Site road, upto its junction with Godrej-Hiranandani Link
road, then along this road up to its junction with Main road of
Hiranandani Complex opposite Akshardham, then turning west
along this Main road upto its junction with Central Avenue of

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Hiranandani Complex, then turning North along this road up to its
junction with Adi Shankaracharya Marg (Jogeshwari-Vikhroli
Link road).
157-Bhandup West Greater Mumbai (M Starting from the junction of Goregaon-Mulund Link road and
Corp.) (Part)
Greater Mumbai Municipal Corporation filteration plant road,
Ward No.2384 (Part)
E.B. No. 119 to 123 going east along Goregaon-Mulund Link Road, then turning east
Ward No.2385 (Part)
through that road upto Central Railway Tracks, then turning
E.B. No. 108 to 110
E.B. No. 170 to 522 south along the Railway tracks upto Jogeshwari Vikhroli Link
E.B. No. 640 to 687
road (Adi Shankaracharya Marg), then turning west along
E.B. No. 690
E.B. No. 700 to 728 Jogeshwari Vikhroli Link road upto it’s junction with Saki-Vihar
Road, then turning north along Saki-Vihar Road upto Pipe Line
Road (Morarji Chowk), then along pipe line road upto it’s junction
with Vihar Lake Road (NITIE GATE) then along Vihar Lake
Road upto spillover of Vihar lake (west of Vihar lake) then going
north along western shore of Vihar lake upto the junction of
Goregaon Mulund Link Road and Greater Mumbai Municipal
Corporation Filteration Plant.
158-Jogeshwari East Greater Mumbai (M Starting from junction of Western Express Highway and General
Corp.) (Part)
Arun Kumar Vaidya Marg (Goregaon-Mulund Link Road) going
Ward No.1256

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Ward No.1258 eastwards along General Arun Kumar Vaidya Marg (Goregaon-
Ward No.1459
Mulund Link Road), upto Film City road then from the along the
eastern boundary of the Film City towards Vihar Lake then
going south along this boundary further along western boundary
of Vihar lake up to Municipal bunglow (spill way), then south
along Vihar lake road up to it’s junction with pipe-line road
(opposite NITIE gate). Then turning south along pipeline road
upto it’s junction with Saki Vihar Road (Aarey Powai Road) at
Morarji Chowk, then turning North along Aarey Powai road till
it’s junction with Marol-Maroshi road at picnic udyan, then
turning South along Marol-Maroshi road upto it’s junction with
Jogeshwari-Vikhroli Link Road (fly-over), then turning west
along Jogeshwari-Vikhroli Link Road up to its junction with
Mahakali Caves road (opp. Matoshri Sports Club), then turning
south through Mahakali Caves Road then turning south through
Cannossa Road through Guru Govindsing Road and and
through Rajmata Jijabai Road up to Western Express Highway,
then turning north along Highway and then turning west along
Natwar Nagar road no. 5 and then crossing Hindu Friends

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Society Road through P.S. Nadkarni Road up to Amboli Level
crossing on Western Railway Tracks, then going north along
Western Railway Tracks up to its junction with
Jogeshwari Nalla, then turning south east along the Jogeshwari
Nalla up to Western Express Highway, then turning north along
Western Express Highway up to it’s junction with General
A.K. Vaidya Marg (Goregaon – Mulund Link Road)
159-Dindoshi Greater Mumbai (M Starting from Western Express Highway going towards east along
Corp.) (Part)
common boundary of P-North and R-South Wards up to it’s
Ward No.1564
junction with the Aarey Gate road in Sanjay Gandhi Natiional
Park, then turning South along this road up to its junction with
Film City road, then turning along Film City road up to its junction
with General A.K Vaidya Marg, then turning west along General
A.K. Vaidya Marg up to Western Express Highway, then turning
north along the Western Express Highway up to it’s junction with
common boundary of P-North and R-South Wards.
160-Kandivali East Greater Mumbai (M Starting from junction of Poisar Road (south of FCI godowns)
Corp.) (Part)
and Western Railway Tracks, then turning east along Poisar Road
Ward No.1563
Ward No.1668 (Part) up to Western Express Highway, then turning south along Western

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E.B. No. 1 to 212 Express Highway up to Akurli Road, junction then turning east
E.B. No. 357 to 481
along the Akurli Road up to Damupada Road then turning south
E.B. No. 502 to 518
along Damu Pada Road up to common boundary of P- North and
R-South Wards then turning west along common boundary of P-
North and R-South Wards up to Western Express Highway and
then turning south along Western Express Highway up to
Goregaon - Mulund Link Road junction, then turning West along
Goregaon- Mulund Link Road up to Western Railway Tracks and
then turning north along Western Railway Tracks up to it’s
junction with Poisar Road.
161-Charkop Greater Mumbai (M Starting from Manori Creek through D.P. Road going east along
Corp.) (Part)
D.P. Road No. 6 then up to Boras Pada Road, then through
Ward No.1667
Ward No.1565 (Part) Boraspada road till it’s junction with Swami Vivekanand Road
E.B. No. 1 to 5
then crossing Swami Vivekanand Road through Gamdevi Road
E.B. No. 23 to 51
E.B. No. 54 and then along Gamdevi Road up to Western Railway Tracks ,
E.B. No. 377, 1401 to
then turning south along the Western Railway Tracks up to
junction of Khajuria Tank Road with Trikamdas road then turning
west through Khajuria Tank Road up to Swami Vivekanand Road,
then turning south along Swami Vivekanand Road up to

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Goraswadi Road(Lala Lajpat Rai Road), then turning west along
Goraswadi Road(Lala Lajpat Rai Road) up to Adarsh Dairy Road,
then turning north along Adarsh Dairy Road up to Shankar Lane,
then turning west along Shankar Lane up to Tank Road (western
boundary of Parasnagar), then through Tank Road(western
boundary of Parasnagar) up to Malad Creek and through Malad
Creek up to the junction with Malad-Marve Road and then
towards west along the Malad-Marve Road up to Manori Creek,
then turning north along Manori Creek up to it’s junction with
D.P. Road .
162- Malad West Greater Mumbai (M Starting from junction of Malad Marve Road and Manori Creek
Corp.) (Part)
and going east along Malad- Marve Road (Chunilal Giridharlal
Ward No.1354
Ward No.1561 Road) up to Malad Creek then turning north-east along the creek
Ward No.1562
up to Tank Road (western boundary of Parasnagar) then turning
Ward No.1565 (Part)
E.B. No. 6 to 22 south along Tank Road (western boundary of Parasnagar) up to
E.B. No. 52 to 53
Shankar Lane and then turning east along Shanakar Lane up to
E.B. No. 55 to 376
Adarsha Dairy Road, then turning south along Adarsh Dairy Road
then turning east along Goraswadi Road (Lala Lajpat Rai Road)
up to Swami Vivekanand Road, then north along Swami

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Vivekanand Road up to Khajuriya Tank Road , then turning east
through Khajuria Tank Road up to the Western Railway Tracks
and then turning south along the Railway Tracks and then turning
west through Chincholi Bunder road up to Malad Creek then going
along the Malad Creek up to the sea then turning north along the
sea coast up to the junction of Manori Creek and Malad – Marve
Road .
163-Goregaon Greater Mumbai (M Starting from the junction of Chincholi Bunder Road and Malad
Corp.) (Part)
Creek turning eastward along Chincholi Bunder Road crossing
Ward No.1458
Ward No.1460 western railway tracks along Govindnagar Road then along
Ward No.1463
Motilal Nehru Road up to Goregaon-Mulund Link Road , then
along Goregaon-Mulund Link Road up to Western express
Highway then turning south along western express highway up to
Jogeshwari Vikhroli Road (Shiromani Gadge Maharaj Marg), then
turning west along Jogeshwari Vikhroli Road (Shiromani Gadge
Maharaj Marg) up to it’s junction with Jogeshwari Nalla. Then
turning north along the Jogeshwari Nalla up to Versova Creek and
then turning north up to Malad Creek.
164-Versova Greater Mumbai (M Starting from junction of Malad Creek and Versova Creek through

Extent_of_ACs_in_Mumbai_City_and_Suburban_corrected_on_3_8 20
Corp.) (Part) Versova creek up to the junction of Versova Creek and Jogeshwari
Ward No.1357
nala and then turning east through Jogeshwari Nala up to Western
Ward No.1352 (Part)
E.B. No. 317 to 318 Railway Tracks then turning south along the Western Railway
E.B. No. 322 to 323
Tracks up to the Station Road to the south of Jogeshwari Railway
E.B. No. 326
E.B. No. 329 to 331 Station and then turning west along Station Road crossing S.V.
E.B. No. 332 to 418
Road and then west along Malcom Baug Road up to the
E.B. No. 496 to 637
Ward No.1353 (Part) junction of Sahakar Road then turning south-west through
E.B. No. 69 to 158
Sahakar Road up to Veera Desai Road, then turning south through
E.B. No. 161 to 163
E.B. No. 181 to 229 Veera Desai Road up to Jaiprakash Road and then turning west
along Jaiprakash Road up to the sea then turning north along the
sea up to the junction of Malad Creek and Versova Creek.
165-Andheri West Greater Mumbai (M Starting from sea along Jaiprakash Road going eastward up to
Corp.) (Part)
Veera Desai Road and then turning north along Veera Desai Road
Ward No.1351
Ward No.1352 (Part) up to Sahakar Road and then turning north-east along Sahakar
E.B. No. 1 to 316
Road up to Malcom Baug Road and then along the Malcom Baug
E.B. No. 319 to 321
E.B. No. 324 to 325 Road up to Station Road after crossing S.V. Road and through
E.B. No. 327 to 328
the station road up to to the Western Railway Tracks near
E.B. No. 419 to 495
Ward No.1353 (Part) Jogeshwari Railway Station then turning south along the
E.B. No. 1 to 68
western railway tracks up to Irla Nala, then turning west along
E.B. No. 159 to 160

Extent_of_ACs_in_Mumbai_City_and_Suburban_corrected_on_3_8 21
E.B. No. 164 to 180 the nala up to Gulmohar Road and then turning south along the
Gulmohar Road up to the junction of Vaikunthlal Mehta Road and
then turning east along Vaikunthlal Mehta Road up to Swami
Vivekanand Road, then turning south along Swami Vivekanand
Road up to junction with northern compund wall of Santa Cruz
Best Depot and then turning west along northern compund wall
of Santa Cruz Best Depot up to Relief road and then turning south
along the Relief road up to Juhu Road and then turning west along
Juhu Road up to Juhu Creek and then along sea-coast up to the
junction of Jaiprakash road.
166- Andheri East Greater Mumbai (M Starting from Western Railway Tracks at Amboli Level Crossing
Corp.) (Part)
going eastward along P.S. Nadkarni Road, crossing Hindu Friends
Ward No.1255 (Part)
E.B. No.1 to 220 Society Road and then Natwar Nagar Road No. 5 up to Western
E.B. No. 330 to 680
Express Highway, then turning south along Western Express
Ward No. 2385
E.B. No.549 to 594 Highway up to Rajmata Jijabai Road and then turning East
E.B. No. 628 to 639
through Rajmata Jijabai Road, Guru Govindsingh Road and
E.B. No.833
Cannossa Road up to Mahakali Caves Road , then going north
along Mahakali Caves Road up to Jogeshwari- Vikhroli Link Road
(near Matoshri Sports club), then turning south-east along

Extent_of_ACs_in_Mumbai_City_and_Suburban_corrected_on_3_8 22
Jogeshwari- Vikhroli Link Road up to its junction with Marol-
Maroshi road, then turning North along Marol-Maroshi road upto
junction with Aarey Powai road opposite Picnic udyan, then
turning East along Aarey Powai road, further along Saki-Vihar
road up to its junction with Jogeshwari-Vikhroli Link road at
Larsen and Toubro Limited. Then going west along Jogeshwari-
Vikhroli Link road up to its junction with Mithi river, and then
turning south along Mithi River up to the junction with Bappa
Nalla (next to Samitha Industrial Area), then along Bappa Nalla up
to junction with road coming from Ambassador Hotel, then north
and west along that road up to Ambassador Hotel, then turning
north after Ambassador Hotel through Air Port Road up to
Andheri –Kurla Road (Mathuradas Vasanji Road) then turning
west along Andheri Kurla Road up to the junction of Cardinal
Gracious Road (Chakala Road) then turning south along Chakala
Road up to V.K. Krishna Menon Marg (Sahar Road ) then turning
west along Sahar Road up to Andheri Fly Over and then turning
north along the Railway Tracks up to Amboli Level Crossing.

Extent_of_ACs_in_Mumbai_City_and_Suburban_corrected_on_3_8 23
167-Vile Parle Greater Mumbai (M Starting from the junction of Andheri fly-over and Western
Corp.) (Part)
Railway tracks, going Southeast along Swami Nityanand Marg
Ward No.1249
Ward No.1350 (Sahar Road) then crossing Western Express Highway through
Ward No.1048 (Part)
V.K. Krishna Menon Marg then turning North from Cardinal
E.B. No. 95 to 128
E.B. No. 325 to 339 Gracious road (Chakala Road) up to Mathuradas Vasani Road,
431 to 437
then turning east from Mathuradas Vasanji Road (Andheri –Kurla
Ward No.1255 (Part)
E.B. No. 221 to 329 Road) up to Leela Kempinski Hotel then turning South after Leela
Kempinski Hotel Road along Airport Road (27.45 M.D.P. Road ),
then turning East along the road South of Ambassador Hotel then
turning South along that Road up to Mithi River to the west of
Samhita Industrial Area/ Bappa Nala then along Bappa Nalla and
the common boundary of K-East and L Wards, then coming south
-west along the common boundary of K-East and L Wards, up to
Kalina-Kurla Road, then turning west along Kurla Kalina Road up
to common boundary of K-East and H-East wards (southern
compound of Santacruz Airport) then along this boundary up to
Vakola Nala, then turning south along Vakola Nala up to
Jawaharlal Nehru Road then turning West along Jawaharlal Nehru
Road up to Western Railway tracks, then turning north along

Extent_of_ACs_in_Mumbai_City_and_Suburban_corrected_on_3_8 24
railway tracks up to P.V. Avsare Marg then turning West through
P.V. Avasare Marg up to Swami Vivekanand Road then turning
north along Swami Vivekanand Marg up to Vaikunthlal Mehta
Road , then turning West along Vaikunthlal Mehta Road up to
Mithibai College then turning north through Gulmohar Road till
its Junction with Irla Nala then turning East along the Irla Nala up
to railway tracks then turning North along the railway tracks up to
Andheri flyover.
168-Chandivali Greater Mumbai (M Starting from the junction of Nathani Road and Kurla Carshed
Corp.) (Part)
Road near the compound wall of Premier Automobile Ltd. and
Ward No.1978 (Part)
E.B. No. 55 to 61 compound wall of Railway Yard, then going South-West between
E.B. No. 64 to 69
the two compound walls and then turning north along the western
E.B. No. 73 to 78
E.B. No. 126 to 138 compound wall of Premier Automobile Limited up to Naupada
E.B. No. 164 to 352
Vidya Vihar road, then along Naupada Vidya Vihar road up to
E.B. No. 394 to 405
E.B. No. 422 to 573 Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, then turning East along L.B.S Marg up
E.B. No. 580 to 689
to the junction of Kale Road, then turning west along Kale road
E.B. No. 707 to 831
crossing Mathuradas Vasanji Road through Wadia Colony Road
Ward No. 2384 (Part)
E.B. No. 255 to 302 up to Mithi River, then going north along the Mithi River up to
Jogeshwari Vikhroli Link Road then turning east along

Extent_of_ACs_in_Mumbai_City_and_Suburban_corrected_on_3_8 25
Jogeshwari Vikhroli Link Road (Adi Shankaracharya Marg) up to
its junction with Central Avenue of Hiranandani Complex, then
turning south along Central Avenue up to its junction with Main
avenue, then turning East along Main avenue upto its junction
with Godrej-Hiranandani Link road opposite Akshardham, then
turning south along Godrej-Hiranandani Link road upto common
boundary of S and N wards, then turning South along this
common boundary then along common boundary of L and N
wards, then turning west near Chandivali Municipal Park and
Kothari Industrial compound through Kherani road up to
Laxminarayan Mandir Road then turning South along that road
up to Asalphe Pipe Line, then up to Andheri – Ghatkopar Link
road, then East along Andheri-Ghatkopar Link road up to its
junction with Netaji Palkar Marg (Nari Seva Sadan
road)(common boundary of L and N wards), then turning south
along common boundary of L and N wards up to the compound
wall of Railway Yard at Nathani Road.
169-Ghatkopar West Greater Mumbai M. Starting from the junction of Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg and
Corp. (Part) -
common boundary of L & N wards (Netaji Palkar road) going
Ward No. 2284

Extent_of_ACs_in_Mumbai_City_and_Suburban_corrected_on_3_8 26
(Part)- North along the common boundary of L & N wards up to Andheri
E.B. No. 486 to 489,
Ghatkopar Link road, then turning West along Andheri Ghatkopar
492, 493, 495, 500 to
536, 538 to 587, 609, Link road up to its junction with Asalpha Pipe Line, then turning
along Asalpha Pipe Line up to its junction with Laxminarayan
Ward No. 2283,
Ward No. 1978 Mandir Road, then turning North along Laxminarayan Mandir
Road up to its junction with Kherani road, then turning East along
E.B. No. 353 to 393,
406 to 421, 690 to Kherani road up to Kothari Industrial Compound and Chandivali
706, 832 to 836
Municipal Park, then further East up to the common boundary of L
& N Wards, then turning North along this common boundary up to
the common boundary of S and N wards, then further North along
the common boundary of S & N wards upto Godrej-Hiranandani
Link road, then turning South along this road up to its junction
with Vikhroli Park Site road, then further South along Vikhroli
Park Site road up to its junction with L.B.S. Marg, the turning
West along L.B.S. Marg upto its junction with Netaji Palkar Marg.
170-Ghatkopar East Greater Mumbai M. Starting from the junction of Thane Creek and Mankhurd Creek
Corp. (Part) –
turning west along the Mankhurd creek up to the junction with
Ward No. 2281,
Ward No. 2282 Ghatkopar Nalla (to north of Indian Oil Complex) then
Ward No. 2284
turning west along the nalla up to Eastern Express Highway, then

Extent_of_ACs_in_Mumbai_City_and_Suburban_corrected_on_3_8 27
E.B. No. 430 to 485, along nalla up to Central Railway Tracks, then crossing Central
490, 491, 494, 496 to
Railway tracks and going North along the common boundary of L
499, 537, 588 to 608.
& N wards up to Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, then turning North
East along L.B.S Marg up to Vikhroli station road, then turning
East along this road crossing Central railway tracks and going East
along Phirojshah Godrej Marg (Vikhroli station raod) and crossing
Eastern Express Highway up to Kannamwar Nagar nalla, then
through Kannamwar nalla up to Thane Creek, then turning South
along Thane Creek up to the junction of Thane Creek and
Mankhurd Creek.
171-Mankhurd Greater Mumbai (M Starting from the junction of Y.B. Chavan Marg (Mumbai Panvel
Shivajinagar Corp.) (Part)
Road) and Thane Creek going south-west along the Highway up to
Ward No.2079
Ward No.2080 (Part) the harbour Line Railway Tracks, then turning west along the
E.B. No. 1 to 59
tracks up to the nalla adjoining western side of Lalubhai
E.B. No. 112 to 123
E.B. No. 179 Amichand Industries, then turning north along this nalla till the
E.B. No. 595 to 773
junction of nalla going towards Deonar Slaughter House, then
E.B. No. 774 to 799
E.B. No. 805 turning west along that road through Gaikwad Chowk and along
E.B. No. 808 to 1048
the northern compound wall of Deonar Slaughter House up to
E.B. No. 1200 to 1213
E.B. No. 1225 Gautam Nagar ( junction of Waman Tukaram Patil Marg and

Extent_of_ACs_in_Mumbai_City_and_Suburban_corrected_on_3_8 28
E.B. No. 1226 P.L. Lokhande Marg) then turning south and again turning west
E.B. No. 1228
and then turning south along W.T. Patil Marg up to the Harbour
E.B. No. 1230
Line Railway Tracks then turning west along the tracks up to
Nalla (i.e. common boundary of M- East and M-West wards)
then turning north from the tracks along common boundary of M-
East and M-West Wards (Nalla ), then up to Mankhurd creek and
then going eastwards along the creek up to Mankhurd Creek.
172- Anushakti Nagar Greater Mumbai (M Starting from sea near the Trombay Thermal Power Station and
Corp.) (Part)
then going to north along the eastern boundary of Trombay
Ward No.2080 (Part)
E.B. No. 60 to 111 Thermal Power Station up to Indian Oil Company and then
E.B. No. 124 to 166
turning west along the boundary of Indian Oil Company up to
E.B. No. 167 to 178
E.B. No. 180 to 594 western boundary of Hindustan Petrolium Refineries, then along
E.B. No. 800 to 804
the western boundary of Hindustan Petrolium Refineries up to
E.B. No. 806 to 807
E.B. No. 1049 to 1057 Bhikaji Damaji Patil Marg then along Bhikaji Damaji Patil Marg
E.B. No. 1190 to 1199
up to Ramkrishna Chemburkar Marg (Ghatkopar –Mahul Road),
E.B. No. 1214 to 1224
E.B. No. 1227 then going north along Ramkrishna Chemburkar Marg (Ghatkopar
E.B. No. 1229
–Mahul Road) up to RCF Colony Road near Ashish Theatre, then
E.B. No. 1231
E.B. No. 3301 to 3302 turning north along the RCF Colony Road up to junction of
Alloysis Soures Marg and Dr. Chotiram Gidwani Marg, then

Extent_of_ACs_in_Mumbai_City_and_Suburban_corrected_on_3_8 29
along Dr. Chotiram Gidwani Marg up to Chhatrapati Shivaji
Chowk, then turning north through Chhatrapati Shivaji Chouk
along Waman Tukaram Patil Marg up to Harbour Line Railway
Tracks. Crossing the Railway line tracks up to the junction of P.L.
Lokhande Marg (Gautam Nagar) then turning east along the
northern compound wall of Deonar Slaughter House, then crossing
Gaikwad Chowk and nala then turning south along Anna Bhau
Sathe Road up to Harbour Railway Line Tracks then turning east
along the Railway Tracks up to Yeshwantrao Chavan Marg
(Mumbai Panvel Road) up to Thane creek, then turning north-east
along Yeshwantrao Chavan Marg, then turning south along the
creek up to starting point.
173-Chembur Greater Mumbai (M Starting from the junction of the Eastern Express Highway and the
Corp.) (Part)
common boundary of Mumbai City and Mumbai Suburban
Ward No.2180
Ward No.2179 (Part) District , near Everard Nagar flyover going north along the
E.B. No. 87 to 507
Highway up to the Ghatkopar Nalla and then turning east along
E.B. No. 601 to 611
E.B. No. 617 the Ghatkopar Nalla up to the common boundary of M-West and
E.B. No. 691 to 694
M-East wards (Nalla) and then turning south along this boundary
Ward No.1977 (Part)
E.B. No. 87 to 88 and along Nala up to Harbour Line Railway tracks then turning

Extent_of_ACs_in_Mumbai_City_and_Suburban_corrected_on_3_8 30
E.B. No. 265 to 266 east along the Railway tracks up to the fly over east of Samrat
E.B. No. 272 to 273
Ashok Nagar then turning south along Waman Tukaram Patil
E.B. No. 277 to 288
E.B. No. 290 Marg up to Chhatrapati Shivaji Chowk then turning west from the
chowk along Dr. Choitram Gidwani Marg up to the junction of
Alloysis Soares Marg (Golf Club Road) then turning south from
this junction through RCF Colony Road up to junction with
Ramkrishna Chemburkar Marg near Ashish Apartment (Old
Ashish theatre) then turning south along Ramkrishna Chemburkar
Marg (Ghatkopar –Mahul Road) then through Bhikaji Damaji Patil
Marg along western boundary of Hindustan Petrolium Refineries,
then turning east up to the boundary of Indian Oil Company , then
turning south along the eastern boundary of Trombay Thermal
Power Station up to sea, then turning west and then north along
the sea-coast, along the common boundary of Mumbai Suburban
District and Mumbai City District and up to the junction of eastern
express highway.

Extent_of_ACs_in_Mumbai_City_and_Suburban_corrected_on_3_8 31
174-Kurla (S.C.) Greater Mumbai (M Starting from the junction of Mithi River and Mahim Creek going
Corp.) (Part)
north through Mithi River up to Chiranjivi Hospital in Ram
Ward No.1976
Ward No.1977 (Part) Manohar Lohiya Nagar, then turning East up to Lal Bahadur
E.B. No. 1 to 86
Shastri Marg, then crossing Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg and turning
E.B. No. 89 to 264
E.B. No. 267 to 271 East along Belgrami Road then going north along New Mills
E.B. No. 274 to 275
Road (Sarveshwar Mandir Road) then turning East along
E.B. No. 289
E.B. No. 291 to 294 Maharaja Agarsen Marg (Station Road) up to Central Railway
Ward No.2179 (Part)
Tracks at Kurla Railway Station then turning North through
E.B. No. 1 to 86
E.B. No. 508 to 590 Moreshwar Patankar Marg (Vihar Pipe Line Road) up to Halav
E.B. No. 591 to 600
Bridge Road then turning East along Halav Bridge Road up to the
E.B. No. 612 to 616
Ward No.1975 (Part) compound wall of Premier Automobiles Limited, then between
E.B. No. 1 to 27
southern compound wall of Premier Automobiles Ltd. and
E.B. No. 29 to 46
E.B. No. 127 to 147 compound wall of Railway Yards up to the Vidyavihar Station
E.B. No. 156 to 201
Road , then turning south-east along the railway lines, up to
Ghatkopar Nalla (common boundary of L & N wards) , then
along Ghatkpar Nalla up to Eastern Express Highway, then
turning south along Eastern Express Highway up to the common
boundary of Mumbai Suburban District and Mumbai City
District turning west along the common boundary of Mumbai

Extent_of_ACs_in_Mumbai_City_and_Suburban_corrected_on_3_8 32
Suburban District and Mumbai City District up to the junction of
Mithi River and Mahim Creek.

175-Kalina Greater Mumbai (M Starting from the junction of Vakola Nala and Jawaharlal Nehru
Corp.) (Part)
Road going North along the Vakola Nala up to common boundary
Ward No.1048 (Part)
E.B. No. 59 to 76 of H-East and K-East wards (southern compound wall of
E.B. No. 129 to 324
Santacruz Airport) and then turning north-east along compound
E.B. No. 340 to 430
E.B. No. 438 to 483 wall of Airport and along Kurla –Kalina Road up to Mithi River,
Ward No.1975 (Part)
then turning north along the Mithi River up to the southern
E.B. No. 28
E.B. No. 47 to 126 compound of Sandesh Nagar then turning East from the Veterinary
E.B. No. 148 to 155
Hospital through 34.4. M D.P. Road (Wadia Colony Road) up to
E.B. No. 202 to 240
Ward No.1978 (Part) Mathuradas Vasanji Road and then turning North along
E.B. No. 1 to 54
Mathuradas Vasanji Road through Kale Road up to the junction
E.B. No. 62 to 63
E.B. No. 70 to 72 of L.B.S. Marg and turning South –West on L.B.S. Marg then
E.B. No. 79 to 125
turning South through Premier Automobile Company Private
E.B. No. 139 to 163
E.B. No. 574 to 579 Road up to the junction of Halav Bridge road, then turning west
E.B. No. 837
along Halav Bridge Road up to the junction with Moreshwar

Extent_of_ACs_in_Mumbai_City_and_Suburban_corrected_on_3_8 33
Patankar Marg(Vihar Pipe Line Road), then through Moreshwar
Patankar Marg (Vihar Pipe Line Road) up to the Central Railway
tracks of Kurla railway Station, then from Kurla Railway Station
turning North-West through Maharaja Agrasen Marg (Sarveshwar
Mandir Marg) then turning South through A.H. Wadia Marg
(New Mills Road) then turning West through Belgrami Road,
then turning South through L.B.S. Marg then turning West from
the South of Chiranjivi Hospital up to Mithi River, th-en going
north along the Mithi River up to Bandra-Kurla Link Road then
turning West along Bandra-Kurla Link Road then turning north-
west from UTI Bldg. up to the Southern Compound wall of
University Campus, then going west along the compound wall up
to Vakola Nala, then turning north along the Nalla up to its
junction with Jawaharlal Nehru Road.
176-Vandre East Greater Mumbai (M Starting From the junction of Jawaharlal Nehru Road and the
Corp.) (Part)
Western Railway tracks near Santacruz Railway Station going east
Ward No.1043
Ward No.1045 through Jawaharlal Nehru Road up to Vakola Nala then turning
Ward No.1048 (Part)
south along the Nala up to the southern compound wall of
E.B. No. 1 to 58
E.B. No. 77 to 94 university campus then going east along the campus wall up to the

Extent_of_ACs_in_Mumbai_City_and_Suburban_corrected_on_3_8 34
eastern compound wall of university, then turning south up to
Bandra Kurla Link Road then turning North-East along Bandra
Kurla Link road up to Mithi river then turning south along Mithi
River up to Mahim Creek. Then along the creek turning West up
to Western Railway tracks then turning North along the rail tracks
up to Jawaharlal Nehru Road (Santacruz Station.)
177-Vandre West Greater Mumbai (M Starting from junction of Juhu Creek and Juhu Road turning east
Corp.) (Part)
through Juhu Road then turning north alongwith relief road up to
Ward No.1139
Ward No.1140 then turning east along the southern compound wall of juhu
Ward No.1141
airport up to Swami Vivekanand Road then turning south along
Ward No.1142
Ward No.1143 Swami Vivekanand Road up to R.K. Singh Chowk then turning
Ward No.1144
east through P.V. Avsare Marg up to the Western Railway
Ward No.1145
Ward No.1146 Tracks, then turning south alongwith the Railway Track up to
Ward No.1147
Mahim Creek and then along the sea-coast up to the Juhu Creek.
Ward No.1151

Extent_of_ACs_in_Mumbai_City_and_Suburban_corrected_on_3_8 35

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