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Day 1/Objective

• First Aid Basic Principles

• Definition of First Aid & First Aider
• Brief of First Aid & Aims of first Aid
• Responsibilities of First Aider
• Golden Rules of First-Aid
• Protecting yourself & Victim against contamination (Universal Precaution)
• Emergency Scene Management;
• Patient Assessment:-
 The Primary Survey;
 The Physical examination;
 History Taking;
 Head-To-Toe Examination;
 Vital Signs
Basic Principles
• Duty of giving care/serve
• Indian Good Samaritan laws
• Know local protocol
• Consent of the person need
• Privacy
• Negligence
• Solatium Fund
What is First-Aid
• First aid is the first assistance or treatment given to
a casualty on the spot for any injury or sudden
illness before arrival any medical help.

• It may involve improvising with facilities and

materials available at the site.
• It should be compatible to modern medical science
First Aider
• First Aider is the term describing any person
who has received a certificate from an
authorized training body indicating that he or
she is qualified to render first aid.
Why First-Aid ?
• Life saving process
• During disaster
• Trauma patient
• Every day life
• Saving yourself & others

Why training:-
• It is true that ”The response of a person closest
to the place of emergency will be the fastest
and most effective ,provided he is well
Aims of First Aid
• P- Preserve Life
• P- Prevent Worsening of the
• P- Promote Recovery
• P- Prepare early transportation
Responsibility of First Aider
• Assess the situation
• Identify the injury or condition(provisional
• Give immediate and appropriate assistance
• A casualty may have more than one injury and
some may require more urgent attention than
• According to the seriousness of the casualty’s
condition, arrange to shift to a medical facility.
Duties & Responsibilities

R-Rush to the spot
A-Asses the situation
D- Diagnosis (HSS)- History, Sign, Symptom
T- Transportation
• End of Responsibility
- Transport to the victim to the hospital /doctor /to the appropriate
• Warning to the First-Aider
- First Aider should keep in mind that he is not a doctor
- First Aider should not declare any person as dead
- First Aider Should not examine the wounds by opening
Qualities of a First-Aider

• G-Good observer
• L-Leadership Quality
• A-Act Quickly
• S-Self Confidence
• S- Sincere
• Golden Hour : First 30 Minutes of incident
• Golden Rules : First do No harm
Instruction for First Aider
• Reach the spot as fast as possible and carry out
the appropriate First Aid quickly.
• Reassure and encourage the casualty.
• Work calmly and efficiently
• Pay attention to any remarks or request that the
casualty makes
• After giving the necessary First Aid, place the
casualty in the appropriate position
• Keep a watch until help arrives.
Golden Rule of First-Aid
• D-Danger
• R-Response
• C-Circulation
• A-Airway
• B-Breathing

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