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r Academy of Management Journal

2021, Vol. 64, No. 5, 1313–1323.



Questions of fit have been central to the enterprise We find, as editors, that a common reason for rejec-
of conducting qualitative research since it first tion of qualitative manuscripts in particular is lack
gained currency in our field. In this editorial, we of internal coherence. Sometimes, this arises from
briefly explore tensions around fit before offering a the research project itself—and can only be fixed
critically important way of conceiving of—and through a different set of choices around the project’s
achieving—fit for authors seeking to publish their assumptions, goals, or design. At other times, misfit
qualitative work in Academy of Management Jour- arises within the paper as it is written. In order to
nal (AMJ). We argue that, ultimately, the kind of fit help authors preempt misfit from arising in their
we should care most about is that of internal coher- work, we raise a series of questions that authors can
ence within a research project, and, relatedly, a ask about how effectively their work is achieving fit
paper. By “internal coherence,” we mean that the as internal coherence. Our aim is to help authors
research question and motivation, data collection, develop papers that fit together, and that fit the
data analysis, findings, and theory development and inclusive norms for what constitutes good qualita-
contribution all fit with one another, and with the tive research in the field today.
broader assumptions underpinning the research
Fit as internal coherence is important to any PRIOR AND ONGOING TENSIONS AROUND FIT
research approach and associated papers, whether We first briefly explore other ways that fit has
qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods are used. arisen as a concern for qualitative research.1
It is, however, especially germane to inductive, qual- Early on, scholars conducting qualitative
itative research because such research often begins research faced pressures to fit their practices
with data and works toward theory, arriving at novel and writing to the expectations of reviewers and
and significant empirical and theoretical contribu- readers who were predominantly trained and
tions through a highly recursive process. Along the experienced in quantitative methods (Eisenhardt,
way, as authors deepen their inquiry, gain a different 2021). Qualitative research is now widely
focus within the data, or even adjust the theoretical accepted and strongly represented in AMJ—
frame, the paper may lose coherence between these almost 20% of the manuscripts that go out to
elements. Even experienced authors are familiar review are based on qualitative data and analy-
with the challenges of realigning a qualitative sis, and a roughly equal percentage appears in
paper—sometimes multiple times—as it develops its pages. Indeed, today, we see wide variety in
out of a research project, which may itself have how qualitative research is conducted, presented,
evolved. In other words, seeking and achieving fit as and contributes to vibrant conversations in
internal coherence demands ongoing engagement; as
former AMJ associate editors wrote: 1
We are not the first to consider how research designs,
Whereas quantitative scholars often make decisions and the papers that flow from them, attain fit. Founda-
at the start of a project to ensure that the data collec- tional arguments about fit for qualitative, quantitative, and
tion and analysis fit with the research question, quali- mixed methods research approaches were developed by
tative, inductive approaches often require rethinking Edmondson and McManus (2007), who asserted that quali-
these questions throughout the project. (Bansal, tative research designs are appropriate when prior theory
Smith, & Vaara, 2018: 1193) is nascent, so open-ended research questions can help
develop theory. Beyond this, qualitative research is appro-
priate when there is a need for local grounding and contex-
We thank Tima Bansal, Kevin Corley, Katy DeCelles, tualization of phenomena, to explain human or
Denis Gregoire, Andrew Knight, Jan Lodge, Matthew Sem- organizational processes (rather than focus mainly on out-
adeni, Gurneeta Singh, Wendy Smith, Laszlo Tihanyi, and comes), and/or when peoples’ interpretations are of inter-
Elizabeth Umphress for their very helpful feedback on ear- est (Lee & Lee, 1999). Each demands getting close to the
lier versions of this editorial. matter at hand through rich data.
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1314 Academy of Management Journal October

organizational scholarship (Bansal et al., 2018; AMJ. Internal coherence is not only important in and
Gehman, Glaser, Eisenhardt, Gioia, Langley, & of itself; achieving it also signals a confident and
Corley, 2018). authentic engagement of the authors with their own
Yet, with wider acceptance come some new ten- process, and enables transparency, so it can serve to
sions around fit. One is that authors may struggle to alleviate the tensions just described.
think about how to conduct or present their work so
that it “fits in” with perceived methodological stand- ACHIEVING FIT AS INTERNAL COHERENCE
ards. Papers drawing on qualitative data can appear FOR QUALITATIVE RESEARCH
to use templates or stylized approaches (Eisenhardt,
Graebner, & Sonenshein, 2016). Methods sections We reflect next on how the qualitative manu-
have grown longer and tend to resemble each other scripts we see achieve fit as internal coherence, and
in form. Even ethnographies, which might be pre- draw attention to some typical sources of misfit for
sumed to afford variety in their presentation, are authors to avoid. We choose the word “coherence”
written using a predominant template of the carefully. When we assert that a paper needs to be
“detective story” (Zilber & Zanoni, 2020). Recent internally coherent, we mean that it needs to work
work cautions against authors unreflectively adopt- and make sense as a whole, and we understand
ing templates that may not align with their data or coherence to be dynamic, involving ongoing modifi-
research questions, and celebrates variety in analyti- cations and adjustments.
cal approaches and styles of presentation (Eisen- The model in Figure 1 captures relationships
hardt et al., 2016; Gehman et al., 2018; Grodal, between a paper’s research question and motiva-
Anteby, & Holm, 2021). tion, data collection, data analysis, findings, and
A second and related tension might arise from theory development and contribution, to guide
the now-vibrant conversation about research trans- questions authors can ask as they strive for inter-
parency. A recent editorial engages this (see nal coherence among these. As a necessarily sim-
DeCelles, Howard-Grenville, & Tihanyi, 2021), plified model, the figure captures only aspects of
including how authors, reviewers, and editors of what we may think of as a more holistic coher-
qualitative papers may think about transparency ence, for it is hard to untangle choices about one
in relation to their methods and reporting. The element from another. Nonetheless, we hope the
reasons for—and, hence, practices around—trans- model acts as a guide to our observations on the
parency differ from those for quantitative research importance of connections and fit between these
(DeCelles et al., 2021; Pratt, Kaplan, & Whitting- central elements of a paper. We present a series
ton, 2020). Nonetheless, authors face choices and of questions authors can ask as they work toward
sometimes tensions (Grodal et al., 2021; Jarzab- establishing and articulating their paper’s internal
kowski, Langley, & Nigam, 2021) in how they fit coherence. Some questions are more oriented to
their qualitative research to readers’ expectations the research process, and others to the writing of
and evolving norms around transparency. the paper. Of course, these are interconnected, as
We do not intend to repeat what is being said in often writing or revising a paper drives one back
these important conversations around the fit of qual- to the data or research design, which may be
itative research with expectations in our field. expanded or altered. In addition, and although
Rather, we seek to recognize how they shape the con- each question (and arrow in the figure) considers
text in which authors—especially those new to pub- the relationship between two particular elements,
lishing qualitative research—are working. If authors ultimately obtain internal coherence
anything, the recent emphasis on encouraging vari- by considering all of these relationships
ety and authenticity within qualitative research, simultaneously.
which we fully support, nonetheless might amplify
felt tensions. Presented with many pathways,
authors might now conclude that fit with readers’
expectations is in the eye of the beholder—a no less Effectively motivating the need for qualitative
challenging position to be in than that of misfit with research involves articulating how a study will con-
predominant norms. tribute to the literature and framing a clear and com-
Against this backdrop, we explore how fit as inter- pelling research question. The motivation and
nal coherence can be achieved, given its importance research question should be carefully considered as
to successfully publishing qualitative research in the research is being conceived and conducted,
2021 Howard-Grenville, Nelson, Vough, and Zilber 1315

A Model of Key Areas of Fit to Produce Internal Coherence in Qualitative Research Papers

Question &
Motivation 1 1: Can the research question be addressed by the data?
2: Is the research question connected to a theoretical conversation? What paradigmatic stance is adopted and are the data collected suited?
Does the conversation need extending or elaborating? Why?
Is the research question “just right” in terms of scope?
2 Collection
3: Do the data collected fit with the analytical approach(es)?
Is quantity of data balanced with nuance of its analysis? Data 4: Do the findings and theory development tie strongly to what emerged
Is the quality of data analysis affording transparency and authenticity? from the analysis?
Are labels, terms, and constructs consistently used throughout?
4 Can the points made in the discussion be clearly traced to the

& 5
5: Does the discussion connect to the research question and motivation?
Does the discussion explore implications of the work for theory and for

although their details may continue to evolve during acknowledgment of one’s paradigmatic stance.
the process of writing a paper.2 We begin with a key Because the terrain of qualitative methods is rich and
question for internal coherence that arises early in varied, different paradigmatic stances exist within
the research process and persists: Can the research it—be they, for example, constructivist, interpretivist,
question be addressed by the data (arrow 1 on Figure or post-qualitative research (Carlson, Wells, Mark, &
1)? We then consider a question that arises mostly Sandoval, 2021; Guba & Lincoln, 1994). Each of these
during writing a paper: Is the research question con- have implications in terms of what data are collected,
veyed in a way that fits the intended theoretical con- how they are collected, how they are analyzed, and
tribution of the paper (arrow 2 on Figure 1)? how they can be used in relation to theory. In other
words, types of data collected and forms of data analy-
sis are connected to ontological and epistemological
1: Can the Research Question Be Addressed by
stances, which must be acknowledged by the
the Data?
researcher and incorporated into considerations of fit.
Internal coherence between a research question Echoing others, we urge qualitative researchers to
and the data available is central to a good qualitative be reflective on the choices they have made in
research design—and to a well-written paper. Achiev- designing and conducting their research, and
ing such coherence begins with ensuring the authors explicit about how these choices show up in their
know why they have collected certain forms of data, data collection and analysis, as well as how these
and what these data afford in terms of theory building relate to the research question(s) pursued. Rather
or elaboration. This involves an explicit than repeat extensive recent guidance on these mat-
ters (Anteby, 2013; Gehman et al., 2018; Grodal et al.,
For simplicity, we refer to the research question and 2021), we hone in here on what we see in submitted
its associated motivation simply as “research question” in manuscripts that might signal a misfit between
the rest of the editorial. posed research questions and the data.
1316 Academy of Management Journal October

One common area of misfit relates to the use of interviewees’ reflections and conscious cognition,3
data that are not suited to addressing the question at observations reveal what people do in the flow of
hand. For example, one might effectively motivate a action. Many authors are supplementing or replacing
study that seeks to understand how discourse direct in-person observation with video recording to
around an organizational practice evolves over time; capture actions and interactions over long periods of
to do this, one needs access to data that capture dis- time (de Rond, Holeman, & Howard-Grenville, 2019)
course, collected over a period of time. While it or through structured engagements (e.g., meetings or
might seem obvious stated in those terms, it is sur- simulation exercises; Luciano, Fenters, Park, Bartels,
prising how many times a stated research question & Tannenbaum, 2021). Such data lend themselves to
does not fit with the data available. Considerations research questions focused on interactions because,
for how to avoid this stem back to choices made with video in particular, there is a permanent record
about data collection. For example, many AMJ quali- that can be viewed multiple times throughout the
tative submissions include interviews, often as a pri- analytical process (Christianson, 2018). As more
mary, or at least supplementary, data source. While work life is conducted online, other ways of observ-
there are clear guidelines to analyzing interview ing interaction—through social media or recorded
data, this does not mean that interview data are meetings, for example—will only become more
completely straightforward to work with, nor that important as data for some research questions.
they suit all research questions. Instead, there are Of course, other research questions may suggest
various ways to conceptualize interviews and inter- other data sources or data gathering approaches
view data (Alvesson, 2003; Langley & Meziani, entirely. For instance, scholars might evaluate docu-
2020), necessitating clarity in one’s stance regarding ments in historical archives or assess other forms of
interviews and the space of possibilities they allow data that Meyer (1991) refers to as “outcroppings.”
(see Lamont & Swidler, 2014). Some ethnographies rely on observation and field
Let us give some examples. One type of misfit is notes, and need not be supplemented by formal
using retrospective interviews as a direct channel interviews (e.g., Bourgoin, Bencherki, & Faraj, 2020).
into what people thought and did many years before. The point is that no one type of data is categorically
The challenge here is that people’s memories of better than another. Rather, it is the fit between the
beliefs, motivations, and behaviors are often ration- research question and the types of data (and the
alizations of the past. We are not referring to “recall methods of analysis, which we address subse-
bias” (e.g., Golden, 1992; Miller, Cardinal, & Glick, quently) that matter. Researchers need to educate
1997), but to the fact that interview accounts are con- themselves on the array of research approaches
structions, rather than reports, of the past (Lieblich, available, the data they allow for, and their possibili-
Tuval-Mashiach, & Zilber, 1998). The longer the gap ties and limitations. Being aware of various options
between the events and the interview, the more crea- will help authors make the most fitting choice, take
tive these constructions can be. At the very least, into account its pros and cons, and explain these as
authors have to account for these construction pro- they later write their paper.
cesses or otherwise justify their take on interviews
and how they allow probing the past. If the research
2: Does the Research Question Connect with a
question relates, for example, to how organizational
Theoretical Conversation and Cue Up a
constructions of the past affect organizing in the pre-
Theoretical Contribution?
sent, using retrospective accounts fits well (e.g.,
Sonenshein, 2010). In other cases, authors interested A well-motivated paper skillfully connects to a
in pursuing research questions about the past can theoretical conversation. Although this question of
more productively use archived interviews—like internal coherence arises earlier in the research pro-
oral histories or interviews conducted by others at ject, it becomes critically important in writing a
the point in time under investigation (e.g., Nelson, paper. Beyond motivating the need for or interest in
2016; Nigam & Dokko, 2019). the research, a paper’s introductory section should
Another common misfit is to pursue a research also motivate why scholars need an enhanced under-
question focused on closely capturing interactions standing within a given theoretical
or practices, but relying only on interview data. If
one is interested in day-to-day interactions, or peo- 3
Interview methods can be adjusted to allow them to be
ple’s taken-for-granted behaviors, it is better to more useful in capturing the flow of action (e.g., Nicolini,
observe them. While interviews typically probe 2009; Rouleau, 2010).
2021 Howard-Grenville, Nelson, Vough, and Zilber 1317

conversation(s)—in other words, what do we know, question is theoretically motivated is neither a

not know, and need to know in order to make our straightforward nor a one-off question. Still, authors
theory more complete? Indeed, some papers offer need to think carefully about how their research
admirable summaries of existing work, but they do addresses a theoretical conversation, possibly “try
not leave the reader with a clear sense of what unan- out” alternatives, and seek input and feedback from
swered question the paper hopes to address or which other scholars about this. Joining a conversation
theoretical conversation it hopes to elaborate or means also meaningfully engaging prior work. This
extend. Absent this understanding, it is in turn diffi- requires not merely passing citations and setting up
cult to judge the appropriateness of the data and a “straw man” argument in relation to existing the-
methods, and the potential contribution of the ory, but, rather, deep engagement with the theory
findings. and boundary conditions of related research. We
A common misfit is when authors use their rich advise authors to also contemplate their primary
data or interesting phenomenon as the sole or pri- audience. Whom—or with which prior work—spe-
mary motivation for the paper, connecting only to an cifically do they hope to engage in a conversation?
empirical puzzle. To be sure, understudied phenom- A second and related consideration is whether the
enon can be hugely important to sparking important research question is conducive to making a strong
research questions that build or elaborate theory— contribution to the selected theoretical conversa-
but the connection to theory must be made. For tion(s). Here, a research question must be appropri-
instance, a paper might engage the literature on ate in terms of its scope. On the one hand,
employee entrepreneurship and may rightly note submissions sometimes suffer from research ques-
that the majority of such studies are based on tions that are too narrow and specific. These might
employees in certain industries and certain places. arise out of a tight focus on the specific empirical set-
Then, the authors might argue that we still do not ting, or out of a desire to craft a niche question at the
understand how employee entrepreneurship might intersection of multiple literatures, each of which
function in a different industry or place—for exam- limit the potential appeal of the paper and its theo-
ple, among auto parts suppliers in former Soviet retical contribution. On the other hand, we also see
republics. The challenge with this approach is that research questions that are too broad. In some cases,
the authors have not established why the underlying this can be evidence that the authors have not yet
mechanisms might be different among auto parts identified what is most interesting and novel within
suppliers versus, say, electronics manufacturers or their data, and they need to develop a sharper focus
insurance brokerages, or among former Soviet repub- for the theorizing. For instance, a paper may purport
lics versus, say, other countries that may be similar to contribute to how organizations confront compet-
or different in terms of resources, business activity, ing institutional logics. Yet the conversation about
or other relevant factors. In other words, what’s miss- competing logics is already very rich and varied and
ing in such a setup is engagement with the underly- a question at this level may no longer be interesting
ing theory and mechanisms developed by prior and important. Thus, a more fruitful approach might
work. Often, this setup is accompanied by a lack of tighten the inquiry by examining how different lead-
clarity on which theoretical conversation the paper ership styles shape how an organization approaches
hopes to join. To be clear, such empirically moti- conflicting logics, how approaches vary with the
vated studies can be very interesting and important, organization’s age, or some other focusing or limiting
and, in fact, the Academy of Management sponsors lens on the broader theoretical question. Other times,
Academy of Management Discoveries as one outlet a research question may be too broad because it
for such work. But theory lies at the heart of AMJ and attempts to arrive at a “grand theory” or develop a
authors therefore must engage theory in their new construct or relationship that is, frankly, beyond
research questions and motivating opening pages. the scope of the data. A single case study can teach
Connecting well with a theoretical conversation us many things about processes and relationships
involves more nuance than it might at first appear to. that may be transferable to other settings, but it can-
This is because, often with qualitative research, there not, on its own, build a new theory on how some-
are many possible findings to explain, and many the- thing so broad and varied as “trust,” for example,
ories could be engaged and extended through these works in organizational settings.
explanations. Moreover, given the logic of inductive Like Goldilocks trying the beds and the porridge
research, the theoretical focus may change through- until she found what was “just right,” so too should
out the research process. Therefore, asking if one’s authors try to scope and orient their research
1318 Academy of Management Journal October

questions in potentially different ways and work its elements fit together and inform each other? If
through what the implications are for the theoretical there is a model capturing such elements, does it
conversation and contribution; colleagues can help largely present boxes with no elaboration on the
with this process through feedback. Ultimately, arrows? Rather than trying to reduce all of their data
however, the research question must not be too into explanations that can, at times, feel scattered or
“over-engineered” so as to anticipate exactly what is overwhelming, we encourage authors to focus at
found—qualitative papers are best motivated by least initially on some of the most interesting, sur-
open questions, inviting surprise, even once we have prising, or informative microcosms within the data;
arrived at some form of answer.4 As well, authors these may hold outsize insight into processes or
must retain what is fundamentally of interest to mechanisms that can then be contextualized and
them in articulating their research question, for this more deeply explored. After all, qualitative data
is how they will breathe life into the rest of the paper often allow for fine, situated, local details that can be
and their process of working on it. useful for making the needed conceptual leap (Craw-
ford, Chiles, & Elias, 2021; Klag & Langley, 2013) to
DATA COLLECTION AND DATA ANALYSIS analytical understandings. Too much data, in other
words, may ultimately not be constructive.
To attain internal coherence in a qualitative paper, Further, authors often detail huge amounts of var-
beyond assuring that the data are well matched to ied data, like formal and informal interviews, obser-
the research question (as discussed), one must also vations, and a wealth of textual data, generated from
question if the data collected are a fit for the analy- within and outside the setting. Yet, when describing
sis—and vice versa (arrow 3 on Figure 1). the analysis and later presenting the findings,
authors may rely heavily on one type of data (often,
3: Do the Data Collected Fit with the interviews) to the neglect of other types. This creates
Data Analysis? misfit that troubles readers who are seeking to see
Issues of fit around analysis relate to both the more holistically how the data contributed to the
quantity and quality of the data. We discuss quantity analysis and ultimately the analytical account. To
first, as, over the years, the amounts of data collected better handle expectations, authors should be very
for qualitative studies are growing bigger and bigger. precise about the kinds of data they actually used for
But, more is not always better. the particular project and how each type of data
To begin, can one really master vast amounts of helped develop their insights.
data? Suppose one needs to analyze 100 interviews, There is, of course, the opposite problem of having
or thousands of pages of documents, or months’ too little data to support the analysis. We often are
worth of observations. Even with a team, can one asked in paper development workshops, “What is
delve deeply into each interview, text, or observation the minimum number of interviews needed?” This is
to understand the meanings and experiences of peo- a bit like asking the question, “How long a piece of
ple, groups, or organizations? Often, with huge string do I need?” The answer of course, is it depends
amounts of data, one needs to reduce its richness on what you are trying to achieve with the string.
and particularities to be able to process it all. Thus, And, to some degree, whether string, as opposed to
the focus may move too quickly from idiosyncratic, an elastic band or dental floss, is even the right mate-
contextualized insights into higher-level patterns. rial for the job. So too with data. As noted already,
Identifying patterns is good, and we all strive to iden- the data must suit the purpose, which includes the
tify them and theorize them. Still, if we gloss too research question and theoretical intent. Readers
quickly over the particularities, we may offer less also expect enough data to signal that the analytical
interesting, less profound insights. We often see work is robust and the findings are trustworthy.
papers whose claimed contribution is a list of mech- There is not a “one size fits all” answer, therefore, to
anisms, strategies, or practices. But these invite fur- the question of how much data (interviews or other-
ther inquiry—what is the value of this list? How do wise) are enough. Many authors claim to have
stopped data collection when they reached theoreti-
Later, we consider the conundrum of conveying the cal saturation, but what does this actually mean in
qualitative research process once one has arrived at a clear the given situation? Reflecting on one’s emergent
theoretical conversation and contribution, which inevita- understandings, questions, and further pathways to
bly reads somewhat differently from the actual research pursue throughout the data collection process is
process itself, which is guided by surprise and discovery. essential to capturing—for one’s own author team
2021 Howard-Grenville, Nelson, Vough, and Zilber 1319

and ultimately for others—the ways in which data. Second, we used a process of classifying and
authors reached a confident grasp on the phenome- reclassifying codes that led us to a smaller set of
non. At the paper-writing stage, conveying this codes. Third, we organized these codes into higher-
within the methods section is also important, as is level categories (see Figure X). Finally, these higher-
level categories form the basis of a model presented
recognizing that this too is a dynamic process; many
in Figure Y.
times, additional data or additional types of data are
needed to address questions that come up during the There are several issues with this approach. First,
review process. it appears based more on conventions and less on
Beyond quantity, the quality of data and its analy- what the authors actually did. And, it does not actu-
sis are crucial to internal coherence in a qualitative ally tell us much at all about how authors reached a
paper. The question of data quality relates closely to (theoretical) understanding of their data. At the most
its fit with the research question, as explained above. basic level, it lacks much needed specificity, if it
Indeed, questions about appropriateness of the data does not provide examples of specific codes that
for the research question, and the analytical were developed and categories that were derived
approach, are tightly interrelated and arise through- from these. Specificity helps the reader understand
out a project.5 Thus, when considering their analyti- the authors’ thought process, by showing how exam-
cal approach, scholars might ask how well the data ples from the data were interpreted, so we encourage
lend themselves to the approach being used. For authors to provide such detail. Furthermore, such a
example, often, researchers might have collected generic description does not provide much insight
data across several sites, groups, or other dimensions into what is typically a quite messy process, filled
that allow for a variance analysis, yet they don’t take with twists and turns as well as unexpected sur-
advantage of the variance in their analytical prises. Instead, it makes the qualitative analysis pro-
approach. Conversely, authors might wish to cess look quite straightforward, which may call into
develop a process model, but lack data that capture question how transparent the analysis is. While we
actions or interactions over time. Other times, we see have certainly used the basic tenets of this approach
a mismatch between the level of analysis at which in our own research that involves coding, we have
authors aim to contribute and the data—for example, never found coding to progress in such a linear fash-
individual-level data that purport to capture ion. Rather, coding processes would be better charac-
organizational-level phenomenon. terized by a sense of surprise, sometimes
Beyond these concerns, we next explore what we puzzlement, unproductive explorations, and reas-
often see in terms of quality of the analysis—or, more sessment. There may be “aha” moments that punctu-
specifically, the description of the analytical process ate the process and send the analysis in a different
in the paper itself—in relation to the data collected. direction, sometimes invoking a reconsideration of
The question of fit here is really around transparency what one thought the research question was and
and authenticity—“telling it like it is”—in convey- demanding the engagement of alternate or additional
ing the analytical moves made and the reasons for theoretical conversations or constructs. Articulating
them. Again, there has been much written on this these insights and how the authors responded to
recently (DeCelles et al., 2021; Pratt, Kaplan, & Whit- them, even if still within the general stages articu-
tington, 2020; Jarzabkowski et al., 2021), but we lated above, provides a more realistic picture of how
focus on what we see as editors to point to some tips data analysis often unfolds, and can strengthen
for avoiding misfit. authors’ authority and build readers’ trust.
Many times, the data analysis section in papers we Finally, the description above ends too soon. It
receive reads something like this: stops short of getting to the real action of the analysis,
We analyzed our data in four steps. First, we engaged which is where authors seek explanations for the
in open coding in which we assigned codes to the processes or connections within and between their
coded data (Gioia, Corley, & Hamilton, 2013).
5 Granted, arriving at such explanations is generally a
As should be clear by now, fit is not a one-way street.
long, convoluted process that cannot be fully articu-
All methods have blind spots, and methods also produce
certain types of theory (Zilber, 2020). In other words, there lated within the length of the method section.6
is a two-way relationship—or more dynamic interplay—
between theory and method at the heart of choices about We encourage authors to use supplemental files or
research design, which then persists through the paper- appendices, if needed, to contain more detailed descrip-
writing process. tions of specific methodological moves.
1320 Academy of Management Journal October

However, some insight into the key decisions is FINDINGS, THEORY DEVELOPMENT, AND
helpful (Grodal et al., 2021; Klag & Langley, 2013). CONTRIBUTION
For example, when and how did the authors begin to
Finally, there are two main areas of coherence to
incorporate existing literature? Did particular codes
explore in relation to a qualitative paper’s findings,
or themes resonate with existing constructs and how
theory development, and contribution: first, do the
did this drive the inquiry and analysis forward?
findings and theory development tie strongly to
Some authors (e.g., Harrison & Rouse, 2014) have
what emerged from the analysis (arrow 4 on Figure
depicted their moves between data collection, data
1); second, do the theory development and overall
analysis, and literature in diagrammatic form, which
contribution connect to the research question and
can give the reader a clearer sense of how these itera-
motivation—and ultimately contribute to an
tive processes unfolded. In other cases, an early
enhanced understanding of something important
hunch during data collection or insight from early
(arrow 5 on Figure 1)?
analysis might have provided a centerpiece that
the authors follow during subsequent analysis
and eventually build their model around (e.g., 4: Fit of Findings and Theory Development with
Howard-Grenville, Metzger, & Meyer, 2013). If this is Data Analysis
the case, it is important for authors to state this Qualitative papers often develop theory in the tell-
insight, and how they pursued and explored it. In ing of the findings; that is, they integrate the articula-
sum, simply stating that codes became theory is tion of theorized constructs and relationships within
insufficient explanation for a reader to understand the findings section and illustrate these through data
the process. extracts. This is somewhat different from what might
Finally, coding is not an appropriate—nor the have been more typical in the past, when findings
only possible—analytical approach for all qualita- were conveyed more descriptively and then a theo-
tive data (see, e.g., Gehman et al., 2018). When retical account developed. Either can work, but,
authors try to force fit their analysis into what they today, if a findings section is not in part structured
believe is convention, they sometimes miss out on by analytical insights, readers may be confused, as
the richness and excitement that can come from they have been signaled through the methods section
other approaches or letting the data drive the choices to expect some analytical structure. In other words,
made in analysis. For example, there is a growing how the data analysis is conveyed already foreshad-
emphasis on narratives and narrative analysis (e.g., ows the theory development, so the findings section
Riessman, 2008). When we are engaging with stories serves as a crucial connector of these elements.
and want to understand how individuals tell stories Again, we might invoke Goldilocks. The findings
and the relationships between the varying elements section must get a “just right” balance between
within stories, common line-by-line coding showing enough data and richness that the reader
approaches may not suffice. understands and trusts its insights, and telling a
In sum, ensuring the quality of the data analysis more analytically structured account that begins to
fits with the data, and ensuring authenticity and scaffold the theory being developed (see Golden-Bid-
transparency, each involve authors taking an active dle & Locke, 2007, on showing and telling). There are
approach to building, recording, and conveying their many ways to do this engagingly and effectively (see,
methods. From a variety of approaches, authors can e.g., Berends & Deken, 2021, on composing qualita-
select, and even develop, the particular analytical tive process research).
moves that best suit their data and research question Misfit can occur not only when the balance is off
(Pratt, Sonenshein, & Feldman, 2020). Being clear between showing data and telling from them, but
about what these choices are, and why they are also when more straightforward things like labels
made, throughout the research process (Grodal et al., and constructs are inconsistently applied through-
2021) will support authors in establishing the fit out the manuscript. For example, if codes conveyed
between their analysis and the data themselves. We in the data analysis section don’t appear again in the
encourage researchers to make notes and memos as findings, or a model, it is confusing to the reader. Or,
they proceed with their analysis, and keep records of if a model or summary of the findings introduces
key decisions made; we, like our informants, do not new labels or language, such that the reader has to
have perfect memories and it is important to trace work hard to connect these to the data, it is again
the process of discovery as it unfolds in order to ulti- confusing. Authors can ask if a new reader would be
mately convey it accurately. able to take the discussion section (or model, if there
2021 Howard-Grenville, Nelson, Vough, and Zilber 1321

is one) and its claims and “map” how these arose evolve in their writing. Thus, sometimes a qualita-
and were derived from the analysis and findings. If tive submission reads very differently in its back end
this process is not easy, no matter how interesting from its front end, and “the seams begin to show” in
and compelling the arguments are, the reader will between portions of the manuscript.
not buy them. So, it is important to create a clear A common issue is a discussion section not return-
chain not just of language and terminology, but also ing—or not returning sufficiently—to the original
of logic and supporting evidence in these portions of research question and motivation for the paper. Per-
the paper. haps in a rush to show broader implications, some-
Finally, many times, we read in reviewer reports times, authors don’t take the time to return to the
that the claims made in the discussion section are motivating question and the state of the theoretical
interesting and important, but don’t resonate with conversation and explicitly show how they have
the findings that have been shown. This is unfortu- addressed or expanded these through their empirical
nate, as it suggests that there are exciting ideas com- work. Thus, a paper might promise one thing and
ing forward, but they are insufficiently grounded in deliver another. It is easy to see why this happens,
the empirical material to support a strong contribu- but it is avoidable. First, authors should revisit the
tion. Being so engaged in their data and analysis for research question and check that the answer is
so long can lead qualitative researchers to see and clearly articulated somewhere (ideally, early) in the
know so much, but they may forget that, within one discussion section. They also should check if the cri-
paper, it is hard for the new reader to grasp the impli- tiques or limitations of existing theory that moti-
cations and nuances. So, the claims in the discussion vated the study have been taken up. Finally, we
section might be potentially valid, but crucial sup- encourage authors to “open up the funnel” again in
port for them is missing. Here is where a fresh set of crafting some broader implications for how readers
eyes on a paper can be especially important. Equally, might think about the theory or phenomenon. After
authors need to balance how much to abstract from all, if the research question is important enough,
their data—it is essential to do so to some degree, but there will be many other questions and possibilities
thinking carefully about and articulating boundary it raises.
conditions of the theorizing is important. Good qual- Finally, while authors whose work appears in AMJ
itative papers ground their theoretical claims firmly write for an academic audience, their work must fit
in their data and analysis, but also suggest other set- with the broader intent of our craft—not just to inform
tings where the theory would apply, why it would be management and organization theory, but also to help
expected to do so, what the limits to transferability others understand and perhaps think differently
are, and some further research that could explore about organizations, organizing, and its implications.
this space. So, it is important to step back and consider what a
paper’s theory development offers in terms of practi-
5: Fit of Theory Development with Research cal implications, which might be related to an original
Question and Motivation empirical puzzle or a personal motivation for study-
It is already clear that there is a lot of careful tuning ing a given setting. After all, AMJ seeks to publish
needed to achieve internal coherence in a qualitative work that is important—not just interesting—in rela-
paper. In qualitative research in particular, both the tion to understanding organizations, people within
research process evolves as it unfolds and papers them, and their societal impact (Tihanyi, 2020).
1322 Academy of Management Journal October

CLOSING THOUGHTS apply and uphold, but of what we as qualitative

researchers are doing and how self-aware we are of
Qualitative research has come a long way from the
the often implicit choices that have been made
1980s, when its appearance in top management jour-
throughout the research and writing process. We
nals was rare, and it might have needed to fit expect-
hope this editorial essay provides some direction for
ations of readers familiar with quantitative methods.
how authors can think about their research projects
We now have qualitative papers appearing regularly,
and papers, provokes them to ask questions to test
winning awards for their quality and impact, and
their papers for fit understood as internal coherence,
demonstrating that there are many ways to craft and
and ultimately enables them to develop stronger and
convey a contribution using qualitative data. At the
more impactful papers.
same time, the number of choices and the open-
ended nature of qualitative research can make it
Jennifer Howard-Grenville
difficult to write a paper that is internally coherent—
University of Cambridge
and neither too formulaic nor too loosely crafted.
Andrew Nelson
Getting the balance right takes time and is an ongoing
University of Oregon
process, even through revision. But a paper that fits
Heather Vough
together will convey authority, authenticity, and
George Mason University
trustworthiness. Ultimately, behind questions of fit
Tammar B. Zilber
in qualitative research, then, are not so much decla-
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
rations of what standards and norms we should

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