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Phrasal Verbs: a few simple missions

First mission: elementary particle physics Please fill in all the blanks with the lexemes (AKA words) you think might fit in to make the following grammatically but politically not so correct dialogues complete. Have fun with it and good luck!

What are you looking ______? I cant seem to find my expensive S.T. Dupont black lacquer fountain pen I just bought this morning. You wouldnt happen to have seen it by any chance, ________ you? No, I _________, Im afraid. (nyuck, nyuck, nyuck) Where are you going ____ holiday this summer? Im not. Ive got to stay and look ______ my neighbours nephews, nieces and other domestic animals. Oh, Im so happy for you. You must be really looking ________ to it then. I am, actually. My husband will be travelling all ____ himself so I wont need to deal ______ him for a couple of weeks. Look _____! Youre about to knock the prickly pear cactus juice off the computer desk!!! If you dont keep ________ing your own business, you could end _____ in serious trouble. (Another co-worker in the background) Could you guys keep it _____?! Some of us are trying to work here! Once youre done sipping _____ that vermouth, would you mind looking _______ my article about Alcoholism and the Long-Term Effects on our Global Economy? Youve got it all wrong. Its not vermouth but fermented




sauerkraut juice. Organic, ____ boot. Oh, the one youve been making with your home-grown Chinese cabbage? I indulged in it at the staff party last night and it was terrific! Keep _____ the good work!

Second mission: the covalent bond Please identify the common lexeme(s) in each group of sentences and fill in the blanks with it/them.

a. Are you being _________ed to? b. Im sorry I cannot _________ your lecture but Ive got more interesting things to _________ to. a. Theres a big party on tonight at the local sewing and tap dancing club. There will be lots of beer and strong liquor (or spirits, if you will), so you definitely have to indulge. The drinking spree will probably go _____ until the wee hours of the morning, so dont miss _____ ______ the fun ! b. I cant go _____ like this. I feel so depressed because Ive failed in all my studies. I always went on drinking binges instead of being serious about my future and I feel Ive missed _____ _____ everything. (grumble, grumble) a. There was a local earthquake in Duffel this morning causing trains to b_____ ____ for miles, all the way to the bustling European capital, Brussels. b. Public transport went on strike yesterday in Brussels so traffic was b_____ed ____ everywhere as a result. Can you imagine! a. If you have rich relatives you can always fall _____ ____ them if youre in desperate need of money. b. You should always have an alternative plan to fall _____ ____ in case your original plan does not work out as you




originally had planned. (This is a badly planned, repetitively redundant sentence)


a. Dont b_______ in on me like that. I could have a heart attack, especially if Im stark naked. b. She b_______d into the bedroom without knocking. She was in for a surprise, but I cant give away the details.

Thats all Folks ! Tata!!!

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