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Final Draft: “Argumentative essay”

Faculty: Education and Languages

Major: English

Shift: Saturday
Subject: (Professionalization)
Reading and Writing I

IV Academic Year Group:M34B

Student:Hender Janier Obando Morazan

Professor: Valenzuela, Abraham Antonio

Managua, August 07th 2021.

Legalization of drugs.
Do you consider the legalization of drugs correct?.This is currently a very controversial issue, drugs
have been one of the biggest problems that society faces, many studies show that these substances
began to be produced from the end of the 18th century and until today their use has been a daily fact,
although many want to legalize its use.This should not be allowed because it could increase the crime
rate, the mortality rate would increase as well as the sick people and finally the increase in indigent

First, we would have as one of the consequences of the legalization of drugs, the increase in the crime
rate in the most affected places. However, there are many people who affirm the opposite saying that
although there are many users, crime does not increase. But, according to the (Iniseg, Drugs and crime
a dependency relations, 2020).Drug use is generally related to crime, whether they commit crimes to
obtain it or commit crimes under the influence of drugs. Different statistics show that the probability of
committing a crime is between 2.8 and 3.8 times higher among those who have used drugs than those
who have not.

In addition to the increase in crime due to drug use, we would also have an increase in the death rate
due to the abuse of hallucinogenic substances, although there are always speculations from people who
consider that if consumption is controlled, you should not have a overdose .According to the report
(OMS, 2018) world Report on Drugs, a total of 450,000 people died in 2015 as a result of drug use,
with opioids being the drug that caused the most damage with 76% of all the deceased. Unfortunately,
the more the years go by, the more drug production increases, which is why the number of users also

Besides, the increase in the crime rate and the mortality rate, we also have the increase in people
infected by different deadly diseases such as hepatitis C, VIH and human papilloma, etc., although
consumers consider that if they do not use the same Utensils will not be infected, but they are always at
risk According to the report of the (OMS, 2018)World Report on Drugs,People who inject drugs are
about 10, 6 million worldwide and are those who face the greatest risks for health. More than half of
these people are with hepatitis c and one in 8 is with VIH.
Last but not least we have the increase in the indigent population. Due to drug addiction many people
get to the point of disposing of their most valuable personal belongings without caring about anything
or anyone around them. Many of these people believe they are in control, but this is not the case.
According to what has been (Observador, 2015).Alcoholism, the consumption of other drugs, domestic
violence and the release of former inmates without family ties are the causes that lead people to live on
the streets or attend shelters.

Finally, I firmly believe that the legalization of drugs should not be allowed due to the different
consequences that this brings to our lives. He considered that more places of rehabilitation should be
promoted for all those people who are facing this situation in their lives, Helping them find a solution
to their problems would be better. On the other hand, if we do not act in time, we will have a modern
society that may be involved in vices.
Iniseg. (2020). Drugs and Dependency relationship.

OMS. (2018).World report on drugs.

Observador. (2015). Alcohol,drugs and domestic violence are the causes of the indigence.


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OMS. (2018). Informe mundial sobre las drogas.

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