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The waterfall model is a classic approach in software development that

describes a linear and sequential development method. Waterfall model is
easy to use and understand. In waterfall model each phase must be complete
before the next phase start. At the end of the phase a review is taken to
determine how the project is going on. There are different phases in waterfall
model and they are listed below:
- Requirement gathering and analysis
- System designing
- Implementation
- Testing
- Deployment of system
- Maintenance
The advantages of waterfall model are listed below:
- It is easy to understand and use
- It is easy for small project where there are no uncertain requirements
- The phases are completed one at a time so that phases do not lap over
The disadvantages of waterfall model are listed below:
- Highly chances of risk
- This model lack for big projects
- Once testing started it is difficult to step back and change something

2. PESTEL analysis is a tool used to analysis of market and environment. It is

useful when starting a new business or entering in market. PESTEL stands
for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal

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