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ISFD Mercedes Aulas Catálogo Portafolio Mensajes no leídos

Aulas MER57 - Good sounds sound good Sergio Alberto Fernandez



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Menú  Class #1: Intro to the cou…

Class #2: Vowels, part 1

Dipthongs - description and classification Class #3: Vowels, part 2

Dipthongs - description and classification Class #4: Dipthongs

When a sound is made by gliding from one vowel position to another, it is called a diphthong. Diphthongs may be Quiz #3
said to have a first element (the starting point) and a second element (the point in the direction of which the glide Abierta hasta 17/08/2022 23:59

is made = the target).

Diphthongs can be classified according to the distance the tongue travels and to the movement the tongue Dipthongs - descripti…
makes. In the first case diphthongs are labeled “wide” – when the glide is long – and “narrow” – when the glide is
short. Closing dipthongs

In the second case they are grouped into “closing” and “centring”. Closing diphthongs involve a glide towards a Centring dipthongs
closer tongue position; centring diphthongs involve a glide towards a central position. According to the
prominence of the elements, diphthongs can be auditorily classified into “falling” (when the first element is more Q&A Forum: Class #4
prominent than the second) and “rising” (when the second element is more prominent than the first one). English
diphthongs are of the falling type and are written phonetically with two letters, the first representing the starting
point of the tongue, and the second the direction in which it moves (the target element).

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