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Chapter 1: Overview of Acronyms

Government Accounting ABM Agency Budget Matrix
ADA Authority to Debit Advice
Objectives of Government Accounting BAR Budget Accountability Reports
1. To produce information concerning past Development Budget Coordination
operations and present condition Committee
2. To provide a basis for guidance for future FAR Fiscal Accountability Reports
operations FCR For Comprehensive Release
3. To provide control of the acts of public bodies FLR For Latter Release
and officers in the receipt, disposition and FSP Foreign Service Post
utilization of funds and property GAS Government Accountancy Sector
4. To report on the financial positions and results
GSB Government Servicing Bank
of operations of government agencies for the
information of all persons concerned International Public Sector Accounting
List of Due and Demandable Accounts
3 General Groups of Government Agencies LDDA
1. National Government Agencies (NGAs) P-ADA
Advice to Debit Accounts
2. Local Government Units (LGUs) MDS Modified Disbursement System
3. Government-Owned and/or Controlled MFO Major Final Outputs
Corporations (GOCCs)
NCA Notice of Cash Allocation
3 National Government Agencies (NGAs) NGA National Government Agencies
1. Departments (ex. DOF) ORS Obligation Request and Status
a. Bureaus (ex. BIR, BOC, BTr) PAG Philippine Association Guidelines
2. Commissions PAP Programs, Activities, and Projects
3. State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) PPSA
Philippine Public Sector Accounting Standards
Commissions PREX
Program Expenditure Classification
1. Constitutional C
a. COA RCA Revised Chart of Accounts
b. CSC RDC Regional Development Councils
c. COMELEC SARO Special Allotment Release Order
2. Non-constitutional UACS Unified Accounts Code Structure
a. PRC
WFP Work and Financial Plans
b. SEC
c. CHR

4 Local Government Units (LGUs)

1. Provinces
2. Cities
a. Component
b. Chartered
3. Municipalities
4. Barangay

Government-Owned and/or Controlled

Corporations (GOCCs)
4. RABUD (Registries of Budget, Utilization and
Chapter 2: Introduction to Disbursements)
Government Accounting UACS
Organizational Responsibility for Accounting and
 Responsible:
Accounting-Related Functions
1. DBM
1. Government agencies 2. DOF-BTr
- Maintain accounting books 3. PSA
2. Commission on Audit (COA) 4. COA
- Thru the GAS  DBM
- Maintains budget records showing 1. Validation and assignment of new
overall approved budget and its codes
execution/implementation  DBM and its proponent agency
- Consolidates FSs and the budget 1. Validation and assignment of new
accountability reports of all NGAs Program, Activity, and Project (PAP)
- Prepares other financial reports Codes
required by law  COA
3. Department of Budget and Management (DBM) 1. Consistency of account classification
- Maintains budget records too and coding structure with the Revised
4. Bureau of Treasury (BTr) Chart of Accounts
- Banking activities, manages cash  DOF-BTr
- Maintains records of cash transactions 1. Consistency of account classification
with which the books of NGA’s are and coding standards with the
reconciled Government Finance Statistics
- Accounts for the cash, public debt, and  PSA
related transactions of the NG
Accounting Reports (PPSAS #1)
Responsibility for the Preparation of FS
Trial Balance Monthly
Individual Head of the entity or dep’t CO, SF Position
entity/dep’t RO, or OU, or authorized
SF Performance
SF Cash Flows
Entity/dep’t as a Head of entity or dep’t CO Quarterly and
S of Changes in Net Assets
single entity Jointly with head of the finance Annual
S of Comparison of Budget and
Notes to FS
Documents for Submission
1. Annual Financial Report (AFR)
Books of Accounts
2. Annual Audit Reports (AAR)
1. Journals
2. Ledgers Submitted To:
3. Registries 1. COA Auditors
2. Government Accountancy Sector (GAS)
Journals 3. COA
1. General journal
2. Cash DJ Financial Expenses
3. Check DJ  Management Supervision/Trusteeship Fees
4. Cash RJ  Loan Repayment
 Interest Expenses
Ledgers  Guarantee Fees
1. General ledgers  Bank Charges
2. Subsidiary ledgers  Commitment Fees

Registries RAPAL
1. RROR (Registries of Revenue and Other  Maintained by fund cluster
Receipts)  By the budget unit of each government entity
2. RAPAL (Registry of Appropriations and  Separate registry for prior year appropriations
3. RAOD (Registry of Allotments, Obligations, and RAOD
Disbursements)  Maintained by fund cluster
 By Major Final Output (MFO) or
Program/Activity/Project (PAP)
 By allotment class:
1. Personnel services
2. Maintenance and other operating
3. Capital outlay

Construction period theory

- An accounting principle which sanctions the
capitalization of all expenditures incurred in
connection with construction, during the
construction period of fixed assets

Construction of Recognized as bills are

assets received, based on percentage
of completion or contract
Depreciation Straight-line method
Allowance for Set-up for estimated
Doubtful Accounts uncollectible receivables

For fair valuation of

Liability Recognized at the time goods
and services are accepted or
rendered and supplier/creditor
bills are received
Interest accrual Accrued and recognized
whenever applicable and
Contingent Disclosed only
Recognized when reasonable
assurance of maturing into a
liability (contingent liability)

General Purpose Financial Statements (GPFSs)

1. Statement of Financial Position
2. Statement of Financial Performance
3. Statement of Changes in Net Assets/Equity
4. Statement of Cash Flows
5. Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual
6. Notes to Financial Statements
a. Coined by Prof. Leonor Magtolis-Briones
Chapter 3: The National
Another version
Government Budget 1. Budget preparation
2. Budget legislation or authorization
Government Budget
3. Budget execution or implementation
- A plan for financing the government activities 4. Budget accountability or review
of a fiscal year prepared and submitted by a
responsible executive to a representative body Then DBM Secretary Salvador Enriquez
whose approval and authorization are - Wrote a detailed description of each of the
necessary before the plan can be executed budget process

Budget document Performance-Informed Budgeting (PIB)

- The instrument used by the budget-making  The new face of GAA
authority to present a comprehensive financial  May kwento sa bawat kwenta
program to the appropriating body  National Budget—the financial blueprint of a
country’s development plan
Three parts of the budget document  2014
1. Budget message o DBM pushed for the adoption of a new
2. Schedules
approach to budgeting (PIB)
3. Drafts of appropriations, revenues, and
 PIB requires government agencies to
borrowing measures necessary to put the
strengthen the link between planning and
budget into effect
budgeting and to simplify the presentation of
the budget
Public Financial Management
 Link between the funds allocated for
1. Aggregate fiscal discipline—spending within
government programs, their projected results,
outcomes and the funds will be showed
2. Allocative efficiency—spending on the right
 Revamped GAA
o Presents non-financial performance
3. Operational efficiency—spending with value-
information together with the allocated
resources for the different PAPs
 PAPs are grouped together according to MFO
Kinds of Budget
that departments/agencies seek to achieve
1. As to nature
 Parts of a PIB
2. Approaches in budgeting
1. Mandate
2. Vision
As to Nature
3. Mission
1. Annual Budget—annual appropriation
4. Key Result Areas
2. Supplemental Budget—supplemental
5. Sector Outcome
6. Organizational Outcome
3. Special Budget—not included itemizations
 PIB Checklist
1. Each agency’s strategic objectives
Approaches in Budgeting
defined upfront
1. Cash-Based Budget
2. Summary of financials presented in the
2. Performance-Informed Budget (PIB)
3. Bottom-Up Budgeting (BUB)
3. Budget for operations by MFO
The National Budget System/Budget Process
4. Performance information presented
Declaration of Policy on the Government Budget
with the financials
 Title XVII, Chapter I of Executive Order 292 (the
5. Additional program/project details in a
Revised Administrative Code of 1987)
separate volume
Phases of Budget Process
Program Expenditure Classification (PREXC)
1. Budget Preparation
 The next phase of PIB
a. Submitted to DBM
 Introduced to agencies in 2014-2015
2. Legislative/Budget Authorization
 Restructures an agency’s budget to group all
3. Budget Execution or Operation
recurring activities as well as projects under
4. Budget Accountability
appropriate programs or key strategies
5. Budget Adjudication
 Performance information and costs are
assigned at the program level, rather than at
agency and MFO levels
 2017
 Line-item budget structure is not replaced
 Line items are grouped under programs and
sub-programs, with added performance

COA Programs and Sub-Programs

1. Government Auditing Program
a. National Government Auditing Sub-
b. Corporate Government Auditing Sub-
c. Local Government Auditing Sub-
d. Special Audit Sub-Program
e. Technical Services and Systems Audit
2. Government Accountancy Program
3. Government Financial Adjudication Program
Semi-Expendable Technical and Scientific
Chapter 4: Chart of Accounts Equipment
Semi-Expendable Other Machinery and
Common Accounts Equipment
Assets Semi-Expendable Furniture, Fixtures and Books
 Cash-Collecting Officers Semi-Expendable Furniture and Fixtures
 Petty Cash
Semi-Expendable Books
 Cash in Bank-Local Currency, Current Account
 Cash-Treasury/Agency Deposit, Regular Property, Plant and Equipment
 Cash-Modified Disbursement System (MDS), Land
Regular Land Improvements
 Cash-Tax Remittance Advice Infrastructure Assets
 Cash-Constructive Income Remittance
Buildings and Other Structures
 Due from National Government Agencies
 Receivables-Disallowances/Charges Machinery and Equipment
 Due from Officers and Employees Transportation Equipment
Furniture, Fixtures and Books
Assets Other Property, Plant and Equipment
Cash on Hand Other Assets-Advances
Cash-Collecting Officers Advances for Operating Expenses
Petty Cash Advances for Payroll
Cash in Bank-Local Currency, Current Account Advances to Special Disbursing Officer
Cash in Bank-Local Currency, Current Account Advances to Officers and Employees
Treasury/Agency Cash Accounts
Cash-Treasury/Agency Deposit, Regular Liabilities
Cash-Modified Disbursement System (MDS), Payables
Accounts Payable
Cash-Tax Remittance Advice
Due to Officers and Employees
Cash-Constructive Income Remittance
Inter-Agency Payables
Inter-Agency Receivables
Due to BIR
Due from National Government Agencies
Due to GSIS
Other Receivables
Due to Pag-IBIG
Due to PhilHealth
Due from Officers and Employees
Other Payables
Inventory Held for Consumption
Other Payables
Office Supplies Inventory
Semi-Expendable Machinery and Equipment
Net Assets/Equity
Semi-Expendable Machinery
Government Equity
Semi-Expendable Office Equipment
Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit)
Semi-Expendable Information and
Communications Technology Equipment Intermediate Accounts
Semi-Expendable Agricultural and Forestry Revenue and Expense Summary
Semi-Expendable Marine and Fishery
Equipment Expenses
Semi-Expendable Airport Equipment Personnel Services (PS)
Semi-Expendable Communications Equipment Salaries and Wages
Semi-Expendable Disaster Response and Salaries and Wages-Regular
Rescue Equipment
Semi-Expendable Military, Police and Security Other Compensation
Equipment Personal Economic Relief Allowance (PERA)
Semi-Expendable Medical Equipment Representation Allowance (RA)
Semi-Expendable Printing Equipment Transportation Allowance
Semi-Expendable Sports Equipment Clothing/Uniform Allowance-Civilian
Year End Bonus Printing and Publication Expenses
Cash Gift Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses
Other Bonuses and Allowances Website Maintenance
Personnel Benefit Contributions Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses
Retirement and Life Insurance Premiums
Pag-IBIG Contributions Depreciation
PhilHealth Contributions
Personnel Services (per month)
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
(MOOE) Personal Economic Relief Monthl
2 000
Allowance (PERA) y
Traveling Expenses
Clothing/Uniform Allowance 6 000 Yearly
Traveling Expenses-Local Representation Allowance:
Training and Scholarship Expenses Monthl
Regional Director w/ SV 9 000
Training Expenses y
Supplies and Materials Expenses Regional Director w/o SV 9 000
Office Supplies Expenses Monthl
Division Chief w/ SV 5 000
Accountable Forms Expenses
Medical, Dental and Laboratory Supplies Division Chief w/o SV 5 000
Transportation Allowance:
Fuel, Oil and Lubricants Expenses Monthl
Semi-Expendable Machinery and Equipment Regional Director w/ SV 0
Expenses Monthl
Regional Director w/o SV 9 000
“ Machinery y
“ Office Equipment Monthl
Division Chief w/ SV 0
“ Information and Communications Technology
Equipment Division Chief w/o SV 5 000
“ Communications Equipment 1mo.
Year-End Bonus (> Nov. 15) Yearly
Semi-Expendable Furniture, Fixtures and Books salary
Expenses Cash Gift (> Nov. 15) 5 000 Yearly
“ Furniture and Fixtures 1mo.
Mid-Year Bonus (> May 15) Yearly
“ Books salary
Retirement and Life Insurance Monthl
Utility Expenses 12%
Premiums – gov’t share y
Water Expenses Retirement and Life Insurance Monthl
Premiums – EE share y
Electricity Expenses
Pag-IBIG Contributions – gov’t Monthl
Communication Expenses share y
Postage and Courier Expenses Monthl
Pag-IBIG Contributions – EE share 100
Telephone Expenses PhilHealth Contributions – gov’t Monthl
- Mobile share y
- Landline PhilHealth Contributions – EE Monthl
share y
Internet Subscription Expenses
General Services
Janitorial Services Apportioned Travel Expenses
Security Services Day of arrival at point of destination 100
Succeeding days thereof on official %
Repairs and Maintenance Day of departure 50%
Taxes, Insurance Premiums and Other Fees
Taxes, Duties and Licenses Breakdown:
Hotel/Lodging (no more on departure
Fidelity Bond Premiums 50%
Insurance Expenses Meals 30%
Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses Incidental Expenses 20%
Advertising Expenses
Other Expenses
2 000 per
Training Expenses
Semi-Expendable Expenses < 15
Semi-Expendable Expenses > 15
Office Supplies Expenses
7. Special Provisions of GAA
Chapter 5: Budgetary Accounts
Budgetary Accounts
1. Appropriations (RAPAL) ---END---
a. Approved budget
b. Maintained by Budget Unit of each
government agency
c. By Fund Cluster
d. No journal entries
2. Allotments (RAOD)
a. Budget upon reaching agency level
b. Authorizations issued by DBM
c. Maintained by Budget Office/Unit of the
d. By Program and Sub-Program or PAP,
and by allotment class
e. No journal entries
3. Obligations (RAOD)
a. Expenditures incurred
b. Recognized in RAOD based on
approved ORS
Fund Release Documents
1. General Appropriations Act as an Allotment
Order (GAAAO)
a. For budgetary items appropriated in
the GAA
b. FCR
2. Special Allotment Release Order (SARO)
a. FLR
b. For Special Purpose Funds
i. Calamity Fund
ii. Contingent Fund
iii. E-Government Fund
iv. Feasibility Studies Fund
v. International Commitments
vi. Miscellaneous Personnel
Benefits Fund
vii. Pension and Gratuity Fund

Appropriations—legislative authorization

May transfer appropriations

1. President
2. President of the Senate
3. Speaker of the House of Representatives
4. Chief Justice of the Supreme court
5. Heads of Constitutional Commissions

Appropriation Laws
1. General Appropriations Act (GAA)
2. Executive Order No. 182
3. Commonwealth Act No. 186 and Republic Act
No. 660
4. Presidential Decree No. 1234
5. Executive Order No. 229
6. Presidential Decree No. 1967 and Republic Act
Nos. 4860 and 245
Cash Advance Payment of Salaries
Chapter 6: Disbursements - Should be liquidated within 30 days
- Unliquidated salaries
Two Schemes for payment of Accounts Payables o Put on hold
1. Common fund scheme o Names will be included in the report
a. MDS checks submitted to Ombudsman and Civil
2. Direct payment scheme (ADA) Service Commission
a. DPS effected by MDS-GSB (ANCAI)
b. DPS effected by MDS-GSB (LDDAP) Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
Traveling Expenses – Local
Disbursement Authorities (NANTCA) 1. Daily Travel Expenses (EO 77)
1. Non-Cash Availment Authority (NCAA) 2. Transportation Expenses
2. Advice of Notice of Cash Allocation Issued
(ANCAI) Daily Travel Expenses—for travels > 50km radius
3. Notice of Transfer of Allocation (NTA) 1. 50% hotel/lodging
4. Tax Remittance Advice (TRA) 2. 30% meals
5. Cash Disbursement Ceiling (CDC) 3. 20% incidental expenses
6. Advice to Debit Account (ADA) a. Includes small transport expenses
within the same city
Basic Requirements for Disbursements to be
Made (ALAS) Transportation Expenses
1. Availability of Funds 1. House to airport
a. Allotments 2. Airport to QC dorm
b. Cash 3. QC dorm to airport
c. Disbursement authority 4. Airport to house
2. Legality of Transactions
3. Approval by Competent Authorities DTE
4. Supporting Documents 1. Cluster 1—PHP 1,500
a. Documentary requirements must be a. Region I
attached to the disbursement vouchers b. Region II
for the disbursement to be valid c. Region III
d. Region V
Assumptions for Ready Payment e. Region VIII
1. Disbursement voucher is already approved f. Region IX
2. There is available cash g. Region XII
3. There is already a disbursement authority h. Region XIII
Modes of Disbursements 2. Cluster 2—PHP 1,800
1. Check a. CAR
a. MDS Check b. Region VI
b. Commercial Check c. Region VII
2. Cash out of cash advance d. Region X
3. Advice to debit account (ADA) e. Region XI
4. Tax remittance advice (TRA) 3. Cluster 3—PHP 2,200
5. Working fund (CDC) a. NCR
6. Direct payment method (NCAA) b. Region IV-A
c. Region IV-B
Types of Trial Balance
1. Trial Balance of Totals (Dr. = xxx, Cr. = xxx) Semi-Expendable Machinery and Equipment &
2. Trial Balance of Balances (Dr./Cr. = netted) Semi-Expendable Furniture, Fixtures and Books
 Useful life > 1 year
Payment of Salaries (Personnel Services)  Unit cost < 15,000
1. Cash advance 1. If > 15,000  PPE and depreciated
2. ATM (ADA)  Not depreciated
3. Direct payment through employees through the
ADA system
Disallowance (AL)
Chapter 7: Receipts 1. Availability of funds
2. Legality of transaction
Sources of Revenue and Other Receipts
1. Revenue from Exchange Transactions Suspension (AS)
2. Revenue from Non-Exchange Transactions 3. Approval of competent authority
4. Supporting documents
Revenue from Exchange Transactions
1. Service Income 90 days 6 months
2. Business Income Submission of Appeal
Service Income (general ledger)
 Permit fee Notice of
Notice of Notice of
 Registration fee Suspension Disallowance
 Registration plates
 Tags and stickers fee
 Clearance and certification fee
 Franchising fee The date of the NFD is the basis on which
 Licensing fee account to credit.
 Supervision and regulation enforcement fees If NFD is issued in the year of payment or
 Inspection fees disallowance, credit the expense account.
 Legal fees If NFD is issued in the year following the
 Verification fees payment of disallowance, credit the AS/(D)
 Authentication fees account.
 Processing fees
 Passport and visa fees Refund of Cash Advances
1. Payment of salaries—Advances for Payroll
Business income 2. Traveling expenses—Advances to Officers and
 School fees Employees
 Affiliation fees 3. Time-bounded undertaking—Advances to
 Examination fees Special Disbursing Officers
 Seminar/training fees 4. Operating expenses of field offices—Advances
 Income from hotels, dorms for Operating Expenses
 Income from slaughterhouses 5. Petty cash expenses—Petty Cash
 Hospital fees
Revenue from Non-Exchange Transactions
1. Tax Revenue
2. Fines and Penalties
a. For tax, service income, business
3. Shares, grants, and donations
a. Share from PAGCOR or PCSO
b. Share from earnings of GOCCs
4. Revenue from non-exchange transaction when
the entity satisfies a present obligation
recognized as a liability (unearned revenue
adjusted for the earned portion)

For every collection, there should be a deposit.

C-CO account should be closed.
19. Accumulated Depreciation-Office Equipment
Chapter 8: Adjusting and Closing 20. Information and Communications Technology
Entries 21. Accumulated Depreciation-Information and
Communications Technology Equipment
Two Types of Adjustments
22. Printing Equipment
1. Accrued items 23. Accumulated Depreciation-Printing Equipment
2. Deferred items 24. Sports Equipment
25. Accumulated Depreciation-Sports Equipment
Other Adjustments
26. Technical and Scientific Equipment
1. Unused NCA 27. Accumulated Depreciation-Technical and
2. Petty Cash Fund Scientific Equipment
3. Unreleased Commercial Checks 28. Other Machinery and Equipment
4. Allowance for/Accumulated Impairment Losses 29. Accumulated Depreciation-Other Machinery
of Asset Accounts and Equipment
5. Write-down of Inventories 30. Motor Vehicles
6. Correction/Reclassification Entries 31. Accumulated Depreciation-Motor Vehicles
7. Adjustment for Reversal of Impairment Losses 32. Furniture and Fixtures
8. Depreciation Expense 33. Accumulated Depreciation-Furniture and
9. Exchange differences on foreign currency Fixtures
10. Other adjustments 34. Books
35. Accumulated Depreciation-Books
Closing Entries
36. Other Property, Plant and Equipment
1. To close income accounts 37. Accumulated Depreciation-Other Property,
2. To close expense accounts Plant and Equipment
3. To close balance of the Revenue and Expense 38. Prepaid Insurance
Summary 39. Guaranty Deposits
4. To close deposits/remittances made to the
National Treasury Common Liability Accounts
40. Accounts Payable
Reversion of Unused Cash Allocation
41. Due to Officers and Employees
- Should be done at the end of every quarter 42. Due to BIR
43. Due to GOCCs
1. March 31 44. Due to Central Office
2. June 30 45. Guaranty/Security Deposits Payable
3. September 30 46. Other Payables
4. December 31
Common Equity Accounts
Common Asset Accounts
47. Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit)
1. Petty Cash 48. Subsidy from National Government
2. Cash in Bank-Local Currency, Current Account 49. Subsidy from Central Office
3. Due from National Government Agencies
4. Due from Officers and Employees Common Expense Accounts
5. Other Receivables 50. Traveling Expenses-Local
6. Other Supplies Inventory 51. Training Expenses
7. Other Supplies and Materials Inventory 52. Office Supplies Expenses
8. Semi-Expendable Communications Equipment 53. Medical, Dental and Laboratory Supplies
9. Semi-Expendable Other Machinery and Expenses
Equipment 54. Fuel, Oil and Lubricants Expenses
10. Semi-Expendable Furniture and Fixtures 55. Semi-Expendable Machinery and Equipment
11. Land Expenses
12. Buildings 56. Semi-Expendable Furniture, Fixtures and Books
13. Accumulated Depreciation-Buildings Expenses
14. Hostels and Dormitories 57. Other Supplies and Materials Expenses
15. Accumulated Depreciation-Hostels and 58. Water Expenses
Dormitories 59. Electricity Expenses
16. Other Structures 60. Postage and Courier Services
17. Accumulated Depreciation-Other Structures 61. Telephone Expenses
18. Office Equipment 62. Internet Subscription Expenses
63. Cable, Satellite, Telegraph and Radio Expenses 74. Insurance Expenses
64. Extraordinary and Miscellaneous Expenses 75. Printing and Publication Expenses
65. Janitorial Services 76. Representation Expenses
66. Security Services 77. Subscription Expenses
67. Other General Services 78. Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses
68. Repairs and Maintenance-Buildings and Other
Structures Non-Cash Expenses
69. Repairs and Maintenance-Machinery and 79. Depreciation-Buildings and Other Structures
Equipment 80. Depreciation-Machinery and Equipment
70. Repairs and Maintenance-Transportation 81. Depreciation-Transportation Equipment
Equipment 82. Depreciation-Furniture, Fixtures and Books
71. Repairs and Maintenance-Furniture and Fixtures
72. Taxes, Duties and Licenses -END-
73. Fidelity Bond Premiums

Pag-IBIG Contributions xxx

Disbursements To recognize government share for the PhilHealth
contributions of the employees
Budget Entries PhilHealth Contributions xxx
Due to PhilHealth
No entry To record payment of salaries for the 1st half of the
Allotments Due to Officers and Employees (SW + PERA 1/2)
No entry xxx
Cash-Modified Disbursement System
Obligations xxx
Expense account xxx
Liability account To record payment of salaries for the 2nd half of the
xxx month
Due to Officers and Employees (SW + PERA 1/2)
Salaries Entries Cash-Modified Disbursement System

To recognize salaries for January 20xx To record constructive receipt ANCAI for TRA
Salaries and Wages-Regular xxx Cash-Tax Remittance Advice xxx
Personal Economic Relief Allowance xxx Subsidy from National Government
Due to BIR xxx xxx
Due to GSIS xxx To record remittance of withholding taxes
Due to Pag-IBIG xxx Due to BIR xxx
Due to PhilHealth Cash-Tax Remittance Advice
xxx xxx
Due to Officers and Employees xxx
To record remittance of personal and government share
To recognize RATA for January 20xx for the retirement and life insurance of employees
Representation Allowance xxx Due to GSIS xxx
Transportation Allowance xxx Retirement and Life Insurance Premiums
Due to Officers and Employees xxx (if walay separate accrual for gov’t share) xxx
Cash-Modified Disbursement System
To recognize government share for insurance of xxx
Retirement and Life Insurance Premiums xxx To record remittance of personal and government share
Due to GSIS xxx for the Pag-IBIG fund contributions of employees
Due to Pag-IBIG xxx
To recognize government share for the Pag-IBIG Cash-Modified Disbursement System
contributions of employees xxx
*assumed na accrued na ang government share
Case 4: Cash Advance (next-year liquidation)
To record remittance of personal and government share To recognize the cash advance
for PhilHealth fund contributions of employees Advances to Officers and Employees xxx
Due to PhilHealth xxx Cash-MDS, Regular
Cash-Modified Disbursement System xxx
*assumed na accrued na ang government share To recognize liquidation of the cash advance granted
for traveling expenses
Accumulated Surplus/Deficit xxx
Advances to Officers and Employees
Payment from Salaries from Cash Advance
*cash advance = cash given
To record grant of cash advance: *liquidated = actual expense
Advances for Payroll xxx *unliquidated = cash advance – liquidated = REFUND!
Cash-Modified Disbursement System, Regular
Disbursement Entries
*amount = half of SW-Reg. and PERA
To record receipt of Advice of Notice of Cash Allocation
To record the closing of the advance account Issued (ANCAI)
(liquidation) Cash-Modified Disbursement System, Regular xxx
Due to Officers and Employees xxx Subsidy from National Government
Advances for Payroll xxx xxx

To record transfer of allocation to <recipient office>

Subsidy from National Government xxx
Traveling Expenses
Cash-Modified Disbursement System
Case 1: Reimbursement (same-year)
To recognize reimbursement of traveling and other To record receipt of transferred allocation from <source
incidental expenses in relation to travel of Ms. <xxx> office>
to <Cebu City> for the <event> on <date> Cash in Bank-Local Currency, Current Account xxx
Traveling Expenses-Local xxx Subsidy from Central/Regional Office
Cash-Modified Disbursement System, Regular xxx
To record transfer of allocation to <recipient office>
Case 2: Reimbursement (next-year) Subsidy from Central/Regional Office xxx
(Y1) To recognize the accrual or obligation of traveling Cash-Local Currency, Current Account
expenses xxx
Traveling Expenses-Local xxx
Due to Officers and Employees xxx

(Y2) To recognize reimbursement of <ditto>

Due to Officers and Employees xxx
Cash-MDS, Regular

Case 3: Cash Advance (same-year liquidation)

To recognize the cash advance
Advances to Officers and Employees xxx
Cash-MDS, Regular

To recognize liquidation of the cash advance granted

for traveling expenses
Traveling Expenses-Local xxx
Advances to Officers and Employees
To record constructive receipt of NCA for TRA
Non-Cash Availment Authority Cash-Tax Remittance Advice xxx
Agency: Subsidy from National Government
To recognize receipt of <PPE> procured through direct xxx
payment scheme
Communication equipment xxx To recognize remittance of taxes withheld through
Accounts Payable TRA#xxxx
xxx Due to BIR xxx
Cash-Tax Remittance Advice
To recognize receipt of NCAA and payment of payables xxx
based on Withdrawal Authority (WA) advice of payment
or any proof of disbursement received from Foreign
Lending Institution
Accounts Payable xxx
Subsidy from National Government

Bureau of Treasury
To recognize replenishment made to authorized
government-servicing bank (AGSB) negotiated MDS-
Subsidy to NGAs xxx
Loans Payable-Foreign xxx

To recognize payment on account of the NGA

Loans Payable-Foreign xxx
Cash-Modified Disbursement System, Regular

Cash Disbursement Ceiling / Working Fund

Books of DOLE/DFA/Offices of agencies abroad

To recognize collection of revenues for Foreign Service
Cash-Collecting Officers xxx
Passport and Visa Fees xxx

To recognize deposit of collections to authorized

servicing banks of the FSPs (deposited in foreign banks,
not anymore in PH)
Cash in Bank-Foreign Currency, Current Account
Cash-Collecting Officers xxx

To recognize receipt of Cash Disbursement Ceiling from

Cash-Constructive Income Remittance xxx
Subsidy from National Government

To recognize payment of expenses charged to CDC

Quarters Allowance-Civilian xxx
Rents-Buildings and Structures xxx
Cash in Bank-Foreign Currency, Current
Account xxx

Tax Remittance Advice

Expenses paid in <CSC Davao Del Norte>
*CSC-DDN: Records no entry, only records in the Cash
Petty Cash (Imprest Fund System) Disbursement Register of CSC-DDN
To record establishment of the cash fund *When time to replenish the op.ex., the Report of Cash
Petty Cash xxx Disbursements is prepared and submitted to the
Cash-MDS, Regular Regional Office together with the supporting
xxx documents

To record payment from the petty cash To replenish the amount of operating expenses of
No journal entry but the petty cash fund record is <CSC Davao del Norte> in the books of CSC Regional
updated Office XI (item 2)
Office Supplies Expenses xxx
To record replenishment of the petty cash Electricity Expenses xxx
Transportation Expenses xxx Water Expenses xxx
Office Supplies Expenses xxx Telephone Expenses-Landline xxx
Cash-MDS, Regular Cash-MDS, Regular
xxx xxx
(or Cash in Bank-LCCA) *Replenishment is again recorded by CSC-DDN in their
Report of Cash Disbursements
To record adjustment at year-end so that Petty Cash *AfOE account is still alive and has a balance still
account will equal actual Petty Cash available (to
recognize unreplenished petty cash fund To liquidate the amount of operating expenses of <CSC
disbursements at 12/31/x1) DavNor> in the books of CSC-RXI
Transportation Expenses xxx Office Supplies Expenses xxx
Office Supplies Expenses xxx Electricity Expenses xxx
Petty Cash xxx Water Expenses xxx
Telephone Expenses-Landline xxx
To record reversing entry on 1/1/x2 so that the balance Advances for Operating Expenses
of PCF account is returned to <PHP 10T> xxx
Petty Cash xxx *When liquidation is recorded, it means no more
Transportation Expenses replenishment
xxx *AfOE account is dead and is already emptied
Office Supplies Expenses
xxx To record the refund of unliquidated advances for
operating expenses
To record replenishment in 20x2 Cash-Collecting Officers xxx
Transportation Expenses xxx Advances for Operating Expenses
Office Supplies Expenses xxx xxx
Cash-MDS, Regular *When actual expenses are less than the cash advance
Special Purpose/Time-Bound Undertaking
To record liquidation of petty cash (Cash Advance)
Transportation Expenses xxx To record cash advance granted to the Dean of <SUC>
Office Supplies Expenses xxx to defray expenses for the graduation ceremonies
Petty Cash xxx Advances to Special Disbursing Officers xxx
Cash-MDS, Regular
To record replenishment in 20x2 xxx
Cash-Collecting Officers xxx
Petty Cash xxx To record liquidation
Office Supplies Expenses xxx
Transportation Expenses xxx
Operating Expenses (Cash Advance)
Rental Expenses xxx
Books of Regional Office Representation Expenses xxx
To record cash advance in year 2021 for field offices of Advances to Special Disbursing Officers
CSC Regional Office XI xxx
Advances for Operating Expenses xxx
Cash-MDS, Regular To record the refund of unliquidated advances to
xxx special disbursing officers
Cash-Collecting Officers xxx
Advances to Special Disbursing Officers *should be supported by “Inventory Custodian Slip*
*When actual expenses are less than the cash advance
Supplies and Materials Disbursement
(Petty Cash)
To record acquisition
Inter-Agency Transferred Funds (IATF)
No journal entry at purchase
Books of Source Office No inventory recognition
To recognize ADA issued to <Recipient Office> for No bidding
scholarships to students Only replenishment
Due from NGAs xxx
Cash-MDS, Regular To recognize replenishment
xxx Office Supplies Expenses xxx
Cash-MDS, Regular
To recognize liquidation of fund transfer to <Recipient xxx
Scholarship Expenses xxx
Due from NGAs xxx Supplies and Materials Disbursement
To record the refund of scholarship funds To record acquisition
Cash-Collecting Officers xxx Office Supplies Inventory xxx
Due from NGAs xxx Cash-MDS, Regular
*When actual expenses are less than the cash advance xxx
*with bidding and normal process
To record the closing of Cash-Collecting Officer account
Cash-Treasury/Agency Deposit, Regular xxx To recognize issue of supplies and materials supported
Cash-Collecting Officers xxx by Report of Supplies and Materials Issued (RSMI)
Books of Recipient Office Office Supplies Expenses xxx
To recognize ADA received from <Source Office> for Office Supplies Inventory
scholarships to students xxx
Cash-Local Currency, Current Account xxx
Due to NGAs xxx

To recognize scholarship expenses Inventories

Due to NGAs To record acquisition
Cash-Local Currency, Current Account Office Supplies Inventory xxx
xxx Accounts Payable or Appropriate Acct
To record the return of excess scholarship funds *if petty cash, no inventory. Only expense.
Due to NGAs xxx
Cash-Local Currency, Current Account To record issuance supported by “Report of Supplies
xxx and Materials Issued”
*When actual expenses are less than the cash advance Office Supplies Expense xxx
Office Supplies Inventory
Semi-Expendables Disbursement xxx
*if petty cash, credit is Cash-MDS, Regular*
To record acquisition
Semi-Expendable Machinery and Equipment-OE
xxx Inventories Held For Sale
Cash-MDS, Regular To record purchase of inventories
xxx Merchandise Inventory xxx
Cash-MDS, Regular
To recognize issuance to end-user xxx
Semi-Expendable Machinery and Equipment Exp.
xxx To record sale of merchandise at <%> discount
Semi-Expendable Machinery and Equipment-OE Cash-Collecting Officers xxx
xxx Sales Discounts xxx
*should be disclosed in the Notes to FS Sales Revenue xxx
To recognize distribution of goods amounting to XXX
To recognize cost of sold merchandise Welfare Goods Expenses xxx
Cost of Sales xxx Welfare Goods for Distribution xxx
Merchandise Inventory xxx
To close revenue accounts to Revenue and Expense
To close revenue accounts to Revenue and Expense Summary
Summary Sales Revenue xxx
Sales Revenue xxx Revenue and Expense Summary
Revenue and Expense Summary xxx
To close expense accounts to Revenue and Expense
To close expense accounts to Revenue and Expense Summary
Summary Revenue and Expense Summary xxx
Revenue and Expense Summary xxx Welfare Goods Expenses
Cost of Sales xxx xxx
Sales Discount xxx
To close Revenue and Expense Summary account to
To close Revenue and Expense Summary account to AS/(D) account
AS/(D) account Accumulated Surplus/ (Deficit) xxx
Revenue and Expense Summary xxx Revenue and Expense Summary
Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit) xxx

Inventories Held For Distribution Inventories Held For Manufacturing

To record purchase of welfare goods for distribution Accounts:
Welfare Goods for Distribution xxx Raw Materials Inventory
Accounts Payable Direct Labor
xxx Manufacturing Overhead
Work-in-Process Inventory
To recognize payment of welfare goods purchase Finished Goods Inventory
Accounts Payable xxx
Cash-MDS, Regular
xxx --END--

Cash-Collecting Officers xxx

Expenses paid:
Seminar/Training Fees To recognize expenses in relation to the honoraria of
(PHP 2,000 per head per day) resource persons, supplies for the training conducted,
Receipts: and communications for the training
To recognize revenue for the conduct of training on Training Expenses xxx
<GAM> Cash in Bank-LCCA
Cash-Collecting Officers xxx xxx
Due from NGAs xxx
Seminar/Training Fees xxx Closing entries:
To close the account Training Expenses
To recognize deposit of receipts for training fees Seminar/Training Fees xxx
Cash in Bank-Local Currency, Current Account xxx Training Expenses
Cash-Collecting Officers xxx xxx

To recognize collection of receivables from various To close the account “Seminar/Training Fees”
NGAs representing training fees for the seminar on the Seminar/Training Fees xxx
implementation of the GAM for NGAs Cash in Bank-LCCA
Cash-Collecting Officers xxx xxx
Due from NGAs xxx
Books of the Bureau of Treasury:
To recognize the deposit of receipts for training fees To recognize revenue from trainings of COA XI
Cash in Bank-LCCA xxx
Cash in Bank-Local Currency, Savings Deposit xxx
Seminar/Training Fees xxx To close the treasury deposit account
Accumulated Surplus/ (Deficit) xxx
Refund of Cash Advances Cash-Treasury/Agency Deposit, Regular
(CA > actual) xxx
To recognize receipt of refund for the unliquidated
travel cash advance granted to NGA
Cash-Collecting Officers xxx
Advances to Officers and Employees
To recognize notice of suspension (NS)
To recognize deposit of receipts to the National No journal entry
Cash-Treasury/Agency Deposit, Regular xxx To recognize notice of disallowance (ND)
Cash-Collecting Officers xxx No journal entry

To close the treasury deposit account To recognize notice of finality of decision (NFD)
Accumulated Surplus/ (Deficit) xxx Receivables-Disallowances/Charges xxx
Cash-Treasury/Agency Deposit, Regular <Account Disallowed> xxx

Refund of Overpayment Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit)

(Payment > Correct payment) xxx
To recognize receipt of refund for the overpayment of
U/CA To recognize cash settlement of disallowance under ND
Cash-Collecting Officers xxx #XXX
Uniform/Clothing Allowance Cash-Collecting Officers xxx
xxx Receivables-Disallowances/Charges
*if refunded in the same year* xxx

Accumulated Surplus/ (Deficit) xxx To recognize deposit with the National Treasury
*if refunded in the next year* Cash-Treasury/Agency Deposit, Regular xxx
Cash-Collecting Officers
To recognize deposit of receipts to the National
Treasury To close the treasury deposit account(12/31)
Cash-Treasury/Agency Deposit, Regular xxx Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit) xxx
Cash-Collecting Officers xxx Cash-Treasury/Agency Deposit, Regular

Cash overage:
To recognize forfeiture of cash overage of the
Cash Overage/Shortage of Collecting Officer
disbursing officer
Cash shortage: Cash-Collecting Officers xxx
To recognize cash shortage of disbursing officer Miscellaneous Incomes xxx
Due from Officers and Employees xxx
<Cash advance account / PCF > To recognize deposit of forfeited cash with the National
xxx Treasury
Cash-Treasury/Agency Deposit, Regular xxx
To recognize restitution of cash shortage Cash-Collecting Officers
Cash-Collecting Officers xxx xxx
Due from Officers and Employees
xxx --END--

To recognize deposit with the National Treasury

Cash-Treasury/Agency Deposit, Regular xxx
Cash-Collecting Officers


Asset/Revenue Adjustment Reversion of Unused Notice of Cash Allocation

(Accrued Income) Subsidy from National Government xxx
To recognize income already earned Cash-Modified Disbursement System, Regular
Interest Receivable xxx xxx
Interest Income xxx

Adjustment for Unreleased Commercial Checks

Liability/Expense Adjustment
(Accrued Expense) 12/31/200A
To recognize salaries and wages not yet paid Cash in Bank-Local Currency, Current Account xxx
Salaries and Wages-Regular xxx <Liability Account>
Due to Officers and Employees xxx xxx

DEFERRED ITEMS <Liability Account> xxx
Cash in Bank-Local Currency, Current Account
Asset/Expense Adjustment xxx
(Deferred Expense)
Original Entry:
Prepaid Rent xxx
Cash-Modified Disbursement System, Regular CLOSING ENTRIES

Adjusting Entry: Closing Entries

Rent/Lease Expenses xxx To close income accounts
Prepaid Rent xxx Income Accounts xxx
Revenue and Expense Summary
Liability/Expense Adjustment
(Deferred Income) To close expense accounts
Original Entry: Revenue and Expense Summary xxx
Cash-Modified Disbursement System, Regular xxx Expense Accounts
Other Unearned Revenue xxx
To close balance of the Revenue and Expense Summary
Adjusting Entry: Account
Other Unearned Revenue xxx if income balance
Other Service Income xxx Revenue and Expense Summary xxx
Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit)
if expense balance
Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit) xxx
Unreplenished Petty Cash Fund
Revenue and Expense Summary
12/31/200A xxx
Expenses xxx
Petty Cash Fund To close deposits/remittances made to the National
xxx Treasury
Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit) xxx
1/1/200B Cash-Treasury/Agency Deposit, Regular
Petty Cash Fund xxx xxx

FORMULAS Total disbursements of the region
Cash allocations received x % of disbursements in RO
+ Cash allocations received x % of disb. in PO (except
Available cash of the region recpt from PO)
Cash allocations received by RO
+ Cash allocations received by PO (except receipt from Total disbursements of the regional office
RO) Cash allocations received x % of disbursements in RO
Available cash of the regional office
Cash allocations received by RO
- Cash transferred to PO --END--

CLUSTER 1 (P1500) Zamboanga City
Cotabato City
Alaminos General Santos
Batac XII Kidapawan
Candon Koronadal
Dagupan Tacurong
I Laoag Bayugan
San Carlos Bislig
San Fernando Butuan
Urdaneta XIII
Vigan Surigao City
Cauayan Tandag
Ilagan Lamitan
Santiago Marawi
Angeles City CLUSTER 2 (P1900)
Cabanatuan CAR
III Escalante
Iloilo City
San Fernando
La Carlota
San Jose VI
San Jose del Monte
Tarlac City
San Carlos
V Masbate City
Sorsogon City
VIII Catbalogan VII
Cebu City
IX Lapu-Lapu City
Mandaue pa Puerto Princesa
Tagbilaran Dr. DEBIT ACCOUNT-REGULAR,1,000,000.00/Cr. CREDIT
Talisay ACCOUNT-REGULAR,1,000,000.00
Toledo ACCOUNT,1,000,000.00/Cr. CASH-MODIFIED
Cagayan de Oro DISBURSEMENT SYSTEM, REGULAR,1,000,000.00
El Salvador
X Malaybalay
Davao City
CLUSTER 3 (P2200)

Las Piñas
Quezon City
San Juan
Batangas City
Cavite City
General Trias
San Pablo
San Pedro
Santa Rosa
Santo Tomas
Trece Martires
Mimaro Calapan

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