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HUNT CK-BA0OK : fs on = & i eS rg ae) ne NEWS. SIGHTINGS ALERTS FILES FORUM CHAT | WHY ARE WE HERE? De ee eee ee ng af the world. i we do not know who we are and why we have been called to fight this war, wwe will nevor bo strong enough fo overcame the monsters and their domination of the human race. The more fact that others of the chasendo not see the enemy inthe same way Reece eae eet ee eee geet nae en ee eR battleground. The enemy willnotgivein simply because we ask them to or appeal to their corrupted humanity. Wo imbued have found our way onto the net to find others like ourselves, tashare ourexperiences and draw courage from one anather. Instead, we are Pee eee ee ee Pee Sa a eee ee ee ae ee ee eeu eT ee een Be a ecu ee tm ene a ee unc htt are Rut Mel emir Truc! Pere ee ter el a Ct cree ied ihe killers of beasts. This is a place for us to share our knowledge of the enemy and the Peete te er ee ee Cn cras) eee ea Meee eeu na PASS THE FLAME —Join the Firelight mailing list and add your voice to the revolution. Enter your email address below: ARNING: DO NOT ENTER YOUR REAL NAME OR OTHER PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION. THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION ON THIS LIST CANNOTBE GUARANTEED. URN MESSAG FOR YOUROWN PROTECTION, DONOT REVEAL YOUR REAL NAME,ADDRESS OR LDENTITY TO MEMBERS OF THISLIST, —— IFESTO adele RU ee ee eee eee Leigh ecient einer tT eae ee Se ae ee er ey »=>AMEND: by Crusader! 7 — “The suffering of the world cries aut for justice, and we have heard the call of the LORD JEHOVAH, God of Abraham, isaac and Jacob.” Tees ree ar ett) Mw eee te eaten Rei Uc ae ets eet ete ae eed Ue Ca ee eg ee tee ee eee Violence and abuse. The creatures we rightly call monsters have beaten us down and Dee eae Ue mesic ue gece ate eee Tee Sg art ae We the people. imbued to champion the oppressed. declare that all people have the el ee ee Re Eee aes ee eae a dR ee ee gm Lee ea keen eer ‘crimes against humanity and resolve ta break their grip on our people by any and all means a ee ee eee tes torte eat eee >>>AMEND: SpiritWarriar128—“We the people, imbued with the power af the Great Sa a ea eee er ea Seuaa ee eee re re ene eae nue ete ee eee eee a cea Se tres itisthe mandate of the people thatthe monsters who hold power over human agencies Must be confronted and destroyed without mercy. 50 thal we may gain the ineedom of Neeiedell detehee MLM LCE geet ng en ee ee Dre ae RS cae er ne eae heer remaining in the world and complete our retribution, For humanity to realize its place onthe Earth, inhumanity must perish uttorly, There can be no other acceptable resolution Peebles et ee ne teed must perish utterly, along with all thase who show no respect for the sanctity of human life, Dee rede a eee eared pa ote cay a Oe ee eer Sl cae rae Ce ge ee es eae eee ence ts Ne ee ea ee ee eee Ge een ee eee ee etn etn es Ne ete UC Re eee nee i eet ae Reece Metco ec Eee eee their insightand strength to achieve a just and lasting solution for the future of humankind ~ Meee Ue Ce ce ae ee

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