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Activity Sample


Terminal Objective 1 UAGC Faculty and staff will demonstrate an understanding of

the significance and purpose of accessible documents and learning materials in the

Enabling Objective 1 Discuss how applying ADA principles to college-level learning

materials could increase student outcomes in the classroom.

Enabling Objective 3 Discuss how accessibility could potentially benefit students

without disclosed disabilities.

Week 2: Group Wiki

Benefits of Accessibility in the College Classroom
This week you will work together in groups of six to create a list of benefits of
accessibility in the college classroom. On the shared wiki, you will share your past
teaching experiences, brainstorm, and research the possible benefits of accessible
learning materials in the classroom.
You will be preassigned a group, which you can access by clicking Groups in the left
main Canvas menu. One group member will need to volunteer (or be chosen) to be the
group leader and create the main collaborative page. Click Pages in the Groups menu
to create or access the shared page.
To create a new wiki page, click the +Pages button at the upper right:

Next, click the Save button at the bottom left of the page. You may need to scroll down
on your web browser to see it:

Once the leader has created the shared page, you can work as a group to create a
descriptive title and add ideas to the page in the space provided. If you find that the
page is becoming too cluttered, you can add additional pages to organize the
information you gather and share.
Uploading the Final Project
When everyone is finished adding their ideas to the wiki, the leader will create a list of
group findings that briefly summarizes the main ideas that the group discovered. This
can be a bulleted list of 1-2 sentences each. The list must include at least five potential
benefits, although listing more is encouraged.
The group leader will need to paste this list into a Microsoft Word document and upload
this to the Week 2 Assignment area.
Be sure to include all the names of everyone in the group, and include a list of any
supporting references in APA Style.
The group document must be uploaded by Sunday at 11:59 PM PST. Be sure to
upload this project on time so everyone participating in the group wiki will receive credit.

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