How Lonely It Is To Be A Ghost

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This is a game about death, loss, and grief, all from the
perspective of a ghost. As such, there may be some
triggering content, which will be listed in content warnings,
Since the theme and topic of the game is rather heavy,
please do take breaks when needed! Take care of yourself
first and foremost.

It's also less of a traditional TTRPG and more of a lyric

game, where reading it can give you a similar experience to
playing it. Lyric games have always fascinated me, so I
finally decided to try it out on my own! Inspired by a dream
I had where I was the only ghost floating around the world
and felt sad and lonely.

Death, Grieving ,Suicide mention, Cheating
Death comes. Whether by choice or circumstance,
you have passed on. How did it come to this?

You are free to describe it however you desire.

Otherwise, roll a d6 to determine how you died.

1 - Drowning
2 - Physical altercation
3 - Old age
4 - An illness
5 - An accident
6 - Suicide
It doesn’t hit you immediately, but you soon realize
that you are alone. You can see the living, but
they cannot see you. What emotions are you
feeling right now?

You are free to express it however you desire.

Otherwise, roll a d6 to try and comprehend your

1 - Anguish
2 - Rage
3 - Frustration
4 - Confusion
5 - Lost
6 - Guilt
You weep in sorrow openly, as you imagine crying
into someone's embrace. Who is that person in
your mind, and why can they do that for you?

You are free to choose whoever you desire,

Otherwise, roll a d6 to see who it is that you could
lean on in troubling times.

1 - A parent
2 - A close friend
3 - Your significant other
4 - Your sibling
5 - A mentor figure
6 - A family relative
The memories of your past begin to resurface,
both good and bad. You do your best to focus on
the good, though. Fondness fills your being, and
you let yourself bathe in the temporary warmth
and glow. What memory made you smile the

You are free to reminisce about any event you

desire. Otherwise, roll a d6 to see what your
fondest memories were during waking momments.

1 - Drinking with your friends

2 - Your honeymoon
3 - Volunteering at a shelter
4 - Walks by the beach
5 - Hearty Family Dinners
6 - Taking care of your plants
As you are enveloped in joy long since past, dread
begins to creep up onto you. You are reminded of
your failures and mistakes, and all the times
you've let others down. Is that the reason why
you're here now?

You are free to recount whatever memory you

desire. Otherwise, roll a d6 to see what your
greatest failing is.

1 - Failing an important exam

2 - Cheating on your partner
3 - Refusing to help a friend because of pride
4 - Talking about a friend behind their back
5 - Manipulating someone for monetary gain
6 - Insulted someone with a slur
Take heart, little one. You will be given time to tie
up loose ends, say your goodbyes, or simply
experience the world in its fullest one last time.
What do you yearn to do, now that you've been
given the chance?

You are free to choose whatever your heart

desires. Otherwise, roll a d6 to see where your
heart calls to.

1 - Visiting the local theater with your family

2 - A quiet moment with your significant other
3 - Spending time to play with your cat
4 - Enjoying your favorite meal
5 - A chat with your friends in a familiar place
6 - Collecting flowers for all the unkept promises
You are back again, alone. The space between the
living and the dead are as quiet as you left it, and
a feeling stirs within you. How do you react to
being dragged away from all that you've loved a
second time?

You are free to respond however you desire.

Otherwise, roll a d6 to express yourself with as
much libterty as you can manage.

1 - A very loud, prolonged scream

2 - Short, shallow breaths
3 - Quiet contemplation
4 - A temper tantrum to rival Gods
5 - Ugly, sorrowful sobbing
6 - Unmoving, unfeeling
You're grieving. You feel utterly helpless as you
watch the living pass by you without a thought,
your hand falling through everything you touch.
What did you lose that was so dear to you, little

You are free to mourn over anything you desire.

Otherwise, roll a d6 to grapple with your loss.

1 - The warmth of a family

2 - Your loyal, loving pets
3 - Unfulfilled promises
4 - Unfinished plans for the future
5 - The company of your partner
6 - A supportive community
Eventually, you emotions temper. It makes you
think about your childhood, and the blissfully
ignorant days you've spent under the sun having
fun, without a care in the world. What was
something that you used to enjoy then, but had
lost interest in as you grew up?

Do you still remember? Otherwise, roll a d6 to

recount the memory.

1 - You used to love playing the piano

2 - You used to ride your bike every day
3 - You used to have fun
4 - You used to love your parents
5 - You used to love sports
6 - You used to enjoy collecting stamps
You shrug of those thoughts. Those are days that
have long since gone. You have developed as a
person in many ways you've never thought you
could, changing for the better. What was it that
made you realize that?

Do you know how much you've grown, little one?

Otherwise, roll a d6 to rediscover how much
wonderful progress you've made.

1 - The gradual recovery from addiction

2 - The desire to protect the environment
3 - Newfound empathy for those who are different
4 - The ability to love oneself
5 - Deeper understanding of the marginalized
6 - Learning how to move on
You've made it so far, little one. More than you
can ever realize. More than you will ever
acknowledge. You extend kindness to others so
generously, but rarely for the one that needs it the
most-- yourself. What form does the kindness to
yourself take?

Do you not see it, little one? Otherwise, roll a d6 to

to let it manifest between your hands.

1 - Faith and belief in your abilities

2 - Time to learn and grow
3 - Warm words of affirmation and encouragement
4 - Forgiveness when you make mistakes
5 - Validation of your own struggles
6 - A hug to remind you everything will be okay
As time passes, and the living continues on, you've
come to accept your quiet place between. What
are the little sights you glimpse from the living that
has sparked a smile from you?

Do you recall what warmed your heart?

Otherwise, roll a d6 to find out what little acts
have bought you joy.

1 - Children playing made up games in the street

2 - A rowdy group of friends having fun
3 - An embrace between a pair of lovers
4 - Shelters giving out food to the homeless
5 - The excitement of students finishing their finals
6 - Someone feeding their 30 pet cats
You've been through so much, little one. Few are
as brave as you. Even fewer as kind as you. You
deserve rest, after so long. Before you can,
however, I must know : What was the hardest
thing to let go?

Would you tell me so? A d6 may not be much use

here, but for formalities sake, I suppose.

1 - Family
2 - Friends
3 - Your Partner
4 - Community
5 - The World
6 - Yourself
You close your languid eyes, and rest.
Thank you, for being here. I'm glad you came.

Now I can rest, too.

Thanks to Lexi, for ever being so supportive and so
kind, her eyes and perspective making this an even
better game.

Go check her stuff out on itch @Lexi-the-Fae!

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