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Table of Contents

Title page......................................................................................................................................1


1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................3
Unconscious forces working process
Step of forces how determinants the personality
Unconsciousness impact on personality
Played in the functioning of our defense mechanisms
Faulty attitude and ultimately results in discrimination (Answer-2)
Discrimination of three steps

Learning Objectives

2. Result ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….4

3. Conclusion ...............................................................................................................................5

5. Reference …..............................................................................................................................6


Freud’s was the first person who presented comprehensive theory about personality. He was
find out conscious, Sub conscious and unconscious awareness are part of our mind.
Unconscious mind means feelings, thoughts, urges and memories of our outside conscious
awareness. Unconscious defined as an unacceptable or unpleasant feelings of pain, anxiety or


Freud’s was first describe of human personality and how it’s developed. Conscious, sub-
conscious and unconscious are important part of human mind. In Freud’s view, he believe that
people unconsciously to influence behavior though they are unaware of these influences.
Unconscious mind can be helpful compare to mind iceberg. For example, everything upper the
water present conscious awareness on the other side everything down the water present the
unconscious. Unconsciousness means we can see outside things but we are sometimes unable
to understand inside things. After analysis of three components (conscious, sub-conscious and
unconscious) these 3 aspects are important part of every human mind.

Unconscious forces working process

In Freud’s point of view the unconscious forces are determinants of personality. He was the
first person who find out how our feelings, knowledge, beliefs, urges, move into our instincts
without our any individual awareness. Freud’s also research and find out deeper unconscious
part which is means how our needs, want, demands, desires drives from hidden without our
instincts because these are conscious natural things of our mind. And Freud’s mention in his
research, these conflicts are natural part of our daily life and it’s possible to when these drives
happen it can cause pain. In Freud’s view unconscious need to explore and he determinants
that directly unconscious observing is almost impossible. Unconscious parts in generally are
taboo. The unconscious overcome quality of information to our conscious mind. Though still
unconscious things are hidden so Freud’s invented new techniques, these are dream
interpretation, hypnosis, free association made for uncover them how it’s works.

Freud’s unconscious pure force was the determinant of personality clearly and he find dreams,
slip of tongue and fantasies are logic way of discover our unconscious. For example,
unacceptable thoughts, motives and memories. The unconscious part further divided into id,
superego and ego, these are the part of systems not part of our brain.

Following are steps and how it’s works with our personality:

Id: According to Freud’s view id repository of baser instincts. Id is related to basic urges, needs,
and desire. Id is an instinctive component of personality include birth, sex life and death
aggressive. For example, the newborn child personality is id after that it covert with ego and

Superego: This is similar to the conscience, which means social prescriptions about right
behavior and Freud’s believe that unconscious use of accessed psychoanalytic therapy and
represent memories and feelings which often the source of psychological problems . For
example, ego gives demands to id then the super-ego make the person feel bad or guilty.

Ego: The ego is the part of id and it’s directly influence external world. Ego unconsciously help
to unpleasant feelings (anxiety) or make things good and feel better for individual. This is
known as reality of our self-control via ego. For example, the ego has no concept of right and

Unconscious part of our the minds are:



Freud’s conception is different between the collective unconscious and personal unconscious.
The personal unconscious is related to the Freud’s dynamic unconscious, while the collective
unconscious is a similar to the repository of collective knowledge of humanity. For example, it
comes from our father and mother to our body and its natural instinct. Freud’s unconscious
forces like thoughts, beliefs and feelings impact on the personality are given below:-

 Bias
 Anger
 Distress
 Relationship problems
 Compulsive behaviors
 Difficult social interactions

Freud’s believe that our feelings, desires, and emotions are held out our awareness. Sometimes
these type of hidden desires and wishes make ourselves through dreams and slips of the
tongue. Freud’s mention that our basic instincts and urges contained in our unconscious mind.
For example, life death instincts and the life sexual instincts also related with our survival. The
death instincts reflect our personality like trauma and danger. Our conscious minds sometimes
view an unacceptable or irrational things. Freud suggested that people rising awareness against
to prevent defense mechanisms.

How I see the role of these unconscious forces played in functioning of our defense

In Freud’s view unconscious played an important rule of defense mechanisms. If people

experience of different types of anxiety then defense mechanisms help to kick defend ego and
reduce the anxiety they are feelings. According to Freud’s view defense mechanisms are
unconscious strategy, which helps to reduce people anxiety through concealing the source of
the anxiety come from themselves.

 Repression: when people unsavory thoughts, painful memories and irrational beliefs
unconsciously choose to forgetting is call repression. These memories disappear
properly and they may influence behaviors and future relationships. For example, if a
small child abused sexually definitely he/she not understand the impact of defense
 Reaction formation: People use defense mechanisms and understand how they feel but
still they are choose to behave in the opposite manner of their instincts. For example,
people feel may they should not express the negative emotions like anger or frustration.
 Projection: This is related with thoughts or feelings what one person feel have about
another person and may make feel uncomfortable. For example, we may dislike our
new worker but instead of accepting that we choose to tell ourselves that they dislike
 Regression: People who feel threatened or anxious may unconsciously escape to a
beginning stage of development called regression. This type of defense mechanisms
common things for young children. For example, people experience trauma or loss and
then suddenly act as if they are younger again.
 Sublimation: This defense mechanisms related with positive thoughts and, People who
rely choose to redirect strong emotions or feelings into an object or activity that is
appropriate or safe for them. For example,
 Denial: Denial known as common defense mechanisms and it is occurs when we refuse
to accept reality or facts. We block external event from our mind so that we don’t have
to deal with the emotional impact. In other words, sometimes we avoid the painful
feelings or events. For example, people try to avoid unwanted feelings and events.
 Rationalization: People who may attempt to explain undesirable behaviors with their
own set of facts and this allows people to feel comfortable with the choice they made
even though they know on another level it is not right or legal. For example, people who
might be angry of their employ for not completing work on time could be ignoring the
fact they are typically also late.
 Displacement: This is related with direct strong emotions and frustrations toward a
person or object that doesn’t feel threatening. For example, getting angry with your
husband or your child.

Learning Objective

We find that, Unconscious is contemporary psychology and it’s involved with recover repressed
memories using the hypnosis. We find that many memories moved out to be false memories
that can caused suffering for those people who believed that they were truly remembering
abuse that actually happen to them. This type of situation create aware increasingly against
mental health difficulties unconscious mind, simply we can say this type of unconscious mind is
dangerous. Unconscious mind is related to our personality like emotions and nature.

Freud’s believe that unconscious mind related with our unaccepted thoughts, memories and
motives. For example, mother anger comes from their child abuse. Freud’s also believe that our
personality developed by the steps of our childhood stages in that times our pleasure-seeking
energies of the id become focused on certainly erogenous areas. These stages are oral, phallic,
latent, anal and genital stages are erogenous zone associated with each stages serves source of
pleasure. As a result each stages development conflict can help build growth and as a result a
healthy personality depends on successful stages.


After analysis on large part of Freud’s view about unconscious forces are the determinants of
our personality clearly and these unconscious forces are very important part of our mind.
Defense mechanism role also played in the functioning with our personality like mood,
emotion, feelings and nature. Defense mechanisms helps to find out different types of
emotions and anxiety and these are related our personality.

Answer: 2
Faulty attitude and ultimately results in discrimination are given below:

In my point of view how, we manage our attitude it’s matter our personality. Adopted a bad attitude
known as a faulty attitude. Relationship, business, career, health and personal development will affect
what we do of every opportunity that comes to ours way. Faulty attitude means aggressive, arrogant,
belligerent, blunt, callous, dishonest, rude, sad, selfish, unemotional, untrusting etc. Faulty attitude all
about our wrong attitude. Faulty attitude means have problems with our behavior. On the other words,
we can say wrong or bad of our attitude. Faulty attitude part of our life we can observe that attitude in
many people. But the correct attitude never harm a person or people but a wrong or faulty attitude can
harm a person. Most of the times problem create our wrong attitude after that we try to change our
attitude in apply many ways or option. The most creative and essential ways of changing attitude which
are given below:

Message source: These way a person change their attitude following the guidelines of communicator.
This is important step of our personality because social and physical attention and strength comes from
higher attitude changes. These attitude part money, power, position, beauty, demand etc. These made
also our personality difficult and faulty and its playing role in forming attitude. For example, high
political power, powerful leadership etc.

Characteristic of the message: This is important part to understand the messages what we provides to
us and then what these message affected to as a result our attitude. These message included two side of
fear which involved our works. For examples, negative information

Characteristics of the receiver or target: This is means when the message deliver, we can understand the
purpose of their nature of characteristics. It also helps to find out the wrong messages when we
received the messages. Other important part we now after the analysis is desire belief or standards to
follow other people messages. We found similarity the message source and receiver and we found the
more intense attitude of people.

After analysis of faulty attitude of people we are ultimately find as a result of some wrong or bad
behavior and its gives us different type of discrimination. According to the research about faulty attitude
I find people react to other individually and the event and it’s largely influenced people perception and
not the only actual individuals or events. I think if we have faulty attitude one day it’s definitely creating
a problems of our personality.

Reference › wiki › › articles › › psychologyopenstax › › dictionary › attitud...

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