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2ND QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 10

Task List

The goal of this week’s lesson is to introduce you to the bread area of Graph
Theory. The discussions will center on the applications and the theoretical treatment
of the subject is deliberately evaded. Those who may be interested to know more
about the topics may read the reference materials given in the textbook.

The topics are grouped into three lessons: Graph Modelling, Eulerian and
Hamiltonian Graphs and their applications to Weighted Graphs, and Graph Coloring.

Keep track of your progress in this lesson by checking the number corresponding to
each task.

_____ 1. Watch the Youtube videoclip about Konigsberg Problem.

_____ 2. Watch the introductory video (Module 3 Topic 3 Introduction)

_____ 3. Read/Watch Module 3 Topic 3 Lesson 1 Modelling with Graphs

_____ 4. Read/Watch Module 3 Topic 3 Lesson 2 Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs

and Weighted Graphs.

_____ 5. Read/Watch Module 3 Topic 3 Lesson 3 Graph Coloring and Applications

_____ 6. Accomplish HW10 in BB.

_____ 10. Submit WGN 10.

2ND QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 10

Lesson 1. Modelling with Graphs


A. Give a brief definition of the following:

1. Graph

A graph consists of set of points, that are called vertices, and line
segments, called edges, that connects the vertices.

2. Degree of a vertex

A degree of a vertex is the total number of connections it has to other

vertices or the number of edges it has.

3. Isomorphic graphs

Isomorphic graphs are graphs which contain the same number of

vertices and are connected in the same way.
2ND QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 10

B. Give 4 types of graphs and give a brief description (you may describe in words
or just draw a sample graph).

1. Directed Graphs
These are graphs which contains arrows that specifies the
direction of the relationship, the in degree of the vertices are those with
an arrow directed towards them and the out degree are those with the
arrows directed away.

2. Multigraph

These are the graphs that contains edges that is the same for
example the graphs may contain two (C,D) and it also can contain an
edge that is a loop which is (D,D).

3. Null Graph

A Null Graph contains no edges.

4. Complete Graph
A complete graph is a graph wherein each pair of its vertices is
connected by an edge. Every single vertex of the graph has an edge
between them.
2ND QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 10

Lesson 2. Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs, Weighted Graphs


A. Define the following:

1. Walk

A walk is a sequence of vertices that are connected to each other. A walk is

considered as closed when the first and last vertex is the same.

2. Path, Trail
A path is similar to a walk but it only exists when there is no repeated vertex
in a walk. Meanwhile, a trail is a walk that doesn’t have the same edge.

3. Cycle, Circuit

A cycle is a closed path and a circuit is a closed trail.

B. What is Eulerian Graph?

A Eulerian Graphs is a connected graph the contains vertices with even degree.

C. What is Hamiltonian Graph?

A graph is said to be a Hamiltonian Graph if it contains a Hamiltonian cycle, a
Hamiltonian Cycle is a closed path that traverses all the vertices of a graph

D. Describe how to solve the Konigsberg Problem.

Euler’s solution to the Konigsberg Problem is that only an even number

of bridges yielded the correct result of being able to touch every part of the
town without crossing a bridge twice. Euler used math to prove it was
impossible to cross all seven bridges only once and visit every part of
2ND QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 10

Lesson 3. Graph Coloring


A. Give a summary of the Greedy Algorithm.

In the Greedy Algorithm you always pick the next vertex where there is
lesser weight this process will continue until you have visited all vertices. The
Greedy Algorithm is an algorithmic paradigm that builds up a solution piece by
piece, always choosing the next piece where there are lesser choices right away
picking the path that offers the most obvious and immediate benefit.

B. Give a summary of the Edge-Picking Algorithm.

In the Edge-Picking Algorithm you start by picking among the vertices on

the edge whichever has the least weight and then you will do the same with the
other edges until no more edge is available. It is primarily used to make a
Hamiltonian Cycle.

C. What is a graph coloring, and how is it applied?

A graph coloring is an assignment of labels, called colors, to the vertices of

a graph such that no two adjacent vertices share the same color and chromatic
number is the least possible number of proper coloring for a graph. Graph coloring
is used to trace direct links to planar graphs where no edges intersect each other.

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