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Welcome Muharram With The Spirit Of Hijrah

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin assalatu wassalamu’ala asyrofil anbiya iwal
mursalin, wa’ala alihi wasahbihi ajmain. Allahumma sholi’ala sayyidina
Muhammad, wa’ala ali sayyidina Muhammad.
The honorable the head master and vice of SMP negeri 14 Lebong
The honorable the teachers and staff of SMP n 14 Lebong
And beloved friends
First of all, let us say thanks to Allah SWT. Who has given merey and
blessings. Especially healthy and opportunity so we can gather here to welcome
the Islamic New Year. 1st Muharram 1444 hijriah sholawat and salam always
be upon Muhammad SAW, may these sholawat can bring us to get his help and
the day of judgement.
Brothers and Sisters
It is such great gratefull for us tobe able to welcome the islamic new year
and the glorious month of of muharram.
If we look around, it is such very lucky. Because why? Because our neighbours,
friends, and families out there were not able to welcome it. Because their distiny
or they passed away before muharram comes.
Therefore, we need to be more gratful because the opportunity is priceless. But,
these are not enough. As a smart muslim, we have todo evaluation and
reflection, especially our dead and behaviour we have done all year round.
Are we already feeling better than we did the year before? Or maybe just a little
less goodness and benefit.
Are we closes to Allah all year? Or just keep going away and wrapped up in an
endless goodness and benefit.
Are we closes to Allah all last year? Or just keep going away and wrapped up in
an endless word.
Those two questions are quite difficult to answer, and we want to answer, we
will be brooding a moment while regretting time after time that has gone to
Brothers and Sisters
Regreting is good, but it doesn’t seem right to doit continually. The current time
cannot be repeated even for a second. Let alone a day, a month and a year, so
that. The thing we need to do espesially in welcoming the month of muharram
in the islamic new year 1444 hijriah is increasing the will to hijrah.
Today, hijrah has meaning not only about moving for one place to another, or
from a province to another province. Hijrah has a broad meaning. That is hijrah
from bad behaviour to be good, from less befeficial, and more piOus to Allah
Brothers and Sister
In response to the momentum as the month of muharram in the islamic new year
1444 hijriah, let’s echo the spirit of hijrah which is not just a word and not a
discourse. Little, let’s fix the actions to become a more useful person have a
noble character and be more pious to Allah
Brothers and Sisters
That’s all of my shorth speech that i can deliver to you in this glorious month of
muharram. For give me for all the mistakes
Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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