A GRADE 8 ACP Q1M4 Teacher Copy TLE Final Layout

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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Agricultural Crops Production
Quarter 1 – Module 4
Areas of Concern for Safety Measures
in the Farm

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This material has been approved and published for online distribution through the Learning
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Development Team of the Module

Writer: Scalyn B. Clavacio

Editor: Leonila J. Floria
Reviewers: Marilou C. Naquila, Riel S. Salamputan, Cherly C. Rodriguez,
Genebei Faith S. Sajolan, Mirasol C. Casupas
Illustrator: Stephen B. Gorgonio
Layout Artists: Ivan Paul V. Damalerio, Alberto S. Elcullada, Jr., Joseph L. Sajolan
Management Team: Ma. Teresa M. Real
Laila F. Danaque
Dominico P. Larong, Jr.
Gemma C. Pullos
Manuel L. Limjoco, Jr.

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Department of Education – Schools Division of Surigao del Norte

Office Address: Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Tel. No.: (086) 826-8216
E-mail Address: surigao.delnorte@deped.gov.ph

Technology and
Livelihood Education
Agricultural Crops Production
Quarter 1 – Module 4
Areas of Concern for Safety Measures
in the Farm

Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to Technology and Livelihood Education 8 Self-Learning Module on
Areas of Concern for Safety Measures in the Farm!
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by
educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or
facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum
while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims
to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration
their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body
of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that will help

you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist
the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

Welcome to Technology and Livelihood Education 8 Self-Learning Module on
Areas of Concern for Safety Measures in the Farm!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled
to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts:

Activity : This will bring understanding to what you already know

and experience to what you should learn further.

Analysis : In this phase, you will process and classify what is valid
and not for a more in-depth understanding.

Abstraction : This part leads you in reinforcing what you know and
should know more. Exercises are presented for
independent practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic.

Application : This stage brings you to a more practical way that you are
going to use what you have learned and think new ways
on how it can be improved further.

Content Standard 1
Performance Standard 1
Learning Competencies 1
Learning Objectives 1


Day Learning Task

1 Introduction 2-8
Review Drill:
Presentation of the Module10
2 Learning Activities 8
Think and Think
3 Analysis 9
Points to Reflect On
4 Abstraction 10-23
Checking for Understanding
Think and Think
Name Me!
5 Application 23-29
Activity 1: Fill on me!
I can do more!
Answer Key
References 30

The learner demonstrates an understanding of applying safety measures in the

The learner consistently applies safety measures in the farm.

LO 1 Determine areas of concern for safety measure in the farm.

1.5 Identify work task in line with farm operation.

1.6 Determine place for safety measures in line with the farm operations.

1.7 Determine the time for safety measures in line with farm operations.

1.8 Prepare appropriate tools, materials, and outfits in line with job

Cognitive: Determine areas of concern for safety measures.

Affective: Apply and follow safety measures of work task in line with farm

Psychomotor: Infer safety awareness in the workplace.


This module was designed to provide you with a meaningful opportunity for you
to guide and independent learning at your own understanding. You will have the
opportunity to read, learn and do practical exercises and activities to deepen your
understanding on the root causes of your most serious workplace injuries. Checking
regularly the workplace for potential safety hazards, appropriate tools, materials, and
outfits in line with job consider making workplace safety is always top of mind.

As part of your initial activity, you will be challenged to test your knowledge on the

Directions: Read and understand the questions below. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space before the number.

_____1. What do you call the office, premises or worksite where a worker habitually
A. Hazard
B. Risk
C. Safety
D. Workplace

_____2. It is a state in which hazards and conditions leading to physical, psychological

or material harm are controlled in order to preserve the health and well-being
of individuals and the community.
A. Falls
C. Safety
D. Slips

_____3. What do you mean by hazard?

A. It is a hit of an object, lose your balance and fall.
B. It is defined as the potential for harm, or adverse effect on
C. It is a loss of balance caused by too little friction between a person’s
foot and a working surface.
D. It is a state in which hazards and conditions leading to physical,
psychological or material harm are controlled in order to preserve the
health and well-being of individuals and the community.

_____4. Which of the following states about safety concern?
A. Constant realization every employee must have at all times.
B. The more awake a worker is, the less likely he or she is to get hurt.
C. Any toxicity, serious adverse event, side effect or other safety finding
D. The various processes applied toward the effective cultivation and
harvesting of crops.

_____5. Which of the following is NOT a basic practices of crop production?

A. Irrigation
B. Marcotting
C. Threshing
D. Weeding

_____6. It is the stage of crop production immediately following harvest including

cooling, cleaning, sorting, and packing.
A. Crop Production
B. Farm Equipment
C. Agricultural Marketing
D. Post Harvesting

_____7. How do you define the acronym PPE?

A. People's Protective Equipment
B. Personal Protective Equipment
C. Personal Preventative Equipment
D. Protective Preventative Equipment

_____8. Employees should provide a SOP, what does SOP mean?

A. Safety Operation Procedure
B. Standardize Safety Procedure
C. Standard Operating Procedure
D. Systematize Operating Procedure

_____9. Mang Felecio wants to put things like farm tools and equipment when they
are not being used, where he can keep those things safely?
A. Kitchen
B. Backyard
C. Warehouse
D. Storage Areas

_____10. What do you call the process of collecting the mature rice crop from the
field? It consists of cutting, threshing, cleaning, hauling and bagging.
A. Cleaning
B. Fertilizing
C. Harvesting
D. Agricultural Marketing

_____11. From high-tech combine harvesters to simple tractors, the various kinds of
farm equipment available can meet the needs of small-scale home
steadier’s and industrial-size farming operations alike. However, it can be
difficult to keep track of all the options. Most farms are mechanized today
and what a farmer must know?
A. Dress properly and compactly
B. How to operate a wide variety of farming machinery?
C. Never ride or permit others to ride on the equipment when it is
D. Need to move everything into a new space immediately which is
more flexible, affordable and convenient.

_____12. Which is TRUE about wrenches?

A. It is a tool, manual or powered, for turning (driving or removing).
B. Are supplies that are consumed and should be replaced from time to
C. A hand tool used to hold objects firmly possibly developed from tongs
used to handle hot metal in Bronze.
D. It is a tool used to provide grip and mechanical advantage in applying
torque to turn objects usually rotary fasteners such as nuts and bolts
or keep them from turning.

_____13. Which of the following statements about Overall Coats is FALSE?

A. Protect the arms, body and legs.
B. Are the most versatile and all-around item of clothing for agricultural
C. It is a barrier that keeps you from being exposed to accidents in the
lab and in all other cases.
D. Are used to keep the hands warm as well as to protect them from
excessive abrasion, heat, liquids or chemicals.

_____14. Keep an eye out on the floor to ensure it’s free of obstacles and spills. If it
isn’t, this might happen to you, Except:
A. Falls
B. Slips
C. Trips
D. Electrocutions

_____15. What are the possible procedures must adhere to a farm worker in cleaning
re-usable containers?
I. If cleaning or disinfection chemicals are used, follow label instructions
for mixing.
II. Inspect, containers for physical damage that might injure, spoil and
contaminate fresh vegetables, if found, repair them.
III. Inspect containers for any plant debris, soil and residues, if found,
IV. Remove as much as possible plant debris, soil, and residues of any kind
use a brush or appropriate tool whenever necessary.

A. II-IV-III-I are correct

B. III-I-IV-II are correct
C. IV-II-III-I are correct
D. Both IV and I are correct


Pick Me!

Directions: Study the picture and pick ten (10) word/s that matters with farm safety.
Write your answer at the next page.

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8

4. 9.

5. 10.


Cleaning It is the process of removing unwanted substances such as dirt,

Infectious agents and other impurities from an object or

Crop Production Management It refers to the various process applied toward the
effective cultivation and harvesting of crops.

Disinfecting It kills nearly 100 percent of germs on surface of objects.

Falls This is when you lose your balance and drop to the floor.
Farm It is an area of land that is devoted to agricultural processes with
the primary objective of producing food and other crops and
animals are raised, it is the basic facility in food production.

Farm Equipment It is any kind of machinery used on a farm to help in farming.

Fertilizer It refers to a chemical or natural substance added to soil or land

to increase its fertility.

Hazard It is defined as the potential for harm or adverse effect on

employee’s health.

Hand Tools They are usually light and are used without the help of animals
or machine.

Harvesting It is the process of collecting the mature rice crop from the field.

Pesticides Are any substance or mixture of substances intended for
preventing or destroying pest.

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) It is a clothing design to be worn by a

worker to protect them from risks of
injury or illness.

Post-harvest Is the stage of crop production immediately following harvest,

including cooling, cleaning, sorting and packing.

Risk It is a likelihood that a hazard will cause injury or ill health to

anyone at or near a workplace.

Safety It is a state in which hazards and conditions leading to physical,

psychological or material harm are controlled in order to preserve
the health and well-being of individuals and the community.

Safety awareness It is a constant realization every employee must have.

Safety Concerns It means any toxicity, serious adverse event, effect or other safety
finding whether in vitro, in animals or humans that leads to a
reasonable determination product expose or could expose
animals or humans to an unacceptable safety risk in relation to
therapeutic benefit.

Sanitizing It is referring to lowering the number of germs on a surface.

Slips It is a loss of balance caused by too little friction between a

person’s foot and a walking surface.

Trips It is a hit of an object, lose your balance and fall.

Workplace This is referring to the office, premises or worksite where a worker

is habitually assigned. Where there is no fixed or definite
workplace, the term shall include the place where a worker
actually performs regular work.

Determine Areas of Concern for Safety
Measures in the Farm
Farming must start with a worker who follow safety requirements and perform
their jobs and share the value of responsibility. Farmers have a higher risk of
experiencing a serious workplace injury.

Workplace accidents injure and sometimes kill workers. Most of these accidents
need not to happen if there is safety awareness. Workers must undertake, follow
safety requirements, perform their jobs and share the value of responsibility for a safe
workplace policies and procedures. If a worker sees a situation that could become
dangerous to themselves or others in the workplace, they must act to protect their
health and safety and report that matters.


Activity 1: Think and Think!

Directions: Look for hazards and risk that might be present in your house. Place a
sticker whenever hazards inside your house. Identify possible risk inside that could
transpire in your house.








Think Me Safely!

Directions: Answer the following questions. Your responses in each question will be
graded according to the following rubrics:

1. Why do we need to identify work task in line with farm operation?

____________________________________________________________ ______

2. Can you name/give examples of safety concerns while working in the farm

3. What do you think are the importance of determining the place and time for
safety measures in line with the farm operations?


The Basics of Safety

a. Stay alert and stay alive

The more awake a worker is the less he or she is to get hurt. Perform a
task in a safe way always.

b. Wear required clothes

Anything clothes which will catch in machinery or trip you up are
hazardous. Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as prescribed
by the job.

c. Use the proper tools

Use appropriate tools as prescribed by the work task.

d. Learn away to lift

Extra careful in lifting. Get help to handle anything that’s too heavy or
cumbersome for you.

e. Don’t be a prankster
Avoid practical jokes and horseplay while at work.

f. Be tidy
Good housekeeping reduces hazards within the workplace or your
home. Return away a tool when they aren’t in use. Keep the floors
always clean, pick away scraps and wipe up spills. A slip or trip will be

g. Never forget to report accidents

Defective equipment and or unsafe conditions in the workplace.

h. Get first aid immediately

Neglect of an injury may result to harmful infections possibly permanent

i. Back your safety program

One must set an example by obeying safety rules.

j. Never take an opportunity

Carelessness probably the largest killer of all. If you’re not doing it safely,
you are not doing it right.

Work Tasks in line with Farm
Crop production management refers to the varies processes applies in line with
farm operations such as cultivation and harvesting of crops. The management system
usually includes considerations regarding proper selection of the crop to plant, the
preparation of the land where the crop is planted, fertilizers and pesticides application
and other practices geared toward improving crop yields. The scale of the operation
often determines a farmer’s duties and responsibilities.

Basic Practices in Crop Production


Post-harvest handling of crop production involves harvesting, cooling, cleaning,

sorting and packing. The crop is removed or separated from its parent plant; it begins
to deteriorate.

Agricultural Marketing

Agricultural marketing is a sort of marketing that encompasses all goods and

services associated with the field of agriculture. Services includes moving of
agricultural product from the farm to the consumer. These services include planning,
organizing, directing and handling agricultural produce.

Farm Equipment

Farm equipment is any machinery used on a farm operator to assist with

farming operation. Modern farmers have an enormous range of equipment for the
various activities they are doing on an annual basis. From high tech combine
harvesters to simple tractors, different kinds of farm equipment available can meet the
needs of small-scale homesteaders and industrial size farming operations alike.
Tractors, trucks, plows, combines, milking machines, sprayers and harvesters are
equipment used also on farms, like garden tillers, pumps, and chain saws. Farmers
on those operations must also know how to drive, understand how to grasp away to
repair them.


Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Is a document outlining the correct operating procedures for any given details of
instruction to a worker? The documents should be placed ahead of the operator side
in order that they can easily read.
a. Read carefully for any local modifications and adaptations made on a machine
or implements for safe working operation.
b. Always sees behind a machine within the working place to avoid injury. Never
leave unattended and running farm machine or implements.
c. Follow all instructions and never take shortcuts alerting you potential hazards.
If something goes wrong, stop the machine immediately and task assistance to
a skilled operator.
d. Never allow others to ride on the implements on draw bar when it’s working.
Perform task with fully trained and authorized to handle thereon.
e. Avoid wearing billowing loose or hanging clothes and accessories may easily
get held in moving parts.
f. Never insert fingers or other objects into moving machinery.
g. Turn off machines and equipment during the maintenance and other repairs.

Place for Safety in line with Farm Operation

Stock-Room/Storage Areas/Warehouse

Sometimes we all need some extra space. Provide and simplify, valuable items
in a garage, basement or closet which is more flexible, affordable and convenient like
the following:

Stock Room is a room in which a store of

goods or materials is kept.

Storage areas is a space where you put things

when they are not being used
and where it can be kept

Warehouse can be defined functionally as

a building in which to store
bulk produce or goods for
commercial purposes.

Common Occupational Health Safety (OHS) and Risk Concerns for

Safety Measures

Uplifting through: Lifting and Climbing Safely
a. Use both hands properly when lifting/carrying a heavy object.
b. Have a correct posture in lifting heavy loads, put the strain on your legs
not your back.
c. Test the load before you lift something up.
d. Provide back brace if the work is heavy or you.
e. Don’t be shy, ask for help if your load is simply too heavy handle alone.
f. Use ladder that is secured and steady before climbing.
g. Eliminate distractions when performing on a roof task, scaffold, or other
elevated platform. Stay focused and alert.
h. Keep an eye fixed out on the ground floor to ensure free obstacle and

Slips Trips Falls


A farm is an area of land primarily to agricultural processes producing food and

other crops and animals are raised.

To help prevent happening accidents occur in farm operations, here are some
a. Your safety is your personal responsibility, never indulge any foolish
b. Always follow the correct procedures.

c. Work quietly with full attention.
d. Obey safety signs, stickers and tags.
e. Be alert and awake to hazards that might affect anyone.
f. Don’t put sharp objects in your pocket.
g. Take short breaks, sit down, and walk when you are tired.
h. Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the right job. Don’t wear
jewelries while at work.

Time for Safety Measures in Line with

Farm Operations

Fertilizer and Pesticides are among the many common storm water pollutants
that can that can degrade water quality. Through fertilizers contain chemicals that are
good for lawns and plants when used properly, excessive amounts applied to lawns
and gardens wash off and pollute streams.


Fertilizers are manufactured from

nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorous.
When it rains, these nutrients flowed out on the
ground or any bodies of water.

Safety tips on how to handle fertilizer safely:

a. Read and follow fertilizer instruction on a way to apply fertilizer.
b. Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
c. Place fertilizers safely in locked cabinet or any safe place.
d. Wash your hands or take a bath if you are exposed to chemicals badly.

Pesticide are any mixture of substances
intended for preventing or destroying weeds,
insect pest and diseases.

One must know and follow the application rate as directed on the product label.
During the application, wear eye protection, gloves, long sleeve shirt and long leg
pants. Have an extra careful when mixing the chemicals. Do not reuse empty
pesticides containers and store it in a safer place.

Harvesting and hauling

Harvesting is the process of collecting the mature rice crop from the field.
Harvesting consist of cutting, threshing, cleaning, hauling and bagging.

Safety reminders on what to do:

a. Provide safety training before harvesting to educate awareness for

b. During harvesting make sure that the operators of an
equipment/machine should wear tight clothing.
c. Wear PPE (Personal Protective Equipment while at work.
d. Report serious injuries immediately and ask emergency assistance.

Cleaning, Sanitizing and Disinfecting

Cleaning is the process of removing unwanted substances, such as dirt,

infectious agents and other impurities, from an object or environment. Cleaning occurs
in many different contexts, and uses in many different methods.

The terms sanitizing and disinfecting are a way of cleaning often

interchangeably. Sanitizing is generally a little gentler than disinfecting which kills 100
percent of germs on surfaces or objects.

General Cleaning Procedure

The farmer and/ or farm workers responsible for cleaning must adhere as much
as possible to the following procedures:

1. Be properly trained on the cleaning procedures.

2. Develop a cleaning program and schedule according to recommended
frequency and cleaning program should be monitored to ensure its

3. Cleaning must not take place while fresh vegetables are being harvested,
packed, handled and stored.
4. Water that is used for cleaning must be safe.
5. The cleaning equipment, tools, and containers must take place in a
designated area away from field and the storage of agricultural inputs and
fresh vegetables. When cleaning and disinfection chemicals, the farmer or
farm workers must become familiar with the instruction use of these
products. Strictly adhere to all precautionary statements and mixing
8. Protect equipment, tools, containers and fresh vegetables when working with
any chemicals.

Cleaning Re-Usable Containers

The farmer and/or farm workers responsible for cleaning re-usable containers
must adhere as much as possible to the following procedures:

1. Remove as much as possible plant debris, soil and residues of any kind, use a
brush or appropriate tool whenever necessary.
2. Inspect containers for physical damage that might injure, spoil and contaminate
fresh vegetables, if found repair them.
3. Inspect containers for any missed plant debris, soil and residues, if found re-
4. If cleaning or disinfection chemicals are used, follow label instructions for
5. Rinse containers with clean water.
6. Whenever possible, place them in the sun for rapid drying.
7. Store re-usable containers properly to avoid contamination.


1. Remove as much as possible plant debris, soil and residues of any kind. Use
brush or another appropriate tool when necessary.
2. Inspect equipment, tools and garbage cans from any missed plant debris, soil
and residues, if found clean again.
3. Inspect equipment for physical damage that might injure, spoil and contaminate
fresh vegetables.
4. If cleaning or disinfection of chemicals are used, follow label instructions for
5. As required, apply cleaning materials such as detergent and/or disinfection
chemicals, and ensure that no spots are missed.
6. Rinse safe water, if there are parts of the equipment that cannot be rinsed with
water, use a clean wet towel and follow the same procedures for cleaning.
7. Ensure that small equipment and tools do not touch the ground floor after
cleaning procedures.
8. When possible, place in the full sun for rapid drying.

9. Store equipment and tools properly to avoid contamination.



1. Unplug any electrical equipment and if possible, cover with plastic electrical
motors, electrical boxes, connections, light, fixtures, etc. Do not use
packaging materials for this task.
2. Remove trash and any accumulated plant debris from the floors.
3. Using low pressure water, rinse the entire ceiling and light fixtures to remove
any dust and soil build up. Rinse walls, windows and doors from the top
downward. Rinse entire floor surface to remove any soil build up. Be careful
not to splash water into equipment.
4. If necessary, scrub areas with brush and cleaning materials such as
detergent, and ensure that no spots are missed.
5. After scrubbing areas with cleaning materials, rinse surface areas as
described previously wash out drains, be careful not to splash into equipment.
6. If cleaning and/or disinfection chemicals are used, follow label instruction for

Cleaning Hygienic Facilities

1. Pick up trash from the floors, and in a trash can.

2. By using proper detergents, clean toilets, sinks, and any soil buildup.
3. Using pressure water, rinse the entire floor surface to remove any soil build up.
4. If cleaning and/or disinfection chemicals are used, follow label instructions for
5. As required, apply cleaning materials or disinfection chemicals to entire floor
surface are, scrub areas with brush if needed, and ensure that no spots are
6. Rinse floor and drains.
7. Remove excess water and allow drying out at room temperature.
8. Ensure that hygienic facilities have enough toilet paper, soap, and disposable

Tools Materials and Outfits

Hand Tools
Are usually light and are used without the help of animals or machine. They
are used in performing farm activities which involve small areas like school garden
and home garden.

1. Wrenches (Also called as spanner) is a tool used to
provide grip and mechanical advantage in
applying torque to turn objects-usually rotary
fasteners, such as nuts and bolts or keep
them from turning.

2. Screwdriver Is a tool, manual or powered, for turning

(driving or removing) screws.

3.Pliers They are hand tools used to hold objects

firmly, possibly developed from tongs used
to handle hot metal in Bronze. They are also
useful for bending and compressing a wide
range of materials.


They are supplies that are consumed and should be replaced from time to time.
They are called consumables.

1. Bottles This is a narrow-necked container made of

an impermeable material in various shapes
and sizes to store and transport liquids and
whose mouth at the bottling line can be
sealed with an internal stopper, an external
bottle cap, a closure, or a conductive “inner
seal" using induction sealing.

2. Plastic Are a wide range of synthetic or semi-

synthetic organic compounds that are
malleable and so can be molded into solid

3. Bags They are used in planting, collecting, storing,
organizing, shipping and selling products
and materials.


This is worn in accordance with farm requirements. Personal protective

equipment (PPE) can reduce the number and severity of farm work related injuries
and illnesses.

1. Mask. A covering made of fiber or gauze and fitting

over the nose and mouth to protect against dust or
air pollutants. Dust masks and respirators are
extremely important of those working in the
agriculture field and industry.

2. Gloves. Are used to keep the hands warm as

well as to protect them from excessive abrasion
heat, liquids or chemicals.

3. Boots. They are recommended when

working in the farm. This is for protection of the feet
against wild and harmful animals.

4. Overall Coats. Are the most versatile and all-
around item of clothing for agricultural works.
Protect the arms, body and legs.

5. Hats. Are used for protection of head

against sunlight. Hardhats are needed
when working where objects are above
head level or flying objects should be

9. Eye Goggles/Safety glasses. Offer minimum eye

protection against chemicals, flying objects or
damaging light. The Face and eyes are regarded
as the most critical parts of the body to be

Checking for Understanding

Watch Out! “Hazard Situation and Safety Measure”

Look at the following pictures and identify the following hazard situation.
Describe how each risk can be addressed so that the potential for harm
is removed. Write your answer at the side of the picture.


















5 4 3 2 1
Meaningful Thorough Basic Marginal Inadequate
Insightful and Thorough Adequate Marginal Response
well-crafted response with response response reflects
response that strong support with limited reflects inadequate
extends beyond from the text. elaboration minimal understanding of
obvious and support understanding the text.
interpretation from the text. of the text, but
from the picture lacks support.
and offers strong
support from the

ACTIVITY 2: Name Me!

Directions: Identify the picture in each item carefully. Pick a word/s inside the box that
corresponds your answer and write in on the underlined space provided.

Head cover/
Steel Boots Safety Vest Boots Face Shields
Hard hat
Respiratory/ Ear Muffs / Safety
Gloves Long Pants
Masks Ear Plugs Glasses


Activity 1. FILL ON ME!

Directions: Fill in the blanks with word or group of words to complete the sentences
below. Choose the word in the box for your answer and write it on the underlined

Safety Workplace
Hazard Disinfection chemicals
Falls Safety awareness
Cleaning Hand Tools
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Risk

________________1. This is referring to the office, premises or worksite where a

worker is habitually assigned. Where there is no fixed or
definite workplace, the term shall include the place where the
worker actually performs regular work.

________________2. This is when you lose your balance and drop to the floor.

________________3. It is a state in which hazards and conditions leading to physical,
psychological or material harm are controlled in order to
preserve the health and well-being of individuals and the

________________4. Is the process of removing unwanted substances, such as dirt,

infectious agents, and other impurities, from an object or

________________5. It is a clothing design to be worn by a worker to protect them

from risks of injury or illness.

________________6. In cleaning _______________ are used, follow instruction


________________7. Are usually light and are used without the help of animals or

________________8. It is defined as the potential for harm, or adverse effect on

employee’s health.

________________9. It is a likelihood that a hazard will cause injury or ill health to

anyone at or near a workplace.

________________10. It is a constant realization every employee must have at all



Mold Me!

Directions: Make a slogan concerning the areas of concern for safety measures in
Agri-crops Production.

Materials needed:

Quantity Description
2 Sheets Bond Paper
1 pc Pentel pen

1.Prepare the materials needed.
2.Think of slogan on areas of concern for safety.
3.The slogan may be express using local dialect.
4.The teacher will select the best slogan and will receive additional
points for this activity.
20 15 10 5
Relevance 70%
Rhyme 20%
Neatness 10%
Total Score 100%

Interpretation of Scores:
16 – 20: Excellent 11 – 15: Very Good 5 and below: Poor Output

My Insights!

Directions: Write your thoughts/insights on what have you learned about the lesson.
Starts with “I learn, I feel, I plan”

40 30 20 10
Content/Message 80%
Neatness 20%
Total Score 100%

Interpretation of Scores:
31 - 40 Excellent 11 – 20 Good
21 - 30 Very Good 10 and below Poor Output


Directions: Read and understand each statement and encircle the correct answer on
the space provided before the number.

_____1. It is the stage of crop production immediately following harvest including

cooling, cleaning, sorting, and packing.
A. Crop Production
B. Farm Equipment
C. Agricultural Marketing
D. Post Harvesting

_____2. Employees should provide a SOP, what does SOP mean?

A. Safety Operation Procedure
B. Standardize Safety Procedure
C. Standard Operating Procedure
D. Systematize Operating Procedure

_____3. How do you define the acronym PPE?

A. People's Protective Equipment
B. Personal Protective Equipment
C. Personal Preventative Equipment
D. Protective Preventative Equipment

_____4. What do you call the process of collecting the mature rice crop from the field?
It consists of cutting, threshing, cleaning, hauling and bagging.
A. Cleaning
B. Fertilizing
C. Harvesting
D. Agricultural Marketing

_____5. Which of the following states about safety concern?

A. Constant realization every employee must have at all times.
B. The more awake a worker is, the less likely he or she is to get hurt.
C. Any toxicity, serious adverse event, side effect or
other safety finding.
D. The various processes applied toward the effective cultivation and
harvesting of crops.

_____6. Which of the following is NOT a basic practices of crop production?

A. Irrigation
B. Marcotting
C. Threshing
D. Weeding

_____7. It is a state in which hazards and conditions leading to physical, psychological
or material harm are controlled in order to preserve the health and well-being
of individuals and the community.
A. Falls
C. Safety
D. Slips

_____8. What do you mean by hazard?

A. It is a hit of an object, lose your balance and fall.
B. It is defined as the potential for harm, or adverse effect on
C. It is a loss of balance caused by too little friction between a person’s
foot and a working surface.
D. It is a state in which hazards and conditions leading to physical,
psychological or material harm are controlled in order to preserve the
health and well-being of individuals and the community.

_____9. What do you call the office, premises or worksite where a worker habitually
A. Hazard
B. Risk
C. Safety
D. Workplace

_____10. Mang Felecio wants to put things like farm tools and equipment when they
are not being used, where he can keep those things safely?
A. Kitchen
B. Backyard
C. Warehouse
D. Storage Areas

_____11. Which of the following statements about Overall Coats is FALSE?

A. Protect the arms, body and legs
B. Are the most versatile and all-around item of clothing for agricultural
C. It is a barrier that keeps you from being exposed to accidents in the
lab and in all other cases.
D. Are used to keep the hands warm as well as to protect them from
excessive abrasion, heat, liquids or chemicals.

_____12. From high-tech combine harvesters to simple tractors, the various kinds of
farm equipment available can meet the needs of small-scale home
steadier’s and industrial-size farming operations alike. However, it can be
difficult to keep track of all the options. Most farms are mechanized today
and what a farmer should must know?
A. Dress properly and compactly
B. How to operate a wide variety of farming machinery?
C. Never ride or permit others to ride on the equipment when it is
D. Need to move everything into a new space immediately which is
more flexible, affordable and convenient.

_____13. Which is TRUE about wrenches?

A. It is a tool, manual or powered, for turning (driving or removing).
B. Are supplies that are consumed and should be replaced from time to
C. A hand tool used to hold objects firmly possibly developed from tongs
used to handle hot metal in Bronze.
D. It is a tool used to provide grip and mechanical advantage in applying
torque to turn objects usually rotary fasteners such as nuts and bolts
or keep them from turning.

_____14. Keep an eye out on the floor to ensure it’s free of obstacles and spills. If it
isn’t, this might happen to you, Except:
A. Falls
B. Slips
C. Trips
D. Electrocutions

_____15. What are the possible procedures must adhere to a farm worker in cleaning
re-usable containers?
I. If cleaning or disinfection chemicals are used, follow label instructions
for mixing.
II. Inspect, containers for physical damage that might injure, spoil and
contaminate fresh vegetables, if found, repair them.
III. Inspect containers for any plant debris, soil and residues, if found,
IV. Remove as much as possible plant debris, soil, and residues of any kind
use a brush or appropriate tool whenever necessary.

A. II-IV-III-I are correct

B. III-I-IV-II are correct
C. IV-II-III-I are correct
D. Both IV and I are correct

Pretest Post Test
1. D 1. D
2. C 2. A
3. B 3. D
4. C 4. C
5. B 5. C
6. D 6. B
7. B 7. C
8. A 8. B
9. D 9. D
10. C 10. D
11. B. 11. D
12. D 12. B
13. D 13. D
14. D 14. D
15.C 15. C

Review: Student answers, can be interchange

Hazards Protection Safety Regulations Injury
Workplace Work Safety Accident Gloves
Inspector Safety Procedure Burns Safety Glasses
Helmet Injury Occupational Stress Health
Working conditions Machinery Hard hat Gloves

LERNING ACTIVITIES: Think & Think! (Students answer may vary)


1. Staircases – Falls – Keep everyone safe by making sure the lighting is good and the handrails and steps are well maintained.
2. Bathroom – Slippery wet surfaces – Bathroom have fully carpeted, rubber mat
3. Kitchen – Poisoning materials – Any cleaning products and harmful substances if kept in the kitchen should be stored in
cupboards out of the reach of small children. Store paint and pesticides in garages and sheds that re locked.
4. Living room -Fire hazards – Keep matches and lighters away from children. Never leave candle burning overnight. Check your
electrical wiring. Have a fire safety plan that everyone knows.
5. Pool – Drowning – Always supervise babies and young children when bathing. Don’t use electrical items in the pool

Students answer may vary from the picture (With scoring rubrics)
1.Farming operation with the use of farm equipment
➢ Must know how to drive, understand how to grasp and to repair them
➢ Always sees behind a machine within the working place to avoid injury
2.Uplifting through
➢ Use both hands properly when lifting/carrying a heavy object
➢ Have a correct posture in lifting heavy loads, put the strain on your legs not your back
3. Mixture of substances/Using chemicals
➢ One must know and follow the application rate as directed on the product label. During the application,
wear eye protection, gloves, long sleeve shirt and long leg pants. Have an extra careful when mixing the
4.Slips, Trips, Falls
➢ Stay focused and alert. Keep an eye fixed out on the ground floor to ensure free obstacle and spills
1. Head Cover/Hard hat 5. Ear Muffs/ Ear Plugs
2. Safety Glasses 6. Respiratory/ Mask
3. Long Pants 7. Safety Vest
4. Boots 8. Gloves

1. Workplace 6. Disinfection Chemicals

2. Falls 7. Hand Tools

3. Safety 8. Hazard

4. Cleaning 9. Risk

5.PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) 10. Safety Awareness


Support Horticulture Crops Production NC I. (n.d.). Technical Education and

Skills Development Authority.

Training Regulations: Agricultural Crops Production NC I. (n.d.). Technical

Education and Skills Development Authority.

VICTOR V. INTACTO, I. (n.d.). Horticulture Exploratory Course 7-8.

Department of Education.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Surigao del Norte

Peñaranda St., Surigao City
Surigao del Norte, Philippines 8400
Tel. No: (086) 826-8216
Email Address: surigao.delnorte@deped.gov.ph


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