Workplace Outcomes: Quarter 4 - Module 7

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Quarter 4 – Module 7:
Workplace Outcomes
T L E– Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 7: Workplace Outcomes

First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

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Module Writer: Aiza M. Abingayan
Editor: Eva May L. Baguio
Reviewer: Jonathan L. Bayaton
Typesetter: Eva May L. Baguio
Layout Artist: Aiza M. Abingayan
Management Team: Senen Priscillo P. Paulin, CESO V Rosela R. Abiera
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Quarter 4 – Module 7:
Workplace Outcomes
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to
help you master the nature of Agricultural Crop Production. The scope of
this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The
language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The
lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the
order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the
textbook you are now using.

Content Standard
The learner demonstrates an understanding of safety precautions in
preparation of materials and handling of irrigation work.

Performance Standard

The learner practices safety precautions in preparation of materials

and handling of irrigation work for agronomic crop production as stipulated
in the manual.

Learning Competency TLE_AFAC10IW-IVf-j-4

LO 4. Cleanup on completion of irrigation activities

4.4. Report work outcomes to the authority following established
reporting formats.

The module has one lesson

Lesson 1 – Workplace Outcomes

 After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify workplace outcomes according to site.
2. Explain the different types of outcomes; and
3. Enumerate great workplace attributes.

What I Know

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if it is

1. The ability to leverage social media to build brand awareness,
enhance cultural nuance, collaborate and provide employees information
about availability of services and resources is crucial.
2. Workers want a sustainable work environment with a focus on
supporting the environment. This includes a recycling program, use of
sustainable supplies and fixtures, and safe non-toxic products for cleaning
or pest control.
3. Workers want access to amenities such as outdoor seating,
good food (either onsite or close by), high-end coffee bars, exercise facilities
and healthcare.
4. The workspace should also offer the latest office equipment for
managing output, using multi-function devices for the production or
distribution of output.
5. Our employees are organized into functional groups, but the
space is open enough to foster dynamic discussion.

1 Workplace Outcomes

Great workplaces are successful, growing, and innovative. They hold

themselves to high standards, are focused on delivering exceptional
customer service and quality, and strive to innovate and continuously
improve their organizations. They are always raising the bar in their
businesses and in their workplaces.

At work, two particular job attitudes have the greatest potential to

influence how we behave. There is a high degree of overlap between job
satisfaction and organizational commitment, because things that make us
happy with our job often make us more committed to the company as well.
What makes you satisfied with your job and develop commitment to
your company? Research shows that people pay attention to several aspects
of their work environment, including how they are treated, the relationships
they form with colleagues and managers, and the actual work they perform.

What’s In

Directions: Answer the following guide questions in your activity notebook.

1. What is workplace outcomes?

2. What makes a great workplace that draws extraordinary employees to

love coming to work every day?

3. What makes a great workplace that attracts, retains, and motivates the
very best talent?

Notes to the Teacher

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also need to kee

What’s New

Direction: Write atleast five (5) attributes of a Great Workplace


What is It

We can all recognize highly motivated and engaged employees when

we see them. They're more productive, they don't hold back, and they go the
extra mile. But why?

The simple answer is because they want to. They’re inspired by their
work, they believe in their organization and they feel connected to what it’s
trying to achieve.
Imagine working in an environment where everyone felt inspired and
loved what they did every day. It almost sounds too good to be true, but
high-functioning teams do exist: organizations such as Google, Atlas Sian
and Microsoft show us it can be done. These teams share a common
denominator: their leadership constantly motivates and inspires employees.
What makes a great workplace that draws extraordinary employees to
love coming to work every day? What makes a great workplace that attracts,
retains, and motivates the very best talent?
Here are 15 attributes that we believe are characteristic of great
workplaces for top talent, based on our research over the last 15 years.

1. Offer Challenging and Meaningful Work

Great workplaces understand the importance of keeping employees'
work interesting, exciting, challenging and meaningful, because
consistently, top performers say that challenging and meaningful work is
the number one attribute they seek in a job.

2. Hire and Retain Great People

Great workplaces are made up of great people. Within great
workplaces, top performers work alongside other top performers who are
positive, hardworking, committed and loyal, believe in what the organization
does, and participate in making the workplace great.

3. Provide Competitive Compensation

Great workplaces offer competitive and fair compensation, above-
average pay increases, and opportunities to earn more pay based on
performance, such as bonuses, profit sharing, and other incentives to keep
and reward top performing talent as well as attract new talent.

4. Value and Reward Employee Contributions

Great workplaces show they appreciate and value employees and
their contributions. They celebrate success often, and praise, recognize, and
reward employees in a variety of formal and informal ways. They never miss
an opportunity to say 'thanks' for employees' hard work.

5. Invest in Training and Development
Great workplaces invest in training and development for their
workforce to grow their talents and capabilities. They make time for learning
and support it by paying for employees to participate in various
opportunities and offering/delivering a variety of training and career
development programs.

6. Guide, Support, and Develop Top Performers

Through performance management practices that help guide, support,
and develop exceptional performance, great workplaces provide clarity on
how to be a top performer, help other employees become top performers,
and assist existing top performers in sustaining top performance. Reaching
for excellence each and every day is what makes great workplaces

7. Encourage Work/Life Balance

Great workplaces are flexible to employees' work/life needs and
encourage work/life balance by offering flexible schedules, providing
generous paid time off, accommodating individual requests and needs, and
creating a supportive work environment that is understanding of personal
and family obligations.

8. Invest in Employees' Health and Wellness

Great workplaces genuinely care about their employees' well-being.
They offer wellness options that help employees develop healthy lifestyle
behaviors as well as provide an array of benefits which support their
employees' health and personal welfare.

9. Involve and Empower Employees

Great workplaces involve and empower employees by listening to
their input, involving them in moving the organization forward, and giving
them opportunities to lead initiatives, collaborate with one another,
participate in decision-making, and make a meaningful difference at work.
At great workplaces, employees believe that their opinions matter and that
they can positively impact their organizations.

10. Share Information About the Organization's Performance
Leaders frequently share information about the organization's
performance, its financials, the vision and direction of the organization, and
other critical information and updates at great workplaces. In addition,
leaders regularly interact with and communicate with employees one-on-
one, in small groups, and as an entire staff. Additionally, great workplaces
help everyone understand the mission and purpose of the organization, and
how their work connects to the big picture.

11. Are Led by Exceptional Leaders

Great workplaces are led by exceptional and inspiring leaders.
Leaders set the example from the top and lead the organization well. They
genuinely care about and value employees. Relationships between
leaders and employees are characterized by mutual respect, trust, honesty,
and support.
12. Encourage Innovation and Growth
Great workplaces are successful, growing, and innovative. They hold
themselves to high standards, are focused on delivering exceptional
customer service and quality, and strive to innovate and continuously
improve their organizations. They are always raising the bar in their
businesses and in their workplaces.

13. Hire the Best of the Best

Great workplaces hire the best—and only the best. They recognize
that a great workplace and culture results from great people. They define
the talent they need, strategically recruit it, and put into place selection
practices that identify top performers, as well as on-boarding practices that
engage top performers and set them up for success from the start.

14. Create and Sustain a Unique Culture

Great workplaces have a unique culture that is their own, often
described as fun, congenial, collaborative, positive, passionate, and creative.
Their work environments, people, and workplace practices all help create a
vibrant, positive, magnetic, and infectious culture.

15. Serve the Community

And last but not least, great workplaces make an impact on and give
back to their local community. Not only do they generously donate their

company resources to the community, but they also serve their communities
by helping others in need and offering their staff's time and talents.

There is no magic formula for achieving a great workplace, and these

are just some common attributes of many that great workplaces seem to
have. While no workplace is perfect, many organizations strive to become a
truly great workplace and come close.

Top 10 Ways to Make the Workplace Attractive

Your business is fueled by the talented individuals you've hired to
back your vision. Who you decide to hire is ultimately one of the most
important business decisions you'll make. Also according to Forbes, by
2025 the Millennial generation will make up 75% of the workforce. After all
they are the largest generational group, with over 80 million individuals.
You simply can't ignore them.
So, here are our top 10 ways to make the workplace attractive for top
talent so they won't ignore your company either when searching for work.
1. Information and Resources
Workers want access to information that helps them do their jobs, but
they also need all other critical resources to ensure they can be engaged

The best way to do this isn’t through 3-part forms or via emails sent to
generic inboxes, but through technology. Therefore, it’s critical that
departments that provide workforce support, like Human Resources, IT and
Facilities, create technology-based interfaces for employees. This gives
everyone easy access to critical training materials, resources and services.

2. Up-To-Date Office
Workers want an up-to-date office design. Put yourself in the shoes of
the talent. If they walk into an office with dull colors, poor lighting and high
cube walls, will they think your office is a fun place to work? Keep in mind
that this doesn’t mean you have to break the bank with high-end furniture
or expensive real estate. But your space should have plenty of light, feel
flexible and inspire the worker to want to work there. In our own offices, we
used bright paint colors and IKEA furniture. We’ve kept it wide open, but
have created nooks for quiet conversation as well as larger spaces for
meetings with big groups. Our employees are organized into functional
groups, but the space is open enough to foster dynamic discussion.

3. Technology
Workers want the latest technological hardware. Employees should
have access to the most recent computing technology, whether on a desktop
or mobile device. The workspace should also offer the latest office
equipment for managing output, using multi-function devices for the
production or distribution of output. Collaborative space should have the
ability to support presentations and have video and audio capability. Finally,
WIFI should be available wherever the worker goes, allowing them to access
data and resources on the go.

4. Amenities
Workers want access to amenities such as outdoor seating, good food
(either onsite or close by), high-end coffee bars, exercise facilities and

5. Sustainability
Workers want a sustainable work environment with a focus on
supporting the environment. This includes a recycling program, use of
sustainable supplies and fixtures, and safe non-toxic products for cleaning
or pest control.

6. Passion
Workers want the ability to identify with a brand or culture.
Employees expect to work for an organization that they are passionate
about. This way, they’ll be interested in advancing not only the company
goals, but their individual’s goals. Gallup says that 20% of the workforce is
not happy in their current position. But building a strong brand that
supports company and individual needs will create a team environment
that’s lasting.

7. Social Media
Workers want social engagement in the workplace. Today’s employees
want to engage with their work environment and co-workers through the
same channels they communicate outside of work. The ability to leverage
social media to build brand awareness, enhance cultural nuance,
collaborate and provide employees information about availability of services
and resources is crucial.

8. Mobility
Workers want mobility. In keeping with social engagement, employers
should provide the ability for the workforce to engage while mobile. This
supports the need for technology-based work environments and access to on-
line apps to access critical information.

9. Collaboration
Workers want to interact with everyone from the CEO to the
associates so they are a contributing part of the team. Team work is effective
and having the space that allows all levels of communication available
breeds success.

10. FUN!
Workers want FUN! US workers spend about 46 hours per week at
work, which averages 378 hours more per year than the average worker.
And at work, we are expected to operate at our maximum capacity. As a
result, the workplace should be an environment that allows us to be
productive, but is also enjoyable enough that we can relax and socialize

Great workplaces are successful, growing, and innovative. They hold

themselves to high standards, are focused on delivering exceptional
customer service and quality, and strive to innovate and continuously
improve their organizations. They are always raising the bar in their
businesses and in their workplaces

What’s More

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, otherwise FALSE if it is


1. Leaders frequently share information about the organization's
performance, its financials, the vision and direction of the organization, and
other critical information and updates at great workplaces.

2. Great workplaces are led by exceptional and inspiring leaders.

Leaders set the example from the top and lead the organization well. They
genuinely care about and value employees.
3. At great workplaces, employees believe that their opinions
matter and that they can positively impact their organizations.

4. They offer wellness options that help employees develop

healthy lifestyle behaviors as well as provide an array of benefits which
support their employees' health and personal welfare.
5. Great workplaces invest in training and development for their
workforce to grow their talents and capabilities.

What I Have Learned

Write your p ersonal insight of what you have learned from the lesson.
Answer the question below. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

Give atleast 3 examples of a workplace outcomes

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What I Can Do

Direction: Answer the questions below and write this in your activity
Question: What are outcomes of job satisfaction?


Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, otherwise write FALSE if

it is wrong. Write it in your activity notebook.

1. Great workplaces are led by exceptional and inspiring leaders.

Leaders set the example from the top and lead the organization well. They
genuinely care about and value employees.

2. Leaders frequently share information about the organization's

performance, its financials, the vision and direction of the organization, and
other critical information and updates at great workplaces.
3. At great workplaces, employees believe that their opinions
matter and that they can positively impact their organizations.

4. Great workplaces invest in training and development for their

workforce to grow their talents and capabilities.
5. They offer wellness options that help employees develop
healthy lifestyle behaviors as well as provide an array of benefits which
support their employees' health and personal welfare.

II. Enumerate the 15 Attributes of a great workplace.

Additional Activities

Direction: Answer the questions below and write this in your activity
Question: What are the most important attitudes in the workplace?

Answer Key

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Negros Oriental Kagawasan, Avenue, Daro, Dum
Tel #: (035) 225 2376 / 541 1117
Email Address: Website:

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