Multiple Functional Groups of Varying Ratios in Metal-Organic Frameworks

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Multiple Functional Groups of Varying Our past work (as well as the work of others)
has shown that MOFs with two mixed links can

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be prepared, whereas a recent report showed that
Ratios in Metal-Organic Frameworks four different functionalities can be introduced
into one structure by post-synthesis modifica-
tion (2–7). These approaches are either confined
Hexiang Deng, Christian J. Doonan, Hiroyasu Furukawa, Ricardo B. Ferreira, to only two links or severely limited by having
John Towne, Carolyn B. Knobler, Bo Wang, Omar M. Yaghi* complete reactions at the links; multiple varia-
tions in link ratios and functionalities in these
We show that metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) can incorporate a large number of different systems were not demonstrated. The present
functionalities on linking groups in a way that mixes the linker, rather than forming separate report describes a general method for producing
domains. We made complex MOFs from 1,4-benzenedicarboxylate (denoted by “A” in this work) crystalline MOF materials that combine sets of
and its derivatives -NH2, -Br, -(Cl)2, -NO2, -(CH3)2, -C4H4, -(OC3H5)2, and -(OC7H7)2 (denoted two to eight links of different functional groups;
by “B” to “I,” respectively) to synthesize 18 multivariate (MTV) MOF-5 type structures that contain each set is incorporated into a single structure
up to eight distinct functionalities in one phase. The backbone (zinc oxide and phenylene units) where the ratio of links is controlled, and the
of these structures is ordered, but the distribution of functional groups is disordered. The complex material can be produced with bulk purity.
arrangements of several functional groups within the pores can lead to properties that are not [Hereafter, A, 1,4-benzenedicarboxylate; B,
simply linear sums of those of the pure components. For example, a member of this series, -NH2; C, -Br; D, -(Cl)2; E, -NO2; F, -(CH3)2; G,
MTV-MOF-5-EHI, exhibits up to 400% better selectivity for carbon dioxide over carbon monoxide -C4H4; H, -(OC3H5)2; and I, -(OC7H7)2.] Spe-
compared with its best same-link counterparts. cifically, we targeted the cubic MOF-5 struc-
ture (8) and combined the acid form of 1,4-
benzenedicarboxylate (BDC), NH2-BDC, Br-
rystalline extended structures are usu- Our strategy to making MTV-MOFs is to as- BDC, (Cl)2-BDC, NO2-BDC, (CH3)2-BDC,

C ally considered “simple” because they are

constructed from a small number of dis-
tinct building units. Attempting to increase the
semble their structures from links with different
functional groups whose orientation, number,
relative position, and ratio along the backbone
C4H4-BDC, (OC3H5)2-BDC, and (OC7H7)2-
BDC links (Scheme 2, A to I, respectively) to
form the corresponding sets of 18 MTV-MOFs,
number of such units in solids generally leads (metal-oxide and phenylene units) can be con- each having two or more different function-
to either mixed phases, rather than a single phase trolled by virtue of the unchanged length of the alities [two: MTV-MOF-5-AB, -AC, -AD, -AE,
of mixed units, or amorphous materials. In block link and its unaltered connectivity (Scheme 1). -AF, -AG, -AH, -AI, and -EI; three: MTV-MOF-
copolymers, a minor modification to the side Such a construct can be viewed as having a pri- 5-ABC, -AHI, and -EHI; four: MTV-MOF-5-
chains alters the entropy of the system and re- mary structure composed of the simple repeat- ABCD and -ACEF; five: MTV-MOF-5-ABCHI;
sults in major (and often undesirable) changes in ing pattern of metal-oxide joints and organic six: MTV-MOF-5-ABCGHI; seven: MTV-MOF-
the structure of the polymer (1). Here, we show links and a “complex” secondary structure 5-ABCEGHI; eight: MTV-MOF-5-ABCEFGHI
that by combining the inherent rigidity of metal- formed by multivaried arrangements of many (Scheme 2)]. We describe their isolation as sin-
organic frameworks (MOFs) and the functional functional groups that are covalently bound to gle phases, the structure of their MOF backbone,
flexibility of polymers, one can overcome these the links. In this way, each of the pores within and their porosity, and show that this multi-
challenges and create a large number of single- the MOF would have an array of function- varied link synthetic strategy is useful for intro-
phase materials, each of which has multivariate alities pointing into its center. Accordingly, ducing functionalities [such as NO2-BDC and
(MTV) functionalities. the sequence of such functionalities and the (Cl)2-BDC] into the MOF-5 type structure (MTV-
frequency with which certain ones appear in MOF-5-AD and -AE) that do not form this struc-
California Nanosystems Institute, University of California– the sequence will endow the pores with a new ture when used alone. We also report our initial
Los Angeles (UCLA)–Department of Energy (DOE) Institute level of complexity that far exceeds any held findings that members of this series (MTV-
of Genomics and Proteomics, Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry, UCLA, 607 Charles E. Young Drive East, Los by that of the original same-link MOFs—an MOF-5-AHI and -EHI) show that the “whole is
Angeles, CA 90095, USA. aspect that may allow fine-tuning of the pore better than the sum of its parts,” as evidenced
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: environment with favorable implications on by the fourfold enhancement of gas adsorption properties. and separation properties of the multivaried

846 12 FEBRUARY 2010 VOL 327 SCIENCE

link MOFs compared with their simple same- (10). TGA performed on this sample showed ABCD, where a distinct shift of 2 ppm was ob-
link analogs. no weight loss up to 400°C, confirming that all served between the carbonyl carbons of the free
Crystals of MTV-MOFs were obtained by add- guest molecules were removed from the pores links and those of the links that are incorporated
ing Zn(NO3)2·4H2O to a N,N-dimethylformamide and that the evacuated framework is thermally into the framework, thus confirming that no un-
solution mixture of the acid form of the selected stable. bound organic link is present within the MOF
organic links under conditions previously used C CP/MAS NMR spectra of evacuated crystals. Similar analyses on all the remaining
in the synthesis of MOF-5 (8, 9). All of the com- samples of MTV-MOF-5-ABCD showed reso- MTV-MOFs led to the same conclusion (10).
pounds were characterized by powder x-ray dif- nances at 150.3, 127.0, 133.7, and 136.3 parts The precise link ratio was obtained from the
fraction (PXRD), 13C cross-polarization/magic per million (ppm), characteristic of the unique 1
H NMR spectra of a DCl-digested solution of
angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (13C carbon atoms of NH2-BDC, Br-BDC, (Cl)2- the MTV-MOF-5-ABCD solid (Table 1, link
CP/MAS NMR), 1H NMR on acid-digested so- BDC, and BDC links, respectively (Fig. 1B). composition). Resonances with the predicted
lutions of their crystals, and thermogravimetric These spectra indicate the presence of these coupling patterns were observed in the
analysis (TGA) to assess their crystallinity, link units in the MOF backbone. Additionally, the expected regions for each of the unique pro-
composition, link ratio, and thermal stability, re- same experiment was performed on a mixture tons of the links (Fig. 1C) (10). By integrating
spectively. The porosity of a subset of these com- of the constituent free links of MTV-MOF-5- resonance peak intensities, we find that the
pounds (all containing two, three, or four different
links, and MTV-MOF-5-ABCEFGHI) was eval-
uated by nitrogen gas adsorption measurements.
Although we present the complete characteriza-
tion procedure and the data acquired on all of
the compounds (10), here we describe the par-

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ticulars of MTV-MOF-5-ABCD as an illustrative
example. The compound was synthesized from
equimolar amounts of link A, B, C, and D. Its O OH O OH
NH 2 Br Cl NO2
high crystallinity was evident from the PXRD
H 3C O O
pattern of the as-synthesized samples, which gave Cl
sharp diffraction lines matching those of the par-
ent MOF-5 structure (Fig. 1A). To determine the
ratio of the four types of links in MTV-MOF-
5-ABCD, the sample was evacuated by heating
at 50°C under vacuum (10 mTorr) for 24 hours
to remove any guest solvent molecules from
the pores that were occluded during synthesis




Phenylene units with various covalently MTV-MOF-5-AH

bound functional groups

Metal-oxide unit








MTV-MOF-5 structure
with eight different functionalities MTV-MOF-5-ABCEFGHI

Scheme 1. Scheme 2. SCIENCE VOL 327 12 FEBRUARY 2010 847

Fig. 1. Typical analysis performed on A B Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn
200 O O O O a 136.3 O O O O
MTV-MOFs shown here for samples of a NH2 Br Cl
b c d
MTV-MOF-5-ABCD. (A) X-ray diffraction Cl
patterns of the crystalline powder com- O O O O O O O O

pared with the simulated one for MOF-5. Zn Zn Zn Zn

d 133.7 Zn Zn Zn Zn

(B) 13C CP/MAS NMR spectrum showing 220

unique resonance for each link. (C) Solu- MTV-MOF-5-ABCD

tion 1H NMR spectrum used to determine 400

the ratio of links (A: B: C: D = 1.0: 0.12 T
420 911 10.20 150.3 b
553 777 11.73
333 531 751 771 951 971 11.71 c
311 533 711 820 931 884 12.42

0.03: 0.56 T 0.04: 0.40 T 0.03). (D) N2

422 440 10.40

adsorption isotherm at 77 K with adsorp- Simulated MOF-5

tion and desorption points represented by

closed circles and open circles, respectively. 2 10 20 30 40 50 200 180 160 140 120 100 80
SLangmuir, Langmuir surface area; P/P0, rela- 2θ (degree) δ (ppm)
tive pressure. (E) A large crystal from which
segments were analyzed for the ratio of C a D 800
links and found to be identical throughout. a
H b eH hH
H NH2 Br Cl

cH g
Hd f H H

N2 uptake (cm3 g-1)

Cl 600

ratio = 1.0 0.12 0.56 0.40 SLangmuir = 2860 m2 g-1


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g f e
b cd adsorption
8.2 8.0 7.8 7.6 7.4 7.2 7.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
δ (ppm) P/P0

1 mm

links are present in the MOF in the proportion the pores without altering the underlying con- located. Given that phenylene unit atoms are
1.00: 0.12: 0.56: 0.40 (A: B: C: D, respective- nectivity of the primary structure, as evidenced present in all MTV-MOFs, all of these parameters
ly), versus an equimolar starting pool. Solution by their preserved PXRD patterns (fig. S40). were successfully refined for the backbone
H NMR experiments on four different crystals As expected, x-ray crystallographic studies per- nonhydrogen atoms. This result indicates that
randomly selected from the MTV-MOF-5-ABCD formed on single crystals of MTV-MOF-5-AC and the structures of MTV-MOFs are not solid solu-
bulk sample and showed that the ratios stay nearly -ACEF revealed an ordered cubic MOF-5 tions. Thus, they represent a unique crystalline
identical. The same experiment was also per- structure composed of rigid phenylene units joined material in which a variable distribution of func-
formed on MTV-MOF-5-AB and -ABCEFGHI, by Zn4O(CO2)6 vertices. The nonhydrogen atoms tional groups is covalently linked to an ordered
again confirming the bulk homogeneity of the of the functional groups on the phenylene units in framework.
MTV-MOF series (table S1). Furthermore, the these materials are all present at very low oc- The x-ray analysis cannot address whether
porosity and architectural stability of the original cupancy. Each functional group is required by the crystals are composed of macroscopic do-
MOF-5 structure are preserved in the MTV-MOF symmetry to be disordered over two (dimethyl mains of functionalities or whether they have
compounds (10), as illustrated by the type I groups of link F) or four (Br group of link C or distinct sequences of functional units repeated
nitrogen adsorption isotherm (shown in Fig. 1D nitro group of link E) positions because of an throughout the framework backbone. To distin-
for MTV-MOF-5-ABCD) and its high surface equal probability of their location on the four guish these two possibilities, we prepared large
area (2860 m2 g−1). In addition, by synthesizing carbon atoms of the phenylene ring. Parameters single crystals of MTV-MOF-5-AB, -ABCD (Fig.
MTV-MOF-ABCD, we used a variety of link for Br in MTV-MOF-5-AC can be refined, de- 1E), and -ABCEFGHI of dimensions of 4.0 mm
molar ratios to demonstrate that, in a given MTV- spite its low occupancy and the low contribution by 4.0 mm by 2.0 mm, 2.0 mm by 2.0 mm by
MOF, the link ratio can be controlled by mod- to the intensity of the data. In MTV-MOF-5- 2.0 mm, and 2.0 mm by 2.0 mm by 1.0 mm,
ifying the reaction stoichiometry (Table 1, control ACEF, the occupancies of functional group atoms respectively (fig. S33). In each case, the struc-
of link ratio). In essence, this type of control in are also quite low; however, because there is ture of each single crystal was confirmed by its
link ratios translates into control of the population overlap of the positions of Br (link C), N (link E), x-ray diffraction pattern (figs. S34 to S36). Each
and diversity of functional groups pointing into and C (link F) atoms, a difference peak could be crystal was dissected into three equal segments,

848 12 FEBRUARY 2010 VOL 327 SCIENCE

Table 1. Ratio of links determined for MTV-MOF crystals and their respective reaction stoichiometry (shown in parentheses). In each case, the ratios
were normalized to a value of one for link A. NA, not applicable.

Compound A, (A) B, (B) C, (C) D, (D) E, (E) F, (F) G, (G) H, (H) I, (I)
Link composition
MTV-MOF-5-AB 1.0, (1) 0.57, (1) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
MTV-MOF-5-AC 1.0, (1) NA 0.61, (1) NA NA NA NA NA NA
MTV-MOF-5-AD 1.0, (1) NA NA 0.63, (1) NA NA NA NA NA
MTV-MOF-5-AE 1.0, (1) NA NA NA 0.40, (1) NA NA NA NA
MTV-MOF-5-AF 1.0, (1) NA NA NA NA 1.24, (1) NA NA NA
MTV-MOF-5-AG 1.0, (1) NA NA NA NA NA 0.52, (1) NA NA
MTV-MOF-5-AH 1.0, (1) NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.46, (1) NA
MTV-MOF-5-AI 1.0, (1) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.40, (1)
MTV-MOF-5-EI* NA NA NA NA 0.20, (1) NA NA NA 1, (1)
MTV-MOF-5-ABC 1.0, (1) 0.052, (1) 0.52, (1) NA NA NA NA NA NA
MTV-MOF-F-AHI 1.0, (1) NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.48, (1) 0.50, (1)
MTV-MOF-5-EHI* NA NA NA NA 0.62, (1) NA NA 0.89, (1) 1, (1)
MTV-MOF-5-ABCD 1.0, (1) 0.12, (1) 0.56, (1) 0.40, (1) NA NA NA NA NA
MTV-MOF-5-ACEF 1.0, (1) NA 0.49, (1) NA 0.22, (1) 0.62, (1) NA NA NA
MTV-MOF-5-ABCHI 1.0, (1) 0.017, (1) 0.22, (1) NA NA NA NA 0.62, (1) 0.32, (1)
MTV-MOF-5-ABCGHI 1.0, (1) 0.093, (1) 0.87, (1) NA NA NA 0.67, (1) 0.73, (1) 0.80, (1)

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MTV-MOF-5-ABCEGHI 1.0, (1) 0.077, (1) 1.0, (1) NA 0.69, (1) NA 0.77, (1) 0.73, (1) 0.96, (1)
MTV-MOF-5-ABCEFGHI 1.0, (1) 0.14, (1) 0.56, (1) NA 0.29, (1) 0.67, (1) 0.56, (1) 0.48, (1) 0.56, (1)
Control of link ratio
MTV-MOF-5-ABCD-a 1.0, (1) 0.12, (1) 0.56, (1) 0.40, (1) NA NA NA NA NA
MTV-MOF-5-ABCD-b 1.0, (0.5) 0.26, (1) 1.24, (1) 1.99, (1.5) NA NA NA NA NA
MTV-MOF-5-ABCD-c 1.0, (1.5) 0.06, (1) 0.43, (1) 0.30, (0.5) NA NA NA NA NA
MTV-MOF-5-ABCD-d 1.0, (1) 0.32, (1.5) 0.26, (0.5) 0.44, (1) NA NA NA NA NA
MTV-MOF-5-ABCD-e 1.0, (1) 0.03, (0.5) 1.0, (1.5) 0.67, (1) NA NA NA NA NA
*Numerical value of link E was normalized to 1.

A B 40
H2, 77 K CO2 / CO, 298 K Selectivity
150 MTV-MOF-5-AHI MTV-MOF-5-EHI 10.2
Uptake (cm3 cm-3)

Uptake (cm3 cm-3)

MTV-MOF-5-AI 30 MTV-MOF-5-EI 7.6

MTV-MOF-5-AH MOF-5 2.1


0 0
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
Pressure (Torr) Pressure (Torr)
Fig. 2. (A) H2 adsorption isotherm at 77 K of MTV-MOF-5-AH (green), -AI (black). Adsorption and desorption branches are represented by closed and
(blue), -AHI (red), and MOF-5 (black). (B) CO2 (circles) and CO (squares) open circles for CO2 (closed and open squares for CO), respectively. Instru-
adsorption isotherms at 298 K of MTV-MOF-5-EI (blue), -EHI (red), and MOF-5 mental uncertainty is T 5%.

and then the solution 1H NMR spectra were col- as one would observe for MOF-5 (9) or any other ality versus another would originate from steric
lected on acid-digested samples of each segment same-link MOF, which suggests that link I is dis- interactions between proximal functional groups
of each crystal. If macroscopic domains of homo- tributed throughout the pores (10). This analysis covalently bound to the ortho-carbon atoms of
geneous links were present within a single crys- does not preclude the presence of microscopic adjacent links at the Zn4O(CO2)6 vertices. Ac-
tal of the MTV-MOF, a different link ratio would domains where one might expect the domi- cordingly, two functionalities with disfavored in-
be expected for each of the three segments of nance of a specific functionality (or a subset teraction may not be found next to each other
the respective parent crystal. However, the data of functionalities) over the nanometer scale. but would probably be accommodated sepa-
show that the link distribution ratios are iden- We believe that the combination of the NMR rately within adjacent unit cells. These effects
tical for each segment of the three MTV-MOFs experiments and pore size distribution analysis favor small domains (if any) and point to the
studied (table S2), which suggests the absence strongly support the absence of large domains possibility that the functionalities might be ar-
of macroscopic domains. Further evidence sup- (greater than a nanometer scale) of homoge- ranged in a specific sequence determined by
porting this conclusion is the absence of a nar- neous links within the crystal. Our reasoning the energy of functional group interactions.
row pore-size distribution for MTV-MOF-5-AI is that the most likely bias for one function- Evidence for this rationale is indicated by the SCIENCE VOL 327 12 FEBRUARY 2010 849

observed link ratios of those MTV-MOFs syn- ity in the case of MTV-MOF-5-EHI for CO2 11. N. L. Rosi et al., Science 300, 1127 (2003).
thesized from an equimolar ratio of links in- compared with MOF-5 (4, 14, 15) (Fig. 2B). 12. S. S. Kaye, A. Dailly, O. M. Yaghi, J. R. Long, J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 129, 14176 (2007).
volving the most sterically unencumbered link These findings demonstrate that the properties 13. A. R. Millward, O. M. Yaghi, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127,
A, where a disproportionately higher amount of MTV-MOFs are not simple linear combina- 17998 (2005).
of link A is retained in the resulting MTV-MOFs tions of their constituents, thus supporting the 14. R. Banerjee et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 3875
(Table 1). notion that the sequence of functionalities within (2009).
15. Single-link MOFs of links H and I, respectively, were
The possible presence of distinct sequences MTV-MOF may very well be useful as code for synthesized and found to be nonporous. Furthermore,
of functionalities along the MOF backbone the enhancement of a specific property or achiev- we were unable to synthesize a single-link MOF from link
would inevitably lead to a complex pore envi- ing a new property. E; thus, CO2/CO separation data for these compounds
ronment and provide opportunities for uncov- was not included in our comparison.
16. This work was supported by DOE Office of Basic Energy
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ance is greater than that of their constituents. In 4. R. Banerjee et al., Science 319, 939 (2008).
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The isotherms demonstrate that the uptake ca- Materials and Methods
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 47, 8482 (2008).
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8. H. Li, M. Eddaoudi, M. O’Keeffe, O. M. Yaghi, Nature
maximum of 84%. Similarly, an unusual in- 402, 276 (1999).
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over CO was observed: 400% better selectiv- 10. See supporting online material on Science Online. 10.1126/science.1181761

Break-Up of Stepped Platinum Catalyst that the surfaces can easily change and adopt the
structure corresponding to thermodynamic equi-
librium. However, most surface science experi-
Surfaces by High CO Coverage ments are usually performed under high vacuum
where the high adsorbate coverage characteristic
Feng Tao,1,2 Sefa Dag,3 Lin-Wang Wang,3 Zhi Liu,4 Derek R. Butcher,1,2 Hendrik Bluhm,4,5 of working catalysts cannot be attained unless the
Miquel Salmeron,1,6* Gabor A. Somorjai1,2* samples are kept at low temperature. These con-
ditions will likely inhibit any restructuring pro-
Stepped single-crystal surfaces are viewed as models of real catalysts, which consist of small metal cess that requires overcoming of even moderate
particles exposing a large number of low-coordination sites. We found that stepped platinum (Pt) activation barriers. Thus, to understand catalytic
surfaces can undergo extensive and reversible restructuring when exposed to carbon monoxide (CO) at processes at the atomic and molecular level, it is
pressures above 0.1 torr. Scanning tunneling microscopy and photoelectron spectroscopy studies crucial to explore the structural and chemical evolu-
under gaseous environments near ambient pressure at room temperature revealed that as the CO tion of catalyst surfaces under reaction conditions.
surface coverage approaches 100%, the originally flat terraces of (557) and (332) oriented Pt crystals The limitations of traditional surface science
break up into nanometer-sized clusters and revert to the initial morphology after pumping out the CO techniques can be overcome with the use of
gas. Density functional theory calculations provide a rationale for the observations whereby the techniques that operate under realistic conditions
creation of increased concentrations of low-coordination Pt edge sites in the formed nanoclusters (7–13), including high-pressure scanning tun-
relieves the strong CO-CO repulsion in the highly compressed adsorbate film. This restructuring neling microscopy (STM) and ambient pressure
phenomenon has important implications for heterogeneous catalytic reactions. x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (AP-XPS). With
these two techniques, we can image the atomic
ndustrial catalysts usually consist of small of real catalysts because vicinal surfaces mimic structure and identify the chemical state of cat-

I particles exposing different atomic termina-

tions that exhibit a high concentration of step
edges, kink sites, and vacancies at the edge of the
closely the rough regions of the catalyst surface.
Adsorbates are known to induce structural
changes, known as reconstructions in surface
alyst atoms and adsorbed reactant molecules
under realistic conditions. Here we concentrate
on carbon monoxide (CO), a reactant in many
facets, which are thought to be the catalytically science. Steps are particularly notable for being important industrial catalytic processes, such
active sites (1–3). Stepped single-crystal surfaces modified when adsorbates bind to the surface. as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of hydrocarbons
with well-defined surface structures can be prepared These are phenomena well known in vacuum sur- (14, 15), CO oxidation in automobile catalytic
with a high density of such sites. They are models face science (4–6). The present work deals with converters (16, 17), and degradation of Pt elec-
more profound changes, driven by the formation trodes in hydrogen fuel cell processes (18–20).
Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, of dense adsorbate layers. These can be formed Our studies revealed an unexpected and re-
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 2Department of Chemistry, Uni-
when the adsorption energy is high—for example, versible large-scale restructuring of the surfaces
versity of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 3Computa-
tional Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, when oxygen adsorbs and initiates the oxidation of two Pt stepped surfaces, Pt(557) and Pt(332),
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 4Advanced Light Source, Lawrence process. When the adsorption energy is weaker, both of which consist of six-atoms-wide terraces
Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 5Chemical however, dense layers can only be formed under of (111) orientation separated by monoatomic
Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, reaction conditions of high reactant pressures near steps of different orientation. On Pt(557) the step
CA 94720, USA. 6Department of Materials Science and
Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, or above room temperature. atoms form a (100)-type square cell, whereas on
USA. Real catalysts operate under pressures rang- Pt(332) they form a (111)-type triangular cell (fig.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: ing from millitorr to atmospheres and from room S1) (21). Under high coverage of CO, these flat (G.A.S.); (M.S.) temperature to hundreds of degrees Celsius, so terraces break up into an array of nanoclusters

850 12 FEBRUARY 2010 VOL 327 SCIENCE

Multiple Functional Groups of Varying Ratios in Metal-Organic Frameworks
Hexiang Deng, Christian J. Doonan, Hiroyasu Furukawa, Ricardo B. Ferreira, John Towne, Carolyn B. Knobler, Bo Wang and
Omar M. Yaghi

Science 327 (5967), 846-850.

DOI: 10.1126/science.1181761

Many Mixed Linkers in MOFs

Crystallization can separate different molecules because different molecules cannot generally be accommodated
equally well in the same crystal lattice. However, in metal-organic framework (MOF) compounds, the organic linkers do
not pack closely to other parts of the lattice, so it may be possible to mix several linkers that are derivatives of a parent

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compound with the same end groups. Deng et al. (p. 846) show that zinc-based MOFs can be made that mix
1,4-benzenedicarboxylate and up to eight of its derivatives in a random fashion. The effects of such mixing on porosity
and absorption characteristics is nonlinear; in one case, a mixed-linker compound was four times better for selecting CO2
versus CO compared with the best MOF bearing only one of the component linkers.



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