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The name of this association shall be Maple Elementary School Parent Faculty
Association (PFA). It is located in the Newbury Park area of the city of Thousand

1. To bring a closer relationship between Maple parents and faculty.
2. To supplement the education and welfare of Maple students in the home,
school and community.
3. To continue to strive toward the highest goals of education and to promote
leadership and responsibility on the local level.
4. To secure adequate laws for the protection of children and youth.


1. This association will be educational and philanthropic accomplishing this
purpose through conferences, committees, and events.
2. This association will be non-commercial, non-sectarian, and non-partisan.
3. This association will work with the school to support the improvement of
education for all students in ways that will not interfere with the
administration of the school and shall not seek to control the school’s
4. This association may cooperate with other organizations and agencies active
in child welfare, but it will not make commitments without a majority vote of
association members attending any particular meeting.
5. No part of the net earnings of the association will inure to the benefit of, or
be distributed to its members, directors, trustees, officers, or other private
persons except that the association shall be authorized and empowered to
pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments
and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the Article II
6. Upon the dissolution of this association, after paying or adequately providing
for the debts and obligations of the association, the remaining assets shall be
distributed to Maple Elementary Student Council.
7. An executive officer or Maple faculty member must supervise all monetary
transactions at PFA events. Two Board members (or a Board member and a
Maple faculty member) must be present together and individually sign off
when any money is being counted. Money is to remain on site until
immediately ready for deposit to the bank by the Treasurer or Auditor.
8. Voting may be conducted verbally with a yay or nay, by paper ballot or by
email. All votes require participation by two-thirds of the board members.
9. Budget expenditures over $500 require a line item on the budget and must
be voted upon at a general meeting.


1. Officers of this association will be President, Social Events Chair, Fundraising
Chair, Volunteer Chair, Community Relations Chair, Secretary, Treasurer,
Auditor and Room Parent Coordinator. In order for this association to
operate, positions of President, Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor must be
filled, with a different person holding the President, Treasurer and Auditor
2. Any association member will make nominations. The consent of each
candidate must be obtained before said person’s name is placed on the
3. Elections will be held by ballot at the last general membership meeting. If
there is but one candidate for an office, the ballot may be dispensed with and
the election held by voice. Majority of those voting will elect.
4. Officers elected will serve a term of twelve months. No officer elected will be
eligible to hold the same office for more than three consecutive years, unless
the position would otherwise remain vacant. New officers will assume their
duties on July 1. Any chairperson vacancy will be filled by the appointment of
the executive board.


All offices may be co-chaired upon election by the general membership. Each
officer, upon expiration of his/her term of office or in case of resignation, will turn
over to the presiding officer, within fourteen days of said notice, all records, books,
funds, and other materials pertaining to the office. If the President is no longer able
to fulfill their duties, the Executive Board will vote a board member to act as interim

1. The PRESIDENT presides at all general and board meetings; will provide
agendas for all general and board meetings; will be a member of all
committees and instruct them of their duties; will send notices of all
meetings, both general and board. The President will act as a liaison
between the board and the principal and will schedule events for the
following year.
2. The SOCIAL EVENTS CHAIR will coordinate on-site social events at the
school. Events may include: Teacher Luncheons, Family Fun Nights (e.g.
Bingo, Movie, Dance Events).
3. The FUNDRAISING CHAIR coordinates fundraiser and sponsorship
opportunities. Helps to determine fundraising goals and schedules events
throughout the year. Works with Volunteer Chair and executive board to
recruit adequate volunteers for all fundraisers. Creates an assessment
report after each event. Coordinates retail programs (e.g. Ralphs, Amazon
Smile) for additional fundraising.
4. The VOLUNTEER CHAIR will manage volunteer signups for PFA-related
activities and events. Volunteers include Maple families and community
organizations (e.g. Scouts, Kohls, middle and high school students, etc.)
5. The COMMUNITY RELATIONS CHAIR will be in charge of overseeing
communication and promotion of Maple PFA-related events and activities to
the Maple community and the community at large. This includes, but is not
limited to internal school communications, media relations and social media
6. The SECRETARY will keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all
meetings, both general and board; will post minutes on the Maple PFA
drive; will have an up-to-date set of association by-laws and standing rules
at all meetings; will conduct all necessary correspondence of the
association. The secretary maintains access to and control of the Maple PFA
bank account.
7. The TREASURER will be responsible for temporary ownership of the PFA
computer to keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements; will
make bank deposits; will balance the monthly bank statements; will
present a statement of accounts at all meetings, both general and board;
will make a full annual report to the association. All checks drawn will
require two signatures. Authorized signatures include the President, Vice
President, Treasurer, Secretary, and/or Auditor. One signature may be from
the Treasurer or Auditor, but not both. A board member that is approved to
sign checks may not sign their own checks.
a. The Treasurer may also have limited online banking access, i.e.
downloading banking transactions into accounting software, ability to
make online inquiries, etc. but will not be allowed to use online bill
pay features.
b. In the event that this position will be co-chaired, each chair will be
assigned specific treasurer responsibilities upon approval of the
Executive Board.
c. The Treasurer is responsible, along with the President’s assistance, to
ensure that the proper professional and or legal forms are filed and
applicable fees paid each year in a timely manner. These forms
include federal and state tax forms, a statement of information with
the CA Secretary of State’s office and the Registration Form with the
CA Registry of Charitable Trusts/CA Attorney General office.
The tax forms are due by the 15th of the fifth month following the
closing of the fiscal year, i.e. November 15th. The Statement of
Information (Secretary of State’s Office Form SI-100) is due by
March 1st every other year beginning with 2010. The Registration
Renewal Fee Report (Attorney General’s Office form RRF-1) is due by
the 15th of the fourth month after the close of the fiscal year, i.e.
October 15th. The treasurer may work with a board approved CPA or
other tax preparer to file federal and state taxes each year.
d. The Treasurer will submit the annual Booster Club application by the
due date determined by the District.
8. The AUDITOR will review the monthly financial statements; will submit a
year-end written report to the general membership. The Auditor will
assume the office of Treasurer in the event the Treasurer resigns during the
school year.
9. The ROOM PARENT COORDINATOR will obtain the names of room
parents for each classroom; will assist room parents in delegating
activities; will assist room parents whenever needed. The Coordinator will
work with room parents on Family Day, and classroom activities.

1. The general meetings of this association will be held twice each semester,
four times per school year (August - June). Exact dates will be specified by
the Executive Board. Additional meetings may be called as needed.)
monthly, September – June, as specified by the Executive Board. General
meetings will be held at Maple, board meetings will be held at an agreed
upon location.
2. A report of the previous general meeting’s minutes will be made public at
this meeting. Minutes will be posted to the PFA website within 14 days of
the general meeting date.
3. All meetings of this association will be conducted in accordance with the
Robert’s Rules of Order.
4. The President and/or President-elect may call additional meetings of the
board and/or board-elect to transact other necessary business.


1. The Executive Board will consist of the elected officers of the association.
2. The Executive Board will transact all necessary business of the association. It
will create committees as necessary to meet current needs. It may authorize
disbursements of funds not to exceed $250.00 without a general membership
3. The Executive Board will meet at least once a month during the school year.
The President may call special meetings of the Executive Board.
4. An annual budget for the current year will be set by the Executive Board at
the first meeting of the school year in August, and will be voted on by the
general membership present at the first association meeting of the year.


1. All Maple School families and personnel are members and have voting

1. Written application for amendments to the by-laws must first be submitted to
the Executive Board. The proposed amendments will then be presented to
the general membership at the general association meeting.
2. Simple majority of the members present at a general meeting will be
required to approve an amendment change. The same voting rules apply as
Article III, section 8.


The following standing committee chairpersons will be established. Their term will
be one year and they will report on any ongoing activities at the monthly
association meetings. These positions may be co- chaired upon approval of the
President. Other chairperson positions may be established by the board as the need
arises.These roles may be filled by the PFA President, or a Board Member, if they
are not filled by another individual or may be subject to cancellation
● FAMILY DAY CHAIRPERSON will work with Volunteer Coordinator to
organize volunteers and make all necessary arrangements pertaining to this
annual event.
● JOG-A-THON CHAIRPERSON will work with Volunteer Coordinator to
organize volunteers and make all necessary arrangements pertaining to this
annual event.
office staff with assembling and distributing the weekly or biweekly packets
to the classrooms.
● HOLIDAY CRAFT SHOP COORDINATOR will coordinate and supervise the
holiday craft shop in December including, but not limited to, coordinating
the volunteers and craft projects for the students within the approved
● TEACHER REPRESENTATIVE will attend general meetings and work in
conjunction with the teachers and faculty to facilitate information and
communication between the PFA and teachers/faculty.
coordinate translations of information, publicity and events from English to
Spanish. The Coordinator will help to get communication out to families
who are in need of translation.
● ART COORDINATOR will coordinate with teachers to recruit parents to be
docents to teach five art lessons throughout the year to each classroom.
Will present pre-determined lectures to each grade level on five occasions
throughout the year. Will coordinate with the docents to demonstrate the
art lessons to be taught in the classrooms. Will purchase and prepare
supplies in the art closet.
● SQUARE 1 ART FUNDRAISER COORDINATOR will make all necessary
arrangements pertaining to this event.
● GRANT WRITING COORDINATOR will work with the principal to find and
write grants that meet the needs of the school.
● RESTAURANT COORDINATOR will work with the principal to schedule
dates and will contact local restaurants to host fundraising nights.
● YEARBOOK COORDINATOR will work with staff members to create the
annual yearbook and fulfill orders.

The By-laws of this organization may be amended at any general PFA meeting by a
majority vote of the members present.
Last Updated and Approved April 26th, 2022

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