Performance Check: 10 7 4 1 Comprehension and Response To Article

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Name: Junaben D.

Fernando Date: October 5, 2020

Grade Level & Section: 12 St. Gregory the Great

Performance Check

You are one of the members of a critique society in the country and your specialization is to
critique about the law. Your boss asks you to review and have a reaction paper of some
documents/video about the pass administration of late Pres. Ferdinand Marcos. Encode your output
below the rubrics given.
Standards or Rubric:
10 7 4 1
Comprehension and Student evidenced Student evidenced Student evidenced Student lacked clear
response to article clear comprehension considerable some understanding of understanding of the
(Thinking/ Inquiry) of the article and comprehension of the parts of the article or article and may or may
articulated a thoughtful article and articulated a did not express a not have expressed a
response. thoughtful response. personal response. personal response.
Summary for Article All main ideas and Most of the main ideas Some details from No summary is
(Knowledge/ facts from the article and facts from the article are missing. provided OR a
Understanding) are included. Summary article are included. Summary is not verbatim of the text is
Summarize the main is presented in Summary is presented objective OR minimal provided. Author and
ideas and facts in the objective view and in objective view and referencing to the source are not named.
article. referencing to the referencing to the article is provided.
article is provided. article is provided. Author OR source are
Author and source are Author and source are not named.
named. named.
Presentation Student engaged Student somewhat Student vague about Student gave a
(Communication) audience in engaged audience in main points of article. disorganized
presentation and presentation and presentation with main
highlighted main highlighted most of the points of article
points of article. main points of article. lacking.
Conclusions Personal comments are Personal comments are Few personal No personal comments
(Application) Provide clearly stated. Student clearly stated. Student comments. Student are provided. No
personal comments clearly demonstrates a clearly demonstrates a demonstrates some relationship between
pertaining to the article strong working working knowledge of working knowledge of article and class
and how it relates to the knowledge of class class material relative class material relative material is provided.
course material. material relative to the to the article. Some to the article. Few No references are
article. References are references are made to references are made to given.
made to the course the course materials. the course materials.

(Encode your output here)

The article of William H. Overholt entitled THE RISE AND FALL OF FERDINAND MARCOS is about
Ferdinand Marcos who became President of the Philippines in 1965 when his nation was seen as one of the
incredible models of Third World political and monetary success. His administration harmonized with an
extraordinary Pacific Asian monetary blast, the broadest-based fast monetary departure world history has yet
observed, and with an also wide-based political solidification throughout the district aside from Indochina.
Marcos himself was generally recognized as one of the most splendid attorneys and political pioneers among
the age of incredible Asian pioneers. It talks about how Ferdinand Marcos advocacies pleased and enraged his
subjects as well as how the economy of the Philippine was plummeting or rising.

The military law developed soon as Manila's political, common assistance, and military foundations were
halfway renewed after World War II with the assistance of the United States, the administration crushed the
socialist Hukbalahap rebellion; by 1967, there were less than 170 socialist guerrillas in the nation. From 1950 to
1965, the Philippines' normal monetary development rates surpassed all of Southeast Asia, Taiwan, and South
Korea, and, after the destruction of the Huks, the Philippines had no opponent in the area other than Japan for
political soundness. Although there were no political prisoners nor human rights abuse there were certain
problems that were rising. The abundance of people owning private weapons as well as getting cars to be
stopped and robbed even in a major street was apparent. The landholders' legal advisors vanquished the
legitimate cases of laborers, who could manage the cost of no legal counselors and misused the intricacy of U.S.
- style court techniques to defer antagonistic decisions for 10 years or more. The military personnel was getting
too much authority and power that lead the peasants to be oppressed under their influence.

In the year 1975 began the deterioration of the country in which the economic progress of change and the desire
for additional changes, and therefore of additional victories on the models of Singapore also, South Korea,
persevered through 1975. After 1975, the change drive deteriorated and even turned around. As Adrian
Cristobal said to me in a meeting, "It resembled an old woman removing her support. Everything simply fell
out." The land was thus riddled with corruption with only 10% of the tenants that made their payments to the
government. Although there were early land reforms efforts and successful investments in rural credit and rural
infrastructure, reforms slowed and the problem of rural land ownership was deferred to the indefinite future
reforms slowed and the problem of rural land ownership was deferred to the indefinite future and wasn't enough
to cover-up the loss of the peasants. Thus leading them to sell their lands back to their lords illegally. Rather
than advancing work by zeroing in a venture on work concentrated enterprises, the Marcos system zeroed in on
atomic force, steel, aluminum, copper, and other capital-serious businesses, known as the eleven significant
modern tasks. With these turns of events, all desire for a decrease of the nation's devastating joblessness and for
a more libertarian social structure vanished. The eleven undertakings were supported by the manner of speaking
of patriotism and reliance hypothesis: the Marcos system would ease the mistreated Filipino individuals of their
unnecessary reliance on colonialist Western partnerships.

This matter no how you look at it crumbling after 1975 so debilitated the economy that a repeating world
plunge in 1981 prompted an expansive political-monetary emergency, in view of the breakdown of the coconut
oil market, a budgetary emergency, a new constitution, another political decision, political polarization, wide-
extending military bad conduct, and weakening of President Marcos' wellbeing. While hardly any perceived at
the time the earnestness of the emergency, it foreshadowed the progressive public "coronary episodes" of 1983
and 1986. By the start of 1983 the Philippine economy was frail, its funds hazardous, and its political help
almost is gone. The administration was running enormous shortfalls so as to fund the bankrupt organizations of
colleagues. Secretly and openly, in such associations as the Makati Business Club, finance managers were
effectively communicating their dispute, and the main gathering arranged a paper efficiently and unmistakably
testing government strategies. The Catholic Church chose in the spring to start the distribution of two papers
intended to spread facts the legislature was endeavoring to stifle. These advancements implied the move of the
focal point of the business network and the Catholic pecking order from detached discontent to dynamic
resistance. The center of the Philippine tip-top currently effectively restricted Marcos.

When the Marcos government lost the help of its military powers. Despite the fact that the (generally Ilocano)
senior initiative stayed faithful, an unmistakable dominant part of more youthful officials currently found the
administration tacky and loathed the lack of respect into which the military had fallen. In 1984 it became
regular for military officials to abstain from wearing their regalia in open since they were embarrassed to
distinguish themselves as fighters. The socialist guerrilla development started spreading with exceptional speed.
Albeit Filipino society is effectively disposed toward balance and harmony, this tendency became
counterbalanced by outrage at the system, disappointment over the ineptitude of the moderate resistance, and
dread of impoverishment. Consequently, uphold for the New People's Army (NPA) spread into each locale and
division of the Philippines. Marcos system had a frail and dreadfully isolated chief authority, an assortment of
castrated establishments, and a social base bound to the barely any outstanding associates who weren't bankrupt,
senior military officials who were progressively uncertain of the faithfulness of their soldiers, an anxious
organization of political authorities who realized they had no future after Marcos, and Ilocano people group for
whom ethnic ties stayed principal. Each of the bases of social help was a quickly lessening resource, especially
when the system had no cash to develop its allies or dress its military. In short, the Marcos system was an empty

In conclusion, President Marcos was still a good President despite is shortcomings and errors made by the
implementation of martial law. His thoughts for the decision he made were for the betterment of the country
although it leads to tyranny.

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