Aulao Do Bizu - Ingles - 2020

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Prof Agatha Dias – Aulão do Bizu QCIM – Língua Inglesa

Língua Inglesa
Prof Agatha Dias – Aulão do Bizu QCIM – Língua Inglesa


Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?

No language is easy to learn well, though languages which are

related to our first language are ___________. Learning a
completely different writing system is a huge challenge, but that
does not necessarily make a language __________________
another. In the end, it is impossible to say that there is one
language that is _________________ language in the world.

(A) easier/ more difficult/ harder

(B) the easiest/ more difficult/ harder
(C) as easy as/ the most difficult/ the hardest
(D) easier/ more difficult than/ the hardest
(E) the easiest/ more difficult than/ the harder
Escola Naval (2016)
Which is the correct way to complete the text below?

You can now edit and format your Google Docs by voice
About six months ago, Google ______ voice typing for Google
Docs on the web ______ you to dictate your text into a
document. Today it's taking this feature a step further by also
allowing you to edit and format your text by voice, too.
This ______ you can now say things like "select all”, "align
center", "bold", "got to end of line", or "increase font size" and
Google Docs ______ and follow your commands. You can find a
full list of available commands here.

(A) has introduced/to allow/means/understanding

(B) introduces/allowed/meant/has understood
(C) has introduced/to allow/is meaning/understood
(D) introduced/to allow/means/will understand
(E) introduced/allowed/meant/understand
Escola Naval (2019)
Mark the sentence that is correct
(A) If your computer didn´t have Bluetooth support, you could
bought a cheap Bluetooth adapter.
(B) If your computer wouldn´t have Bluetooth support, you could
buy a cheap Bluetooth adapter.
(C) If your computer hadn´t Bluetooth support, you could be able
to buy a cheap Bluetooth adapter.
(D) If your computer doesn´t have Bluetooth support, you can buy
a cheap Bluetooth adapter.
(E) If your computer won´t have Bluetooth support, you will buy a
cheap Bluetooth adapter.
Escola Naval (2016)
Which of the sentences below is INCORRECT?
(A) If the Earth dies, you die. If you die, the planet surely survives.
(B) If you don't want to wait 1.5 seconds, press Control-Power
(C) I will not go away if you promise to change and behave
(D) You could see it through my eyes if you would realize how
special you are.
(E) My mother is going to kick me out tomorrow unless I stop all
contact with my boyfriend.
Escola Naval (2016)

The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall

‘ ...Where did you get this recipe for roast chicken, my dear?
Quite delicious.'
'It's the same thing we have every day, Daddy,' replied Annabel.
Is it really? It tastes quite different this week. Do you have a
good cook at Hartlepool Hall, Edward? Is Mrs. Horton still there?
But she ______ be. She ______ be dead by now. '

Which is the correct option to complete the excerpt below?

(A) might not/can´t
(B) can´t /will
(C) can´t /must
(D) shouldn't/mustn't
(E) shouldn't/can´t
Escola Naval (2016)

Which is the correct way to complete the excerpt below?

The Legacy of Hartlepool

"He thought that if he had the courage to visit the Long Gallery,
the portraits of ________ ancestors would come to life in ______
frames. _______ would point ______ fingers and say: ' We did
__________ duty. We spent the money as _____ was meant to be
spent [...]. "

(A) him/its/We/ours/ours/he
(B) him/theirs/They/their/ours/it
(C) her/their/We/ours/our/he
(D) his/their/They/their/our/it
(E) his/its/They/theirs/our/it
Escola Naval (2016)

Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

25 simple well-being tricks to health-proof your body

Let's be honest, we could all do with looking_________
ourselves better. And if you follow these simple well-being tricks
to health-proof your body, you'll soon feel the benefits.
Here are 25 instant body boosters from top to toe.

(A) for
(B) up
(C) to
(D) after
(E) into
EFOMM 2018
Choose the correct sequence to complete the text below.
Language, brain and disability

It has often been remarked that we come to appreciate_____unique

complexity and function of language only when it starts to go wrong. This
happens daily in many small ways - when we detect ambiguity, express
ourselves incoherently, or speak at cross-purposes. Less commonly, it
happens in _____ dramatic and devastating manner, in _____ form of
language disability. Those who find it difficult or impossible to communicate,
on account of some physical, psychological, or other disability, face _____
frustrating, isolated, and uncertain future, in which their disability is often not
recognized, and community support services may be inaccessible or absent.
Drawing attention to ______ existence and extent of language disability is
thus _____important role for any encyclopedia of language.
(A) the / a / the / a / the / an
(B) the / a / — / a / an / the
(C) a /th e / a / — / the / an
(D) a / the / — / the / — / the
(E) an / a / the / — / the / an
EFOMM 2018

Choose the correct alternative to complete the text below.

About a year ago, two sisters ______ at a local Virginia Beach tea
shop on a beautiful summer afternoon sipping delicious bubble tea,
sharing laughs and enjoying each other's company, unsure of when
they might see each other again. Both sisters ______the Navy in
January 2014, leaving for basic training only two weeks apart.
Since then, they ______assigned to different duty stations, making
it difficult to find time to see each other.
(A) were / joined / were
(B) have been / have joined / have been
(C) had been / joined / will be
(D) were / had joined / have been
(E) have been / had joined / will be
EsFCEx 2011

Choose the alternative that completes the text below with the
correct form of the word in brackets:

―__________ (appear) we humans share 98% of our genes with

chimpanzees; indeed they are our closest relative in the animal
_________ (king). This TV _________ (document) follows a family
of chimpanzees which live in the forest of Tanzania. Set in
__________ (spectacle) scenary it gives us a fascinating insight into
the life and social ________ (action) of these creatures”.

(A) Appears – kingsome – document – spectacle – acts

(B) Apparency – kings – document – spectacular – actions
(C) Apparent – kingsome – documentary – spectacle – acts
(D) Apparently – kingdom – documentary – spectacular - activity
(E) Apparently – kings – documentation – superspectacle – activity
EFOMM (2019)

Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?

Netflix______9.6 million new subscribers in the first three months

of the year even as it increased prices and faced competition from
rivais including Amazon and Apple. The streaming video-service
now ______ nearly 149 million subscribers worldwide. Since it
_____ public in 2002, Netflix shares ______about 29%.

(A) added / has / has gone / have increased

(B) added / has / went / have increased
(C) has added / has / has gone / have increased
(D) has added / is having / went / increased
(E) has added / is having / went / increased
EsPCEx 2019
Prison without guards or weapons in Brazil
Tatiane Correia de Lima is a 26-year-old mother of two who is serving a
12-year sentence in Brazil. The South American country has the world’s
fourth largest prison population and its jails regularly come under the
spotlight for their poor conditions, with chronic overcrowding and gang
violence provoking deadly riots.
Lima had just been moved from a prison in the mainstream penitential
system to a facility run ______(1) the Association for the Protection and
Assistance to Convicts (APAC) in the town of Itaúna, in Minas Gerais state.
Inmates are known as recuperandos (recovering people), reflecting the APAC
focus ______(2) restorative justice and rehabilitation. They must study and
work, sometimes in collaboration with the local community. If they do not -
or if they try to abscond - they risk being returned to the mainstream
system. There have been physical fights but never a murder at an APAC jail.

Choose the alternative containing the correct words to

respectively complete gaps (1) and (2).
[A] to, in
[B] in, of
[C] at, on
[D] by, from
[E] by, on
Escola Naval (2016)
Which option best completes the paragraph below?

Eat healthy
In today's fast-paced world, it is so easy ________ through a
drive-through window to grab something to eat. It is also easy
______ into a gas station ______ a bag of chips, a soda, and some
candy. However, ______ this is not the best choice for our bodies.
Simply put - the more junk you put into your body, the worse you
are going to feel. Try ______ your body with healthy food, drink
plenty of water, and skip fast food lines as much as you can to feel
healthy and happy.

(A) driving/stopping/to buy/to do/to nourish

(B) driving/stopping/to buy/doing/to nourish
(C) to drive/to stop/to buy/doing/to nourish
(D) to drive/to stop/buying/doing/nourishing
(E) to drive/to stop/to buy/to do/nourishing
EFOMM 2018

Read the text and mark the correct option.

The Radar
The word RADAR stands for Radio Detection and Ranging. It is a
technology which was properly used for the first time during the
Second World War by the allied troops against the Germans.
Basically, a radar is an anti-collision tool and can measure the
bearing and the distance of a selected target. It is therefore a vital
aid on ships and airplanes, especially in case of low or blind-visibility
navigation. To detect a target’s position, the radar dish or antenna
sends out pulses of electromagnetic waves.
When these waves hit the target their echo is returned to the
aerial and transformed into visual signals shown on a screen called
PPI (Plan Position Indicator) or display. The capacity of the antenna to
concentrate the irradiation energy in the dish is called gain. The
whole process is based on the principle that radio waves bounce off
solid surfaces. It is therefore possible to determine the bearings and
distances of far away targets and deduce infonnation about potential
hazards. The Radar can also be used to find out the position of a ship
at sea, but only in the case in which a fix (a fixed point of reference
on the land) is available. For this, other more precise, handy and
faster tools, like the GPS, are used.

(A) A Radar is a Global Positioning System.

(B) Targets are unsafe due to bearings and distances.
(C) Electromagnetic waves are shown in the Plan Position
(D) A Radar is a device used to avert crashes.
(E) A Radar is a tool that uses distinct methods of giving position
to locate vessels.
EsPCEx (2019)

Lego wants to replace plastic blocks with sustainable

The Lego Group wants to replace the plastic in their products
with a “sustainable material” by 2030, the company announced.
The world’s largest toy company will invest $1 billion in their
new LEGO Sustainable Materials Centre in Denmark, which
_______(1) devoted to finding and implementing new sustainable
alternatives for their current building materials. Lego plans on
hiring 100 specialists for the center. There is no official definition of
a sustainable material.
Legos _______(2) made with a strong plastic known as
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene since 1963. The company uses more
than 6,000 tons of plastic annually to manufacture its products,
according to NBC News.
Changing the raw material could have a large effect on Lego’s
carbon footprint, especially considering that only 10% of the carbon
emissions from Lego products come from its factories. The other 90%
is produced from the extraction and refinement of raw materials, as
well as distribution from factories to toy stores.
The company _______(3) already taken steps to lower its carbon
footprint, including a reduction of packaging size and an investment
in an offshore wind farm.

Choose the alternative containing the correct verb forms to

complete gaps (1), (2) and (3) in paragraphs 2, 3 and 5
[A] have, will be, have
[B] are, have been, have
[C] will be, has been, hasn’t
[D] will be, have been, has
[E] will be, haven’t been, has

According to the text, choose the correct statement.

[A] A new sustainable material has already been chosen.
[B] Lego has already reduced the size of their packaging.
[C] Lego is planning to reduce the size of their products.
[D] Lego’s raw material will continue to be the same.
[E] They are going to hire 100 specialists in 2030.
Escola Naval (2016)
Navy looking for drone operator flying device around
Washington state base
Published February 27, 2016
(I) _ _ _ _ _
A civilian employee of Naval Submarine Base KitsapBangor
reported seeing the drone, spokeswoman Silvia Klatman told
According to the Navy, it is illegal to operate a drone above the
base without the permission of the Navy. "It's our intent to support
the investigation and prosecution of this reported act, and any
others that may occur, in coordination with civilian law
enforcement," Klatman said. reported that agents interviewed families who lived in
houses surrounding the base. (II) _______ Officials said the drones
were seen operating at night. "It could be a hoax, but worst-case
scenario, it could be clandestine, a foreign government, a cell," A1
Starcevich, whose family's house is located between the base and
Hood Canal in Washington, told the website. "The creepy thing is
they are only doing it at night. (III) ______ "
Starcevich told The Seattle Times that agents told him there had
been repeated incidents around the base involving an alleged drone.
Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor's airspace was designated as "prohibited"
by the FAA in May 2005, at the request of the Navy. (IV) ______ The
prohibited area extends to the water across Hood Canal and the Navy-
owned portion of Toandos Peninsula.
Doug O'Donnell, chief pilot at Avian Flight Center at Bremerton
National Airport, said security forces are supposed to shoot down
aircraft that violate the FAA riiles. The Bangor base houses eight of the
Navy's 14 ballistic-missile submarines, according to Military,com. Each
can carry up to 24 missiles with multiple nuclear warheads.
The Defense Department has held countless classified exercises to
counter possible drone attacks, The Seattle Times reported. Last year,
one exercise included a Marine sniper shooting one down from a
military helicopter.
The sentences below have been removed from the text and replaced by
(I), (II), (III) and (IV). Number them to indicate the order they must
appear to complete the text correctly.

( ) They said they haven't seen anything unusual.

( ) No aircraft of any kind is allowed to fly over the area up 2,500 feet.
( ) The U.S. Navy is searching for the operator of a drone that has been
seen flying near a Washington state naval base at night since Feb. 8.
( ) What are you going to see at night unless you have an infrared
(A) (II) (IV) (I) (III)
(B) (II)(I)(III) (IV)
(C) (IV) (II) (I) (III)
(D) (IV) (II) (III) (I)
(E) (II) (III) (I) (IV)

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