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Name: ______________________________________________ Year and Strand: __________________


Directions: Complete the crossword by filling in a word that fits each clue. Fill in the correct answers, one letter
per square, both across and down, from the given clues.

1 2

6 7




13 14

Across Down
3. The force of water molecules against the cell wall that allows 1. A push or pull that can change the motion of an object.
plants to stand up straight. 2. The growth or movement of a plant toward or away from a
5. The tendency of roots to grow downward. stimulus.
6. A turning movement by a plant in response to touch. 4. A growth in response to gravity.
9. The tendency of plant stems to grow upward. 7. A growth response to light.
10. An action or condition that provokes a response. 8. The beginning of growth of a seed.
12. A growth in response to water. 11. Plant hormones that strongly affect plant growth.
13. A change in a system resulting from a stimulus.
14. A change in an objects position.
Learning Task 2: Comparing Monocots and Dicots

Point of Comparison Monocots Dicots

1. Root System
2. Arrangement of vascular
3. Leaf Venation
4. Number of Floral Parts
5. Number of cotyledon
6. Stem (External Structure)
7. Representative Example

Learning Task 3: Plant Hormones

Directions: Identify the function of each of the following plant hormones by placing a check mark to the
appropriate column.

Plant Hormone Germination Growth Flowering Fruit Leaf Seed

Maturity Development Abscission Dormancy
1. Gibberellin
2. Auxin
3. Cytokinin
4. Ethylene
5. Abscisic Acid



Have succulent(watery)stems; short, shallow
1. Desert Dry Hot roots; leaves reduced into thorns/spines, have
thick waxy leaves

2. Tropical Rainforest Wet Hot

3. Taiga Wet Cool/Warm

4. Tundra Dry Cold

Learning Task 5: IT’S QUIZ TIME!

Directions: For each of the items below, choose the BEST answer. On the answer sheet provided, shade the circle
that corresponds to the letter of your choice.

1. Where can you find the highest concentration of chloroplasts in a typical leaf?
A. epidermis C. spongy mesophyll
B. vascular tissue D. palisade mesophyll
2. Which organ of a plant is involved in photosynthesis and transpiration?
A. root C. leaves
B. stem D. flowers
3. Alugbati or Malabar spinach (Basella alba), is an indigenous green-leafy vegetable in the region of CALABARZON.
What is the shape of the blade (lamina) of alugbati leaf?
A. Lanceolate C. Cordate
B. Deltoid D. Reniform
4. Which of structure comes out first from a germinating seed?
A. true leaves C. embryonic shoot
B. embryonic root D. seed leaves or cotyledons
5. What is the main function of the xylem and phloem?
A. storage C. transport
B. absorption D. photosynthesis
6. Which of the following molecules are being transported by phloem?
A. water C. dissolved minerals
B. glucose D. oxygen and carbon dioxide
7. Which of the following are the functions of plant roots?
I. Anchorage
II. Absorption of water and minerals
III. Storage of food molecules
IV. Absorption of carbon dioxide and other gases
A. I and II only C. I, II and III only
B. II and III only D. I, II, III and IV
8. Analyze the two statements below to answer item number ___
I.The blade (lamina) is the expanded portion of the leaf and is usually colored green.
II. The leaf is attached to the stem by a petiole.
A. Both statements are correct.
B. Both statements are incorrect.
C. The first statement is correct, while the second statement is incorrect.
D. The first statement is incorrect, while the second statement is correct.
9. Which of the these are NOT correctly matched?
A. ovary- ripens into fruit C. pistil- produces pollen grain
B. ovule- becomes seed D. ovary wall- develops into pericarp
10. What kind of roots prevents soil erosion more effectively?
A. fibrous roots C. well-developed primary roots
B. long taproot D. well-developed secondary roots

11. The growth in diameter of the stem is due to the _____

A. additional cutin in the epidermis.
B. activity of the conducting vessels.
C. actively-dividing cells of the cambium.
D. thick-walled cells of the woody tissues.
12. Which of the following statements explains the opening of the stomata?
A. Water leaves the leaf through the stomata.
B. Carbon dioxide enters the leaf through the stomata.
C. The guard cells become turgid due to diffusion of water into them.
D. The guard cells become turgid due to diffusion of water out of them.
13. Which of the following has an herbaceous stem?
A. citrus C. eggplant
B. tomato D. malunggay
14. Which of the following is the CORRECT sequence of the longitudinal section of a root from tip upward. Refer to the
items I to IV inside the box to answer this question
A. I, II, III, IV I. Zone of elongation
B. IV, III, II, I II. Zone of maturation
C. IV, III, I, II III. Apical meristem
D. II, I, III, IV IV. Root cap

15. Which of the illustration below shows a fibrous root system?

16. If you would grow plants using hydroponics gardening method, which of the following plants are you going to use?
A. lettuce, pechay, kangkong C. tomato, cassava, cucumber
B. raddish, carrots, ginger D. lettuce, basil, okra
17. Of all the environmental factors below, which is the most influential in determining the rate of transpiration of plants?
A. light C. temperature
B. relative humidity D. water
18. Why does some plants have thorns?
A. To provide shade for the plant.
B. To take in nutrients from the air.
C. To stay safe from animals that want to eat them.
D. To attract insects that spread pollens to other plants.

19. What might some plants that grow on the shady rainforest floor have large leaves?
A. To stay safe from predators
B. To attract different animals
C. To take in as much sunlight as possible
D. To survive harsh winters with heavy snowfalls
20. Which of the following is NOT an adaptive mechanism of desert plants?
A. Leaves modified into thorns
B. Large and expanded leaf blade
C. Roots grow close to the surface of the ground
D. Small, succulent stem covered with waxy coating
21. What is the function of the stolon of Bermuda grass?
A. support C. reproduction
B. food storage D. water preservation
22. The age of a tree can be determined by counting the:
A. number of leaves C. number of roots
B. number of annual rings D. number of branches
23. Which of the following phytohormone-function pairs is INCORRECT?
A. Ethylene- promotes fruit ripening
B. Gibberellins- breaks seed dormancy
C. Cytokinins- prevent premature dropping of fruits
D. Abscisic acid- closes stomata during water stress
24. Under what condition would you expect a plant to have a high concentration of abscisic acid?
A. In a wet tropical rainforest
B. In a grassland with many predators
C. In a cold environment such as the Arctic
D. In a dessert with a long drought season
25. Eggplant or talong is a dicot plant. Which of the following is TRUE about the internal arrangement of vascular
bundles of the stem of eggplant?
A. has a fibrous root system C. has a tap root system
B. has a scattered vascular bundle D. has parallel leaf venation

CONGRATULATIONS! You Finished Module 5

Answer Sheet

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