Data Analyst Logic Test

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Data Analyst

Logic Test

1. Average income of incoming population for new product is 15 mil IDR. Median income is 6 mil
IDR. Which of the following statement is correct?
a. Nothing strange - Average is always higher than median
b. We have extremely low incomes in the data
c. We have extremely high incomes in the data
d. Mistake in data - Average must be always lower than median

2. You would like to bet on who will win upcoming football match between 2 teams. You have 3
experts giving their prediction on who will win the match. Each expert has probability 0.6 that he
will be right. You will decide who to bet on based on poll from the experts (you will bet on team
whom 2 or 3 experts say will win). Under assumptions that the experts’ opinions are independent
what is the probability that you will win your bet?
a. 0.600
b. 0.648
c. 0.216
d. We cannot calculate the probability exactly

3. You are walking with your dog from place A to place B. Distance between A and B is 10 km. Your
dog is walking 2 times faster than you, so it keeps running ahead to B and back to you. What
distance will your dog have traveled at the time you arrive to B?

This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.
4. You have Credit portfolio that consists of only 2 products - A and B. Your analyst delivered
following graph showing the risk of the whole portfolio (A+B) and risk only of product A and share
of product A in the portfolio.

13% 60%

Share of Product A

5% 10%
3% 0%
2019 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q3
Axis Title

share A Product A+ B Risk Product A Risk

As you can see the risk of your portfolio is significantly growing (blue line). Your manager is asking
you what is going on? Why is the risk growing? What will you reply to him?
a. Product A has higher risk than B and since the share of A is significantly growing. This is
most probably causing the growth of the risk of all portfolio. From the underlying data,
we could calculate exactly how risk of product B behaves.
b. Product A has higher risk than B and since the share of A is significantly growing. This is
most probably causing the growth of the risk of all portfolio. From the underlying data,
we can’t calculate exactly how risk of product B behaves. We can just approximate it.
c. There are some important data missing we need more graphs to say anything.
d. Since risk of product A is constant and share of product A grows and risk of portfolio
growths as well it means that risk of B must be growing and thus, we need to focus on
identifying why Risk on B is growing.

5. 10% of people in our database have an iPhone. We are creating a sample for a Marketing
campaign where we offer MacBook to our clients. To ensure success we offered the campaign to
all clients who have iPhone and to 10% of our clients without iPhone. What is the share of clients
with iPhone we have in our campaign sample?

6. All clients in our database have status single, married or unknown. 2 400 000 clients are in status
married, 600 000 have status unknown, 40% of all our clients are single. How many clients we
have in the database?

This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.
7. You and your friend started reading same book. You read 10 pages a day while your friend read
12 pages a day. Your friend finished the book two days earlier than you. How many pages did the
book have?

8. How many times do you have to flip a coin (not biased = probability of heads is 50%) to be 100%
sure that it will land tail-side up at least once?

9. Operator called 26 clients which means he fulfilled 2/13 of his daily goal. How many more clients
the operator has to call to get 30% above the plan?

10. 200 people answered question whether they smoke and drink alcohol. 42 people don’t drink
alcohol. Two fifths of all people smoke but only two smokers don’t drink alcohol. Fill the table

This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.

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