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IEEE EUROCON 2017, 6–8 JULY 2017, OHRID, R.


PMU and DSA Based Wide Area Control System

Concept and application in large longitudinal system

Uros Kerin Rainer Krebs

Power Technologies International Power Technologies International
Erlangen, Germany Erlangen, Germany

Abstract— In the last ten years PMUs (Phasor Measurement margins. Better and more accurate system monitoring, control
Units) play a more and more important role for the on-line and protection is necessary when systems are operated closer
monitoring and analysis of the state of the electrical systems. The to the transmission capability and generally with system
reasons for this development are dynamic loading of transmission loading close to the operational limits. Especially in very fast
systems, demand on flexibility of generation, high penetration of growing systems a lack between transmission capacity and
renewable generation and decentralized load and generation generation installation can lead to critical situations.
centers. PMUs today allow measuring current and voltage
phasors and execute functions such as power swing recognition
and island detection. Indices can be created on basis of II. DYNAMIC SECURITY ASSESSMENT
measurements, which can be used for alarming, protection and DSA (dynamic security assessment) becomes more and
control. A combination of measurements and indices allow for more important in grid control centers. The tasks of a modern
creating an overall PMU index which describes the online state of DSA system are to: monitor the actual system state; evaluate
the system and consequently the change of state (tendency) of the how critical the state is; recognize trends; assign possible
system. The information is created in the phasor data processor contingencies starting with the actual system situation;
(PDP) which can exchange data with a dynamic security recommend which countermeasures should be executed and at
assessment (DSA) system or/and SCADA system in order to
what time.
monitor local and global system states for stability, continuous
steady state analysis, short term / forecast stability analysis and In [1], a modern dynamic security system is described,
remedial actions. Finally, combining PDP, DSA and SCADA which filters a huge number of information to a traffic light for
enables to enact a wide area protection and control arming and the operator by using normalized indices, which are combined
disarming pre-calculated system integrity schemes. in a classification process without losing important
information. The same indices can be used for the PMU
Keywords— Phasor Measurement Unit, Wide Area Protection
processing unit, but only indices which do not need
and Control, Dynamic Security Assessment
information of system structure or system parameters can be
realized for a fast acting control system. In the next chapter,
I. INTRODUCTION the main indices for combining DSA and PMUs are given.
The demand on electrical energy is still growing in almost The role of the DSA system is not to act as a fast control or
all countries in the world. More and more renewable sources protection system. The PMU-based wide area control system
with fluctuating infeed characteristic are installed. The role of is able to take over this role when operators cannot react on
conventional plants is changing. New targets like sustainable events which need decisions in milliseconds. The role of the
and environmental friendly sources are introduced in the DSA for such tasks is to pre-calculate the contingencies and to
system planning process. Transmission systems have to be prepare the countermeasures which are activated using PMU
more flexible to follow the demand. Classical system margins measurements. The DSA delivers the loading and load-flow-
are reduced and new system margins are introduced to monitor depending amount of load-shedding, depending on the
the system behavior. New transmission systems based on AC location of the fault and the resulting consequences for the
and DC systems are necessary to interconnect new sources system. A phasor data processor (PDP) activates the load
like off-shore wind farms with the grid. New control shedding to maintain system integrity and to avoid splitting
mechanisms have to be installed to guarantee a stable into subsystems without suitable power infeed. The DSA
operation of these hybrid systems. system is able to take into account all necessary switching
Distribution systems and transmission systems are measures which are helpful in case of an outage of system
operated under changed conditions. More and more small equipment like outage of a large transformer between
generation is installed in the distribution subsystems. Classical transmission system voltage levels. The calculated actual
plants are operated with changing operational philosophies. indices support the operators in case of a sudden change or
Part load operation and flexible change of operation at low outage in the system which the DSA system can monitor not
operation points become more important than base load as fast as a PMU.
operation over the whole year. New grid codes are necessary Reference [2] shows the framework and architecture of the
to describe how all sources have to support the controllability PMU-based wide area control system together with a modern
of the grid. These new conditions and the fast changing DSA system using all necessary communication protocols.
operation of the grid makes it necessary to collect more
information of the grid to guarantee the smaller stability

978-1-5090-3843-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 European Union


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Stability Monitoring
- voltage
- frequency
- generator

Reactive Operator
Power Demand LS Decision
frequency Trend Analysis

loading RP
Pattern Analysis Automated
SR Control

Dispatch Center


Fig. 1 PMU-based wide area monitoring and control system using SIGUARD PDP (SE stored energy sources, LS load shedding, RD re-dispatch, RP reactive
power control, SR spinning reserve)
reactive power flows the operator can decide about additional
III. PMU BASED WIDE AREA PROTECTION AND CONTROL reactive power control. The analysis of known pattern like
SYSTEM critical/ uncritical voltage recovery or frequency behavior
Fast growing electrical systems demand more intelligent helps the operators to understand the dynamic phenomena.
computer-based systems to support the operators. DSA allows Electronic storage equipment with its fast reaction can be
to find out how the system will react after severe triggered by the PMU-based system to incorporate active and
contingencies and to define longer lasting countermeasures. reactive power in ms after identification of a critical situation.
Target of the PMU-based wide area control and protection Activation of spinning reserve can be accelerated by change of
system (WAPCS) is not to substitute the control management controller reference values without delay through waiting on
in the dispatching center but to improve the system reaction. the system frequency response.
Wide-area-effecting faults endanger systems to cascading Fig. 1 shows a PMU-based wide area monitoring and
effects and black outs. Wide-area faults are results of severe control system based on SIGUARD PDP (Phasor Data
contingency situations. To prevent such contingency situations Processor) which uses direct measured information like
the severity of the outage situation has to be identified and voltage, current, frequency and phase angles, but in addition
depending on the expected consequences early calculates new indices for a deeper view into the system state.
countermeasures have to be defined to reduce the risk of These indices are normalized and in the range between 0 and 1
spreading the effect of disturbances and outage. and therefore can be easily understood, compared and
combined, which helps the operators to understand the actual
Main benefits of the PMU-based wide are monitors and situation [3]. Monitoring can be build like a ‘traffic light’.
control systems are: improved system operation; better use of Reaching critical index levels allows the operator to make fast
equipment; increased power system capacity; improved power decisions to bring the system out of a dangerous situation. If
flow; better use of system reserves. necessary, because the human reaction is not suitable, the
The utility of a PMU-based system allows using on-line system can start automatic control, for example automatic
information about the system state. By collecting these data reactive power control or automatic power flow depending
the operator can track the trend of the system over the time load shedding (LS). The example will show the benefits of
and initialize reactions like re-dispatch. High loading of the such a dynamic load shedding. Here the LPFI index is used to
transmission systems increases the economical benefit of the activate the LS. The LPFI index is introduced in the next
system, but reduces transmission capacity and needs faster section.
countermeasures in case of outage of equipment (lines, SCADA and DSA can support the PMU-based system by
compensator and generators). PMU’s allow monitoring the actual information and pre-calculated countermeasures. For
actual system state and therefore to activate suitable the automatic LS the critical contingencies are pre-calculated
counteractions in case of critical situations. New algorithms and the necessary amount of LS in combination with the
allow to calculate the system oscillation and damping after actual spinning reserve is stored in a decision matrix.
system events which can drive the system into instability.
Analyzing frequency stability, voltage stability and generator Fig. 2 shows WAPCS part which is used as fast wide-area
stability nowadays can be combined with on-line analyzing load-shedding (WALS) to activate suitable load shedding
small signal stability to get a fast view on the risk of the actual depending on the system situation (loading, load flow, fault
state of the system. In addition, by observing the voltages and location).


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C. Frequency Gradient Index (FGI)

By being a good indicator of the power unbalance in the
system, the frequency gradient can be used as a contingency
severity measure. The FGI is defined by (3), where Gi is the
gradient of the i-th generation unit following the contingency
and Gmax adm is the maximum admissible Hz per second change
that may be related to an outage of the largest unit in the
system; for example, in the European ENTSOE, the frequency
gradient caused by outage of the largest unit is 6 mHz/s [6].
The index ranges from 0 in the case of no frequency deviation
to 1 if the degree of frequency drop is larger than specified.

ª § Gi ·º
FGI min «1, max ¨ ¸» (3)
i 1... NG G
¬« © max adm ¹»¼
Fig. 2 SIGUARD PDP based wide area load shedding D. Maximum Frequency Deviation Index (MFDI) [4]
IV. PMU INDICES The MFDI is derived on the assumption the higher the
maximum frequency deviation, the bigger the disturbing effect
PMU-indices are used for the analysis and control of a produced by the contingency. The index is defined by (4) and
system based on local information in addition to the basic considers maximum frequency deviation (ǻfi max) of the i-th
voltage, current and phase measurement. The following generator relative to the maximum admissible frequency
normalized indices (range 0-1) are used for the performance deviation (ǻfmax adm). The index ranges from 0 for the case in
calculation. They can be individually used or combined as which no frequency deviation is produced to 1 for the case in
shown in [1] and [4] for a DSA system. which the frequency reaches its maximum admissible value.
A. Small Signal Stability Index (SSSI) [5]
To monitor to which extent the damping capabilities of the ª § 'fi max ·º
system are affected by contingencies, the SSSI is proposed. Let MFDI min «1, max ¨ ¸» (4)
ȗi be the classical damping measure of i-th oscillation mode « i 1...NG ¨ 'f max adm ¸»
¬ © ¹¼
that suits the condition ȗ > ȗabs lim, where ȗabs lim designates the
absolute stability limit and sufficient damping is positively E. Frequency Recovery Time Index (FRTI)
signed. The damping can be extracted by any of the modal
The FRTI measures the time required by the power system
identification techniques. The SSSI is calculated by taking into
to restore the frequency. It quantifies the effectiveness of the
account the ȗi and the minimum acceptable damping limit
primary and secondary frequency control. The index is defined
ȗmin adm. typically in the range of 3–5%. The SSSI is defined by
by (5), where tFRi is the frequency recovery time of the i-th
(1), where n is the index norm; it ranges from near 0 for the
generator and tFR max adm is the maximum admissible frequency
case in which oscillations are fully damped (ȗi = 100%) to 1
recovery time. The index ranges from 0 for the case when the
for the case in which the damping ratio reaches its minimum
frequency remains within the normal operating band to 1 for
admissible value (ȗi = ȗmin adm).
the case when its recovery is slower than required.

§ § ]i ·
SSSI min ¨ 1, max ¨ ¸ ¸ , if ] i ! ] abs lim ª § tFRi ·º
¨ © ] min adm ¹ ¸ (1) FRTI min «1, max ¨ ¸» (5)
© ¹ «¬ i 1... NG t
© FR max adm ¹ »¼
SSSI 1, if ] i d ] abs lim
F. Quasi-Stationary Voltage Index (QSVI) [4]
To cater to variety of power system responses, the The QSVI quantifies recovery of voltage at i-th node at the
sensitivity of the index may need to be adjusted. This is end of the transient period following the contingency. The
achieved by setting the norm n as suggested in [5]. index is calculated as a quotient between voltage deviation at
the end of the transient period (ǻVpi) and the maximum
B. Angle Index (AI) [4] admissible steady-state voltage deviation (ǻVi max adm). It is
defined by (6), where maximum admissible voltage deviation
To establish a contingency severity level as a measure of is a percentage of the rated voltage. The index ranges from 0
change in the generator load angle, the AI is proposed. It is for the case in which no voltage deviation is produced to 1 for
defined by (2) and ranges from 0 to 1; it is 1 for the case in the case in which the voltage goes below the minimum
which the maximum admissible angle (įc max adm) is exceeded. acceptable value; NN is the number of system nodes.
In the equation, įci max is the maximum angle of the i-th
generator during system transition and NG is the number of
the system generators.
ª § 'Vpi ·º
ª § G ·º QSVI min «1, max ¨ ¸» (6)
AI min «1, max ¨ ci max ¸» (2) « i 1...NN ¨© 'Vi max adm ¸»
«¬ i 1... NG G ¬
© c max adm ¹ »¼


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G. Voltage Drop Index (VDI) I. Line Power Flow Index (LPFI) [4]
To quantify voltage dips due to disturbances and load The LPFI is related to the requirement that the post-
current transients, the VDI is proposed. The index is calculated contingency power flow on transmission lines should not
by simple geometry, similar to solving the equal area criterion exceed a power flow limit (designated as Pi lim) since such
problem in power system stability. It is a ratio between the excess may activate line protection and so degrade the system
area ADVi , enclosed by the transient voltage curve Vi and the security. The LPFI is defined by (9), where Ppi is the power
line of the lower limit of the normal operating voltage band flow through the i-th line at the end of the transient period
Vi min adm, and area ADVi adm, enclosed by the Vi min adm and following the contingency; n is index norm (real non-negative
transient voltage limit line. The areas are illustrated in Fig. 3. number), which stands for the relative importance of a line in
The index is defined by (7), where ǻVDVi denotes temporal the system; the more important the line, the lower the norm;
voltage deviation at the i-th node; NN is the number of the NL refers to the number of the lines in the system. If a line is
load nodes with the assigned VDI. The VDI can be related to loaded to the limit, the LPFI is 1.
voltage-dip immunity requirements of industrial sites [7].

ª § ª P º n ·º
ª ·º min «1, max ¨ « » ¸»
§ tS LPFI (9)
« ¨ ³ 'VDVi .dt ¸» « i 1... NL ¨ ¬« Pi lim ¼» ¸ »
¬ © ¹¼
VDI min ««1, max ¨¨ 0 ¸» (7)
i 1... NN ADVi adm ¸»
« ¨ ¸»
«¬ ¨ ¸»
© ¹¼
J. Transformer Power Flow Index (TPFI)
Overloading of power transformers may result in
H. Voltage Ride Through Index (VRTI) premature aging of insulation and irreversible damage. The
The VRTI is given by (8) and considers a transient voltage TPFI is defined by (10); parameter Pi trf denotes the actual
dip both in percentage deviation and in time duration; the loading of the i-th transformer, whereas Pi trf rat relates to a
fault-on and post-fault voltage deviation is quantified by transformer’s rated loading; NT is the number of the
comparing two areas. Similar as by the VDI, the first area is transformers in the system.
enclosed by the transient voltage curve (Vi ) and the line of the
lower limit of the normal operating voltage band (Vi min adm),
while the second area is the reference one and enclosed by ª § Pi trf ·º
Vi min adm and the FRT limit line. Each stage of the voltage TPFI min «1, max ¨ ¸¸ » (10)
i 1... NT ¨ P
transient can be treated individually; satisfactory results are ¬« © i trf rat ¹ ¼»
obtained if two subareas are defined: one for the fault-on and
the other for the post-fault period (Fig. 3). In the equation, j
denotes a subarea under evaluation and NN gives the number
Fig. 4 shows the topology of a 500 kV longitudinal system.
This system spreads through an area about 2000 km long and
includes three subsystems. The subsystems are referred to as
Nord, Central and South. In the Central subsystem a double
line connecting load centers in the North and South
subsystems is located. The peak load of the complete system is
49 GW. The system generation is composed of hydro-, gas-
A DVi ,adm
and combined cycle power plants.
To investigate the effect of WALS, two simulation cases
are performed. First case includes a three phase fault on a
double circuit line connecting North and South subsystems.
The line is loaded with approximately 2 GW. The three phase
fault occurs on one of the two circuits and is followed by loss
of the circuit. The parallel circuit remains in operation. The
Fig. 3 Voltage-dip immunity criteria.
total fault duration is 140ms. The second case assumes the
same scenario however on a single-circuit transmission line
located in the proximity of the largest load center in the south.
The line loading is 1 GW.
ª § ·º With WAPCS, the optimized amount of automatic load
¨ ³ 'Vi ˜ dt ¸ »
area j
« shedding is defined to maintain system stability after fault and
« ¨t ¸» avoid overload of transmission lines.
VRTI min «1, max ¨ area j area j ¸» (8)
i 1,... NN A max adm
¨ ¸»
« ¨ ¸»
¬ © ¹¼


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Nord Case 1


Case 2


Fig. 4 500kV studied system

Active power of tripped line Active power of transmission line

1000 0
P [MW]

P [MW]

0 -1000
-2000 -2000
95 100 105 110 115 120 t 125
[s] 95 100 105 110 115 120 t 125
Frequency Frequency

51 Nord 50
f [Hz]
f [Hz]

50 Central Nord
South 49.8
49 Central
95 100 105 110 115 120 t 125
[s] 95 100 105 110 115 South
120 t 125

Faulted Bus Voltage Faulted Bus Voltage

1 1
U [pu]

U [pu]

0.5 0.5
0 0
95 100 105 110 115 120 t 125
[s] 95 100 105 110 115 120 t 125
Load Angle Load Angle
Angle [Degree]

Angle [Degree]

5000 Nord 0 South
0 Central -20
-5000 South -40
95 100 105 110 115 120 t 125
[s] 95 100 105 110 115 120 t 125

Fig. 5 System behavior in case 1 without smart load shedding Fig. 6 System behavior in case 1 with smart load shedding


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Active power of transmission line Active power of transmission line

500 0
P [MW]

P [MW]
0 -500
-1000 -1000
95 100 105 110 115 120 t 125
[s] 95 100 105 110 115 120 125
t [s]
Frequency Frequency
51 Nord 50
f [Hz]

f [Hz]
50 Central
49 South 49.5 Central
95 100 105 110 115 120 t 125 95 100 105 110 115 120
South t 125
Faulted Bus Voltage Faulted Bus Voltage
1 1
U [pu]

U [pu]
0.5 0.5
0 0
95 100 105 110 115 120 125
t [s] 95 100 105 110 115 120
Nord 125
t [s]
Load Angle Load Angle Central
Angle [Degree]

Angle [Degree]
2000 South
Nord 20
0 0
-2000 Central -20
-4000 South -40
95 100 105 110 115 120 t 125
[s] 95 100 105 110 115 120 125
t [s]

Fig. 7 System behavior in case 2 without smart load shedding Fig. 8 System behavior in case 2 with smart load shedding

Fig. 5 shows response of the system in case 1 without [3] Kerin, U., Lerch, E.: Dynamic Security Assessment to Improve
load shedding. It can be observed that after the fault and System Stability; CRIS-Conference Hanoi, Vietnam, 2011
single circuit trip the system becomes unstable. Effectively [4] Gimenez, J.M., Mercado, P.E. (2007): Online inference of the
dynamic security level of power system using fuzzy techniques, IEEE
this means the system is not n-1 secure. Fig. 6 shows Trans. Power Syst., vol. 22, no. 2, May 2007, pp. 717-726
response of the system to the same event however with 980 [5] U. Kerin, E. Lerch, G. Bizjak, “Monitoring and reporting of security
MW load shedding (minimum amount to maintain system of power system low Frequency oscillations,” Elec. Power Compon.
stability). The blackout can be avoided and the system is Syst., vol. 38, no. 9, Jun. 2010, pp. 1047-1060.
kept stable. The simulation results of case 2 are shown in [6] UCTE AD-HOC Group, “Frequency quality investigation,” Final
Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. The same effect is observed when there is Report, Aug. 2008.
a minimum of 1330 MW load shedding activated. The [7] CIGRE/ CIRED/ UIE Joint Working Group C4.110, “Voltage dip
frequency and voltage in the proximity of the faulted bus immunity of equipment installations,” in Proce. CIRED 20th
remain within bounds and angular stability is maintained. International Electricity Distribution Conf., Prague, Jun. 2009, pp. 1-

With an example of load shedding activation paper
demonstrates the use of composed indices in a PMU-based
wide area monitoring and control system. It results in lower
risk of instability in the system. It minimizes outages and
blackout situations by automatic counteractions. It allows
the control of congestion situations. The example of an
automatic load shedding system for the main transmission
system of a large longitudinal structured electrical system
shows how the security of the system, which is not (n-1)
secure, can be improved. By proper system reaction
blackouts can be prevented. Cascading splitting into
insolated part load system can be avoided and instability can
be prevented.

[1] Kerin, U., Trinh, N. Tuan, Lerch, E., Bizjak, Grega: Small Signal
Security Index for Contingency Classification in Dynamic Security
Assessment; IEEE Power Tech Trondheim, Norway, 2011
[2] Eichler, R., Krebs, R., Wache, M., Lerch, E.: Mitigating Risk of
System Instability caused by Fluctuating Renewables with smart
Transmission Grid Applications; CEPSI-Conference Bali, Indonesia,


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