Experiment No. 1 Physical Process: Name: Ariane Mamada Date: August 11, 2022 Yr & Section: 2 - V2A Score

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Name: Ariane Mamada Date: August 11, 2022

Yr & Section: 2 - V2A Score:

Experiment No. 1


1. To define what is physical process.

2. To know what is dialysis, diffusion, adsorption, surface tension and surfactants.
3. To be able to understand the experiments and to know its result.


Define the following terms:

1. Dialysis - is a treatment or a procedure that helps to remove waste in the body and some fluids_
when a patient’s kidneys stop working properly._______________________________________

2. Diffusion - this happens when a molecular substance moves from higher to lower concentration.

3. Adsorption - this happens when a molecular substance moves from higher to lower

4. Surface Tension - it can be defined as a attracting force in liquid that can pulls the molecules into
the rest of the surface.____________________________________________________________

5. Surfactants - also called surface-active agent, it reduces surface tension and are a primary
component of cleaning detergents.__________________________________________________

What is physical process? According to The Free Dictionary, physical process is a sustained
phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states. It means that it is the
process wherein there is changes occur through a series of state. For example, melting the ice or
freezing it.

The term "physical process" is so broad that it is meaningless. Every visible process in the
universe is a physical process. The only non-physical things in the universe are abstract concepts like
love and faith. All chemical processes, as well as biological, geological, astronomical, gravitational,
subatomic, and nuclear processes, are physical.


Define what is physical To know the different kinds

process. of physical process.

To be able to answer the To understand and observe

related questions. the experiments.


A. Dialysis

1. Wash a chorizo skin thoroughly and rinse with distilled water several times.
2. With one end closed, fill the chorizo skin 2/3 full with equal volume of 1% starch and 1% NaCl.
3. Tie a string around the top of the chorizo skin and suspend it on a glass rod laid across a
beaker containing distilled such that the levels of the fluids inside and outside the chorizo skin
are the same.
4. After 60 minutes, test 1 mL of water in the beaker with 1 mL of AgNO3 solution and another
1 mL of water in the beaker with 1 mL of Lugol’s solution. Note down the results. Which of the
substances inside the suspended chorizo skin diffuses out? Explain.

B. Diffusion Thru Gelatin

1. Fill 3 test tubes to about 1/3 with warm solution of 5% gelatin.
2. After the liquid has cooled and gelatinized, add one drop of the following colored solution to
each copper sulfate, methyl orange and colloidal ferric hydroxide.
3. After 2 hours, note the depths to which the colored substances have penetrated the gelatin.
4. Observe until the next laboratory period.
5. Compute for the molecular weight of each of the colored substances.

Is there any relation between the extent of the penetration and the molecular weights of the colored

I suppose that there is a relationship between the extent of the penetration and the molecular weights
of the colored substances because it seems that the molecular weight of the colored substance is
heavier therefore it can penetrate through the gelatin.

6. Fill a test tube 2/3 full with slightly alkaline solution of 5% gelatin.

7. Place a drop of phenolphthalein and a few drops of potassium ferrocyanide.

8. When the gelatin has set, add 3 drops of ferric chloride.

9. Observe until the next laboratory period. Explain the results

C. Adsorption
1. Place 20 mL of 0.01% aqueous solution of methylene blue in a flask.
2. Add 0.10 grams of activated charcoal. Shake vigorously.
3. Filter and note the color of filtrate.
4. Allow the filter paper and its contents to dry on the funnel.
5. Pour 10 mL of 95% alcohol over the animal charcoal and collect filtrate in a clean flask.

Explain the behaviour of methylene blue towards the animal charcoal.

The methylene blue become colorless once the charcoal absorbs it.
6. Place 25 mL of 1% solution of brown sugar in a beaker.

7. Add 1 gram of powdered animal charcoal.

8. Boil for 5 minutes with occasional stirring.

9. Filter while hot and note the color of the solution. Explain the results.

Is the phenomenon of adsorption of any commercial value? Explain.

Yes, the phenomenon of adsorption of any commercial value because as for the word itself it means
that it has a capabality of all solid substance to attract any gases or solution that they have contact with.
For example the selica gel that can absorb any moisture to keep products (e.g bags and shoes) dry.

D. Demonstration of Surface Tension

1. In a clean dry test tube, measures 5 mL of diluted bile.
2. Sprinkle a small pinch of sulfur powder on the surface of the solution. Note the descent of the
sulfur powder.
3. Repeat the experiment using water instead of diluted bile. Note down the results.
4. Repeat the experiment using soap solution instead of diluted bile.
5. Repeat the experiment using NaCl solution instead of diluted bile.

Give the physiological significance of surface tension.

The physiological significance of surface tension in the experiment is digestion.

Which substance lowers the surface tension? Soap because it is a surfactants that is hydrophobic and

Which substance increases the surface tension? The diluted bile or salt is the substance that can
increases the surface tension.


Physical Process Observations

Test for NaCl: Water in beaker + AgNO3
A. Dialysis

Test for starch: Water in the beaker + Lugol’s

Positive Test for: solution
NaCl: White precipitate of AgCl
Starch: Blue-back complex
Copper sulfate:
B. Diffusion Thru Gelatin
 Measure the depth of penetration in mm Methyl Orange
 Color and other changes
Ferric hydroxide:
Alkaline gelatin with phenolphthalein, ferric
potassium ferrocyanide, ferric hydroxide.

Solution of methylene blue + Charcoal

*Color of 1st filtrate:

C. Adsorption
*Color of 2nd filtrate after adding alcohol:

Brown sugar + Charcoal

Color of filtrate:
D. Surface Tension Bile + Sulfur:
 Note the descent of sulfur powder – does
sulfur settle down the bottom of the test
tube or remain suspended on the surface Water + Sulfur:
of the liquid?
 The solution that allows sulfur powder to
descend lowers the surface tension of Soap solution + sulfur:

NaCl solution + sulfur:


In conclusion, the said activity allows us to understand what is physical process. The experiments help us
to understand how some physical process have significance in our everyday life and how it can affects
us. Also, physical process helps us to understand the constant changes that we experience everyday.

Post Laboratory Questions:

1. How does an artificial kidney machine function? Why must the solution in such a machine be changed
at regular intervals?

The artificial kidney function by the machine pump to draw out slowly the blood and sends it to another
machine, known as dialyzer. It filters out waste, fluid, and extra salts. It acts like a kidney. Once it done
with filter out all the extra waste in our body the clean blood will come back in our body through the
needle that is attached in the arm. And the solution in such a machine be changed regularly because if it
is not changed at regualr intervals it may cause some malfunctions and can cause troubles especially to
the patients.
2. What is the importance of surfactants in the body?

The importance of the surfactants in our body is that it lower the surface tension and hepls us to breath.

3. What is reverse osmosis? How can drinking salt water cause dehydration?

Reverse osmosis is a water purification process through semipermeable membrane when there is a
pressure applied to it. Drinking salt water can cause dehydration because of its high concentration of
salt that is not enough water to filter it out from the body.

4. A solution that has a higher salt concentration than the blood is said to be hypertonic?

5. Plasmolysis is defined as? Which solution causes plasmolysis? Isotonic, hypertonic, hypotonic or
normal solution?

Plasmolysis is defined as the process in which cells lose water in a hypertonic solution. And the solution
that can cause plasmolysis are those hypertonic solution.

Name: Mamada, Ariane Date: Augus 12, 2022

Yr & Section: 2-V2A Score:


1. To know and understand what is colloids.

2. To differentiate the emulsion and suspension based on their reactions.
3. To understand the colloids processes.


Differentiate between Emulsoid and Suspesoid in terms:

1. Affinity for solvent

In terms of affinity solvent the suspensiod has no affinity to the solvent compare to emulsoid.

2. Foam Formation

In emulsoid when shaken vigorously with air it creates permanent foam compare to suspesoid.

3. Precipitation with Electrolytes

When there is a addition the amount of electrolytes to a suspesoid it creates precipitation, while in
emulsoid it will affect slightly.

4. Reversibility

Emulsoid can be reverse due to their stability while suspenoid cannot be reverse because they are less


Colloids occupy an intermediate place between [particulate] suspensions and solutions. They
possess some of the properties of both, which makes colloidal matter highly adaptable to specific uses
and functions. Colloids can be classified according to the phase of the dispersed phase and the
dispersion medium or according to their stability. Colloids are widespread in nature and are involved in
many technological applications.


Discuss what is colloid. Preparation of emulsoid. Preparation of Suspensoid.

Experiment of foam
Experiment about Reversibility Precipitation of electrolytes.
formation and observe its

Precipitation of Suspensoid
Particle with Monovalent and Protective Action of Obsreve and interpret the
Bivalent Ions which Carry Emulsoids data and result.
charges of Opposite Signs. .

Answer the realted



A. Preparation of an Emulsoid

1. In a beaker, dissolve 10 grams of gelatin in 200 mL hot water by constantly stirring.

2. Pour 1 mL of the prepared emulsoid into a test tube and cool under tap water. Note what is

3. Bring the test tube with the emulsoid into a water bath and heat again. Observe the result. Record
your observations in the Data Table.

B. Preparation of Suspensoid

1. Place 200 mL of boiling water in a beaker.

2. Add 1mL of saturated ferric chloride solution. Note what is produced.

3. Repeat the last two procedures in Part A. Compare the results with those in Part A.

C. Foam Formation

1. Shake 10 mL of the 5% gelatin solution (Emulsoid) vigorously with air.

2. Stand and note the result after 15 minutes. Does it form permanent foam?
3. Shake 10 mL of colloidal ferric chloride solution (Suspensoid) vigorously with air.

4. Stand and note the result after 15 minutes. Does it form permanent foam?

Is there a difference in the foam formation of the two solutions?

Yes, there is a difference in the foam formation of the two solutions in Emulsoid it produce constant
foams while Suspensoid it don’t create constant foams.

D. Precipitation with Electrolytes

1. Place 5 mL of 5% gelatin solution in a test tube.

2. Add saturated ammonium sulfate drop by drop counting the number of drops, until a permanent
precipitate is formed.

3. Repeat the procedure using colloidal ferric chloride instead of gelatin and note the result. Observe
and give the difference. Explain.

E. Reversibility

1. Place 5mL of colloidal ferric chloride in a test tube and add 1 mL of 10% MgSO4 solution.

2. Allow to stand for ½ hour.

3. Treat 5mL of 5% gelatin solution in the same way.

4. If no precipitate forms in the latter, add solid MgSO4 until saturated.

5. Decant the supernatant fluid from each of the two colloids.

6. Add an excess of water and note whether the two colloids are reversible. Note down the results
and explain.

F. Precipitation of Suspensoid Particle with Monovalent and Bivalent Ions which Carry charges of
Opposite Signs

1. Place 5 mL of 1% colloidal ferric chloride solution in a test tube.

2. Add 0.45 N NaCl solution a drop at a time counting the drops and shaking after each addition until a
permanent precipitate is formed. Note down the results.

3. Perform the same but using 1N solutions of Na2SO4 and MgCl2. Compare the results with those
obtained with NaCl.

G. Protective Action of Emulsoids

1. Place 5 mL of 0.05 N AgNO3 in a test tube.

2. Add 5 drops of concentrated nitric acid

3. Then add 5mL of 0.45 N NaCl note the copious precipitate.

4. Repeat the experiment but add 1mL of 5% gelatin solution to each of the NaCl and AgNO3 solutions
before mixing. Note the results and explain.

Procedure Observations
When Cooled:

A. Preparation of an Emulsoid
When Heated:

When Cooled:

B. Preparation of Suspensoid
When Heated:


C. Foam Formation
FeCl3- Suspensoid:

Number of drops of ammonium sulfate added to

form a permanent precipitate:

Gelatin- Emulsoid:

FeCl3- Suspensoid:
D. Precipitation with Electrolytes
Appearance of Precipitate

Gelatin- Emulsoid:

FeCl3- Suspensoid:

Number of drops of ammonium sulfate added to

form a permanent precipitate:

Gelatin- Emulsoid:

FeCl3- Suspensoid:
E. Reversibility
Appearance of precipitate

FeCl3- Suspensoid:

F. Precipitation of Suspensoid Particle with

Monovalent and Bivalent Ions which Carry
Charges of Opposite Signs.

G. Protective Action Emulsoids

CONCLUSION (Give explanations for all your observations)

This experiment shows how examine each combination of colloids to assess the properties and
reactions of suspensoid and emulsoid. Because their solutes are too small, they may exhibit certain
properties similar to alternatives for suspension properties.

Post-Laboratory Questions:

1. How can colloids be made to settle? What use is made of this process?

Colloidal particles have an electrical charge that repels all other colloidal particles with the same charge.
These charged particles, however, will attract particles of opposite charge. As a result, by adding
positively charged particles to a negative colloid, it can be made to coagulate (begin to settle out).

2. Why do colloids cannot pass through membranes but it do with filter paper?

Because their size is to be big to pass through the tiny pores present in an animal membrane

Name: Date:

Yr & Section: Score:

Experiment No. 3
pH and Buffers




Assignment (10 points)

1. What is a buffer?

2. What is Hendersonn- Hasselbach equation?


3. What makes eggwhite a good buffer?



A. Testing the pH of the solution without buffer.

1. Prepare 5 clean breakers and add 15 ml of lemon juice, ice tea solution, 0.90% NaCl solution,
tomato juice and distilled water to each breaker.
2. Check the pH of each solution using pH meter or pH paper. Record your results.
3. Divide the solution in equal portion into two separate beaker then, add 0.50 ml, 1.00 ml, 1.50
ml, 2.00 ml and 2.50 ml of 0.10 M HCl to one beaker and add 0.50 ml, 1.00 ml, 1.50 ml, 2.00 ml
and 2.50 ml of 0.10 M NaOH to the other. Stir using a stirring rod and read the pH after each
4. Record your results for each addition.

B. pH of test solutions with acetic acid/acetate buffer.

1. Do the same procedure from 1 – 4, but this time add. 2.00 mL of acetic acid/acetate buffer to
each beaker containing 15 ml of different tests solutions prior to the addition of 0.10 M HCl and
0.10 M NaOH.

C. pH of test solutions with eggwhite solution.

1. Repeat the same procedures from 1-4 and this time used 2.00 ml of eggwhite solution.


A. Test solutions without buffer.

Test Solutions 0.10 M HCl pH reading 0.10 M NaOH pH reading

Lemon Juice 0.00 ml 0.00 ml

0.50 ml 0.50 ml
1.00 ml 1.00 ml
1.50 ml 1.50 ml
2.00 ml 2.00 ml
2.50 ml 2.50 ml
Ice Tea solution 0.00 ml 0.00 ml
0.50 ml 0.50 ml
1.00 ml 1.00 ml
1.50 ml 1.50 ml
2.00 ml 2.00 ml
2.50 ml 2.50 ml
0.90% NaCl 0.00 ml 0.00 ml
solution 0.50 ml 0.50 ml
1.00 ml 1.00 ml
1.50 ml 1.50 ml
2.00 ml 2.00 ml
2.50 ml 2.50 ml

Tomato Juice 0.00 ml 0.00 ml

0.50 ml 0.50 ml
1.00 ml 1.00 ml
1.50 ml 1.50 ml
2.00 ml 2.00 ml
2.50 ml 2.50 ml
Distilled Water 0.00 ml 0.00 ml
0.50 ml 0.50 ml
1.00 ml 1.00 ml
1.50 ml 1.50 ml
2.00 ml 2.00 ml
2.50 ml 2.50 ml

B. Test Solution Added with acetic acid/acetate buffer solution.

Test Solutions 0.10 M HCl pH reading 0.10 M NaOH pH reading

Lemon Juice 0.00 ml 0.00 ml

0.50 ml 0.50 ml
1.00 ml 1.00 ml
1.50 ml 1.50 ml
2.00 ml 2.00 ml
2.50 ml 2.50 ml
Ice Tea solution 0.00 ml 0.00 ml
0.50 ml 0.50 ml
1.00 ml 1.00 ml
1.50 ml 1.50 ml
2.00 ml 2.00 ml
2.50 ml 2.50 ml
0.90% NaCl 0.00 ml 0.00 ml
solution 0.50 ml 0.50 ml
1.00 ml 1.00 ml
1.50 ml 1.50 ml
2.00 ml 2.00 ml
2.50 ml 2.50 ml
Tomato Juice 0.00 ml 0.00 ml
0.50 ml 0.50 ml
1.00 ml 1.00 ml
1.50 ml 1.50 ml
2.00 ml 2.00 ml
2.50 ml 2.50 ml
Distilled Water 0.00 ml 0.00 ml
0.50 ml 0.50 ml
1.00 ml 1.00 ml
1.50 ml 1.50 ml
2.00 ml 2.00 ml
2.50 ml 2.50 ml

C. Test Soluton Added with eggwhite solution.

A. Test solutions without buffer.

Test Solutions 0.10 M HCl pH reading 0.10 M NaOH pH reading

Lemon Juice 0.00 ml 0.00 ml

0.50 ml 0.50 ml
1.00 ml 1.00 ml
1.50 ml 1.50 ml
2.00 ml 2.00 ml
2.50 ml 2.50 ml
Ice Tea solution 0.00 ml 0.00 ml
0.50 ml 0.50 ml
1.00 ml 1.00 ml
1.50 ml 1.50 ml
2.00 ml 2.00 ml
2.50 ml 2.50 ml
0.90% NaCl 0.00 ml 0.00 ml
solution 0.50 ml 0.50 ml
1.00 ml 1.00 ml
1.50 ml 1.50 ml
2.00 ml 2.00 ml
2.50 ml 2.50 ml
Tomato Juice 0.00 ml 0.00 ml
0.50 ml 0.50 ml
1.00 ml 1.00 ml
1.50 ml 1.50 ml
2.00 ml 2.00 ml
2.50 ml 2.50 ml
Distilled Water 0.00 ml 0.00 ml
0.50 ml 0.50 ml
1.00 ml 1.00 ml
1.50 ml 1.50 ml
2.00 ml 2.00 ml
2.50 ml 2.50 ml


Post-Laboratory Questions:

1. Why are buffer solutions important in the body?


2. How do antacid works?


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