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Through a

Year 36 No. 6 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) — Green August 21, 2022

T oday’s First Reading offers

Narrow Door
a vision of hope for all
humanity. The image given
by the prophet Isaiah is that
of God gathering the peoples
of every nation and tongue.
This image is connected
with his description of God by Sr. Anicia Co, RVM
as a mother who comforts
her children. God offers
consolation and hope by
gathering the dispersed
children of Israel from every
nation and tongue. And
God does even more. God
brings all peoples together
into one. The gathering of
all peoples and nations is
God’s marvelous work. God
To the one who asks him eyes on Jesus who endured
is making a new heaven and
if only a few people will be the cross. Jesus’ example
a new earth, and all those
saved, Jesus gives an indirect of endurance of suffering
who belong to God will enjoy
reply. He points not to the and opposition will be our
eternal joy and salvation. few but to the many who strength in bearing our pains
This promise of hope and will attempt to enter but are and sorrows. We are invited
salvation is a call to return not strong enough. Once to consider our trials not as
to the Lord, an invitation the door is shut, no one may punishment from God but as
to belong to God’s people enter. The way to the kingdom a form of discipline that trains
by acknowledging God of God requires a decision us in righteousness and leads
as creator and Lord of all. here and now, a moment- us to share in God’s holiness.
This will be a time of great by - m o m e n t d e c i s i o n . I t Let us not allow the pains that
rejoicing, of celebration and calls for commitment and we bear to separate us from
worship of our God. perseverance. God; rather let us cling closer
In the Gospel, the The way to the kingdom of to God, for God is closer to
j oy f u l a n d f e s t ive m o o d God is the way of discipleship, us in these moments than we
of this gathering is greatly following Jesus in integrity can ever imagine.
enhanced by the scene of of heart manifested in the Luke shows us that
meal fellowship with Israel’s consistency of one’s words Jesus continues to teach
ancestors and prophets in the and actions. To follow Jesus his disciples and all those
kingdom of God. Jesus says, is to listen to his words and to who care to join him as he
“And people will come from live them in one’s daily life. makes his way to Jerusalem.
the east and the west and Perseverance is also the Jesus walks with us here and
from the north and the south message of the Second now on the way to the full
and will recline at table in the Reading from the Letter revelation of the mystery of
kingdom of God.” The way to the Hebrews. Here the God’s kingdom, a kingdom of
to the kingdom of God is a author offers encouragement truth and justice, of love and
narrow door. Jesus exhorts to those who experience peace, characterized by God’s
his listeners to strive to enter pains, trials, and afflictions. immeasurable goodness,
through it. He invites them to fix their mercy, and faithfulness.
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES praise you, we bless you, we to the distant coastlands that
adore you, we glorify you, we have never heard of my fame,
Entrance Antiphon give you thanks for your great or seen my glory; and they shall
(Cf. Ps 86 (85):1–3) glory, Lord God, heavenly King, proclaim my glory among the
(Recited when there is no opening song) O God, almighty Father. Lord nations. They shall bring all
Jesus Christ, Only Begotten your brothers and sisters from
Turn your ear, O Lord, and Son, Lord God, Lamb of God,
answer me; save the servant Son of the Father, you take all the nations as an offering
who trusts in you, my God. away the sins of the world, to the LORD, on horses and in
Have mercy on me, O Lord, for have mercy on us; you take chariots, in carts, upon mules
I cry to you all the day long. away the sins of the world, and dromedaries, to Jerusalem,
Greeting receive our prayer; you are my holy mountain, says the
seated at the right hand of LORD, just as the Israelites bring
(The sign of the cross is made here) the Father, have mercy on us. their offering to the house of the
P—The Lord be with you. For you alone are the Holy LORD in clean vessels. Some of
All—And with your spirit. One, you alone are the Lord, these I will take as priests and
you alone are the Most High, Levites, says the LORD.
Introduction Jesus Christ, with the Holy
(The priest addresses the assembly with
Spirit, in the glory of God the —The word of the Lord.
these or other similar words)
Father. Amen. All—Thanks be to God.
P—Our Gospel today is a Collect Responsorial Psalm (Ps 117)
wake-up call. Knowing the
Lord and the Gospel is not P—Let us pray. (Pause) R—Go out to all the world and
enough. It is necessary to live O God, who cause the tell the Good News.
the life that Jesus lived and put minds of the faithful to unite
Sr. Ma. C. A. Parco, FSP
his word into practice. Entrance in a single purpose, grant

  
C Em
your people to love what you
into God’s kingdom is not easy. 
We have to pass through the command and to desire what      
narrow door. you promise, that, amid the Go out to all the world and

May we have the humility uncertainties of this world,

our hearts may be fixed on
 
G7 C
   
to see that God’s kingdom is a
gift which we have to accept that place where true gladness
with joy and courage, so that is found. tell the Good News.

it may bear fruit in our lives. Through our Lord Jesus

Christ, your Son, who lives and 1. Praise the L ORD , all you
Penitential Act reigns with you in the unity of nations;/ glorify him, all you
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever peoples! (R)
P—Brethren (brothers and and ever.
sisters), let us acknowldge our 2. For steadfast is his kindness
sins, and so prepare ourselves toward us,/ and the fidelity of
to celebrate the sacred mystery. the LORD endures forever. (R)
(Pause) Liturgy of the word
Second Reading
P—You were sent to heal the First Reading (Is 66:18–21) (Sit) (Heb 12:5–7, 11–13)
contrite of heart: Lord, have
mercy. The prophet Isaiah foresees the day Trials and sufferings can be means
All—Lord, have mercy. when all nations will come and of purifying the faithful and instilling
worship the Lord in his holy city. discipline. The author of the Letter
P—You came to call sinners: Jesus underlines the same message to the Hebrews invites Christians to
Christ, have mercy. when he says that people from the stand fast and endure their trials.
All—Christ, have mercy. ends of the earth will take their place
at the feast in the kingdom of God.
A reading from the Letter to
P—You are seated at the right the Hebrews
hand of the Father to intercede A reading from the Book of
for us: Lord, have mercy. the Prophet Isaiah BROTHERS AND SISTERS: You
All—Lord, have mercy. have forgotten the exhortation
P—May almighty God have THUS SAYS the LORD: I know addressed to you as children:
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, their works and their thoughts, “My son, do not disdain the
and bring us to everlasting life. and I come to gather nations discipline of the Lord or lose
All—Amen. of every language; they shall heart when reproved by him;
come and see my glory. I will for whom the Lord loves, he
Gloria set a sign among them; from disciplines; he scourges every
All—Glory to God in the them I will send fugitives to the son he acknowledges.” Endure
highest, and on earth peace nations: to Tarshish, Put and your trials as “discipline”; God
to people of good will. We Lud, Mosoch, Tubal and Javan, treats you as sons. For what
“son” is there whom his father —The Gospel of the Lord. people, that through your Spirit,
does not discipline? At the time, All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus we may make the best choices
all discipline seems a cause not Christ. for the Church even if such
for joy but for pain, yet later Homily (Sit) choices are difficult to make.
it brings the peaceful fruit of We pray: (R)
righteousness to those who are Profession of Faith (Stand)
trained by it. C—Loving Father, illumine
So strengthen your drooping All—I believe in one God, those who govern that they
hands and your weak knees. the Father almighty, maker of may manifest your will for us
Make straight paths for your heaven and earth, of all things in their crafting of policies
feet, that what is lame may visible and invisible. that protect and promote
not be disjointed but healed. I believe in one Lord Jesus human dignity and in their
Christ, the Only Begotten Son of
—The word of the Lord. God, born of the Father before compassionate implementation
All—Thanks be to God. all ages. God from God, Light of the Constitution. We pray: (R)
Alleluia (Jn 14:6) (Stand) from Light, true God from C—Loving Father, may those
true God, begotten, not made, of us who are currently
All—Alleluia, alleluia. I am the consubstantial with the Father;
way, the truth, and the life, through him all things were undergoing great suffering,
says the Lord; no one comes made. For us men and for our materially, emotionally, or
to the Father, except through salvation he came down from spiritually, find consolation
me. Alleluia, alleluia. heaven, (At the words that follow, up in our faithfulness to love and
to and including and became man, all serve one another. Help us to
Gospel (Lk 13:22–30)
bow)and by the Holy Spirit was always choose you, to always
P—A reading from the holy incarnate of the Virgin Mary, choose Love, most especially
Gospel according to Luke and became man. in difficult times. We pray: (R)
All—Glory to you, O Lord. For our sake he was cruci­fied
under Pontius Pilate, he suffered C—Loving Father, embrace
JESUS passed through towns death and was buried, and those who have gone ahead
and villages, teaching as he rose again on the third day in of us especially those who are
went and making his way to accordance with the Scriptures. dear to our hearts. We pray: (R)
Jerusalem. Someone asked him, He ascended into heaven and C—Let us pray for the urgent
“Lord, will only a few people is seated at the right hand of concerns of our community
be saved?”He answered them, the Father. He will come again and our personal intentions
“Strive to enter through the in glory to judge the living and (pause). We pray: (R)
narrow gate, for many, I tell the dead and his kingdom will
you, will attempt to enter but have no end. P—Father, may we seek first
I believe in the Holy Spirit, your Kingdom, here and now,
will not be strong enough. After
the Lord, the giver of life, who that, like your Son, our lives too
the master of the house has proceeds from the Father and may become a consolation for
arisen and locked the door, the Son, who with the Father and each other as we journey back
then will you stand outside the Son is adored and glorified, into our heavenly homeland,
knocking and saying, ‘Lord, who has spoken through the in your Spirit, through Christ
open the door for us.’ He will prophets. our Lord.
say to you in reply, ‘I do not I believe in one, holy, catholic All—Amen.
know where you are from.’ and apostolic Church. I confess
one Baptism for the forgiveness
Liturgy of
And you will say, ‘We ate and the eucharist
drank in your company and you of sins and I look forward to the
taught in our streets.’ Then he resurrection of the dead and the Presentation of the Gifts
life of the world to come. Amen. (Stand)
will say to you, ‘I do not know
where you are from. Depart Prayer of the Faithful P—Pray, brethren…
from me, all you evildoers!’ All—May the Lord accept the
P—The way to your Kingdom,
And there will be wailing and sacrifice at your hands for the
Father, requires a decision here
grinding of teeth when you see praise and glory of his name,
and now; a decision we must
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and for our good and the good of
make moment - by - moment, all his holy Church.
all the prophets in the kingdom
always and everywhere. Help us
of God and you yourselves cast Prayer over the Offerings
commit and persevere towards
out. And people will come from
this difficult but fulfilling choice P—O Lord, who gained for
the east and the west and from yourself a people by adoption
as we say:
the north and the south and will through the one sacrifice
recline at table in the kingdom R—Faithful God, sustain us. offered once for all, bestow
of God. For behold, some are C—Loving Father, empower and graciously on us, we pray, the
last who will be first, and some guide Pope Francis, bishops, gifts of unity and peace in your
are first who will be last.” priests, deacons, and the lay Church.
Through Christ our Lord.
Preface (Ordinary Time III)
P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts.
All—We lift them up to the
P—Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All—It is right and just.
P—It is truly right and just, our
duty and salvation, always and
everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and
eternal God.
For we know it belongs
to your boundless glory, that
you came to the aid of mortal
beings with your divinity and
even fashioned for us a remedy
out of mortality itself, that the
cause of our downfall might
become the means of our behold him who takes away you and in his kindness pour
salvation, through Christ our the sins of the world. Blessed out upon you the gifts of his
Lord. are those called to the supper blessing.
Through him the host of of the Lamb. All—Amen.
Angels adores your majesty All—Lord, I am not worthy
and rejoices in your presence that you should enter under P—May God keep your hearts
for ever. May our voices, we my roof, but only say the word attentive to his words, that they
and my soul shall be healed. may be filled with everlasting
pray, join with theirs in one
chorus of exultant praise, as gladness.
Communion Antiphon All—Amen.
we acclaim: (Cf. Ps 104 [103]:13–15)
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord P—And so, may you always
God of hosts. Heaven and earth The earth is replete with the
fruits of your works, O Lord; understand what is good
are full of your glory. Hosanna and right, and be found ever
you bring forth bread from
in the highest. Blessed is he the earth and wine to cheer hastening along in the path
who comes in the name of the the heart. of God’s commands, made
Lord. Hosanna in the highest. coheirs with the citizens of
(Kneel) Prayer after Communion heaven.
(Stand) All—Amen.
Acclamation (Stand)
P—Let us pray. (Pause) P—And may the blessing of
All—We proclaim your Death, Complete within us, O Lord,
O Lord, and profess your almighty God, the Father, and
we pray, the healing work of the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
Resurrection until you come your mercy and graciously
again. come down on you and remain
perfect and sustain us, so that with you for ever.
THE COMMUNION RITE in all things we may please you. All—Amen.
Through Christ our Lord.
The Lord’s Prayer All—Amen. Dismissal
All—Our Father…
P—Deliver us, Lord… THE CONCLUDING RITES P—The Mass has been offered.
All—For the kingdom, the Go in peace, glorifying the Lord
P—The Lord be with you. by your life.
power, and the glory are yours
All—And with your spirit. All—Thanks be to God.
now and for ever.
Invitation to Peace Prayer over the People
P—Bow down for the blessing.
Invitation to Communion
(Kneel) (Pause) All for the Gospel
May almighty God always
P—Behold the Lamb of God, keep every adversity far from

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